A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 500 New mission, special status!

"System, I want to draw a lottery!"

This is already the second day after Hua Shier completed the mission and returned to the real world. When he came back from the mission world last night, he immediately chose not to keep the experience of the mission world, nor to restore the original state of the body. This is basically a fixed option.

As usual, I took a nap, and then I took a shower and changed clothes after I got up. I did all kinds of preparations and rituals, that is, dancing to the gods, dragon balls, borrowing another 500 years from the sky, and then the communication system in my mind started the lottery.

The next moment, a system prompt sounded in his mind: "Ding, the lottery draw begins, ding, the host has drawn a bad luck card!" '

(Note: The bad luck card condenses Yu Huanshui's bad luck in one month into one card. After using it on the target, it can completely explode within 10 minutes!)
Hua 12's eyes lit up: "Good stuff!"

You must know that Yu Huanshui was very unlucky within a month, and almost had nothing. Almost all the bad things happened at this stage. If this kind of bad luck broke out in 10 minutes, it would be terrible.

Hua Twelve is now mourning for his future enemy.

Think about it, if someone chased him down, he would throw a bad luck card back, and a congenital master would step on a banana peel, come to a big horse, and then fall into confusion, waiting to die.

Hahaha, Hua Twelve laughed out loud, just thinking about that scene, it's so cool.

After being happy for two seconds, Hua Shier chose to start the second lottery draw.

'Ding, start the lottery draw, ding, the host draws 'Dipping Card Fragments'×1'

'Note: 'Zhanzhe Card Fragments' is a special prop. Collect three pieces together to synthesize a special and rare item 'Zhanzhe Card'. After more than a minute, one of any skills of the target can be completely copied. )
Hua Twelve's laziness was about to flow out. He didn't expect that in a world like 'Yu Huanshui' with urban life as the background, he could get such good things.

Dip the card!

A prop that can completely copy any of the opponent's abilities, this reward is heaven-defying, but it is a pity that it is a fragment, and three fragments need to be gathered together to be effective.

But that's not bad, since you can get the first card, you have a chance to get the second and third cards.

When the full version of "Zhanzhan Card" is assembled, if you meet Daozu Hongjun, hehehe, the picture is so beautiful that you don't even dare to think about it.

The next moment, Hua Twelve quickly shook his head to calm himself down, and immediately got rid of the unrealistic thought just now.

Not to mention that the Taoist ancestor is a sage who knows everything, even if he meets a strong man like Gu Yi who can see the past and the future, he would copy a fart. It is estimated that the other party will act first if he thinks about it.

So he doesn’t want to think about it at that level. When using this card in the future, he should consider a more realistic goal. After all, it takes 10 minutes of physical contact time. up.

This time the lottery draw was very popular again, gratifying to congratulate, Hua Twelve decided to go out and have a good meal to celebrate.

After thinking about it, there was no one to look for, so he went out alone to eat at the Peace Hotel, a landmark building in Shanghai.

Crystal Shrimp, Fried Shredded Eel, Yellow on both sides, Bibimbap with Crab Butter, he ordered seven or eight dishes for one person, and then used a very gentle way of eating to clean up the food for several people with one person's strength.

The guests who were dining nearby were stunned, and felt that this person had such a good appetite that he could even participate in the Big Eater Competition.

Delicious food can bring happiness to people, Hua Twelve is full of happiness now.

Back home, I originally thought about flying to Hong Kong Island to celebrate with my wife, but after thinking about it, it has been a whole world for him, and for Jiazhen and Zhang Yan, he has only returned to Shanghai for a few days .

Thinking about making a phone call, the two women on the other side are very busy, saying that they are currently negotiating with the European side about the agency rights of stem cell products. Once the cooperation is reached, the company will immediately open the European market.

Hua Twelve can spend as long as he has money, but he is not interested in business matters. Unless he is short of money, he doesn't want to worry about it.

He could just lie down and play games at home, or go to the field to play basketball. With his skills, he would be crushed everywhere, and he didn't feel like bullying, what he wanted was the kind of fun.

In the twinkling of an eye, half a month later, he just woke up that day, and when he was stimulating the sphincter to discharge body waste from the toilet, there was a 'ding' sound in his mind, reminding him that he had a task to accept.

Hua Twelve trembled, almost didn't straighten his pants, and complained to the system in his mind angrily, waiting for a few seconds would not work, it happened so suddenly.

He didn't rush to check the task information immediately, but dealt with the detoxification problem first, then washed his face and brushed his teeth, and made himself refreshed. Then he made a cup of coffee, walked to the sofa and sat down, drinking coffee to wake up, while checking The latest task information.

'Mission description: Every man is innocent, but he is guilty of his own crime. People are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves! '

"The Lin family in Fuzhou made a living by transporting darts. They traveled the rivers and lakes to be kind to others, and they were willing to do good deeds. They are actually a family of good people. But because of the ancestral "evil-dispelling swordsmanship" they were coveted by martial arts people, and they were wiped out. One of the latter, Linping, can wander in the rivers and lakes involuntarily. , was calculated by the master, helplessly let down the beautiful woman, and took revenge from the palace, so the Lin family and other good families like the Lin family will lose their incense! "

'Task [-]: Keep Lin Zhennan and his wife safe, and save the Lin family from the root cause. '

'Task [-]: Protect the beauty and make up for regrets, so that Huashan junior sister Yue Lingshan can live a happy life! '

'Hidden mission: 'No. 1 in the world', defeating the world's masters, recognized as No.[-] in martial arts! '(Note: This task is optional and must be completed!)

When Hua Shier saw the mission introduction, he instantly understood that it must be "Swordsman World", and judging from the mission description, the character he replaced this time should be the son of the chief bodyguard of "Zhenyuan Bodyguard Bureau", that unlucky boy Lin Ping It's over.

If you want to say that the most tragic character in Xiaoao is this Lin Pingzhi, there is no one, because of an ancestral "Exorcising Evil Sword Manual", the family business is gone, the parents are gone, the wife is gone, the chicken is gone, and finally the eyes are gone. gone too.

If one can describe Lin Pingzhi's life in one sentence, it would be that his life is really like a coffee table full of cups and utensils!

For the next world to be "The World of Smiling Proudly", Hua Twelfth said he was very happy. He has not made any progress in practicing "Congenital Skills" in modern society. This time, he must solve this problem when he goes to the world of martial arts.

Immediately, he didn't wait for three days. He probably looked at the 'Swordsman' novel during the day, and planned to enter the mission world after dark.

The reason why Hua Shier only had a general look was mainly because he had read this novel when he was in school, and he remembered the general plot, so he just read it again to get familiar with it.

And the masters in "Swordsman", after much deliberation, only Dongfang Bubai and Feng Qingyang are a little threatening to him, and the rest are all bad guys to him, and they don't constitute the slightest threat, so don't take it too seriously.

Even if it was Dongfang Bubai and Feng Qingyang, it was on the premise that he only relied on martial arts and did not use flying swords, otherwise, in Hua Twelve's view, those two people would be vulnerable to him.

He feels that the world of martial arts this time is no different from Xinshou Village for him, there is no difficulty at all, it is simply like giving benefits!
Lying on his big soft bed at night, Hua Twelve closed his eyes to communicate with the system, and chose to enter the mission world.

The next moment, the familiar darkness arrived as expected, and then quickly receded like a tide.

Before Hua Twelve opened his eyes, he felt that something was missing from his body, but before he realized what was missing, a body as soft as cotton entangled him.

"Tian Lang, my heart is like a cat scratching, I can't control myself anymore"

The voice is soft and waxy, and the love is like water.

What Hua Shixin said about the situation, he opened his eyes and saw that he seemed to be in a Ming and Qing style palace, with carved beams and painted buildings, antique and fragrant, two brass incense burners were not far in front of him, the fragrance was wafting, fragrant and pleasant .

And he himself was leaning on a soft couch in disheveled clothes, with a beautiful woman in palace attire who was all over the country and charming like silk. Of course, this beauty in palace attire was also disheveled at the moment.

Hua Shishiyi couldn't react for a while, a series of big question marks appeared on his forehead.

Who is this woman?
Am I not Lin Pingzhi? Why did she call me Tian Lang?

Hua Twelve suddenly had a guess that it was a bolt from the blue. Could it be that the person I replaced was not Lin Pingzhi, but Tian Boguang?
But this is not like picking flowers, this girl is so active.

Hua Shishi thought to himself, let's talk about it after accepting the memory of the replaced person passed by the system.

He stretched out his hand and clicked directly on the acupuncture point, but the beauty in the palace costume who was supposed to fall down in response, was laughed at by him:

"What is Tian Lang doing? Is there any new way to tease others?"

Hua Twelve's mind was shaken, my internal strength?Where is my dark energy?
At the same time, he also had an indescribable feeling that there was a big problem somewhere.

He pushed the woman aside, stood up from the soft couch, wanted to get rid of the woman's entanglement, calmed down, and figured out the current situation first.

But the woman was pushed on the bed by him, and her pretty face turned cold immediately: "Yuhuatian, did I give you face!"

Hua Twelve suddenly turned around, widened his eyes, and asked, "What did you call me?"

The woman was startled, and immediately got up and hooked his neck:

"Keep your voice down, you who have suffered thousands of knives. If outsiders know about you and me, and the prince hears about it, we will both die without a place to bury you. We will really be a pair of mandarin ducks with the same fate!"

At this time, the memory of the replaced person transmitted by the system rushed into Hua Shier's brain.

Hua Shishiqiang smiled to himself, and patted the shoulder of the beauty in palace costume: "Okay, I just wanted to relieve myself just now, and I was a little anxious!"

The beauty in palace attire felt relieved, touched the tip of Hua Twelve's nose with her hand, and said angrily: "Next time, no matter how anxious you are, you can't treat me like this. Next time, I'll make you look good!"

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the back of the screen: "Hurry up, come back and serve me!"

Hua Twelve nodded, and after getting rid of the woman's entanglement, he went straight behind the screen.

Behind the screen is a toilet with a soft silk edge, and there is a strong fragrance of flowers before approaching, but Hua Shier's five senses are sensitive, and he can smell the faint smell of fishy smell in the fragrance of flowers.

His face was heavy, this was obviously an operation in the royal harem, when he lived in the Daming and Qing Palaces in the 'Flying Fox World', he used such a petal-covered toilet when going to the toilet.

Seeing the toilet and the surrounding environment, Hua Shier immediately knew that the replacement person this time seemed to be a little different from the Lin Pingzhi he had expected before.

He said that urinating was just an excuse, and when he got behind the screen, he immediately closed his eyes and concentrated, accepting the memory of the replaced person passed by the system.

In memory, his identity is indeed not Lin Pingzhi, but a little eunuch 'Yuhuatian' in the East Palace!
Yuhuatian's childhood memories are blurred, only that when he was three years old, he was adopted by the commander of Jinyiwei, Wangui. Later, Wangui was convicted because of his relatives, and entrusted someone to send his daughter Wanzhener to the palace.

Also entering the palace with this identity was the original owner Yu Huatian, who was sent to the palace by Wan Gui to pave the way for Wan Zhen'er to take care of him.

Wan Zhen'er is sensible and well-behaved, and she is deeply loved by Empress Xiao Gongsun, so she is sent to work beside the prince.

After she entered the East Palace, she took care of the young prince, so she was deeply liked by the prince. Now that she is over twenty-five years old, although she has never served the prince, her status is only below the prince's three concubines.

And the crown prince promised in private that once he became a great treasure, Wan Zhen'er would be made a concubine.

Wan Zhen'er is in her 20s, and the prince is still a poor boy, how could she have any affection for him, she actually likes the handsome Yuhuatian.

So, in the name of being an old family member who knew his roots, he transferred Yuhuatian, who was working in the imperial dining room, into the East Palace through the prince to serve him exclusively.

The two reunited in the palace and were childhood sweethearts. Although they had no tools to commit crimes, the young man and woman couldn't bear it for a while, and they did some things together, so their relationship was extremely close, and they were a pair of specious lovers.

When Hua Twelve received these memories, his scalp exploded!


He stretched his hands down...and fell into a big trough!

Hua Twelve gritted his teeth and shouted to the system in his heart: "The system of the dog day, come out and see if I can beat you to death!"

It's empty!
Hua Twelve wants to cry but has no tears, my pride, it, it's gone!

"Isn't it a replacement? Is this me replacing someone else, or someone else replacing me? Baby!"

Hua Shishi felt like he was going crazy. It would be fine if it was temporary, but if he couldn't come back, his life would be gloomy, so what's the point of being alive.

He kept communicating with the system in his mind, and after a while, the system reluctantly replied with a message, telling him to pay attention to check the system panel.

Hua Twelve quickly opened the virtual panel, and saw that on the skill bar, there was an extra eye-catching handwriting surrounded by a red square. To ensure the safety of the host, the special status of "yin and yang" was temporarily given to the skill category, and the host could freely Change your state!
Hua Twelve didn't care about so many things, and immediately gave instructions in his heart to change his state. At the next moment, internal strength, dark energy, big baby, all duang, and came back!
"Damn it, it's not worth your life to scare people to death, it's a false alarm!"

Hua Twelve was so excited that he almost burst into tears. How many people in the world can understand the joy of regaining a lost treasure?
It is estimated that there is no one except him!

While being happy, Hua Twelve couldn't help complaining about the bad name of this 'special state'.

This reminded him of a line from Master Xing in "Nine Grades of Sesame Official", "Hermaphrodites, rotten asses!"

Hua Twelfth thought about it himself, and his head was black. He wanted to communicate with the system to see if he could change his name, but the system didn't bother to talk to him this time.

In the end, Hua Twelve could only use the spirit of Ah Q, and a hermaphrodite should be a hermaphrodite. Anyway, only he can see this system page, and no one else knows it.

Just now, in the state of a hermaphrodite, the big baby is gone, and his martial arts has also been sealed by the system. Presumably it is a kind of protection for him by the system when he is in the palace.

Otherwise, with his internal strength, it is inevitable that he will be discovered by the masters in the palace. At that time, he is afraid that there will be big troubles before the mission has started. It is not bad to think about it.

Suddenly, Hua Shishi's heart skipped a beat. He seemed to have a copy of "Sunflower Treasure" in his storage space. He couldn't practice it under normal conditions, so what about the hermaphrodite now?
If the cultivation is successful, then his situation is the same as the dual talent setting in World of Warcraft. Switching to himself is the Quanzhen internal strength, a master of national martial arts, and switching to the state of Yin and Yang, he is a sunflower warrior, only fast and not broken.

Thinking of this, Hua Twelve's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Just when he was dreaming, Wan Zhen'er's urging voice came from the soft couch outside the screen.

Hua Twelve thought about it, in order not to arouse suspicion, he could only feed the tiger with his body, sacrificing his appearance, thinking about Wan Zhen'er's face, hehehe, so reluctant..., bah, I feel a little bit Shameless.

Under the urging sound of the other party, Hua Twelve strode out, and the girl entangled her as soon as she got close, and suddenly said "Huh":
"Tian Lang, why do I feel that you are a little different now, like a real man, the breath on your body is really good, it makes me feel fascinated."

Wan Zhen'er showed a hint of intoxication, but suddenly looked lonely again, and sighed slightly:
"Unfortunately, you and I have a rough fate. You have been tortured, so you and I can't be a real husband and wife. If you haven't been through it."

When she spoke, her hands were not idle, the road is long and far away, and I will search up and down.

But in the middle of the speech, he was suddenly stunned, and asked in disbelief: "How is it possible, this is."

Hua Shier felt that things were getting worse, he forgot to switch back the state!

Thanks: 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read books and followed up the collection, thank you.

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