A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 501 Teasing Wan Yu Lou!

Chapter 501 Teasing Wan Yu Lou! (Seek full order)

An hour later, Hua Twelve was lying on the bed, covered with a satin brocade quilt, with his upper body exposed, showing muscles like a sculpture.

Wan Zhen'er, who was dripping with sweat, still blushed, but tears fell down:

"Who the hell are you?" After Wan Zhen'er finished speaking, she opened her white teeth and bit Hua Shier's shoulder, desperately trying to bite off a piece of flesh.

Hua Twelve didn't realize it, touched the other party's hair, and laughed;

"Who else could it be? Of course it's your Tian Lang!"

"Nonsense, although you look the same as Tian Lang, but you have ..., how could it be him!"

Wan Zhen'er was ashamed and angry, but she couldn't break free from Kai Hua Shier's arm, so she could only bite him to relieve her anger.

But I don't know why, the other party is clearly fat, and the skin is more delicate than this woman, but it is firm and tough to bite, no matter how much she bites, it is as helpless as biting on buffalo leather.

I won't go into details about what happened just now, it was nothing more than that Hua Shier was caught by the other party, and then he made mistakes and made good things.

Wan Zhen'er felt something was wrong and resisted a little at first, but just looking at Yu Huatian and her disheveled clothes, she knew what the two of them were doing before Hua Twelve entered this world.

So after a short while, she resisted symbolically and was completely lost.

It's not that Wan Zhen'er is mean, except for that difference, no matter how she looks at her, the person in front of her is exactly the same as Ai Lang, even the moles on her body are the same.

Secondly, for this era, the 25-year-old Wan Zhen'er is already an old lady. She knows everything she should know, but she is still a perfect body. The strong masculine scent on Er's body made her completely lost herself.

In fact, after Hua Twelve Kingdoms achieved great success, there is not a single mole on his body, but under the influence of the system, Wan Zhener sees him as Yuhuatian.

At this time, the anger subsided, Wan Zhen'er regained her senses, and only then did she realize what had happened. She didn't believe that Hua Shier was her lover, and wished she could eat his flesh alive. Apart from grief and indignation, there was no love at all in her eyes. meaning.

Seeing that Wan Zhen'er didn't believe him, Hua Twelve helplessly found something that only the two of them knew from Yu Huatian's memory and said:

"When I was a child, I took a bath in the pool behind the other courtyard. You were naughty and ran to peek, but you fell into the water and almost drowned."

Wan Zhen'er let out an 'ah', the hatred in her eyes subsided, showing surprise;
"Are you really Tian Lang?"

Hua Twelve rolled his eyelids: "Then besides you and me, who else knows about this?"

Wan Zhen'er subconsciously shook her head: "At the beginning, I was afraid that my father would blame me, so I begged you not to even tell my father. In the whole world, only you and I know about this matter, but what do you do?"

While speaking, she looked down, and it was self-evident what she wanted to ask.

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Look again!"

Wan Zhen'er lifted the quilt, and exclaimed in the next moment: "How is it possible?"

In fact, Hua Twelve did not switch back to the state of a 'yin and yang person', but showed off with the method of Chinese martial arts, he explained:

"Actually, I didn't suffer castration when I entered the palace. Instead, I used a special technique to hide it. It was a method taught to me by a monk back then. It was called Ma Yin Zangxiang. When I entered the palace, I only said that I had killed myself outside the palace. Purify yourself, the head manager of the respect room checked it once, and passed through!"

Seeing his tricks, Wan Zhen'er believed it was true, she was really ashamed and happy, surprised and surprised, but in an instant her eyes were blurred with tears:
"Tian Lang, you are so confused, you should explain this to me in advance, and you shouldn't have done something wrong just now."

"Now the emperor is sick and blind, and I'm afraid he won't live for a few more years. As long as you endure a little longer, the crown prince will make me a concubine after he succeeds to the throne. After my body is broken, there will be no flaws. In this way, you and I can live together." We have stayed together forever, but now something has happened!"

In Yuhuatian's memory, the current emperor is Ming Yingzong Zhu Qizhen who became emperor twice because of the Tumu Fort change.

The Prince of Donggong was the later Xianzong Zhu Jianshen. According to the historical trend, no accident, Zhu Jianshen would be among them, that is, a few years later, he would ascend the throne as emperor.

Of course, the history of this martial arts world must be different from the reality. Even if there is a deviation in time, the direction will definitely be the same.

Hua Twelve's face turned cold. If this woman said that before, he wouldn't care, but now it's different. Wan Zhen'er has become his woman. Since she is his woman, how can she let outsiders get involved? no.

Immediately sneered and said: "Why, do you still think about climbing the dragon and the phoenix, soaring to the top?"

Wan Zhen'er was taken aback by what he said, and the next moment her eyes turned red: "Tian Lang, is that what you think of me in your heart?"

Seeing her like this, Hua Shier knew that he probably misunderstood her, so he immediately wiped away her tears:

"Then what on earth are you thinking?"

Wan Zhen'er lay on Hua Twelve's chest and cried bitterly: "What can I do, although the prince and I are innocent, but he has said several times that he will make me a concubine when he ascends the throne, what can I do?"

Hua Twelve said softly: "As long as you don't want to, I can take you out of the palace and fly away!"

Wan Zhen'er's face showed yearning, and she shook her head in pain for a while and said: "But what about my father and my brothers, wouldn't it hurt them if you and I left!"

Only then did Hua Twelve realize that Wan Zhen'er was worried about this, and said with a smile:
"Don't worry, I have my own solution to this matter. You just need to remember that from now on you will be my woman and cannot be touched by any man, not to mention the prince, even if he becomes the emperor in the future, that will not work!"

Wan Zhen'er felt the resoluteness and dominance in Ailang's mouth, her heart pounded like a deer, and she hugged him tightly with love.

Hua Twelve hugged her, thinking that his words did not go well with the other party before, Wan Zhen'er said "Is it for your face?" He thought that he should give this famous Wan in history The imperial concubine made the rules.

Immediately said: "Zhen'er, I have something to tell you clearly!"

Wan Zhen'er raised her pretty face, showing doubts.

Hua Twelve looked at Wan Zhen'er's beautiful eyes, and said seriously: "I was adopted by your father since I was a child. Although I am called an adopted son, I am actually a domestic servant."

Wan Zhen'er heard the words and said angrily: "It's just you who regard yourself as a domestic servant, who really thinks you are a domestic servant!"

Hua Twelve chuckled; "If that wasn't the case, then why didn't your father send your elder brother into the palace, but instead sent me, a foster brother, to help you. If it wasn't for my other adventures, I'm afraid I really wouldn't be able to be a man! "

Wan Zhen'er was suffocated, this really can't be washed, she can't say, 'I can't raise you for nothing'.

Rubbing Hua Twelve's handsome face with her hand, Wan Zhen'er said quietly: "You have treated him like this now, do you still hate my father?"

Hua Twelfth shook his head: "It's not about holding grudges, it's just seeking truth from facts. What I want to tell you is that in the past, I was a domestic servant and you were a lady. Naturally, I let you scold me, but from now on, I am your man, and you are I am a woman, then you must obey the three principles and four virtues, and stop talking sarcasticly to me and making your petty temper foolish!"

Perhaps it was a habit developed in the past. When Wan Zhen'er heard this, Liu Mei was about to lose her temper as soon as she raised her eyebrows, but when she looked at Shanghua Twelve's eyes that could not be rejected, and thinking about what happened just now, her tone finally softened again:
"My concubine knows!"

Seeing that she claimed to be a concubine, Hua Twelfth raised her chin with his finger in satisfaction, smelled it, and said with a smile, "Good boy!"

Wan Zhen'er gave him a coquettish look: "You, you have to put on airs as soon as you win!" She sat up as she spoke, and suddenly frowned, obviously related to today's new injury.

Hua Twelve took her hand: "If you are not feeling well, just rest and get up to do something!"

Wan Zhen'er said helplessly: "Doesn't Tian Lang not know that His Royal Highness always needs concubine to serve by his side when eating, and it's almost time for the concubine to serve His Highness by his side!"

Hua Twelve's eyes froze. Although the prince is young, he is a man after all, and he is still a man who is interested in Wan Zhen'er. Although the plum blossom just now proved that the two are innocent now, who can guarantee it in the future?
He felt that arrangements should be made early to take precautions before they happen.

Seeing that Hua Twelve didn't speak, Wan Zhen'er thought that Hua Twelve had a grudge, and comforted him:

"You and I are in the palace, many things are beyond our control, don't worry about it anymore!"

After talking about what came to mind, he said in a coaxing tone:

"By the way, Tian Lang, didn't you say that you wanted to learn martial arts a while ago? I begged His Highness the Crown Prince, and he told you to go to Eunuch Wan and ask him to take you to the inner carrier to pick out the cheats. Come with me to the prince's bedroom."

Ouchi arsenal?
Hua Twelve suddenly became interested. The inner carrier warehouse is the inner money, and there are ten warehouses in the middle. One of the warehouses is the Ouchi Arsenal, which usually houses swords, treasures, military books, war strategies, and martial arts cheats.

The "Xiuchun Dao World" is also the background of the Ming Dynasty, and there is an arsenal in the transport warehouse, but the martial arts in that world are too general, so some boxing, weapons and other cheats for military training are stored in the arsenal.

Now this is "Swordsman's Proud World", and the cheat books in Ouchi's arsenal will also increase. I don't know if there are any magical books or the like.

Wan Zhen'er's identity is only a court lady, but because she took care of the prince's daily life when the prince was young, and was close to the prince, she had a special status in the East Palace, so she was assigned a separate courtyard, so that she could be integrated with Yuhuatian. Hang out every day without being discovered.

The two packed up, left Wan Zhen'er's small courtyard, and headed to the prince's bedroom. On the way, Hua Shier switched his state and became the real Eunuch Yuhuatian Yu again.

At the entrance of the prince's bedroom, an old eunuch in his 50s stood there with a smile on his face. After seeing Wan Zhen'er, he bowed slightly:
"Wan Shangyi is here, go in quickly, Your Highness has already asked twice!"

Wan Zhen'er nodded and smiled at the old eunuch, turned her head and gave Hua Twelve a wink, signaling him to wait outside, and then Pingting walked into the prince's bedroom gracefully.

Mr. Wan's name is Wan Yulou, he is the chief manager of the East Palace, and the prince's confidant. He has strong martial arts skills and is ruthless.

Hua Twelve had guessed about his identity as Yuhuatian from the very beginning, but when he saw Wanyulou, he immediately confirmed what he had just thought.

Not surprisingly, his Yuhuatian is the factory flower in "Flying Armor of the Dragon Gate", and Wanyulou is the old eunuch who was killed by Brother Jie in the "Flying Armor of the Dragon Gate" plot.

The stories of Swordsman and Dragon Inn both took place in the martial arts world in the mid-Ming Dynasty. Since the time and social background are right, it is no surprise that the two stories happened in the same world.

"Eunuch Wan!" Hua Twelve greeted with a slight bow.

Wan Yulou said with a smile: "The prince has told you about your affairs, come with us!"

He left before he finished speaking, Hua Twelve didn't think much, and followed slowly, the two of them left the prince's bedroom one after the other, and turned to a side hall, which is the place where the head of the East Palace lives.

After entering the room, the little eunuch who served Wan Yulou hurried forward to salute.

Wan Yulou waved his hand: "Back off and go further away, our family has something to talk to Boy Yu about!"

The little eunuch hurriedly backed out, put on the door, and left quickly.

Wan Yulou sat on the grand teacher's chair, his smile restrained, and he said arrogantly:
"You little bastard is very scheming, you know how to ask Wan Shangyi to speak for you, tell me, what do you want to do if you want to learn martial arts?"

Hua Twelve didn't doubt that there was him, he just thought it was a normal procedure, after all, a train would have to go through a security check in future generations, and the eunuch in the empress's womb wanted to learn martial arts, so he had to investigate whether it was right or not.

He immediately said: "The main reason is to serve His Highness and Eunuch better, and secondly, I have been physically weak since I was a child, and I also want to strengthen my body through martial arts!"

Wan Yulou giggled and came out: "Monkey boy can talk, what are you doing for this old bone in our family? Aren't we all servants of His Highness the Crown Prince? We will serve the Crown Prince well in the future and serve Wan Shangyi well." valid reason!"

Hua Twelve bowed slightly: "Yes!" He smiled secretly in his heart, I have served Wan Zhen'er very well, so you can rest assured.

Wan Yulou took out three booklets from his cuffs and handed them over:

"Take it, here is a book of internal strength, a book of boxing, and a book of swordsmanship, which is enough for you to learn for a lifetime."

Hua Twelve took it with both hands and looked at it. His inner strength was "Kunlun Mind Method", his fists and feet were "Small Capture Hands" of Wudang School, and the name of the sword technique was very domineering, "Chasing Soul and Seizing Life Sword".

He frowned slightly. In his opinion, these three cheat books were all inferior martial arts.

"Kunlun Heart Method" sounds like the inner strength of the Kunlun School, and it sounds the same as "Huashan Heart Method", which is the foundation building tool in the school.

He had seen "Little Grabbing Hand" in the "Flying Fox World".

As for "Soul Chasing Sword", Hua Twelve is also familiar with it. In the "Flying Fox World", the sword technique of the second head of the Honghua Society Wuchen Daoist, isn't it exactly this.

This sword technique is not top-notch in the 'Flying Fox World', not as good as "Miaojia Swordplay" and "Golden Snake Swordplay", even worse than "Huashan Swordplay", let alone the swordplay that dominates here. "Smiling proud of the world", I guess the third rate in this world can't be ranked.

Hua Twelve saw the three secret books clearly, his face remained unchanged, and he asked Wan Yulou:

"Eunuch Wan, didn't His Highness tell you to take me to the inner shipping warehouse to choose by myself?"


Before Hua Twelve finished speaking, Wan Yulou's expression darkened, and he suddenly slapped the little table next to him, and with a bang, the solid wooden table shattered instantly.

Wan Yulou's face was as gloomy as water, and he cursed: "What are you? You deserve to be included in the Ouchi arsenal!"

"Our family sees that your muscles and bones have already been shaped, and you are not suitable for martial arts at all. These three cheat books are already for the sake of Wan Shangyi's pleading and the prince's favor. Don't you know what to do!"

Hua Shishi's expression was calm and he didn't say anything. He was thinking about whether to kill this Wanyulou.

Seeing his silence, Wan Yulou thought he had been frightened, and immediately smiled again:
"You little bastard has a lot of thoughts. Come on, for the sake of being an old member of Wan Shangyi's family, you can kneel down and give me three bangs, and call me daddy, and I will teach you these three secret books personally." , if you can succeed in learning, then it is not impossible to practice more advanced cheats."

Wan Yulou's words did not mean to be insulting.

The eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty were not likely to go out of the palace for the elderly like maids or other positions. Most of them would die of old age in the palace. Son, let yourself have something to rely on when you get old.

For example, the famous eunuchs Liu Jin, Wei Zhongxian, Wang Zhen, etc. in the Ming Dynasty all had the habit of adopting sons.

Now Wan Yulou obviously came up with this idea, probably because he expected that Wan Zhen'er would be favored in the future, and Yu Huatian was the person in front of Wan Zhen'er, so it would be beneficial to accept him as a godson, so he moved this idea.

But this kind of thing is common to eunuchs, but to Hua Shishi, it is a complete insult.

He switched the state of the character back to the normal state, and then smiled: "Elder-in-law, I didn't hear clearly just now, what did you ask me to call you?"

Wan Yulou didn't think too much, and said casually, "Father, I'll call you daddy."

Hua Twelve laughed and said, "Hey, then you should kowtow to Dad!"

Wan Yulou didn't react for a while, and asked in surprise, "What did you say?"

Suddenly he reacted and screamed: "You are courting death!"

After he finished speaking, he clapped his hands on the armrests of the grand master's chair, and he rose into the air, with both eagle claws, Zhaohua Twelve rushed over from the sky.

Looking at Wan Yulou who was gnashing his teeth in the air, Hua Twelve shook his head slightly. I really don't know what these people are thinking. Jumping up and attacking in front of him, what is the difference between that and death.

In the next moment, his figure moved slightly, and Hua Twelve's figure had disappeared from Wan Yulou's eyes. Just now, when he was about to yell out, he felt a numbness in the back of his neck, and someone had pinched his acupoints , still on the ground.

Wan Yulou's acupoints were blocked, not only could he not move, he couldn't even speak, only when he looked at Hua Twelve, he couldn't help showing a look of horror.

Hua Twelve took out a pill, squatted in front of Wan Yulou with a smile, and said with a smile:
"This one is very famous in Jianghu. It's called the Three Corpse Brain Pill. Have you heard of it?"

As soon as he finished saying the name, Wan Yulou's pupils shrank suddenly, and his body, which had been immobilized by acupuncture points, trembled slightly in fear.

Hua Twelve smiled even more happily: "It seems that you have heard of it, this is the best, I will let you go, don't shout, let's have a good chat, if you want to agree, just blink your left eye twice!"

Wan Yulou quickly blinked his left eye twice, Hua Shier saw this and reached out to unlock his acupuncture points.

As soon as the acupoints were unlocked, Wan Yulou got up and clasped his fists, saying in a trembling voice:

"Elder Quyang of the Holy Religion is sitting down at the Wanyu Building. May I ask you, is His Majesty the special envoy of the leader?"

 Thanks: 08a, it depends on the rewards from active brothers, thanks to brothers who support 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks to brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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