A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 563 Meet with the East and fight on the top of the Forbidden City!

On the canal, the way of the Lin family's big ship was blocked, and there was an ambush behind it. This situation immediately attracted the attention of everyone on the ship. They went to the deck to watch together, but saw dozens of fast boats coming behind the ship with wind and waves.

These fast boats were full of well-dressed men holding swords, and there were two to three hundred people in total, and the heads were black and dense.

Qu Yang looked at the person shouting, and immediately changed his color, Zhaohua Twelve reported:

"Duke, he is a member of the God Religion. The person calling is Jia Bu, the master of the Azure Dragon Hall, the yellow-faced venerable Jia Bu. Standing on the bow of the boat on his left is Shangguan Yun, the eagle hero of the White Tiger Hall. On the right is Bao Dachu, and on the right is Jie. The Qin Weibang who killed me, this Bao Dachu and Qin Weibang, are the same as the subordinates, they belong to the top ten elders in the sect!"

Qu Yang pointed to Hua Twelve one by one, and when he mentioned Qin Weibang, a cold light flashed in his eyes, obviously he had remembered the enmity between the two darts.

Hua Twelfth went to see Jia Bu, and saw that this man's face was thin and waxy, and his temples on both sides were bulging high, as if he had hidden a walnut. Obviously, he was a person with profound inner strength, no wonder there is a yellow-faced venerable nickname.

The eagle hero Shangguan Yun, with long arms and legs, and bright eyes, stood at the bow of the boat, with a vicious aura, very powerful.

As for Bao Dachu, he is an old man with a thin body and an unattractive appearance. Although his appearance is ordinary, others dare not underestimate him. If he is a good-natured person, how could he become an elder of the Demon Sect.

Yue Buqun heard that the Demon Sect was coming to attack, but he was not afraid, he drew his long sword and shouted loudly: "Disciple of Huashan, prepare to meet the enemy!"

Although all the disciples of the Huashan sect were apprehensive, they did not hesitate when they heard the master's order. They drew out their swords one after another. Even Yue Lingshan was like this, ready for a bloody battle.

Feng Buping, Cong Buqi, and Cheng Buyou, these three people are not only not afraid, on the contrary, they look excited and ferocious. The Jianzong gang is warlike every day.

Feng Qingyang was calm and calm, seeing all the disciples in the sect fighting bravely, he couldn't help nodding his head. As for the coming enemies of the Demon Sect, he really didn't take it seriously.

Hua Twelve also didn't pay much attention to the Devil's Cult. At this moment, he said with a smile:

"You don't have to worry, it's just some ghosts and ghosts, and it's not necessary for the brothers to fight against the enemy!"

After he finished speaking, he turned to Jia Ting and ordered, "Do it!"

He had known for a long time that the Devil's Cult might come to cause trouble, so how could his factory guards not be prepared.

Jia Ting immediately clasped his fists and said, "Respect the order of the governor!"

After speaking, he took out a bamboo tube with a lead wire buried in it from his arms, turned his head to the sky, pulled the lead wire, and suddenly a flame shot straight into the sky.

The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal starts from Yuhang in the south and ends in Beijing in the north, passes through the four provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong, and Hebei, and runs through the five major water systems of the Haihe River, the Yellow River, the Huaihe River, the Yangtze River, and the Qiantang River.

At this time in the Ming Dynasty, the canal was an important channel for north-south transportation and freight, so ships on the river were constantly coming and going.

The river on both sides of the Sun Moon God Sect was blocked, and apart from the big boat of the Lin family, there were many other passenger ships and merchant ships blocked in this waterway.

As soon as Jia Ting fired the signal flare, more than a dozen merchant ships blocked the dozens of fast ships. At the same time, there were dense crowds of human heads pouring out of these ships. They were all factory guards who had ambushed in advance. Of course, there were also real merchant ships and cargo ships. But at this time, seeing such scenes, he was so frightened that he hurriedly docked the boat and waited and watched.

On the factory guard's side, a row of archers took the lead, opened their strong bows, and shot a round at first, with canine-toothed barb arrows, like locusts, and shot past them like they didn't want money.

"No, that dog thief has an ambush!"

"Can't retreat, rush over, lean over and fight in melee!"

As arrows fell into the river on the Demon Cult's fast boat, the Sun Moon God Sect's people were in a mess, and the leaders of the Demon Cult who were leading the team shouted loudly to let the fast boat speed up to fight in melee.

At the same time, these masters brandished their weapons and tried their best to block the sharp arrows that were shot.

The Clippers are small in size, and the only thing that stands out is the word "fast", which really made them rush to the factory guards' boats. However, the Sun Moon God Sect's party also suffered heavy losses when they charged against the rain of arrows. One-third of the staff.

Before the boats of both sides joined the ship, the members of the Sun Moon God Sect relied on their lightness skills and flew up, intending to jump on the merchant ship and fight.

But at this time, the factory guards on the ship had already put away their bows and arrows, took out the repeating hand crossbows and short-fire blunderbuss that Jin Yiwei and Dongchang fanzi carried with them, and shot at the flying Demon Cult followers, which was the second round of shooting.

This kind of firecracker is not the kind of bird blunderbuss of later generations, but a short-barreled musket that existed in the Song Dynasty and was improved in the Ming Dynasty.

Originally, factory guards were not worthy of this kind of thing, but when Hua Shier was in Jinling, he saw this kind of thing in the guarding eunuch's mansion, so he equipped each of his subordinates with one.

Although this short-barreled musket is troublesome to reload and fire, it can fire more than a dozen lead pellets the size of soybeans after it is activated. A large piece of lead pellets can be shot within ten steps, and the lethality is not small. If the ammunition is loaded in advance Next, save a critical moment to launch once, which can have an unexpected effect.

Enter a moment like the present.

The sound of crossbows piercing through the air and the roar of firecrackers, accompanied by the horrified screams of the Demon Cult members and the screams of injuries, resounded through the entire river.

The smell of gunpowder diffused across the river, making this battle even more chilling and tragic.

Of course, it wasn't the factory guard's side that was the worst, but the Demon Cult's side was the worst.

A Demon Sect sword master, holding a nine-ringed sword, just flew up when he was aimed at by the factory guard on the merchant ship, and at least two short guns were aimed at him in an instant.

The expert man's hair stood on end in the air, and a sword with nine rings danced so that the wind and rain could not penetrate, protecting his whole body.

After two thunderous roars, the master died miserably.

Half of his face was blown away by the lead pellets, and there were many bullet holes in his chest and abdomen. Although he didn't punch through, he still bled.

At this time, there were already many corpses like this on the surface of the canal, each of them dying with unsatisfactory eyes. They couldn't figure out how they could die at the hands of factory guards who usually looked down upon them.

On the big boat of the Lin family, the disciples of the Huashan sect who had never paid much attention to the government were all stunned at this moment.

Is this the demon sect where everyone in the world turns pale?
How could he be so vulnerable in front of the factory guards?
Yue Lingshan asked Hua Shier this question, and the other brothers also looked in this direction, wanting to hear his answer.

Hua Twelve laughed and said, "You don't really think that the Jianghu people can fight against the imperial court, do you? If that's the case, the emperor who rules the world won't be an emperor without martial arts!"

Feng Qingyang, Yue Buqun and others also had complicated expressions on their faces. Although they were not as naive as their disciples, they did not expect the members of the Demon Cult to be so vulnerable to the factory guards.

Especially Feng Qingyang, before he thought that even with a strong bow and crossbow, he could easily deal with it with Dugu Nine Swords' Broken Arrow Style, so he didn't take these factory guards seriously.

But when the factory guards were shooting firecrackers, Lao Feng was silent. He calculated in his heart that if he faced the firecrackers and shot, within ten steps, even with the Broken Arrow Stance, he would not be able to retreat completely.

Immediately sighed: "If the world is full of such firecrackers, won't martial arts be completely wiped out?"

Hua Twelve didn't speak, because he knew that Lao Feng's worry was right. It was guns that opened the door of the last feudal dynasty in later generations.

After a cup of tea, the battle was over, and the demon cult members on dozens of fast boats were either killed on the floating corpse river, or jumped off the boat to escape from the factory guards hunting and killing them, only Jia Bu, Shangguan Yun, Bao Dachu, and Qin Weibang were the leaders of the demon cult. It's a pity that they all took advantage of the chaos to dive into the water.

The battle in the rear is over, but the battle in front is still going on. There are hundreds of demon cult members on the large ships blocking the river, but the battle here has turned into an offensive and defensive switch.

Several large ships of the Devil's Cult fired rockets and sprayed kerosene to prevent the ships of the factory guards from approaching. Two merchant ships carrying Jin Yiwei were shot by rockets, and sprayed with kerosene from bamboo buckets of water, and ignited a raging fire.

Fortunately, the factory guards on board jumped ship one after another, and only a few unlucky ones were burned to death on board.

Hua Twelve frowned, and when Jia Ting saw it, he immediately sent out a semaphore, and instead of rushing forward, the factory guard's boat over there brought out two large bowls and muzzle guns from the cabin.

This big bowl muzzle gun is actually a small cannon with a caliber of three inches and four quarters of an inch, a length of one foot and one inch, and a weight of 63 catties. It is somewhat similar to the Minghu squatting cannon invented by Qi Shaobao in the future, but heavier.

This large bowl of muzzle guns was already used in water warfare during the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty.

These two cannons were Hua Shier knowing that the Demon Cult was about to attack, so Jia Ting specially prepared surprises for the Demon Cult.

Boom, boom!

The two cannons were fired at once, both sides in the battle were excited, and the personnel on both sides fell into a strange silence, which was waiting for the effect.

After a few breaths, the crowd on the Devil's Cult ship was excited, cheering and laughing, and the factory guard was in a big embarrassment, because the two cannonballs failed to hit a single one, and even blasted out a cargo ship that slipped to the shore. A big hole came, and the people on the cargo ship screamed to escape.

What is a surprise?

What a surprise!
Jia Ting wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and explained to the dark-faced Hua Twelve:

"Mr. Du, this big bowl of muzzle has always been poorly aimed. It's normal to miss the target. A few more shots will be fine!"

Hua Twelfth waved his hand: "Then what's the useless talk, hurry up and fire a few more shots, and don't forget to pay for the boat afterwards, don't let the people suffer!"

Jia Ting nodded again and again, and wanted someone to play a semaphore to urge the cannon to fire, but at this time Hua Shier thought of Ling Lingqi's weird gun, and asked worriedly:
"You said that the gun's accuracy is terrible, it can't fire backwards, can it?"

Jia Ting promised again and again that he would not, so Hua Twelve was relieved. It wasn't that his thinking was too exaggerated, but that the cannon was too crooked and exaggerated. When it hit straight, it was able to blow up the boat on the shore. Whoever has to be careful.

Two more cannonballs, one of the two cannonballs went somewhere, and the second cannonball was a good hit, but the hit was terrible. The boat in the middle of the river was blown away by the Demon Cult, and it was This bombardment shattered the sampan and detonated the fierce fuel oil brought by the Demon Cult, that is, oil.

In a short time, the ship turned into a big fireball, igniting several other ships parked side by side.

The members of the Devil's Cult jumped out of the boat to escape, and the factory guards also took the opportunity to shoot and kill them.

At this moment, Qu Yang beside Hua Twelve suddenly moved, flew up, and plunged into the water.

Hua Twelve didn't know what Qu Yang wanted to do, but he still told Jia Ting not to injure Qu Yang by mistake.

Qu Yang's water quality is very good, he saw a white line drawn on the surface of the water, and swam forward, and after a while, he caught a person back from the river full of demon cult members.

After Qu Yang left the battle circle, Hua Shier asked Jia Ting to send an order to continue the killing without leaving any prisoners.

Niang Xipi, the Demon Sect, ambushed Lao Tzu to keep him alive?

What's the use of keeping that thing!

Qu Yang returned to the boat, threw the person in his hand onto the deck, with an excited look on his face, and introduced to Hua Twelve:

"Duke, this person is Yang Lianting, head of the divine religion, Dongfang Bubai's confidant, and now on Blackwood Cliff, under the leader, he is respected!"

When everyone looked around, they saw a man on the deck who was less than 30 years old, wearing a maroon satin leather robe, with a burly figure, a bearded face, and an extremely majestic and mighty appearance. He controlled the acupoints, but looked at everyone fiercely, without the awareness of being a prisoner.

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Oh, this is the Yang Lianting who said I am something? Is it the Director Yang who asked me to kowtow to Director Yang just now?"

As soon as Qu Yang heard this, he knew that Yang Lianting was going to be unlucky. How domineering his own duke was, that is to say, the Eastern Hierarch on Heimuya could be compared. Yang Lianting was doomed to do nothing good by exporting humiliation and appearing in front of the duke again. It's over.

Sure enough, at the next moment, I heard Hua Twelve's order: "Break your hands and feet before you talk!"

Even Lao Yue and his wife didn't feel much about this harsh order, after all, they were members of the Devil's Cult, not to mention breaking their hands and feet, even killing them on the spot would have to shout yes.

Cao Tian was about to strike when he came up, but suddenly four figures flew up from the side of the ship, and one of them shot out more than a dozen two-inch gold darts.

There are also hidden weapons such as black blood needles and locust stones.

These four figures were the leaders of the Demon Cult who jumped into the water just now, Jia Bu, Shangguan Yun, Bao Dachu, and Qin Weibang.

Among them, Jia Bu shouted: "Save Director Yang!"

Just when everyone from the Huashan faction and Lin Zhennan were about to make a move, Feng Qingyang took the lead.

Then there was a clanking sound, followed by the shadows of swords filling the sky, and the clanging sound resounded throughout the area.

There were dozens of hidden weapons issued by the four leaders of the Demon Sect, all of which were swept to the surface of the river by his sword.

This kind of swordsmanship is naturally miraculous in the eyes of others, Lao Yue's eyes can't help but shine, Feng Buping applauds loudly, Lin Zhennan yearns for it.

The reason why Feng Qingyang made a move was that he was stimulated by firearms just now. After sweeping away many hidden weapons with his sword, his depressed mood became much more relaxed, and he shouted: "Huashan Feng Qingyang is here, who dares to be presumptuous!"

The four leaders of the Devil's Cult were all shocked. The shadow of the famous tree, the "swordsmanship supernatural power" of the year was clear, and they had heard of the name, not to mention the experts who knew it as soon as they made a move. His amazing swordsmanship, They feel that they are dead if they go up!
Immediately, they all froze on the spot, advancing and not advancing, retreating and not retreating, fighting and not fighting, not knowing what to do.

Looking at Yang Lianting on the ground, if they don't save this thing, they will die when they return to Heimuya, but if they want to save it, they feel that none of them can break through the level of Feng Qingyang.

Hua Twelve let go of the hilt of the golden snake sword, thinking it's abominable, but the crazy old man pretended to do it again, I can do this move too!

However, he still has other tricks, stretching out his hand and grabbing at the river surface, and grabbing the green dragon of the dragon kung fu to fetch water!

A water arrow was taken by him in the air, he grabbed it in his hand, and the water turned into ice, and then Hua Twelve casually shot out a handful of ice flakes as thin as cicada's wings.

Among the four leaders, three were hit at the same time. Only Qin Weibang stood at the end and had time to react. He blocked the ice with the weapon in his hand, and then jumped out of the boat without saying a word.

There is no need to fight anymore, he knew that they were all for nothing when he saw the opponent's move, this time he underestimated the little Huashan faction and underestimated the martial arts leader.

Hua Twelve missed a hit, and it was difficult to use the Life and Death Talisman again. A golden light flashed, and a golden snake cone hit Qin Weibang's vest in the air.

Then he stretched out his hand to grab it, activated the Dragon Capture Kungfu, and with a puff, the Golden Snake Cone flew back upside down in an instant, and he caught it in his hand.

Looking at Qin Weibang's back, She Xinzi, who was forked by the front of the golden snake cone, brought out a big piece of flesh, fell into the river, and stopped moving.

Qu Yang glanced at the enemy who had chased him all the way to Jinling before, and suddenly turned his head towards Hua Twelve and respectfully said:
"Thank you Duke Du for helping my subordinates take revenge!"

It was the place where Qin Weibang was injured. It was exactly the same place where Qu Yang injured his spine. However, Qin Weibang's flesh was pulled out a lot by the golden snake cone, and the white bones of his spine were exposed at the wound.

Half an hour later, Jia Ting and the others led the factory guards to finish cleaning the battlefield, the canal became unimpeded again, and the innocent merchant ship accidentally injured by the artillery was compensated.

Hua Twelve broke Shangguan Yun's leg after several members of the Devil's Cult experienced the comfort of the Life and Death Talisman, sent him ashore, and told him:
"Save your life and tell Dongfang Bubai that if you want to save Yang Lianting, come to me in the capital. I will fight him on the top of the Forbidden City. If he doesn't come, I will chop Yang Lianting into pieces." Feed the dog!"

It is worth mentioning that Yang Lianting has already had his limbs broken, and he is still enjoying the thrill of being unable to survive and die with the life and death talisman.

At this moment, the tough guy in the original book, who never surrendered until death, snotted and burst into tears, repenting for his low-spirited behavior before, in order to ask the factory guards guarding him to give him a good time.

Thanks: 08a, Little Tiger Brothers in the Demon Realm for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read and followed up the collection, thank you.

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