A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 564 Talking about Wu at night, killing intent in the capital!

After the First Battle of the Huai'an Canal, the road to the north was no longer bumpy, but the martial arts people along the way knew that the leader was going to the north, and they came to pay their respects one after another.

They are all people with 'rituals', and Hua Twelve also knows 'rituals', so it's not easy to get big, and they all met once, which slowed down the schedule, and dragged the journey that should have been in January to one and a half months.

The boat just arrived at the Cangzhou river section that day, and a fast boat approached with a banner, and it was the factory guard's spies who sent the news that Ren Woxing and Linghu Chong, the two sucking maniacs, made another move.

It is said that the Kuaijian Gate in Zhenjiang, Jiangnan suffered a disaster, and the internal strength of more than 100 members of the gate was absorbed.

This time, it wasn't just Ren Woxing and Linghu Chong who started to smoke, but even Ren Yingying and Xiang Wentian also started to smoke together. Obviously, the latter two were also taught the "Star Attraction Dafa" by Ren Woxing!
The old head of Kuaijianmen, Zhao Dongting, who shook Dongting with a sword, followed the factory guards personally, and knelt in front of Hua Shier:

"Leader, you have to be the master of Kuaijianmen!"

Tea Master Yu sighed and mourned, the lines were the same as his.

Indeed, just like the Wudang sect, Kuaijianmen also had quite a few seniors who died due to the loss of internal energy. The worst thing was that Zhao Dongting's daughter-in-law was eight months pregnant, and her internal energy was also sucked dry.

Ordinary people will be weak for a while if their internal energy is sucked away, or they may suffer from illness or something. Older ones will die immediately if they are not able to survive.

His daughter-in-law injured her body due to martial arts practice in the early years, and later hired a famous doctor to take care of her. She was pregnant with her first child when she was in her 40s. She didn't expect to be killed like this.

Zhao Dongting's son lost all his internal strength, his wife was gone, and his unborn child was gone. One couldn't think about it, and the other was smashed against the wall. He couldn't be rescued now.

Zhao Dongting's wife left early, and there was no reunion after that. He just guarded such a son and daughter-in-law. He was happily waiting for his grandson to enjoy the family happiness, but within a day, the family was destroyed.

A good family, who fought for justice in the south of the Yangtze River and had a reputation as a chivalrous man, ended up in such a fate.

The old man in his 60s, when he talked about these things, his nose burst into tears, and those who heard it were really sad and those who listened to tears.

Except for Hua Twelve, there is one Huashan faction, and the blushing ones are like purple eggplants, because Linghu Chong is from Huashan. In front of the suffering master in front of them, their faces feel hot, ashamed, shameless, in short, they feel sorry for him.

Although Zhao Dongting also made it clear in his narration that what happened to her daughter-in-law was not done by Linghu Chong, but by Ren Yingying, but the two of them worked hand in hand together, what difference did the Huashan School's reputation have.

Yue Buqun stood up, bowed to Zhao Dongting with red eyes:
"Old brother, it is Wufang, my disciple of Yue Buqun. Although I have expelled that evil from the sect long ago, but he used my Huashan martial arts. Huashan will definitely give you an explanation for this matter. I will take this matter for Pingzhi, and those people will pay for it with blood!"

Hua Twelve is speechless, you said that you have no way to teach disciples, why did you change your tone and agree for me?
But he is now the leader of the martial arts, and he really can't ignore what happened in the martial arts.

Immediately said: "Leader Zhao, come to Beijing with me, how about I let you watch the enemy confer the head with your own eyes?"

Hua Twelve is not lying, Ren Woxing and Linghu Chong's crazily sucking up people's internal energy is nothing more than seeking revenge from Dongfang Bubai.

Now Heimuya probably has received his letter of challenge. According to the original plot, Dongfang's true love for Yang Lianting must come north to fight him.

In this way, the enemies of Ren Woxing and Linghu Chong are both in the capital, and the two of them will inevitably come to the capital.

In addition, it can also be judged from the places where the two people appeared. Didn't they appear in Zhenjiang just to catch up along the canal?

Therefore, if Zhao Dongting goes to Beijing with Hua Twelve, he will definitely be able to see the enemy confer the head.

Zhao Dongting agreed without even thinking about it, thanking him again and again, which made everyone in Huashan blush again.

Hua Shier asked Jia Ting to arrange a room for Zhao Dongting and asked him to treat him well.

After Zhao Dongting left, Yue Buqun began to curse, while Ning Zhong sighed beside him. She couldn't figure out how the child she raised by herself turned into what she is today.

All the disciples in Huashan were originally close to Linghu Chong, but now there are a few young disciples who can't hold back, such as Ying Bailuo and others, complaining about Linghu Chong, and some cursed in a low voice.

Usually, if someone spoke ill of Linghu Chong, Lu Dayou, who had the best relationship with him, would stand up and scold him, and speak up for the elder brother, but today this Liuhou'er, with red eyes, clenched fists, and his fingers turned white, was obviously extremely disappointed with what the elder brother did.

The most disappointing was Feng Qingyang, the old man swayed a bit when he stood up, as if he was dying.

Feng Buping was scolding Linghu Chong for not being a thing. Seeing his uncle like this, he immediately got up and wanted to help him. The same was true for Lao Yue and his wife.

Feng Qingyang reached out his hand to stop them, sighed, turned around and went back to his cabin without saying a word.

Although he didn't speak, none of the Huashan faction knew that Linghu Chong had hurt him too much, he was amazingly skilled, he was entrusted to no one, and he committed crimes several times, how could the old man not be hurt?

In the evening, Hua Twelve originally wanted to practice martial arts, but Feng Qingyang came over to have a drink with him, and even asked the kitchen to bring food and drinks, without giving him a chance to refuse.

After entering and sitting down, Hua Twelve smiled and said:
"It's really a rare visitor, crazy old man, don't you want to see me, why did you come to drink with me for the first time?"

Feng Qingyang sighed, picked up the jug and poured a glass of wine for each of them: "The old man can't understand you, because he was influenced by Linghu boy, and he has preconceived ideas. Now, looking at the two of you, hey, there is a big difference, so let's not mention it!"

Hua Shishi knew that Feng Qingyang had admitted his mistake, picked up the wine glass and said with a smile: "Okay, then let's turn the page, crazy old man, let's go!"

The two of them didn't like each other before, and after this glass of wine, they could be regarded as laughing away at each other, and neither of them mentioned the previous matter.

Putting down the wine glass, Feng Qingyang asked: "You said before that the old man took the wrong path on the way of martial arts, I wonder if you can talk to me about it?"

Hua Twelve took a mouthful of food and asked with a smile: "Have you figured it out? You've wanted to ask me for a long time, okay, seeing that you've been stimulated today, then I'll tell you, if you stimulate me again."

He put down his chopsticks and asked Lao Feng: "Thinking about it, you should understand now that your Dugu Nine Swords can't really break through the world's martial arts. For example, my evil swordsmanship can fill in the gaps through speed."

Feng Qingyang was a little unconvinced: "It's just that this old man is not as fast as you. If this old man can find a way to improve his reaction and attack speed, breaking you and warding off evil spirits is just a matter of one sword!"

Hua Twelve smiled: "Then can you? If it's so easy to increase the speed, you should go!"

Feng Qingyang couldn't help being speechless, he secretly studied for a long time, why Hua Shier can be so fast, but unfortunately he has no clue.

In fact, if you don't read the opening sentence of "Sunflower Treasure" or "Evil Resisting Swordsmanship",

Hua Twelve said again: "My family's evil swordsmanship follows the path of 'world martial arts, only fast and unbreakable', and non-talented people can't practice it!"

After he finished speaking, he chuckled in his heart. This is not a lie. He has his own system and can switch talents. He is naturally gifted. Well, as a man, squatting to pee is not a gift. What is it?
Feng Qingyang exclaimed: "The only martial art in the world is fast and unbreakable. This sentence is the most important principle of martial arts. It is worthy of the origin of family learning. Thinking back to your family, Yuan Tugong, it was because of this that it shocked the world!"

After he finished speaking, he asked curiously: "Then besides the only thing that is fast and unbreakable, there are not many people who can resist my nine swords, right?"

"There are many!"

Hua Twelve just laughed, he lacked confidence when he heard this tone, the crazy old man's confidence in Nine Swords was shaken.

Lao Feng became anxious: "How is it possible? You have also learned the Nine Swords, so tell me, what other martial arts in the world can counter the Nine Swords?"

The night is long, there is no mood to sleep, and there is wine and food in front of him. Hua Twelve simply plays with Lao Feng to tease Ke Zi. While drinking and eating food, he said:
"Let's start with Dugu Qiubai. Do you know his sword skills?"

Feng Qingyang was dumbfounded by the question: "Stinky boy, you learned the Dugu Nine Swords from me, I don't understand, do you understand?"


Hua Twelve snapped his fingers, waited for a few seconds, and looked around.

Feng Qingyang asked suspiciously: "What are you looking at, you are talking!"

Hua Twelve laughed loudly: "I want to see if the world will be destroyed after this one snap of the fingers!"

Lao Feng naturally couldn't understand the stalk of the Infinity Gauntlet, so he gave the kid an annoyed look.

Hua Twelve was not teasing the old fashion, and explained: "I really know more about Dugu Qiubai than you!"

He immediately told Feng Qingyang about Dugu Qiubai, from the sword that cuts iron like mud, to the soft sword, then to the black iron heavy sword, and finally to the several levels of swords that can be made of grass, wood, bamboo and stone.

Hua Twelve smiled and said: "You see, Senior Dugu Qiubai should have taken the path of my Qizong after the black iron epee. There is no trick to win, but it is different from Nine Swords. It is a way to break through ten thousand spells with one force. No matter what martial arts you have, no matter how exquisite your moves are, no matter whether you have flaws or not, I will break them by myself!"

"In the later stage, everything can be used as a sword, and the same is true. With a wooden sword, you can fight against huge waves in the middle of the tide, but the wooden sword keeps going. Think about it. At that time, Dugu Qiubai senior, with a simple move, how many people in the world can resist?"

Feng Qingyang couldn't help nodding when he thought of Hua Shier's breaking Linghu Chong's long sword on Siguo Cliff, and thinking about it now, this 'one force breaks all methods' is the same as 'only speed can't break', both are extremely brilliant principles in martial arts, but the way to go is different.

However, Lao Feng was still a little bit dissatisfied: "This is just the same emphasis on sword qi, how can there be any reason for what you said back then that qi precedes sword!"

Hua Twelve only asked one sentence, and told Lao Feng to shut up: "Practicing qi can strengthen the body and prolong life, can practicing sword? That's why it is said that qi is the foundation of warriors!"

Feng Qingyang was speechless at once, isn't it just that practicing boxing without practicing kung fu is nothing, the most simple truth in martial arts, he was still struggling with this issue just now, he is really a fan of the authorities, he was bound by the thinking of studying the Nine Swords for so many years.

Seeing Lao Feng's tangled face, Hua Twelve laughed and said, "Don't take Nine Swords too seriously. From ancient times to the present, there are many martial arts that Nine Swords can't defeat!"

Feng Qingyang laughed angrily, he didn't abuse people so badly, let you go on, Dugu Nine Swords, a unique skill that breaks the world's martial arts, has become a worthless Chinese cabbage.

He sneered and said, "Then tell me, apart from your evil swordsmanship, the invisible blade, and your deep inner strength to break through ten thousand spells, what other kung fu can't be broken by my nine swords?"

Hua Twelve came casually: "Let me tell you something you know first, 'Tai Chi Sword Art' is just like that!"

"It's a joke. Back then, Chongxu and his master couldn't do a single move in the hands of the old man!" Feng Qingyang laughed, thinking that he had caught Hua Twelve's mistake, he finally had a feeling of elation.

Hua Twelve took a sip of wine, smacked his lips and said: "They use the Taiji sword, is it a big trap and a small circle, if you stab the middle with the sword, it will be a hole!"

The smile on Feng Qingyang's face stopped abruptly: "Ah, this old man is so broken, is there something wrong?"

"That's because they didn't practice properly!"

Hua Twelve immediately told Feng Qingyang the story of Zhang Sanfeng teaching Zhang Wuji Taiji swordsmanship, and then said:
"Taiji swordsmanship is aimed at the sword first. The intention is not force, and the focus is not on form. Zhang Zhenren teaches swordsmanship. You have to forget all the moves before you can understand the true meaning of this set of swordsmanship. Taiji swordsmanship is also true. The heart moves at will, there is no move to win and there is a move!"

He said with a smile: "The real Taiji sword is useless, how can you break through the nine swords?"

Feng Qingyang had nothing to say, and sighed: "Zhen Zhenren is a pedant of heaven and man, and he actually created a set of no-movement swordsmanship. I am a late learner, and I yearn for it!"

Lao Feng also expressed his feelings. Although his swordsmanship has reached the pinnacle, he still picks up the wisdom of others. He has practiced the swordsmanship of others. If he wants to create a set of swordsmanship comparable to Nine Swords or Taiji Sword, he knows that he does not have that ability after thinking about it.

Hua Twelve went on to say: "If you say there is no trick, let's talk about the trick!"

Feng Qingyang was somewhat lacking in confidence this time, but he still said: "If you didn't say that one force can break all dharmas and only speed can't break, as long as there is a move, Nine Swords will definitely be able to break it!"

"is it?"

There was a playful smile on the corner of Hua Shishi's mouth: "During the Northern Song Dynasty, the Six Meridian Excalibur of the Duan family in Dali was known as the best sword in the world. It can emit six sword qi at the same time, and each sword qi can form a sword method. Six ways can be used together. Unless you practice it into a vajra, you will be unrivaled!"

Feng Qingyang had never heard of it before, it was like listening to a scripture from heaven, the six invisible sword qis were sent out together?How can this be!

Lao Feng bit his head and said: "The invisible sword energy is not counted, if you have the ability, you can say something tangible!"

"During the Southern Song Dynasty, the Quanzhen swordsmanship created by Wang Chongyang, the world's number one master, and Lin Chaoying, the founder of the Ancient Tomb School"

Hua Twelve once again talked about the two swords combined to complement each other's flaws. Lao Feng sighed again and again, saying that these seniors are really amazing, and the two swords combined to complement each other's flaws. What a fantastic idea.

It's just that Lao Feng also pointed out that after all, it was two people working together to use swordsmanship. From this point of view, it was inferior to Dugu's old sword.

Hua Shier also told about Zhou Botong's invention of left and right fighting, and then told Feng Qingyang that the little dragon girl of the Ancient Tomb Sect, the wife of the Condor Hero, relied on the left and right fighting technique, and one person can combine two swords with two swords, which is not weaker than any master in the world.

Feng Qingyang had nothing to say this time, he just felt that if compared with these amazing and talented people, the swordsmanship he was proud of seemed nothing.

Before Hua Twelve finished speaking, he went on to say:

"Taishan School's 'How about Dai Zong', crazy old man, you should have seen it in Siguoya Cave. This sword technique is not so much swordsmanship as it is arithmetic. It counts the enemy's position, martial art style, body length, weapon size, and the height of the sunlight.

"Strictly speaking, this sword technique is even stronger than the Dugu Nine Swords, but it takes a person with enough brains and proficient in arithmetic to practice to the peak!"

Feng Qingyang nodded: "It's too difficult to practice this sword technique. This kind of sword technique that can only be achieved through exhaustive strategies is probably unique, and it cannot be mastered by the first-class smart people!"

Hua Twelve shook his head: "It's not unique, I know a kind of swordsmanship, called 'Yijianshu', which integrates chess theory into martial arts, using people to beat the sword, and using the sword to beat the enemy, and it can predict the enemy's opportunity like Dugu Nine Swords!"

Feng Qingyang originally thought that Nine Swords was the pinnacle of swordsmanship in the world, but after chatting with Hua Shieryi today, he discovered that he himself is a frog in a well, too blind and arrogant.

When Feng Qingyang left that night, he acted a little lost.

Hua Twelve didn't care, thinking that Lao Feng was provoked by his own words, but the next day when the disciples of Huashan went to ask this master uncle to eat, they found that Feng Qingyang had left a letter and left without saying goodbye.

In the letter, Lao Feng said that he had been practicing swordsmanship for decades, and he thought he had reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship. He didn't realize that he was a frog in a well until last night. This gap did not silence him, but inspired him to pursue the pinnacle of swordsmanship. Passion.

Lao Feng decided to follow Dugu Qiubai's example and go to the beach to practice swords, wanting to see the realm of Dugu's wooden sword.

The words he said, when taken apart, everyone knows what he is talking about, but when put together, only Hua Twelve knows what he is talking about.

At the end of the letter, Feng Qingyang said that there was one thing he couldn't let go of, and that was Linghu Chong.

This villain has learned his swordsmanship, if he does evil, the crime will be heavy. In the letter, he asked Hua Twelve to abolish Linghu Chong's martial arts for him, to make up for the mistakes he made.

When Hua Twelve saw this, his first thought was that Lao Feng must have run away after hearing Linghu Chong absorbing his internal energy and his strength greatly increased. After all, Feng Qingyang was sophisticated and smooth in his eyes.

Two days later, the Lin family's big boat finally arrived in the capital, and as soon as they disembarked, a team of Jin Yiwei said that they had come to pick up the boat under the order of Wan Yulou.

But after everyone disembarked, a man in brocade clothes wearing a flying fish uniform suddenly drew out his Xiuchun knife and yelled:
"Kill me!"

As soon as the words fell, a canine-toothed barbed arrow pierced directly into the chest of this brocade man.

Half an hour later, Hua Twelve received a report from Jia Ting at the Yamen Office of the East Anti-Corruption Factory. The Jin Yiqian who assassinated him was found out. This person's surname is Wan, with a single name!

Thanks: 08a, Little Tiger Brothers in the Demon Realm for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read and followed up the collection, thank you.

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