A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 574 Martial arts chapter, the end of the proud smile!

Chapter 574 Martial arts myth, the end of the proud smile! (Seek full order)

The battle at the top of the Forbidden City ended with Hua Twelve showing his flying sword. Although Dongfang Bubai still had the strength to fight again, she still made a wise choice under the lock of the flying sword that was flickering.

Dongfang Bubai is willing to take the Sun Moon God Religion and be ordered by the imperial court. She doesn't ask for official career and wealth, but only asks that the imperial court release Yang Lianting and stay with her forever, peacefully, and spend the rest of their lives together.

Hua Shier agreed to Dongfang Bubai's request on the spot, but instead of explaining in advance that the imperial court could not release him absolutely free, Yang Lianting could be released, and Dongfang himself had to be used by the imperial court.

He directly promised the position of deputy governor of the editor-in-chief, and Dongfang Bubai agreed without thinking too much.

In fact, under the lock of Feijian, Dongfang Bubai felt that he had no choice.

Seeing Hua Twelve commandeer the leader of the Demon Cult on the spot, the corners of Zhu Jianshen's mouth twitched, I don't want to lose face as an emperor, you didn't even ask, the court belongs to your family.

The emperor comforted himself in his heart, if it weren't for the joyful day of your marriage today, I would make you look good today.

Well, when Zhu Jianshen thought about it this way, he felt much more comfortable immediately. He should find a way for himself. If he thought about the life and death talisman, although he could suppress his anger, he would be aggrieved afterwards.

As a result, Zhu Jianshen was aggrieved even if he didn’t think about it. There were so many courtiers present. Hua Shier crossed the emperor’s ministers and ordered Dongfang Bubai to be safe. In the eyes of these ministers, he simply despised the imperial power and the court. Damn it.

Therefore, several old ministers stood up on the spot and asked Zhu Jianshen to punish Yu Huatian.

Zhu Jianshen was speechless, cooperating with himself to endure Yuhuatian, and had to wipe his ass after the aftermath, and immediately said angrily:
"Everyone who is not afraid of Feijian's methods, just take someone to catch him. If any of you can do this, you will be promoted to three ranks, and you will be granted the title of Marquis and Prime Minister!"

These words were either said behind the scenes, or they were said in front of everyone on the Qianqing Palace Square.

Naturally, Hua Twelve could hear clearly, and in a flash, he appeared in front of everyone together with Dongfang Bubai.

There were several wounds on Dongfang Bubai's body, and the bones were deep enough to be seen. For ordinary people, she would have been on the ground long ago, but she didn't seem to feel the wounds, and she said to Hua Twelve with a smile:

"Duke, do you want me to kill them all? This is my meeting gift for you after Zhao'an?"

The people who stood up to impeach Hua Twelve just now were shocked. They dared to impeach Hua Twelve because the other party was a member of the court, and they had to abide by the rules of the court when they wanted to do things.

But the one who is talking now is the mighty leader of the Demon Cult. This is a ruthless person who says to kill your whole family, he will kill your whole family. In front of her, who dares to make a sound.

Fortunately, Hua Twelfth still knew the importance, and said: "Dongfang, from now on, you will be a courtier with these lords, you must know court etiquette, how can you easily say that you want to kill the whole family?"

Those ministers who impeached him were relieved when they heard this, Zhu Jianshen sneered in his heart when he saw this, he was really naive, how could this guy be so narrow-minded, how could he just let it go.

Sure enough, the next moment, I heard Hua Twelve say: "If you say it so clearly, then everyone will know that you did it. Next time you sneak into the village, don't shout, and do it if you want to kill it." Before you know it, since you have made it clear this time, let’s treat it as a joke, and kill you secretly next time something like this happens.”

Everyone is speechless, it's like holding a sharp knife to slash someone's back, and when someone sees it, they laugh, I'm joking with you, I believe you a ghost!

Dongfang Bubai chuckled: "I understand!" Although she has been ordered by Hua Twelve, she also has her own pride, and it is still impossible for her to call herself a subordinate.

Zhu Jianshen came out to smooth things over and relieved the officials who were in a dilemma, and the wedding continued.

Dongfang Bubai was suffering from deep and visible injuries, drank a few glasses of water and wine in a daze, and was taken by Cao Tian to heal his injuries after the wedding. I have to say that the body in the innate realm is really tyrannical.

After the son-in-law banquet, Hua Shier took Yue Lingshan and Wan Zhen'er back to the son-in-law's mansion, Feng Lidao took Gu Shaotang back, and also went to the mansion prepared for him in the capital by Hao Dao.

Speaking of this house, it is also interesting. The former owner was a servant of the household department. When Feng Lidao was determined to marry Gu Shaotang, he planned to settle down in the capital, thinking about buying a house, and consulted Hua Shier about this matter.

After Hua Twelve found out, he cheered up: "What's the point of buying it, let's go, big brother will take you to pick one!"

The two brothers wandered around the capital city for two or three times, but couldn't make up their minds. Finally, Hua Twelve pointed to a Sanjin house with a pretty good location:

"How is it here?"

Feng Lidao nodded: "That's good, but doesn't this have an owner?"

The owner of the house is a third-rank servant of the household department, who is also considered to be a high-ranking official.

Jia Ting, who was following behind Hua Twelve Chaos, waved, and then the two waited not far from the gate of the house. After a while, a group of wolf-like Jin Yiwei came to the house and started raiding the house.

Jia Ting also specially came over to report: "Grand Du, wait a moment, this house will be tidied up in a while!"

Feng Lidao looked stupid, he was not so overbearing in robbery outside the Great Wall, and Jin Yiwei, who co-authored the house he liked, came here to search the house.

He asked Hua Twelve, "Is this not a good thing?"

Hua Shishi suddenly said: "I didn't find a match, so let's choose the one next to it, Lao Jia, and copy the one next to it later!"

Feng Li Dao: "."

Hua Twelve laughed and stopped teasing him: "These people have evidence of corruption and perverting the law in Jin Yiwei's hands. If they don't move them normally, it doesn't mean that they will be let go. Now that we need it, naturally we need it." Just move!"

From that day on, this house has belonged to Feng Lidao, and it has also become his and Gu Shaotang's new house today.

It was night, in the son-in-law's mansion, the screens were dim, and the shadows of red candles were moving.

Early the next morning, Hua Shier, together with Yue Lingshan, Wan Zhen'er, and Feng Lidao and Gu Shaotang, who had specially rushed over this morning, offered tea to Lao Lin and his wife to say hello.

Seeing Feng Lidao and Gu Shaotang, Hua Twelve was startled. His twin brother turned into a panda overnight, and his eyes turned black and blue.

Shocked, he woke up and said in a low voice: "Young people should exercise restraint, look at me, brother, it's not like you if I haven't slept all night?"

Feng Lidao rolled his eyes straight: "If you want to show off, just say so, don't pretend to care about me!"

Hua Twelve laughed loudly, and asked the reason for the panda eyes. At first, Feng Li Dao couldn't save face, but he didn't say anything. In the end, he was questioned so hard that tears came out. He gritted his teeth and complained:
"I wanted to be on top, but was ruthlessly suppressed by that bitch!"

Hua Twelve laughed about this for three days, but in the end he felt really sorry and threw a copy of "Yi Jin Jing" to Feng Lidao for him to practice on his own. In some respects, a man can't always let his wife suppress him.

In the days that followed, the editor-in-chief’s factory developed rapidly. After the Sun Moon God Sect was incorporated, disciples from all the famous sects completed the Liaodong Trial task one after another, and returned to the capital with the head of the Tartars. Join Jianghuwei to maintain the stability of Jianghu.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in Jianghu was very good. The flower picking thieves and flying thieves were almost extinct. When resolving personal grievances, duels, etc., they had to be reported in advance, and then the place was designated. Even if there is, that person will be tied up at the scene of the accident a few days later, and he will be stabbed with a knife, just to make others aware of it.

After all, Hua Twelve did not kill Linghu Chong and Ren Yingying, but completely abolished their martial arts, and arranged a courtyard for them in the capital to let them live the lives of ordinary people.

Half a year later, Linghu Chong and Ren Yingying, a pair of children who were completely out of touch, decided to get married and spend the rest of their lives together.

Ning Zhong thought of his past friendship, and brought his disciples to watch the ceremony. Yue Lingshan didn't show up for fear of causing misunderstanding. She didn't go to Hua Shier, of course she wouldn't go, she just asked someone to send a congratulatory gift.

As a result, when Ning Zhongze waited for the others to come back, his face was all sour. When Hua Twelve and Yue Lingshan asked about it, Ning Zhong just shook his head and remained silent.

In the end, Lu Dayou took the initiative to find Hua Shishir, and told what happened angrily.

Originally, Ning Zhong was there, Linghu Chong was very pleasantly surprised, and treated his brothers as before, just when everyone thought that this guy had changed his ways, this guy started drinking too much at his wedding banquet and went crazy.

Not only smashed the gift that Hua Shier sent, but also uttered nonsense, angrily denouncing Hua Shier for all kinds of misery, and also said that the master and wife were biased, and they defected to the court for the sake of the younger sister, and betrayed the world.

That's not to mention, Linghu Chong actually kept talking, saying that Yue Lingshan was half-hearted, flirtatious, and she had a childhood sweetheart with him, and even created her own Chongling sword technique to confirm her love, but turned her head and threw herself into the arms of others.

When he said this, Miss Ren quit and turned the table over.

Ning Zhong was so angry at this disobedient apprentice that shed tears at that time, and left with the apprentice. In her heart, the relationship between master and apprentice was cut off.

Hua Twelve became angry when he heard this. Isn't this shameless? Yue Lingshan and Linghu Chong are strangers, and the latter even ruined his daughter-in-law's reputation. This aunt can't bear it, uncle can't bear it!
That night, he went to the yard where Linghu Chong was banned. If he doesn't kill you, he can't disgust you!
After Linghu Chong and Ren Yingying fell asleep with flowers and candles in their bridal chamber, he quietly entered the new room and lit the sleeping holes of the two to make them sleep more deeply.

Then he took out the thing that hadn't been used in the storage space and put it between the two of them. After looking around, the more he looked, the more satisfied he became, and then he left here with a smirk.

The next day was three days high, and Linghu Chong woke up slowly. Thinking of what happened yesterday, he knew that he was wrong and wanted to apologize to his wife. When he turned his head, he saw the second junior brother Lao Denuo, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, looking at him vividly.

At the same time, Ren Yingying was also waking up, and when she opened her eyes, she saw the people around her. It seemed that overnight, she had aged 30 or [-] years, and her hair had turned gray.

After a few breaths, two terrified cries resounded in the new house.

The next day, Hua Shier received the news that Linghu Chong and Ren Yingying were going crazy, crying and laughing at other times, it was very abnormal anyway.

For these two people, Hua Twelve didn't pay much attention to them. They were all useless people without martial arts, and they would be imprisoned for a lifetime, which would have no effect on him or the Huashan faction.

Ning Zhong seems to have really given up on Linghu Chong. Even after hearing the news that he and Ren Yingying seem to be crazy, he has never been there. After that, the couple took their disciples back to Huashan.

There is another pair that is not very good, that is Dongfang Bubai and Yang Lianting.

The couple got married a month after their twelfth wedding in Hua.

As Dongfang Bubai's immediate boss, Hua Shier also bought a house in the capital to live in with them.

According to Dongfang Bubai's next prediction, it was to spend the rest of his life together sweetly, but in less than half a year, Dongfang Bubai, the nominal deputy governor, came to Hua Twelve with a grim look on his face:

"Arrange something for me to do, I found that the relationship between men and women is not suitable for me!"

Hua Twelve was stunned, and tentatively asked: "You have made another breakthrough in the realm? Otherwise, why did you realize it so quickly?"

Dongfang Bubai stretched out his left hand: "Guess what I did with my left hand?"

Hua Twelve glanced at Dongfang Bubai Xiasanlu, and snorted, "What else can you do!"

Dongfang Bubai didn't understand what he meant, otherwise she would have risked her life, she said flatly, "I used this hand to strangle Yang Lianting to death with my own hands last night!"

When she spoke, she was full of anger and murderous intent. Several sparrows in the yard felt the murderous intent and flew away in shock.

Hua Twelve was also taken aback. Dongfang Bubai wanted to kill even the emperor when he went to Beijing for Yang Lianting. How long has it been since Brother Lian stopped screaming and even killed him with his own hands?

"Are you tired of playing?"

Dongfang Bubai said bitterly: "Since I rescued him in the Forbidden War, he has become more and more indifferent to me, and he is reluctant even to get married. Yesterday he finally revealed the reason, he...he didn't He likes women, he said that since I became a real woman, every day when he has sex with me, he feels sick!"

Hua Twelve was stunned for a while, and suddenly he patted the table with a smile, almost bursting into laughter. It turned out that Yang Lianting was made of real glass. When Dongfang Bubai was a bearded uncle, he readily accepted it and became a charming little woman. At that time, this product was unacceptable.

This East is really, miserable!
With Dongfang Bubai helping to manage the general affairs of the editorial factory, Hua Twelve was happy and at ease. He simply handed over the entire factory to Dongfang to take care of.

A few years later, several foreign races in Liaodong were almost wiped out, and the goals of the Jianghu people began to turn to the grassland.

Several major tribes outside the pass sent envoys with rich gifts, and went to Beijing to plead with the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, begging the Central Plains people to let them go and give them a way to survive.

Zhu Jianshen ordered Hua Shier from his hometown in Fujian to be recruited into Beijing. When they met in the Forbidden City one month later, when the little emperor mentioned this, Hua Shier smiled and said, "Okay, let's forget it!"

The next day, Zhu Jianshen received a report that half a month ago, Dongfang Bubai, the deputy governor of the editor-in-chief factory, personally led the Jianghu Guards, and exterminated several major tribes outside the pass, leaving only the women alive. .

Zhu Jianshen thought of Hua Twelve's attitude full of meaning yesterday, and almost vomited blood with anger. Forget it with you, it's such an algorithm.

A few years later, Yue Lingshan and Wan Zhen'er grew older, and Hua Twelve left blood for them. Both wives had a son and a daughter. Lin Zhennan and Lao Yue reunited for the third generation the capital.

At this time, the Huashan School has already replaced the Shaolin School's status in the arena, and it is also known as the Taishan Beidou of Wulin along with Wudang.

Lao Yue is also satisfied, without the original ambitions, this trip to the capital is to pass on the position of head of Huashan to Hua Shier, while he and Ning Zhong stay in the capital to help their daughter with their children.

Lin Zhennan and his wife also thought the same way. They wanted to distribute the property to their two sons and stay in the capital to enjoy the family happiness in front of Sun Rao's knees.

Hua Shier didn't want Huashan to be the head of the family, nor did he want the Lin family business, because these were not important to him anymore.

The head of Huashan let Lu Dayou take over. The latter has improved his martial arts by leaps and bounds under his guidance over the years. He is the most diligent practitioner among his brothers. Now his hard work has paid off and he is in charge of Huashan Gate.

Industry Huatwelf of Fuwei Escort gave Feng Lidao and Gu Shaotang.

It's worth mentioning that Feng Li Dao still couldn't beat Gu Shaotang, because the latter discovered the Yi Jin Jing when he went back, and he practiced better than Feng Li Dao, so this brother was often teased by Hua Shier for his whole life. People are crushing their lives.

On the day Lu Dayou took over as the head, Feng Qingyang returned from the East China Sea, and the Dugu wooden sword was perfected. So far, grass, wood, bamboo and stone can all be used as swords. He has reached the realm of having no sword in his hand and being full of swords, and has officially entered the innate world.

The two fought again on the top of the Forbidden City. As a result, Zhu Jian cried deeply. After many years, the palace had to be rebuilt.

That battle was earth-shattering, several palaces were destroyed, astronomical phenomena were aroused, thunder and lightning flashed, and heavy rain poured down. In the end, Hua Twelve won half a move without using his extraordinary ability.

Decades later, Yue Lingshan passed away with a smile and lived a happy life. After Wan Zhener's death, Hua Shier disappeared, leaving behind the undefeated martial arts myth in Jianghu.

 Thanks: 08a, Little Tiger Brothers in the Demon Realm for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read and followed up the collection, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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