A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 575 The lucky draw!

Chapter 575 Returning to the lottery draw! (Seek full order)
When the system released the task before, Hua Shier hadn't realized it yet. After living with Yue Lingshan and Wan Zhen'er in the "Swordsman World" for a period of time, he finally figured it out.

In the system task, Yue Lingshan was required to live a happy life, and that life should have a beginning and an end.

That is to say, Hua Twelve will be faced with the situation of making a choice between mission and lover.

If Hua Shier wants to complete the task, then he can't give Yue Lingshan an injection of stem cell injection to make her live forever and let her complete the concept of 'a lifetime'.

If he chooses to love, then he must give up the task, so that his life will have no end.

It wasn't until this time that Hua Twelve realized that he had fallen into a misunderstanding in his thinking after he first accepted the task. Looking back now, it may have been caused by the system's intentional guidance.

The first task of the system is to protect the safety of Lin Zhennan and his wife, and to save the Lin family from the disaster of extermination from the root.
The first task made Hua Shier think that he would replace Lin Pingzhi at the beginning, but when he looked at the second task 'Let Junior Sister Yue Lingshan live a happy life', he inevitably became inertial because of the first task thinking.

Let him think that he needs to marry Yue Lingshan just like in the original book, guard, care for and protect her, and make her happy.

But that doesn't seem to be the case now.

First, he did not become Lin Pingzhi in the mission world, but became one of the long-lost twins of the Lin family, and the second mission was to protect the younger sister Yue Lingshan's life, and he did not necessarily have to be a husband.

Thinking about it now, it might be more suitable to guard Yue Lingshan's life as a senior brother or elder brother, because then maybe he wouldn't have to face such a choice.

Without thinking too much, Hua Shier gave both Yue Lingshan and Wan Zhener injections of stem cell injections. At that moment, it also meant that he gave up the second system task.

But he doesn't regret it, and he can do the task in the future. If he doesn't make a big deal this time, he will just accept the punishment from the system. Compared with his lover, these are nothing at all.

Originally, Hua Shier planned to live comfortably with his two wives for decades, so he temporarily left this world, hoping to see each other again in the future, but it's a pity that people's calculations are not as good as heaven's calculations.

In February of the first year of Jiajing, Hua Shier was retreating in his hometown in Fujian. At that time, news came from Huashan that Yue Buqun and Ningzhong, who were over [-] years old, passed away in Huashan at the same time.

Because Hua Shier had previously said that this retreat was very important, so Yue Lingshan did not disturb him to leave the retreat, but hurried back to Mount Hua accompanied by Wan Zhen'er.

One and a half months later, Hua Twelve left the customs. After hearing the news, he immediately rushed to Huashan with a flying sword. As soon as he entered Shaanxi, he found that a plague broke out in Shaanxi, and countless people died.

When they arrived at Mount Hua, Lao Yue and his wife had already been buried, and there were seven out of ten people infected with the epidemic on Mount Hua, and unfortunately Yue Lingshan and Wan Zhen'er were among them.

The two women traveled by boat and vehicle all the way from Fujian, and after entering Shaanxi, they stayed in towns and villages along the way, and there were many epidemics, which meant that they returned to Huashan only after crossing the epidemic area.

Originally, relying on the internal strength of the two women, the disease was not manifested, but it was stored in the body. If some anti-epidemic drugs were taken at that time, there should be no major problems, but both women lack this knowledge. When they can't live, the disease has already reached the advanced stage in their bodies.

Because of the death of Lao Yue and his wife, Yue Lingshan was in grief during that period, the so-called long-term grief lungs, and the lungs are where the disease hides, so the disease in her body erupted more violently.

When Hua Shier arrived, Wan Zhen'er was coughing up blood, let alone Yue Lingshan who was the sickest.

Ping Yizhi has already died of old age at this time, Hua Shier can only do it himself, combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine, combining medicine and martial arts, various antibiotics, acupuncture and moxibustion to stimulate potential, internal strength to continue life, and stem cells to enhance vitality.
But everything was in vain, Yue Lingshan was already dying of illness.

When she was dying, Yue Lingshan came back to her light, and she was rarely sober. She held Hua Twelve's hand with her hand, and said in a weak but extremely gentle voice:
"In the next life, I will marry you, okay?"

Hua Twelve nodded his head vigorously, but he found that Yue Lingshan was holding his hand, but his strength was getting weaker and weaker, while the lover in front of him smiled and closed his eyes.

After Yue Lingshan's death, Wan Zhen'er didn't delay for too long. Although she was not as seriously ill as Yue Lingshan, she was used to being rich and idle. Ultimate skills, after all, no more than third-rate level.

So in fact, her condition was not much better than Yue Lingshan's. When the antibiotics and antiviral drugs in Huashier's storage space had little effect, he knew that this wife was probably going to be in trouble.

Not long after, Wan Zhen'er also died of illness in Huashan. Hua Shishier frozen the bodies of the two girls and put them in the storage space, intending to take them to other worlds to find a chance to be resurrected, but was told by the system that they could not be taken out, even if the corpses It doesn't work either.

In the end, Hua Twelve had no choice but to take the corpses to Antarctica, bury the corpses of the two women in the frozen soil of Antarctica and freeze them completely, leaving a mark, hoping to have the opportunity to return to this world in the future and resurrect the two girls.

After all this was done, Hua Twelve had no reason to stay in this world anymore. He first returned to his hometown in Fujian to offer incense to the long-dead Lao Lin and his wife, explained to his children and grandchildren, and then went to Huashan, worshiped Feng Qingyang and Lao Yue and his wife, and finally went to Heimuya.

There are not many old brothers who are still alive, and Dongfang Bubai and Jia Ting are retreating on the Black Wood Cliff.

Dongfang Bubai had cultivated to the realm of heaven and man decades ago, that is, the congenital realm. Afterwards, he had a change of relationship with Yang Lianting, killed his husband, proved Taoism, and saw through human affairs. Since then, he has devoted himself to martial arts.

It's a pity that for so many years, whether it's actual combat or retreat, after all, I haven't been able to take another step forward in the innate realm.

Hua Twelve is leaving this time, and he is not afraid of training opponents for himself. Fortunately, he copied all his secret books and sent them to Dongfang, hoping that the former No. [-] in the world will finally be able to make further progress in martial arts.

Dongfang Bubai knew the news of Yue Lingshan and Wan Zhener's passing away. At this moment, she seemed to see the intention of leaving on Hua Shier's face, and said hesitantly:


Hua Twelve waved his hand and smiled faintly: "It's not what you think, I haven't lived enough yet, I'm just going to a place that you can't go to!"

Dongfang Bubai asked in surprise, "Is it the fairy world?"

Back then when Hua Twelve showed off his flying sword, Dongfang Bubai thought that this guy was no longer a mortal, but now he thought he was going back to the fairy world after all.

Hua Twelve smiled and shook his head: "It's not the fairy world, but, hey, you don't understand it, but I will definitely come back, and I look forward to seeing you bring me different surprises in the East!"

Dongfang Bubai suddenly smiled shyly, and used his slender hands to pull the hair next to his ear:
"As long as you are willing, now I can bring you a different surprise!"

"Damn, if you didn't say you didn't like my style, I would feel relieved to make friends with you?"

Hua Twelve was stunned for two seconds, and then punched Dongfang in the eyes, and when the latter saw stars in his eyes, he chose to leave this world.

Dongfang Bubai covered one panda eye, looked at the place where Hua Twelve disappeared, curled his lips and said:

"If you don't want to, you don't want to. Who are you beating, and you said you weren't going to the fairy world, so why did you disappear all of a sudden!"

Dongfang Bubai was a little frustrated, he had practiced martial arts for nearly a hundred years, and now he couldn't dodge his opponent's punch.

However, the former No. [-] in the world soon regained his strength and decided to go back to retreat. When Hua Twelve returns, he must give him an irresistible surprise!

Hua Twelve returned to his home in the modern world, feeling extremely complicated. When a systematic inquiry came from his mind, asking him whether he would keep the experience of the mission world and whether his body would return to its original state, he didn't even bother to say a word, and fell asleep under the blanket. stand up.

When he woke up the next day, he sneered at the system in his heart:
"You are satisfied with the system. I injected Shan'er with stem cell injection and wanted to give up the mission to make her live forever. Are you secretly trying to make her suffer from the plague and let me miss the best time for treatment!"

"Not only Shan'er is gone, but Zhen'er is also gone, this time you are satisfied!"

The system was silent for a while, and then responded in Hua Twelve's mind: "The system has not interfered with the host's affairs in the mission world, nor any choices. If the host reads the "History of Ming Dynasty", he will find that the plague is inevitable. of!"

"What about Lao Yue? He is on the ninth level of the Nine Suns Divine Art, and he is only one step away from Dzogchen. How can you say that he is dead when he dies?"

The system voice didn't change any emotion: "Yue Buqun is over a hundred years old, so he died a normal death!"

"Then why did my mother-in-law Ning Zezhong go with her?"

"Mandarin ducks and butterflies, in reality, there are not a few old people who are loving couples and leave together!"

"How can there be such a coincidence?"

"It's such a coincidence!"


No matter how mad Hua Twelve was, the system's answer was still unemotional. There was nothing he could do about it. He simply stopped arguing with him. Coincidence is just a coincidence. He firmly believed that if he crossed the heavens, he would be able to revive Yue Lingshan and Wan Zhen. that day.

At this time, the system's voice of inquiry came again in his mind, asking him if he would keep the experience of the mission world and if he would restore his body to its original state.

Hua Twelve didn't want to be immersed in the pain of Yue Lingshan and Wan Zhen'er's departure, so he said to himself ten times silently in his heart that he must resurrect the two daughters in the future and continue the relationship, and then he chose not to keep the experience of the mission world, and at the same time It does not restore the original physical state either.

In the next moment, all his entanglement and sadness disappeared in an instant, but the thought was still there. Although the pain of his lover's departure was gone, he firmly remembered that he wanted to resurrect the two girls and continue their relationship. Emotional memory?Wouldn't it be more exciting to continue the frontier!

Take out exquisite dishes from the storage space, solve the breakfast problem, and then take a shower and change clothes in the same way, burn incense and pray, communicate with the system in your mind after the process, and enter the lottery link.

System statistics:

'Task [-]: Keep Lin Zhennan and his wife safe, and save the Lin family from the root cause. '(completed)
'Task [-]: Protect the beauty and make up for regrets, so that Huashan junior sister Yue Lingshan can live a happy life! '(completed)
'Hidden mission: 'No. 1 in the world', defeating the world's masters, recognized as No.[-] in martial arts! '(completed)
Hua Twelve glanced at the hidden mission, and thought that it was more than a completion. After he defeated Dongfang Bubai at the Forbidden Summit, he was recognized as No. 1 in the martial arts world. Before he left, he had already been worthy of the name. The myth of the martial arts was overdone, and it was overfulfilled.

I communicated with the system in my heart and wanted to ask if there were any additional rewards for overfulfilling, but the system ignored him and asked if there would be a lottery draw immediately.

Hua Twelve is also helpless, no matter how good he thinks, what can he do if he doesn't take over.

Immediately decide in my heart to start the lucky draw!
In the next moment, a system prompt sounded in his mind: "Ding, the lottery draw begins, ding, the host has won the 'Dipping Card Fragment' × 1"

'Note: 'Zhanzhe Card Fragments' is a special prop. Collect three pieces together to synthesize a special and rare item 'Zhanzhe Card'. After more than a minute, one of any skills of the target can be completely copied. )
Hua Twelve snapped his fingers, bingo, a good start, now he has two shards of smeared cards, as long as he draws another one, he can copy other people's skills at will.

Think about all kinds of heaven-defying abilities in the world of immortals and Buddhas, the world of Meiman, Sun Dasheng and Erlang God's nine-turn Xuangong, the superman's steel body, and the endless life of the eternal race. Just thinking about it makes people drool.

After wiping his saliva, Hua Shier started the second lottery draw.

"Ding, start the lottery draw, ding, the host has won a rare item "Sunflower Treasure" (Oriental Invincible Heaven and Human Realm) skill card, and can receive rewards at any time."

(Note: The skill card can be installed in the system character card slot. After loading, the host will gain the card ability!)


Hua Shishi's mood was a little bit complicated. He originally expected to get a second talent like a hermaphrodite, which could be switched at any time. Then he would be able to continue practicing the Sunflower Book without chattering.

Unexpectedly, the system copied Dongfang Bubai's martial arts directly into a skill card for him to use.

This is not bad, but it can be imagined that since it is a skill card, the upper limit is the upper limit of the "Eastern Invincible" Heavenly Human Realm, and there is no further possibility.

No matter how I think about it, I feel a little tasteless!

Forget it, fortunately there is still a chance to draw a lottery for the hidden mission.

Hua Twelve once again communicated with the system in his mind, and started the third lottery draw.

"Ding, let's start the lottery draw, ding, the host has won the martial arts "North Ming Magic Art" (including Lingbo Weibu), and can receive rewards at any time!"

(Note: The system empowers martial arts, which can be automatically integrated!)

Hua Twelve was speechless for a while. If he had drawn the Beiming Magic Art before entering the world of Xiaoao, he might be happy for a long time, but he has already solved the disadvantages of "Star Attraction Dafa" for so many years, and he has done it on Jin Xiangyu. Experimental, the kind that has no toxic side effects at all.

In this way, what's the use of "Northern Underworld Divine Art"?
Let's talk about "Lingbo Weibu", his "God's Ever-changing" is not far behind, it feels like he has drawn another chicken rib!
 Thanks: 08a, Little Tiger Brothers in the Demon Realm for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read and followed up the collection, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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