A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 582 Really Angina Pectoris!

Chapter 582 Really Angina Pectoris! (Seek full order)
Yang Zixi didn't chase her back, and when Wu Di returned to the bar booth, she lay down on the sofa with a distraught look on her face.

When Hua Twelve came back after Wu Di, he saw that there was already a beautiful woman beside Cheng Feng, and it was Lu Manjia.

Cheng Feng pointed to Wu Di Zhaohua Twelve and asked, "What's wrong with Old Wu?"

Hua Twelve laughed and said: "Old Wu's current state is that he has returned, and Hun'er has followed Yang Zixi away!"

"That must be called Hun'er!"

After Cheng Feng finished speaking in a serious manner, he really shouted: "Wu Di, come back quickly, my son!"

"Fuck off!"

Wu Di kicked Cheng Feng and sat up.

Cheng Feng put his arms around Lu Manjia, blinked at Wu Di and Hua Twelve, and then said with a smile:
"Let me introduce you formally, my girlfriend Lu Manjia, you know everyone!"

Seeing his flirtatious blinking expression when he introduced, both Hua Shier and Wu Di knew that he couldn't grow up with Lu Manjia either.

Wu Di was hit one after another tonight. After seeing Lu Manjia, he said angrily, "Is it tonight's girlfriend!"

After he finished speaking, he felt that his tone was not very good, and explained:

"Then what, Ms. Lu, I'm not chasing you, but I don't understand, did I not make it clear that day? The madman chasing you is the result of our bet, why do you jump into the ditch even though you know it's a ditch? "

Cheng Feng stared: "Old Wu is too much, who is the ditch?"

Hua Twelve is on the side: "Ditch Gougou"

Cheng Feng looked over angrily, Hua Twelve: "Oh, oh, oh, what are you looking at, singing is not allowed in bars!"

Cheng Feng was speechless, Chaohua Twelve and Wu Di gave a thumbs up: "You two are really good!"

Lu Manjia smiled and said to Wu Di: "Mr. Wu, thank you for reminding me that day. I think the encounter between people is a fate. Cheng Feng may have been cynical about feelings in the past, but I believe he will definitely do it for you." I changed because I felt his sincerity!"

Hua Twelfth took out a cigarette and lit it: "You guys keep talking, I feel a little nauseous, I have to take two puffs to suppress it!"

Lu Manjia: "."

Wu Dicken said directly: "Sincere? A lunatic doesn't have that thing for a woman, something that doesn't exist. Miss Lu, how do you feel it?"

Lu Manjia: "."

Cheng Feng finally couldn't take it anymore: "Okay, old Wu, it's my fault to find Yang Zixi, it's okay, I didn't consider your brother's feelings, you two give me some face!"

Wu Di and Hua Twelve laughed at the same time, and the former's depressed mood improved a lot.

At this time, Shi Xiaomeng's mobile phone in Hua Shier's trouser pocket suddenly vibrated.

The sofa they were sitting on was relatively low, and the vibration of the mobile phone slipped directly from the trouser pocket to the sofa. Wu Di picked it up casually, but Hua Twelve reached for the mobile phone but Wu Di dodged it, and said with a smile:
"Don't move, there is a situation. It's a message from a number labeled 'Girl' to Shitou!"

When Wu Di said this, Cheng Feng also became interested: "Look quickly, it can't be that Chibi Maruko, it's the girlfriend from Shitou's hometown."

There is no fingerprint lock these days. Wu Di unlocked the lock screen with a swipe of his finger, clicked on the message and said: "Xiao Meng, I will arrive at the West Railway Station at ten quarters tomorrow, remember to pick me up, your girl, I miss you .”

Both Wu Di and Cheng Feng made the sound of "Huh~" at the same time, full of deep meaning in unison: "Your girl."

Hua Twelve snatched the phone: "Let's just allow you to have sex, if not, I'll take my girlfriend over!"


Cheng Feng patted his chest: "At a quarter past ten at the West Railway Station in Beijing, isn't it, my brother will send a car to help you pick up Xiaowanzi tomorrow, isn't that interesting!"

Wu Di nodded: "I think it's okay. I have to go to work, but the lunatic is doing nothing. It's just right for you to use his car!"

In the original plot, Shi Xiaomeng asked Cheng Feng to help him pick him up, and it turned out that he picked him up this time, and the latter fell in love with Shen Bing at first sight.

Hua Twelve originally didn't plan to ask Cheng Feng for help, knowing that his brother would miss his girlfriend when he met this time, if he still did this, wouldn't it be hard for him to find him!

So he directly declined: "No, according to your living habits, you haven't woken up after ten o'clock, anyway, I don't have much stuff, I'll pick up the girl, take a taxi and go back!"

It is said to take a taxi, and then just find a hotel and get a taxi.

Cheng Feng was a little dissatisfied and said: "What are you doing by taking a taxi? Brother, you have been seeing me for so many years. For Shitou, let me just sleep less for a while, so what can I do if I sleep less for a day!"

"Okay, since you are so righteous, if I want to refuse again, it will seem hypocritical, so I will call you tomorrow morning!"

Hua Shishi saw that this guy insisted on going, so he didn't stop him. Even if this guy still fell in love with Shen Bing at first sight like in the original plot, so what, he is not the original Shi Xiaomeng.

In addition, Cheng Feng probably overslept, and Hua Shishi didn't call him at that time, and let him sleep until he woke up naturally.

Cheng Feng smiled and said, "It's such a joy to have friends coming from afar. Tomorrow I will pick you up first, then your little ball, and then I will form a round tonight. Welcome to the big party!"

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone: "I'll send Fat Si a message to book a room right now!"

When the game was over at night, Cheng Feng took Lu Manjia away, and threw the drunk Wu Di to Hua Shier.

Hua Twelve had no choice but to take a taxi to take Wu Di back to the hotel.

The next morning when Wu Di woke up in the guest room of the suite, he was dazed, and walked to the living room unsteadily:
"Where is this?"

Hua Twelve snapped his fingers at the dining table and said, "Come over for breakfast, Kobe steak, the bloodshot one!"

Wu Di walked to the dining table in a daze, and saw several coloring pages on the dining table introducing the facilities of the presidential suite. He took a look at it, then turned his head to look at the extremely spacious suite, and asked tentatively:

"Don't tell me, this is the legendary presidential suite"

"if not?"

Hua Twelve looked innocent: "Yesterday you were too drunk and I was going to take you home. You insist on bringing me here and say you want to enjoy yourself. I won't do anything to stop you. Just slap your ID card at the front desk of the hotel and let's go." This room costs 24 for [-] hours, and in the low season, the hotel will give you a [-]% discount."

Wu Di sat down on the chair: "Please help me to ask, is it okay to break the bone!"

He looked at the steak, pasta, and vegetable salad exuding a tempting aroma, and some of them asked, "Do you want steak?"

Hua Twelve corrected: "How can it be a steak? It should be said to be A5 Kobe steak, the battle beef among steaks!"

Wu Di scratched his head: "You kill me, let me calculate that the money in my card is not enough!"

Only then did Hua Twelve laugh loudly: "Okay, I've paid all the money. The hotel was full last night. This suite was booked by other guests. They left early, so the hotel will let us stay overnight. The money collected by two people, and this steak is an ordinary steak set, a set of 58 8, hurry up and eat."

He was very natural when he was talking nonsense, Wu Dixin thought it was true, and let out a long sigh: "You almost scared me to death, I'm going to use the card Wu Wei gave me!"

He picked up a knife and fork, cut a small piece of steak and put it in his mouth. He felt the meat was smooth, tender and rich in juice, and his eyes lit up immediately: "This steak tastes good!"

Hua Twelve smiled and said, "If you like it for a while, order another one!"

The two chatted while eating, Wu Di shook his head quickly when he heard what he said: "Don't worry, it's not good to do something with more than 50 yuan!"

After speaking, he suddenly covered his forehead: "I really drank too much yesterday, and now my brain still hurts!"

Hua Twelfth shook his head: "You, for a woman like Yang Zixi who loves vanity, it's really wrong to drink yourself to death!"

Wu Di felt as if a knife had been stabbed in his heart, he raised his head and retorted:
"Stone, don't you say that about Xiaoxi. I know her well. She is not the kind of woman who loves vanity. I was dubious at first, but you can see how decisive she was when she left last night, which shows that she has no feelings for me anymore. , she definitely doesn't like me anymore, that's why she's with someone else!"

Hua Twelve: "."

He now feels that Wu Di is really weird: "No, is it interesting for you to be so self-hypnotic? I can tell you responsibly that Yang Zixi is the kind of person who loves vanity. The person she likes must be you. The reason why we broke up is because she is more Love money!"

"Impossible, I don't believe it!"

"Believe it or not, anyway, this is the truth. She sold herself for money. Your Yang Zixi is no different from other women who come out to sell. I advise you to stay away from this kind of woman, otherwise you will either be hurt or become a Take over the hero's life"

Before Hua Twelve finished speaking, Wu Di stood up angrily: "Shitou, let me tell you again, Xiaoxi is not that kind of person, you are not allowed to say that about her!"

Wu Di felt that the words Hua Twelve used to describe Yang Zixi were too harsh. In order to protect the beauty in his heart, although he himself was not sure, he insisted that Yang Zixi no longer liked him.

Otherwise, it would prove that what Hua Twelve said was right, Yang Zixi sold herself for money, no different from those who sold herself, and this is what Wu Di didn't want to admit the most.

Hua Twelve seemed to be fighting Wu Di: "Even if you don't let me say it, it won't change the fact that Yang Zixi is out to sell!"


Wu Di gritted his teeth, his cheeks puffed up, he gave Hua Twelve a hard look, turned around and left, and a moment later there was the sound of the door slamming.

The corners of Hua Shishi's mouth rose slightly. There is a rule in the system task, to let those hypocritical people who don't hurt their backs when they stand and talk, to experience Shi Xiaomeng's painful feelings.

And who is the hypocritical person that the system refers to, who doesn't hurt his back while standing and talking?

In Hua Twelve's opinion, Wu Di is the one in the 'Northern Love World' that fits this point best!

Cheng Feng is shameless and shameless, but he is not hypocritical. His shamelessness and shamelessness are all on the bright side.

On the contrary, Wu Di seems to be a very righteous person, but his actions are completely contrary to his own integrity and justice.

After Cheng Feng and Shi Xiaomeng broke up, Wu Di obviously helped the lunatic chase Shen Bing.

Shi Xiaomeng was driven crazy by the down payment for a 38-square-meter house. Was his request high?It is nothing more than getting the bonus that you deserve, paying the down payment for your own small nest, and then repaying the loan in ten or 20 years. This requirement cannot be lower.

But it was this small request, small expectation, but because his girlfriend was taken by Cheng Feng, the son of the big boss, Hu Rongqiang took advantage of him and forced him into a desperate situation.

And when Wu Di knew that Cheng Feng had shamelessly asked Shi Xiaomeng to leave Shen Bing, what did he say?It's just a light sentence 'it's all a thing of the past', see this is a brother.

And Wu Di is also hypocritical when dealing with feelings. After he was with his elder brother's ex-girlfriend Wu Mei, he also said that his elder brother would always wander between them, but when Yang Zixi was also wandering between him and Wu Mei, Wu Mei has been patient with him, why didn't he say anything?

At that time, Wu Di's elder brother Wu Wei was dead, so what's the use of him being jealous?In fact, he just found an excuse to leave Wu Mei, in order to be with Yang Zixi again, willing to be a successor, that's all.

So Wu Di is obviously one of Hua Twelve's mission targets.

That's right, Hua Twelve deliberately provoked Wu Di. If Wu Di wanted to prove that Hua Twelve was wrong, he had to find a way to adjust and investigate.

Then Wu Di will find out that what Hua Twelve said is absolutely right!

It is definitely a painful process for Wu Di to realize that the person he likes is just for sale, and this is only the first step.

Shi Xiaomeng owes Cheng Feng and Wu Di, Hua Shier wants to pay back, and they owe Shi Xiaomeng, he also wants to pay.

Looking at the time, Hua Shier took out a set of custom-made clothes that belonged to him from the storage space, and was about to call the hotel front desk to ask about the car when Cheng Feng called.

"Stone, what did you do to Old Wu? He called me just now, he sounded angry, and said that he couldn't go to bed at night, so I tried to persuade him. By the way, where are you now? I'll go over there. Pick you up, let's meet and talk, and then go pick up your little ball together."

Hua Shier announced the name of the hotel, then went downstairs and waited for Cheng Feng in front of the hotel.

After a while, Cheng Feng drove a commercial vehicle, picked up Hua Shier and went straight to Beijing West Railway Station: "Okay, Shitou, we're all staying in star-rated hotels!"

Hua Twelve directly said that it was too late yesterday, so he took Wu Di to stay here for the night.

Speaking of Wu Di, Cheng Feng asked Hua Shier and Wu Di what happened between them.

Hua Twelve told the truth about what happened, and Cheng Feng sighed:
"This is the reality, but the reality is too cruel. Shitou, with a few words, you can break through Lao Wu's beautiful fantasy about Yang Zixi, revealing the bloody inside. You are so cruel!"

"But it's okay, how do you say that?"

Hua Twelve said, "Death early, rebirth early!"

"What, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain!"

The two chatted all the way to the West Railway Station. Hua Shier, who had seen the original plot, knew that Shen Bing took the North No. [-] Exit, so he directly asked the madman to go there.

Before getting out of the car, I saw Shen Bing dragging a suitcase and helping the old lady to cross the road.

Cheng Feng's eyes were straightened, and he yelled at Hua Shishi, the co-pilot:
"Stone, look at this beauty. She is beautiful and kind-hearted. She is my favorite. The first time I saw her, I felt that my heart was shot by Cupid."

Hua Twelve kindly reminded: "Why didn't I see the arrow, if you feel it again, it might be angina pectoris!"

After he finished speaking, with Cheng Feng's astonished expression on his face, he opened the door and got out of the car, and shouted at the beautiful woman, "Girl!"

At this moment, Shen Bing was sending the old lady across the road, and turned his head to go back to the station exit to wait for Shi Xiaomeng. When he looked up, he saw Hua Shishi approaching him, and immediately smiled, and flew over to them, hugging each other tightly.

After Hua Twelve hugged him, he put his mouth close to each other. The young lovers who were separated from each other met again and kissed passionately in the street. He did this to show Cheng Feng and swear his sovereignty.

Cheng Feng watched this scene in the car, with a tangled and complicated expression, and covered his heart with his hand: "I didn't expect it, it's really angina pectoris!"

 Thanks: 08a, Little Tiger Brothers in the Demon Realm for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read and followed up the collection, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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