A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 583 The death scene of the society!

Chapter 583 The scene of the society's death! (Seek full order)

Hua Twelve was "conducting an immersive stirring and drawing meeting ceremony" to Shen Bing, when suddenly the sound of a car's horn came from behind him.

Turning his head to look, it was Cheng Feng poking his head out from the driver's seat and shouting loudly: "Who is that, do you have a sense of public morality? You want to go home and kiss, blocking the road!"

In fact, the meeting ceremony between Hua Shier and Shen Bing didn't take long, only a few seconds. He knew that Cheng Feng was jealous and made trouble on purpose.

Shen Bing didn't see Hua Shier getting off Cheng Feng's car just now, thinking that it was really blocking someone's way, and then saw that there were pedestrians around, and there were many people looking this way, thinking of the reunion after a long absence just now. With such an intimate gesture, his face turned red like an apple.

Punched Hua Twelve's chest with his small fist: "It's all your fault, there are so many people."

As he said that, he quickly grabbed the luggage with one hand and Hua Twelve with the other, and walked to the side of the road.

Hua Twelve smiled, took Shen Bing's luggage, and dragged her back into Cheng Feng's car.


At this time, Shen Bing didn't know that the driver who honked the horn just now was a friend of her boyfriend. Thinking of KS in front of his car just now, his face turned red again.

Cheng Feng turned his head to stare at Shen Bing, and said in a strange tone: "My name is Cheng Feng, and I am Xiaomeng."

When he said this, he suddenly saw that Shen Bing was blushing extremely cutely, as if he had lost his soul for a moment, he couldn't speak anymore.

Just at this time, the horns of other cars came from behind, and Cheng Feng came back to his senses: "That, and Xiaomeng are good brothers!"

Shen Bing also seemed to sense that something was wrong with Cheng Feng, and smiled politely but distantly: "Hi, I heard Xiao Meng say you!"

Cheng Feng showed an unnatural smile, and wanted to talk to Shen Bing, but the car behind kept honking, Hua Twelve said with a smile:
"Crazy, do you have a sense of public morality, you are blocking the road!"

This is returning what Cheng Feng said just now. Shen Bing was amused and giggled, while Cheng Feng was embarrassed:
"I don't want to say hello!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and put down the car window, poked his head out, and shouted to the back: "I'll die in a while, what's the rush!"

After speaking, he started the car and drove forward.

It was the first time for Shen Bing to come to the capital, and Hua Shier introduced her to the landmark buildings along the way. Cheng Feng tried to intervene several times but couldn't, with a depressed expression on his face.

Finally, when Hua Twelve stopped talking, Cheng Feng hurriedly asked: "That Shen Bing, I heard that Shi Shi said that you were going to watch the games in the capital during the Olympics, why didn't you come later?"

Shen Bing said indifferently: "I can't bear to part with the children in the class!"

Cheng Feng suddenly said: "By the way, I heard that you are a kindergarten teacher, right? What if those children are disobedient?"

Shen Bing still had a flat tone: "Beat them!"

Cheng Feng also seemed to have noticed Shen Bing's indifference, so he shut up embarrassingly and concentrated on driving.

Half an hour later, Cheng Feng parked the car at the gate of Shi Xiaomeng's rented community, and helped Hua Shier take down Shen Bing's suitcase.

Cheng Feng closed the trunk, and suddenly suggested: "Oh, Shen Bing just got off the train, or else I'll invite you to eat something!"

Hua Twelve smiled and patted Cheng Feng's shoulder: "Thank you, Shen Bing is mainly tired and needs to go back to rest!"

Cheng Feng thumped Hua Twelve: "I think you are a little anxious!"

Hua Twelve chuckled, moved closer, and whispered mysteriously:

"You guessed it all. I am in a hurry to go back and end our innocence. I have to eat such a beautiful daughter-in-law first, and make it a fact, so that others won't worry about it!"

Cheng Feng was stunned when he heard this. For a moment he had the feeling of being read through, but he didn't see any other meaning from Hua Shier's smiling face, so he smiled awkwardly: "You, you!"

At this time, Shen Bing also came over and stood beside Hua Shier, thanking Cheng Feng, who quickly said that you are welcome.

Hua Twelve Chao Cheng Feng said: "Then you go, we will wait for you to go up before going up!"

Cheng Feng planned to watch Shen Bing's back gradually disappear until he disappeared, but Hua Twelve said that he couldn't refuse, so he waved his hand embarrassingly, got in the car, and before leaving, he hooked his fingers and called Hua Twelve came over and reminded in a low voice:
"Pay attention to your body, don't mess around, there will be a welcome party tonight!"

"Don't worry, I have more than 20 years of child skills, exercise for two hours, without panting!"

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he waved his hand with a smile, and Cheng Feng started the car with a complicated expression. At this moment, he felt as if he had been hit by three arrows in his chest, as if he was about to lose something somewhere.

Looking at the car going away, Shen Bing said hesitantly: "He has some"

"Strange, isn't it!"

Hua Twelve smiled faintly: "Because he is interested in you!"

Shen Bing actually had a feeling for a long time ago, which is why she was a little indifferent to Cheng Feng after getting in the car. Women are very sensitive in this regard.

However, Shen Bing still couldn't accept Hua Twelve's blunt words at this time: "No way, this is the first time I've seen him, and isn't he your good friend?"

Hua Shishi shrugged: "Have you ever heard of love at first sight? It doesn't matter if you are a good friend or not? As long as you are shameless, you can fall in love with anyone at first sight. Since I met Cheng Feng, he has fallen in love with at least 100 girls at first sight! "

Shen Bing's impression of Cheng Feng suddenly dropped to freezing point: "Huh? More than 100 girls are still called love, isn't that promiscuous?"

Hua Twelve laughed loudly: "You can also understand it that way!"

Shen Bing asked curiously: "What happened to the more than 100 girls?"

"I'm crying, what else can I do, let's go, don't talk about him, I'll take you somewhere!"

Hua Twelve took Shen Bing and left, and stopped a taxi at the side of the road.

Shen Bing said in surprise: "Hey, Shitou, aren't we going home? Where are we going?"

Hua Twelve signaled the driver to open the trunk, put the luggage in, and greeted, "Just get in the car, I'll give you a surprise!"

After speaking, he opened the car door with a smile and made a gesture of please.

"What surprise?"

Shen Bing got into the car happily and looking forward to it, Hua Twelve smiled and said, "Just follow me, you will know when the time comes!"

After getting in the car, Hua Twelve said a place name, and the driver started the car and went straight to the destination.

When Hua Shishier took Shen Bing into the sales office and asked the sales lady to take out the contract, and asked the latter to sign the owner's name, Shen Bing couldn't believe it: "Shitou, have you bought a house?"

Hua Twelve corrected with a smile: "It's not that I bought a house, but we two bought a house. From now on, we will have our own nest in the capital!"

Shen Bing came to the capital full of expectations, but at the same time she felt apprehensive and insecure, because from the moment she boarded the train to the north, she would face a brand new and unfamiliar environment and an unpredictable future.

And at this moment, she saw that Hua Shier bought the house in full and wrote her name on it. All her worries and uncertainties were filled with a sense of security.

She even felt that at this moment, she was the happiest and luckiest woman in the whole world.

Under Hua Twelve's urging, Shen Bing signed his name with a smile on his face.

After swiping the card, the two walked out of the sales office with the purchase contract.

Hua Shier took Shen Bing to the construction site, pointed to a building on the construction site and said, "That's the one, 12th floor, 23 households!"

"12, 23?" Shen Bing's eyes lit up: "Isn't this my birthday?"

Hua Twelve nodded exaggeratedly, then shook the house purchase contract in his hand: "Do you think the surprise I mentioned is the purchase contract? No, this building number is it!"

After speaking, he asked with a smile: "Are you satisfied?"

There was a happy smile on Shen Bing's face, and he nodded vigorously.

Hua Twelve pointed to his lips: "Should I be rewarded?"

Shen Bing was about to get closer to kiss him, but just as he stood on tiptoe, someone shouted: "What are you doing, this is a construction site, I don't know it's dangerous, I want to kiss him home!"

It was the management personnel from the construction site who came over and drove them away.

Shen Bing was thin-skinned, turned around and ran away, while Hua Twelve shook his head, and said to the management staff: "You came at a really bad time!"

After saying that, he laughed, and trotted towards Shen Bing: "Girl, wait for me!"

The management staff looked disdainful: "It's not the time? If a brick is really going to fall and hit you, it's too late for you to regret it!"

Hua Shier took Shen Bing back to the hotel, and when she entered the presidential suite, Shen Bing was completely stunned:
"Shitou, you said we'll stay in a hotel first, don't you mean here?"

Hua Twelve asked with a smile, "Why not?"

When Shen Bing heard this, he became anxious immediately: "Shitou, when you bought the house just now, I wanted to ask, where did you get the money? We can't do those illegal things for money!"

As she spoke, she substituted herself first: "No, let's return the house, and then I will accompany you to surrender."

In Shen Bing's cognition, she couldn't think of any other way for her boyfriend to buy a house in the capital in just two years after graduation, besides breaking the law and committing a crime. It's just an expensive hotel suite. She still doesn't know that this is the legendary presidential suite.

Shen Bing's words made Hua Twelve laugh: "Is this the kind of person I am in your eyes?"

"No, Shitou, listen to me, we don't have to rush to buy a house, isn't it the same for renting a house? As long as the two of us are together, it's better than anything else!"

Shen Bing held Hua Twelve's hand with an anxious expression on his face.

Hua Twelve took out his notebook, opened the transaction record and showed it to Shen Bing:

"Look, this is my stock account. I made 8000 yuan yesterday, and nearly [-] yuan today. Don't look at people with old eyes. I've quit my job now and concentrated on stock trading!"

He had just traded in this account for two days. To justify himself, Hua Shier said that this was just one of his several stock accounts.

Looking at the stock account, Shen Bing found that, as Hua Twelve said, the bright red numbers clearly indicated the profit. It was hard for her to believe it, but the facts were right in front of her eyes.

She is really surprised and happy now, feeling that her stone is the most capable person in the world.

Excited, he threw himself into Hua Twelve's arms, and the latter picked him up and hugged him in his arms, and then strode towards the master bedroom.

Shen Bing was ready when she came to the capital this time, but she never thought that the man was so urgent. When she was thrown on the big bed, she was immediately ashamed and anxious, and said hastily:
"What are you doing, stone, I... I haven't eaten yet."

"I didn't eat it either, oops!"

At night, when Hua Shier brought Shen Bing to the KTV Dabao, the latter was radiant, and compared to the slightly green girl from Yunnan during the day, I don't know how much prettier she was.

Wu Di, who was singing, stared straight at his eyes, while Cheng Feng on the side was amazed at first, and then had angina. As a veteran of flowers, how could he not know that this kind of change is exactly what a woman looks like after being nourished? , This is the breath of spring.

Hua Twelve pointed to Shen Bing and introduced to Lao Wu: "My wife, Shen Bing, daughter-in-law, you have met Cheng Feng, this is Wu Di, you can call him Lao Wu!"

Wu Di was originally angry because of what Hua Shier said about Yang Zixi in the morning, but when he saw the latter's girlfriend came, he immediately became aware of the general situation, quickly put down the microphone and stood up, exaggerating:
"No wonder you look down on other women, so your daughter-in-law looks so beautiful!"

Shen Bing stretched out his hand on his own initiative: "That's ridiculous, hello old Wu!"

"Hello, hello!" Wu Di quickly reached out and shook hands with Shen Bing.

Hua Twelve continued to introduce from the side: "Daughter-in-law, Lao Wu is a saint of love, the kind of infatuated sword."

Wu Di withdrew his hand and smiled wryly: "Don't talk nonsense, what kind of lover am I!"

Facing Shen Bing's questioning eyes, Hua Twelve explained in detail: "The saint of love is the leftovers from other people's games. He dedicates his feelings, and the long sword of infatuation is because he waited infatuatedly, and then he was stabbed by the sword."

In the trio, Wu Di has a kind personality. As long as Hua Twelve doesn't say anything bad about Yang Zixi, it doesn't matter what he says. After hearing such exaggerated words, he just punched Hua Twelve:
"Okay, I was stabbed twice by you today!"

Hua Twelve jumped back: "Don't wrong people, my gender is male and I like female, who cares about pricking you, bah, disgusting!"

Both Wu Di and Shen Bing were a little confused, what and what, only Cheng Feng understood, slapped his thigh and laughed: "I never thought you'd learn Shitou badly too!"

It wasn't until this time that Shen Bing and Wu Di came to their senses. The former gave Hua Twelve a helpless look, while the latter said:

"I think you are the most disgusting!"

Hua Twelve laughed loudly, turned to Cheng Feng and asked, "Madman, where is your girlfriend Lu Manjia?"

Speaking of girlfriend in front of Shen Bing, Cheng Feng was a little unnatural, and argued: "What girlfriend, don't you know what's going on? I greeted her, and I think she will come soon!"

"That's okay, there are more people and it can be more lively!"

Hua Twelve nodded, and pulled Shen Bing to sit on the sofa to watch a play, which was right, because he knew that today was Cheng Feng's Asura Field.

Sure enough, after a while, the door was kicked open, Fei Si came with Lin Xia, Cheng Feng looked at Fei Si resentfully, the latter said with a bitter face:

"You sent me a message asking me to book a room. Lin Xia saw the message. If you insist on following me, I can't help it!"

Hua Shier introduced Lin Xia to Shen Bing, and after Lin Xia said hello, he ran over to hug Cheng Feng.

Not long after, the door was kicked open again, and an unknown woman walked in.

Wu Di asked, "Who are you looking for?"

The woman didn't answer, but ran over with a smile and hugged Cheng Feng: "Lu Manjia said that she wanted to introduce a boyfriend to me, so it couldn't be you!"

Cheng Feng was stunned, this woman was the woman he had chased after Lin Xia jumped off the building, he did not expect to know Lu Manjia.

Today he specially asked Lu Manjia to bring a best friend to introduce to Lao Wu, but he never expected that it would be her.

Seeing that Cheng Feng didn't speak, the woman asked again: "By the way, where is Lu Manjia's boyfriend?"

Cheng Feng pulled Wu Di over: "It's him, he is Lu Manjia's boyfriend"

Lin Xia became angry when she saw other women hugging Cheng Feng, and asked, "Who are you?"

The woman proudly said: "I am Cheng Feng's girlfriend!"

The door of the room was kicked open for the third time, and a fat girl walked in. It was Lu Manjia, the fat best friend Cheng Feng had bought with money.

The fat girlfriend walked in and threw 2 yuan in front of Cheng Feng: "This is the money you gave me, I will return it to you!"

Then he picked up the wine glass on the table and splashed it directly on Cheng Feng's face, and said to the others: "This is the only person who bought me with 2 yuan for a bet and deceived my sister, you liar who deceives feelings!"

The woman before also picked up a wine glass, splashed it on Cheng Feng's face, and then took out the photo of her and Cheng Feng on the phone:
"If it wasn't for this photo, Lu Manjia and I wouldn't know how long we would have been fooled by you!"

Hua Twelve was watching from the sidelines, his teeth were all bared, at the scene of the death of the society, Cheng Feng was too miserable tonight!
 Thanks: 08a, Little Tiger of the Demon Realm, and du bookman brothers for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read books and followed up their collections, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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