A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 596 Seeking a lunatic, call it Old Wu!

Chapter 596 Seeking a lunatic, call it Old Wu! (Seek full order)
Yang Zixi's expression was pure and indifferent, as if the little hand on the back of Hua Shier's hand was not hers, and at the same time, she turned a blind eye to the latter's gaze.

At this time, the signal light turned green, and Yang Zixi reminded: "The light is green!"

Hua Twelve looked back at the road, shook off Yang Zixi's hand, switched gears, and continued on the road.

Yang Zixi withdrew her hand, bowed her head in silence for a moment, then suddenly shed tears, and said in a low voice: "Shitou, I want to have a good talk with you, can we find a place, can we sit for a while?"

Although Hua Twelve was a bit tired and crooked, he had his own ideas, so after pondering for a while, he still agreed.

I just didn't have dinner, so I found a restaurant, asked for a private room and ordered a few dishes.

After the dishes were served and the waiter withdrew, Hua Twelve said while eating, "What do you want to say, hurry up and I'll take you back after dinner!"

Yang Zixi didn't eat, but lowered her head and said weakly:

"Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a girl who fell in love with a pair of white sneakers when she passed by the window of a department store. She looked down at the dirty and worn shoes on her feet, and looked up again. At that time, her eyes were full of longing for the new pair of shoes, she was very, very eager to get the pair of shoes, so she went home and discussed with her mother!"

"The pair of shoes cost 99 yuan, but the combined salary of the little girl's parents is only a few hundred yuan. Naturally, she refused to agree, but she couldn't hold back her daughter's begging. Finally, she agreed that as long as the girl can pass the exam in the top three of the class, she will give it to her." Agree to buy those shoes for the girl!"

Having said that, Yang Zixi raised her head, with a look of pride on her face, and asked Hua Twelve, who was eating too much:

"Guess, what place did that little girl get in the exam?"

Hua Twelve took a mouthful of fish meat and put it in his mouth. While chewing, he casually said, "Number one from the bottom!"

Yang Zixi said angrily: "That little girl wanted those shoes so much, how could she get so low in the exam? She studied, studied, and still studied, and finally got the first place in the class and the second place in the whole grade!"


Hua Twelve spat out a fishbone and chuckled: "The little girl will be disappointed. When I was young, my parents often used rewards to lure me to study hard."

Yang Zixi also asked curiously: "Does that mean you also fulfilled the requirements, but you also didn't get the promised reward?"

Hua Twelve curled his lips and said: "How smart I am, I didn't believe it at all at the beginning, I should play and make trouble, but they knew they couldn't seduce me, so they changed it to beating me!"

Yang Zixi rolled her eyes straight: "Then when I said it, you mentioned what you were doing, I thought you felt the same way!"

She pouted, showing a pitiful little grievance, and said, "You guessed right, the little girl did not get those shoes, do you know who that little girl is?"

Hua Twelve put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth: "Are you talking about the experience of an actress in an island nation's action movie before her debut, right? Which teacher, do you have a lot of knowledge? What number do you recommend!"

Yang Zixi was even more aggrieved: "Why are you like this, what kind of teacher, that girl is me, I got the first place in the class and the second in the grade, my mother still didn't buy me those shoes, from that moment, I knew I learned a truth, in this world, you will not be rewarded if you work hard!"

"So I have to seize every opportunity I can. When I was with Wu Di, he was just a child who didn't grow up. He didn't want to make money at all. I wanted to buy a pair of shoes worth 3500 yuan. How cheap Ah, but he can't even afford that!"

"Under such circumstances, I find a rich boyfriend and pursue a happy life. Is this wrong?"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Please, it's all water, why pretend to be pure? I've also gone through Liaozhai, so let's stop telling stories!"

"Besides, I'm too embarrassed to say you Yang Zixi, what reason do you understand?"

"What you should understand is that no one else has money as much as you have!"

"You should study harder, get into a good university, find a good job, and rely on your own efforts to become a winner and get everything you want. Realize your dream of becoming rich on behalf of yourself, you are not ashamed!"

"What do you think, the abyss has no bottom, relying on others is worse than relying on yourself, Andy doesn't want you anymore, you will return to before liberation in an instant!"

"The ancients said it well, those who use sex to serve others, the color fades and loves to relax, you should understand this truth? Why are you so overwhelmed!"

Yang Zixi's face was reddened by these words, and when she heard Hua Shieru say, "Those who use sex to do things to others, the color fades and loves relaxation", she pouted:
"I understand, so I want to make enough money while I'm still pretty, who would have thought."

As soon as Hua Twelve patted his forehead, he felt that he and this woman were not on the same channel.

Taking out a cigarette and putting it in her mouth, with a 'pop' sound, Yang Zixi held an exquisite lighter in her hand, and it was delivered to her face.

"Andy smokes too, this is for him!"

Hua Twelve leaned his head over and lit the cigarette with the help of the flame.

Yang Zixi's voice was soft, her eyes exuded a strange brilliance, and said weakly: "If you want, I can also light cigarettes for you in the future!"

The corners of Hua Shishi's eyes twitched, hinting, Chi Guoguo's hint, do you want to light a cigarette, do you want to light a cigar?

He coughed lightly: "Please respect yourself, I already have a girlfriend!"

Yang Zixi sat down and leaned on Hua Shier's shoulder: "I will do better than her!"

She said and gently blew into Hua Shier's ear: "If you want to be on two boats, I can also be your lover, as long as you give me the same treatment as Andy gave me!"

Hua Twelve got up, changed a chair, and asked curiously:

"What treatment does Andy give you, tell me?"

Seeing Hua Twelve distanced herself from her, Yang Zixi's eyes flashed with disappointment, but when she heard Hua Twelve's question, she immediately said:
"A down payment for a house, and help me repay the loan, as well as the expenses of the flower shop, and 3 yuan a month for my family!"

Hua Shishi was like a mirror in his heart. The 3 yuan household was actually just the maintenance expenses. He said that Andy really paid for picking up girls. This is [-] years, [-] yuan a month, returning the house and the flower shop. Is it gold trimmed?

No wonder even if Yang Zixi was with Old Wu again, after Andy came out, she hooked her fingers, and she rushed back again. Such a generous plagiarism, ordinary gold diggers really can't refuse.

Hua Twelfth asked curiously: "I've heard something about you and Andy being together, didn't you still pursue something at that time, at least the rich second generation went out to fool around or something, and you also made a fuss, obviously You don't want to be a lover, how come you can be a lover?"

Yang Zixi laughed at herself: "After so many things, I have long given up my illusions. Those rich people only want to be fresh, young and beautiful, but how many of them will really marry me!"

After hearing this, Hua Twelve thought deeply: "That's right, young and beautiful, men are always so single-minded!"

Yang Zixi rolled her eyelids when she was told, and then said in a baby voice:

"So, I think about it. As long as I can maintain my current decent life, my requirements are not high. I can accompany you for a few years. When my mortgage is paid off and the income of the flower shop is stable, If you don't want me then, I will have enough money to survive in this city!"

Hua Twelve smiled: "You woman, you love vanity, you want to get something for nothing, but you think about it in the long run!"

"But there are so many rich people, why are you looking for me? Strictly speaking, I am just a start-up with a small amount of assets. I think that in your current situation, Andy's friends in the past, and lunatics , should suit you best!"

Yang Zixi said lightly: "Because we have been classmates for a few years, I know you well, you are an honest person, you will not lie to me, right, you will not want me if you don't say you don't want me, right, you are so good to Shen Bing, as long as you are right I have half of her, no, I'm satisfied with one third!"

After saying this, she sighed: "Don't mention Andy's friends. Andy is always with them. I know their virtues very well. Changing women is faster than changing clothes. Isn't a madman also such a virtue? , at the beginning he"

Speaking of this, Yang Zixi hesitated, Hua Twelve raised her eyebrows:

"Do you want to talk about the madman and your past? Go on, I know who the madman is better than you. He has been in college for a few years, but he has flirted with anyone who is pretty. It is impossible not to flirt with you. That is unscientific." !"

Yang Zixi nodded: "I knew you both on the basketball court. At that time, the lunatic came to ask Wu Di for our dormitory phone number, but that night, it was the lunatic who called first."

"We got married for a week. I gave him the first time in the senior suite of the hotel, and then he proposed to break up with me. I didn't want to agree, but he gave me 1 yuan as a breakup fee. I , I couldn’t hold back and accepted it!”

"I was in a bad mood during that time, and it happened that Wu Di was chasing me, so I agreed."

There was a trace of sarcasm at the corner of Hua Shishi's mouth: "I'm afraid you still plan to be with Old Wu and get close to Cheng Feng, right? It's just that Cheng Feng didn't have the habit of turning back. That's why you mentioned Cheng Feng later. , there is no reason to speak well."

Yang Zixi pursed her lips and did not speak, apparently acquiescing.

"You two beasts!"

Hua Twelve are all convinced, Cheng Feng and Yang Zixi are the cousins ​​with dogs, forever.

Yang Zixi was a little annoyed by what she said: "I have said so much, you, what do you mean?"

Hua Twelve scratched his head: "As for me, I'm more picky, your fishy smell is too strong, I really can't accept it!"

"Stone, you are too much!"

Yang Zixi got up suddenly, her face was full of frost, as if she had been insulted so much, she wanted to leave immediately.

Hua Twelve stretched out his hand to signal her to sit down: "Wait first, don't you just want money, I have a better suggestion for you to listen to first, but before that, I want to tell you something about yourself big deal!"

Yang Zixi didn't achieve her goal and was humiliated again, so she thought about going back and finding Wu Di to find comfort, and by the way, see if she could get some money from his brother Wu Wei to help her through the difficulties.

But hearing what Hua Twelve said was so convincing, those who had a nose and an eye couldn't help but hesitate: "What suggestion? What else is my big business?"

"Let's talk about things first. Do you know that you are pregnant? I am very confident in my medical skills. I felt your pulse before, and I found out that you have a happy pulse, and it has been at least three months. Your three months Are there no periods?"

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he exhaled vigorously, not caring about the harm of cigarettes to pregnant women.

Yang Zixi shook her body: "How could this happen? No, what you said is definitely not true!"

The ex-boyfriend was told that she was pregnant right after her death. Who would accept that?

"The test strips are so convenient now, if you don't believe me, just try it yourself, or go to the hospital for a checkup!"

Yang Zixi sat down on the chair all at once, in a daze.

Hua Shishi ate a few mouthfuls, but didn't pack the rest: "Let's go, I'll take it to you for inspection!"

Two hours later, when Yang Zixi came out of the hospital, Yang Zixi looked like she was in mourning, which really made Hua Shier say that she was really pregnant, and it was already three months old, and the fetal heartbeat could be seen.

"What should I do, I'm afraid!"

Yang Zixi took Hua Twelve's hand and said weakly.

Hua Twelve threw it away: "Okay, I don't want to say that I have a good suggestion for you. Now you have three choices. The first one is to get rid of it as soon as possible, and then find an honest person to take over. But don't ask Wu Di, Why do you want to steal and have a way, don't be a disaster by yourself!"

Yang Zixi looked innocent and wronged, so she would be Qin Huairu in the courtyard.

Hua Twelve ignored it at all, and continued: "The second option is to go to Andy's parents. The son is dead, but the grandson is still there. You can get some benefits, but I'm afraid it won't be much!"

When Yang Zixi listened to the beginning, her eyes lit up immediately, she knew the situation of Andy's family, Wan Guan's family wealth was not much worse than that of Cheng Feng's family, wasn't this a one-step process?

Can hear behind, asked: "Why not many?"

Hua Twelve sneered: "What's your situation, can your parents know? Can you let a woman who loves vanity and has bad views raise her grandson? You are going to find Andy's parents. I am afraid that there is only one time waiting for you." Compensation money, and then go to the mother to keep the child, so that you will stay far away, and you will never be able to see the child again!"

Yang Zixi didn't say anything, she was obviously calculating the gains and losses in her heart, and asked after a while: "Then what about the third option?"

"The third one is more powerful. As long as you and Cheng Feng rekindle the old relationship, you will say that the child belongs to him. As long as you succeed, you will be the young mistress of the Dade Group!"

"Can this work? I've been here for three months!" Yang Zixi was 1 willing. As for the dog licking Lao Wu, she had long since forgotten about the Pacific Ocean.

"Don't worry, I have everything. I can use acupuncture to ensure that the child will be born at full term. At that time, it will be enough to say that seven months of premature birth will be enough. Besides, I see that your body size is not the kind that is easy to show off. This is not a big deal. question!"

Yang Zixi's face was mixed with joy and sorrow: "But Cheng Feng is very heartless, he never turns back, I"

Hua Twelve made an OK gesture: "Don't worry, leave this matter to me, and you just listen to my arrangement!"

Yang Zixi's eyes were full of smiles when she heard the words, and she couldn't help the joy on her face, but she was not completely out of her mind, she asked: "Stone, why did you do this, what good will it do you?"

Hua Twelve snorted coldly: "Cheng Feng and I have been brothers for so many years, yet he was so despicable and shameless that he hit on my girlfriend, and even discussed with me that I should give Shen Bing to him, and I would make him paralyzed!"

"Now I help him find a wife to look after him, and give him a big fat boy, isn't that too much?"

After hearing this, Yang Zixi was relieved. She was very satisfied with Cheng Feng's appearance and family background. If it really happened, it would be far better than going to Andy's parents to get a severance package.

And even if Cheng Feng can't do it, she can go back to Andy's parents. Does it have any effect?

In fact, there is another reason why Hua Twelve didn't say anything, that is, to let Lao Wu taste the feeling of Shi Xiaomeng being robbed of his sweetheart by his good brother in the original plot. Wu is not uncomfortable.

 Thanks: 08a, Little Tiger of the Demon Realm, book friend 20220806195407692 brothers for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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