A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 597 Revenge is not overnight!

Chapter 597 Revenge does not last overnight! (Seek full order)

After discussing with Yang Zixi, Hua Shier drove him back to Lin Xia's house. He didn't go upstairs, waited for the other party to get off the car, waved his hand and drove away.

On the way back, Hua Twelve shook his head and smiled. In the original plot, Shi Xiaomeng's blackening was a step-by-step process, but when he came to him, he came with a mission, and he was destined to go to Cheng Feng and Cheng Feng from the very beginning. On the opposite side of Old Wu.

He thought in his heart, don't blame me for this, as the saying goes, bullying honest people will not end well, why did you treat Shi Xiaomeng so much in the original plot, this is retribution.

In the evening, when Hua Twelve was watching TV with Shen Bing in his arms on the sofa, he suddenly mentioned that he planned to invite these friends from the capital to his hometown in Caiyunzhinan to celebrate the New Year together.

The reason is that I have made money this year, so I just invite my friends to play and treat them well.

Shen Bing nodded after hearing this, and hesitated a little: "It's fine, but it's just that it's a big Chinese New Year, who is not at home for a reunion, and we go back to our hometown for the New Year, what can he do?"

Hua Twelve smiled confidently: "Hey, I know them better than you, and they will definitely agree!"

Seeing Shen Bing's expression of disbelief, Hua Twelve picked up the phone: "I'll call now, you listen!"

As he spoke, he picked up the phone and started calling in front of Shen Bing.

He first dialed Wu Di's phone, pressed the speakerphone, and after the color ring tone, the other party connected. He only listened to soft music, and the sound didn't sound like being at home, nor like a KTV in a bar.

Hua Twelve opened his mouth and asked, "Who did you go to eat Western food with?"

"Where, where, where did you see me? Why didn't I see you!"

Old Wu on the opposite side looked for it, but Hua Shier said he had guessed it himself.

"Really?" Wu Di was a little skeptical, but he cast his eyes around and couldn't find Hua Twelve's shadow, so he was dubious:
"How did you guess it? Didn't I just come back? The leader invited me to dinner!"

Hua Twelve joked: "Male leader and female leader? Is it a dinner with colleagues, or just the two of you? The nature of this is not the same!"

On the other end of the phone, Wu Di blushed, and looked back at Wu Mei, who was drinking red wine and looking at him with a smile, and hurriedly covered the receiver with his hands, and whispered:

"Don't talk nonsense, it's the leader. Shitou, are you okay or not? I'll hang up if I'm okay!"

Hua Shier knew that this guy was with Wu Mei as soon as he guessed it. Old Wu looked innocent on the outside, but in fact he had a lot of flirts.

Immediately he smiled: "That's it, for the Chinese New Year, I plan to invite you to the beautiful south of Caiyun, which is my hometown, to celebrate the New Year together. I will report the cost to you. How about it? Let me know if you want to go or not." !"

Wu Di laughed: "Brother, I just came back from there today, and besides, I'm going to the south of Caiyun, what should Wu Wei do? We can't leave him alone to celebrate the New Year!"

"Call your elder brother together. My buddy has made a lot of money trading in stocks this year. I've covered all the food, lodging and travel expenses. I know that your brother is not short of this money, but just treat me as a friend who has his own heart. How about it?"

Wu Di still refused: "No, no, you don't know Wu Wei's temper. His head is full of copper stink. You must not go on a trip. I still won't go!"

Shen Bing raised his foot, poked Hua Twelve's chest with his white toes, and raised his chin triumphantly. I've already said what that means.

Hua Twelve gave her a look that you don't need to worry, and then directly threw out the trump card to deal with Old Wu:

"When I sent Yang Zixi back from the police station today, I casually mentioned something to her. She just broke up with her. She wants to go there to relax. Are you sure if she will go or not? That's fine, that's it. Come on, hang up."

When Old Wu over there heard this, he immediately changed his words: "Oh wait, someday, if it's too early, I might have to ask for leave."

Hua Twelve smiled triumphantly at Shen Bing, and when he hung up the phone, the latter said:
"Aren't you lying, besides, even if Lao Wu goes, Lin Xia and the others may not necessarily go!"

Hua Twelve laughed and said, "You still don't believe in my strength, do you? Just watch it!"

After speaking, he dialed the landline of Lin Xia's rented apartment.

Wu Di hung up the phone, returned to his seat, and smiled apologetically towards Wu Mei:

"Sorry, I've been on the phone for a long time, I'm a very good friend!"

Holding the red wine glass, Wu Mei asked with a smile, "Are you invited to go out for the Chinese New Year?"

Wu Di didn't think too much, and nodded: "Yes, I am a good brother. He asked me to go to the south of Caiyun for Chinese New Year. You said I just came back. Well, the key is our relationship, so it's hard to refuse his kindness. !"

If Hua Twelve hears this, I promise to spit on him, why don't I mention Yang Zixi, can you agree, what a good brother, just say that you value sex and despise friends!

Wu Mei suddenly leaned forward slightly, making her fiery eyes even more aggressive: "I happen to be alone in the capital during the Chinese New Year, so why don't I go with you?"

Old Wu's smile froze on his face. At this moment, he seemed to see the Shura field.

On the other side, Hua Shier had already called Lin Xia's apartment. As soon as the phone was connected, Lin Xia's hearty voice came: "Hey, who is looking for me!"

Hua Twelve was speechless: "Please, there is something called caller ID in this world, you can't lower your head, or are you blind!"

Lin Xia giggled: "Stone, didn't I just put on a mask, I can't lower my head, tell me, what's the matter!"

"Isn't it the Chinese New Year soon? Shen Bing and I plan to invite some of our good friends to my hometown Caiyunzhinan to celebrate the New Year. I will cover all the food, lodging and travel expenses!"


Lin Xia said in a depressed voice: "Can you change the time, Shitou, I have to stay at home with my parents during the Chinese New Year, and besides, I promised them to participate in a blind date event organized by the Women's Federation during the Chinese New Year!"

Hua Twelve laughed out loud here: "You? Participating in a blind date organized by the Women's Federation? Are you worried about getting married?"

Lin Xia was not angry either, and said a little depressed: "Oh, I don't want to go either, but you know my parents are there, I am also worried, just deal with it and let it go!"

Yang Zixi who was beside her suddenly shouted: "Stone, if Lin Xia doesn't go, I will go, please invite me!"

"That's a must!"

Yang Zixi had already agreed with her, so she didn't bother to deal with her, so she asked Lin Xia again:
"Think about it, old Wu Gang came back and said that Cheng Feng is in my hometown, and he even rented a house to celebrate the New Year there!"

Lin Xia's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he forgot about the promise to his parents in an instant.

At this moment, her mind is full of thoughts, between the beautiful mountains and clear waters, the scene between her and Cheng Feng in front of the flowers under the moon, the lover and the south of the colorful clouds, the combination of these two beautiful words, how romantic,

She came back to her senses and immediately asked, "Just now you said that you will reimburse the expenses?"

"That must be true, my buddy has made money trading in stocks, it's all up to you!"

"Then count me in!" Lin Xia's tone already seemed to cheer.

Hua Twelve called Fei Si again, and after the invitation, he directly told him that Lin Xia would also go, and then in Fei Si's mind, the same picture as before Lin Xia's mind just now, beautiful mountains and clear waters, and flowers under the moon, but the hero and heroine From Lin Xia and Cheng Feng to him and Lin Xia, they agreed immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Hua Twelve shrugged and said with a Versailles face: "so easy, mom doesn't have to worry about my studies anymore!"

Shen Bing was very angry and funny, pinched Dafa with his toes, and twisted on his legs: "Aren't you lying?"

They didn't want to go, so they told Old Wu Yang Zixi to go. Old Wu had a lot of thoughts about Yang Zixi, so why wouldn't he go?

Then tell Lin Xia that Cheng Feng is in the south of the colorful clouds, Lin Xia can't swallow Cheng Feng in one gulp, seeing the big fat, can she not go?
Fat Si had a crush on Lin Xia, and Hua Shier told him that Lin Xia would also go.

The final result was that they originally wanted to be at home during the New Year, but they were fooled by Hua Twelve with a few words and organized a group tour.

When Hua Shier heard Shen Bing say he was lying, he smiled and spread his hands and said, "Don't talk nonsense, what did I say to deceive people? Be careful, I will sue you for slander!"

After Shen Bing thought about it, what this guy seems to say has really come true, but there is something wrong with your sequence.

Unable to understand Hua Twelve's frightened face, Shen Bing rushed towards him.

Half a minute later, Hua Twelve carried the struggling Shen Bing to the big bed in the bedroom, and he himself dubbed the other party: "Flax falls!"

Hua Shier booked a flight ticket to Caiyunzhinan three days before the Spring Festival in advance. During the time before the year, besides looking at the stock market every day, he still had one more thing to figure out.

He intuited that Hu Rongqiang's matter of hiring murderers to deal with him was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Yes, Hu Rongqiang is a villain and has a strong desire for revenge. He knows this. He cheated the other party. When he got hundreds of thousands, he was already prepared to deal with the other party's revenge.

But in Hua Twelve, Hu Rongqiang would at most hire someone to beat him up, or break his limbs or something.

It's only a few hundred thousand, which is not too uncomfortable for Hu Rongqiang, and killing people is really not enough.

So he felt something strange from this incident.

Before returning to Caiyunzhinan's hometown, he called the police station several times to inquire about the progress of the case and wanted to know the details, but they did not tell him any clues because of the reason of the investigation and confidentiality.

In the end, Hua Twelve called the criminal investigation, a young police officer who handled the case, and wanted to treat him to a meal and ask him to come out and talk.

The policeman's surname was Liu, and he didn't want to come at first, but Hua Twelve said with a smile, he just had a meal and made friends, nothing else, the other party thought about it, and finally agreed.

During the meal, Hua Twelve didn't propose anything, but started talking about his job as a policeman. He was in the 'Dragon Snake World'.He has done criminal justice and criminal justice, and he knows all kinds of work in the police station very well.

The other party is just a young criminal investigator who has been working for several years. It is inevitable that he will encounter difficulties or some embarrassing things in his work. After chatting with Hua Twelve, he suddenly feels enlightened.

From the beginning, the young police officer was reluctant to say more, but in the end, unconsciously, he turned to asking Hua Twelve for various questions.

The more they chatted, the more speculative they became, and in the end they were talking and laughing, and they became brothers.

At this time, Hua Twelve took out two Huazi and pushed them over: "My friend gave you two Huazi, and I can't draw them softly. It's a waste to let me here. Xiao Liu, take them back and draw them!"

The young employee's face changed: "Brother Shi, what are you doing, we have discipline!"

Hua Twelfth waved his hand and said, "Hey, I don't know, but we are different from others. People ask you to do things and send you things. If you accept them, it is a violation of discipline. I don't ask you. Do something, what is the violation!"

"It's against the law for a friend to give you two cigarettes!"

Then Xiao Liu pondered for a while: "Brother Shi, if you have something to say, just speak it out, we can chat, I can see that you are a good person, if you don't violate discipline, I will do it for you if you can. If you make it difficult for me, then don't make it difficult for me!"

Hua Twelve laughed, this Xiao Liu is a sensible person.

"Actually, you know my affairs, so I just want to know if there is anyone behind Hu Rongqiang. Brother, you should know about the case you handled. That dump truck came running towards my car, if not I was not careless, I got out of the way, not to mention that I was driving a Hummer, even an armored vehicle, it would be enough!"

"Look at me, the unlucky one is the car behind. The owner of that car is so miserable. When I think of this, do you think I can feel at ease?"

Hua Twelve came with a bag on his back. When he said this, he turned around and took out his laptop from the bag. After opening it, he directly called up the stock operation interface, and pointed out the records of his trading operations to Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu was puzzled at first, but after looking at the operating records of Hua Twelve, he could always catch the daily limit, and immediately swallowed and smeared:
"Brother Shi, you are!"

Hua Twelve smiled, and after a few operations, he found a stock with a negative line today:
"I think this stock is good. Don't look at the drop today, but it's only temporary. It can rise by at least 15.00% in the short term. You can buy it when the market opens tomorrow!"

After he finished speaking, he smiled at the stunned Xiao Liu: "I know brother, you also speculate in stocks. This is the normal exchange between stockholders. You can buy or not, right?"

Xiao Liu swallowed and spit, feeling a little dry in his mouth, knowing that he was benefiting himself, and it was reasonable and legal.

He thought for a while, then nodded: "Then thank you Brother Shi!"

Hua Twelve put away the computer and waited for the next article with a smile.

At this time, Xiao Liu leaned closer and said in a low voice: "Actually, this matter is nothing. According to the progress of the case, the victim should have been notified if there is any news, it's just..."

Speaking of this, he pointed upwards: "Someone is saying hello"

He said this, just tasted it, and then said directly:
"Hu Rongqiang admitted at the beginning that he was instigated behind the scenes, and that he bought murder to hurt people, but after knowing that three people were killed, he immediately changed his mind!"

"But all the evidence points to him, and with our technical means, he recruited within two days. He said that it was Cheng Sheng'en from the Daedeok Group who instructed him to do this behind the scenes!"

"Only through our investigation, we can confirm that Cheng Shengen's suspicion is indeed very serious, and the two have also had contact, but there is no direct evidence, and it is impossible to move the chairman of a listed group based on Hu Rongqiang's one-sided words!"

Xiao Liu sighed: "Because of this, someone said hello, saying that since there is no evidence, don't leak such false news, so as not to affect Dade's stock price and cause stock market turmoil!"

When Hua Shier heard about Cheng Shengen, he suddenly realized that this old thing is really sinister, didn't it mean that he didn't agree to let your son rob my girlfriend, didn't he just give you a big bag, and he deliberately wanted revenge. Found a knife!

He is not JC now, and he doesn't talk about evidence when he does things. Now that he is confirmed to be Cheng Shengen, then Cheng Shengen is doomed to be unlucky.

Revenge does not last overnight, after the meal, Hua Shier and Xiao Liu parted ways, drove straight to the Dade Group, reported his name after entering, and looked for Cheng Shengen.

Cheng Shengen actually met him, and after meeting him in the office, he seemed extremely enthusiastic:

"Xiao Meng, what happened last time was that uncle did not do well. There was a little misunderstanding. Uncle apologized to you here. I hope you will not blame the past!"

Hua Twelve knew that the old fox was guilty, so he smiled and waited for the secretary to serve the coffee before asking:

"Uncle Cheng, you know that my hometown is in Caiyunzhinan, but have you ever heard of a thing called Gu in Caiyunzhinan?"

 Thanks: 08a, Little Tiger of the Demon Realm, book friend 20220806195407692 brothers for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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