A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 605 The old fox is hospitalized, Cheng Feng collapses!

PS: It seems to be positive. I started to have an inexplicable fever yesterday, and then the hook still hurts.

In the meeting room, Hua Yong, Wu Wei's deputy, is introducing the situation of Dade Corporation:
"At present, the actual controllers of Dade Huitong, Cheng Shengen and his son, own 27% of Dade's shares, of which Cheng Shengen owns 20%, Cheng Feng 7%, the original second largest shareholder Hong Demin owns 10%, and the third largest shareholder Liang Junzheng 8% .”

"However, through the previous agreement transfer, Liang Junzheng purchased 5% of the equity from Hong Demin, which means that Liang Junzheng is currently the second largest shareholder, owning 13% of the equity, and the other concentrated shares are owned by several major funds and individual shareholders. Among these shares, Liang Junzheng can control about 9% through agreement."

Wu Wei thought for a while, and pondered: "That is to say, even if we swallow all the remaining 5% of Hong Demin's shares, plus Liang Junzheng's existing bargaining chip, we will just be even with the Cheng family and his son!"

Hua Yong nodded: "That's right, plus the 5%, it's 27%, which is just a tie!"

A trader said: "If we make too much moves in the secondary market, it will make Cheng Shengen vigilant. If the two of us really want to compete for shares in the secondary market, then the outcome is hard to predict!"

On the side of the meeting room, Hua Shier, An Dong, and Liang Junzheng, as partners, attended the whole meeting.

An Dong took out three cigars from the Cuban cigar box in front of him and distributed one to Liang Junzheng and Hua Twelve. After the two lit up, he asked:
"The situation doesn't seem very optimistic. If that old fox Cheng Sheng'en has no skills, he wouldn't be able to control Dade for so many years!"

Hua Twelve bit his cigar and waved his hand with a smile: "Don't worry, Director An, as far as I know, Wu Wei has never been defeated in the domestic financial market. If he takes the shot, we will definitely succeed!"

After finishing speaking, he turned to Liang Junzheng and asked, "Director Liang, I wonder how much you paid for Wu Wei's hand?"

Liang Junzheng took a sip of the cigar, let the smoke of the cigar swirl in his mouth, and then slowly exhaled. He stretched out two fingers and said with a smile:
"20% of the shares after the reorganization of Daedeok!"

Both Hua Shier and Director An gasped, and the former said: "This price competition is really not low, Director Liang is so courageous."

Liang Junzheng smiled lightly: "Because it's good, it's expensive. If it wasn't difficult, I wouldn't look for him, so An Dong, please rest assured!"

Director An nodded, then gritted his teeth and said: "I have enough money in my life. I don't care about money. What I care about is making Cheng Shengen bankrupt. What I care about is avenging my son!"

Liang Junzheng now also knew the causes and consequences of Andy's joining in, and knew about Andy's car accident. Hearing this, he sighed and said:
"Cheng Sheng'en, when he was young, liked to take risks and take risks with his sword. I originally thought that he would restrain himself when he was old. I didn't expect that he would still be so unscrupulous in his actions. Such a person should be taught a lesson!"

An Dong nodded: "When Cheng's father and son have nothing, I will ask them to pay for my son's life!"

Liang Junzheng's eyelids twitched.He and Hua Twelve looked at each other, and then both of them pretended that they didn't hear this sentence.

Director An's meaning was very clear. Not only did he want the other party to have nothing, but he also wanted the lives of the other party's father and son. This involved breaking the law, and they must not participate in this matter.

Hua Twelve sighed in his heart, what happened in the future, if Cheng Shengen and Hu Rongqiang hadn't harmed people together and hit him with a dump truck, how could An Di, the son of An Dong, have been implicated.

An Dong is Andy's relative, and it is only right and proper for Lao Tzu to avenge his son.

It has to be said that An Dong has this strength, if the person who died was an ordinary person, wouldn't he die in vain.

The meeting over there was still going on. After some thinking, Wu Wei asked Huayong: "How many chips do we have now?"

Hua Yong glanced at the computer: "We now own about 400 million shares of Dade Huitong, and the current stock price is 26 yuan!"

Wu Wei closed his eyes and thought for a while, then suddenly opened them, a confident aura rose from his body in an instant, and he issued an order to his team:

"Divided into ten accounts, throw out 50 shares to me every day on average, and the price decreases by about 5.00%, let me throw it for three days in a row!"

"Further rumors spread, it is said that there will be a huge adjustment in Dade's top management, and the main funds will reduce their holdings one after another. I want to see the market's reaction first. I want to make a first decline and then a rise, and retreat to advance!"

Liang Junzheng's face was a bit ugly, but An Dong smiled and said: "This Wu Wei is very good at it!"

Hua Twelve was in the same mood as An Dong. Wu Wei's operation like this is selling the bargaining chips in Liang Junzheng's hands. He must have lost a lot in this wave.

When the stock price is brought down and the funds are raised at a low level, they use the funds of Andy and Hua Twelve. These two people buy at a low level. Regardless of success or failure, they will make a profit first, and they will naturally feel better.

Hua Twelve patted Liang Junzheng's arm: "Wu Wei's move is called the general who wants to take it, and must give it first. I think this wave is stable!"

An Dong also said: "That's right, I can't bear to let the child not be caught by a wolf!"

Liang Junzheng nodded, he also understands this truth, and there is no turning back after taking this step.

As soon as the battle started, Wu Wei's team was in charge, but he, the boss, had little effect at the beginning. Director An invited several people to have dinner together.

After dinner, Hua Twelve drove Wu Wei back to the company. During the drive, the latter suddenly frowned, then pinched his temples with both hands for a while, then took out a bottle of headache medicine from his pocket and took two pills.

Hua Twelve glanced at him and asked, "Angkor, do you remember what I told you last time?"

Wu Wei frowned and thought for a while: "Bian Que saw Duke Huan of Cai?"

Hua Twelve laughed and said, "Yes, that's it. I have some medical skills. You have a brain disease. Didn't you go to the hospital for a checkup?"

Wu Wei shook his head, and said nonchalantly: "I know my own affairs, and it's nothing more than using my brain too much. When this acquisition of Dade is over, I'll take a break and it will be relieved!"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly noticed that Hua Twelve had already driven the car to another road, so he couldn't help asking, "Xiao Meng, isn't this the way back to the company?"

Hua Twelve said with a smile: "Now I have time, why not go to the hospital for a checkup!"

Although Wu Wei protested several times, Hua Shier was still taken to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

A few hours later, Hua Twelve drove Wu Wei out of the hospital. The latter sat in the co-pilot's seat with a heavy face. His examination results came out. There was a tumor in his head. Brain experts estimated that it was in the middle and late stages. , the specific results need to be further tested.

Wu Wei squeezed the reporting hand so hard that the veins stood up, and slowly began to tremble. Finally, he suddenly relaxed and exhaled:

"Xiao Meng, don't tell Wu Di about this beforehand!"

Hua Twelve turned his head and smiled at him, "Are you scared?"

Wu Wei shook his head and said, "I've never been afraid, I'm just unwilling. The world is so beautiful, and I'm so rich. I haven't lived enough yet."

"I can cure your disease!"

Wu Wei was still sighing: "If I had known this, I should have retired two years earlier and enjoyed the rest of my life. Xiao Meng, if I leave all my inheritance to Wu Di, would he be able to keep it?"

Hua Twelve was worried: "Angkor, what did I just say?"

Wu Wei said impatiently: "I'm talking about business with you, don't you just say that you can cure my disease, my inheritance?"

Halfway through his speech, he suddenly turned his head: "What did you say? Say it again!"

Hua Twelve laughed loudly: "I said, I can cure your disease!"

Wu Wei grabbed Hua Shier's arm: "Brother, you are not lying to me, this is not a joke!"

If someone else said this, Wu Wei would immediately regard him as a liar, but Hua Twelfth saw that he was sick at a glance two days ago, and reminded him with 'Bian Que sees Duke Huan of Cai'.

With this vision, it means that people are not talking empty words, but have the ability.

It's just a guarantee that this disease can be cured. Even though Wu Wei believes that Hua Shier has the ability, he still feels a little weird.

Hua Twelfth nodded with a smile: "Ann, my family's ancestral medical skills, you are not sick, and if you don't delay work, you will be guaranteed to recover within half a month!"

He is not bragging. If Hua Shier's own medical skills are used to cure Wu Wei's advanced brain cancer, that would be a dream.

But Hua Twelve also has a magic skill of healing wounds and diseases, one yang finger.

In traditional Chinese medicine, there is no such thing as a terminal illness. No matter what the condition is, as long as it has not progressed to the point where there is no cure, it can be alleviated or even cured through various treatments.

For diseases like Wu Wei, the main reason is long-term lack of sleep, leading to neurasthenia, and then a vicious cycle caused by low immunity and endocrine disorders.

Hua Twelve only needs to use one yang finger to help him dredge the meridians, help him improve immunity, restore endocrine, supplemented with acupuncture and decoction, and Wu Wei can soon recover to health.

In the original play, after Wu Wei died, he left a will and let Wu Mei and Wu Di inherit the shares he held respectively.

That guy Wu Di not only played with Wu Wei's girlfriend and was irresponsible, he also inherited Wu Wei's legacy in the end.

The most irritating and disgusting thing is that Wu Di has always looked down upon Wu Wei's logic in dealing with things. He thinks that his cheap brother pursues profits and reeks of copper.

But at the same time, Wu Di also enjoys various benefits brought by Wu Wei's money.

Wu Di and Wu Wei are half-brothers. Their parents were formed later. After their parents passed away, Wu Wei, the elder brother who has no blood relationship with Wu Di, resolutely took on the responsibility of raising Wu Di.

Raising him and sending him to school, and then Wu Di looked down on Wu Wei in turn, this feels a little disgusting.

When Hua Shier watched the original plot, he was also disgusted by Wu Di.

Especially in the scene where Wu Wei, Shi Xiaomeng, and Liang Jun are buying Dade, after Wu Di knew that it was Wu Wei who did it, he ran to the latter and asked Wu Wei to return the equity to Cheng Feng, regardless of what Wu Wei said was normal business operations.

Wu Di even threatened Wu Wei, saying that if you don't give it, you will never have a brother like me.

Listen, how disgusting, isn't this eating inside and outside? You forgot who paid for your education, forgot who you ate to grow up!

At that time, when Hua Twelve saw this scene, he felt very angry. If he had such a younger brother, he would have strangled him to death without anyone else.

Now that he replaced Shi Xiaomeng, he didn't want Wu Di, a white-eyed wolf, to have a chance to get something for nothing, and he didn't want a man like Wu Wei to just fall down and pave the way for the white-eyed wolf.

Treat it as it was told, and drove Wu Di to the hotel where he was staying. After entering, he introduced Shen Bing to Wu Wei.

Shen Bing said hello cordially, and called Angkor. Wu Wei already knew the reason why Hua Shier and Cheng Feng fell out, looked at Shen Bing and said with a smile:

"I finally understand why Cheng Feng is so careless. If I were a teenager, I would have to fight Xiao Meng!"

Of course, this was a joke. It was Wu Wei's disguised compliment to Shen Bing. In fact, he felt quite disgusted by Cheng Feng's behavior.

In the guest room of the suite, Hua Shier asked Wu Wei to take off his clothes and sit cross-legged on the bed. After the other party did so, he directly touched the other party's sleeping point.

Then he began to use a yang finger to help clear his meridians, and then used acupuncture to stimulate his acupoints to help him improve his immunity.

Two hours later, Wu Wei woke up and smelled a foul smell. He looked down and saw a thin layer of gray sludge on his body.

"Xiao Meng, what did you paint on me, it's so disgusting!"

Hua Twelve said with a look of disgust: "Brother Angkor, don't be shameless, okay? Those are the toxins excreted from your sweat pores. There is a washroom over there. You go in and clean it quickly. I have to disinfect it here!" "

When Wu Wei went to take a shower, Hua Twelve sprayed three bottles of air freshener to get rid of the bad smell in the guest room.

When Wu Wei came out of the shower, he seemed to be several years younger, and he said in disbelief:
"Xiao Meng, I'm fine now? I feel relieved all of a sudden, and the previous headaches are gone. You are amazing!"

Hua Twelfth shook his head: "How can it be so fast? I have never heard of illness coming like a mountain and going away like a silk thread. Treat once every three days, and four times will be enough. In the meantime, I will prescribe a decoction for you. Remember to take it on time, otherwise if you relapse, it will be difficult!"

Wu Wei said gratefully: "Thank you Xiaomeng, from now on you will be my brother, if you have anything to say, I won't say anything!"

Hua Twelve smiled and nodded: "Okay, then my first request is that if Wu Di finds you for the acquisition of Dade, you don't compromise!"

Wu Di frowned and said, "Xiao Meng, you mean Wu Di will intervene for Cheng Feng? Hasn't he already broken up with Cheng Feng?"

Hua Twelve sneered and said: "Your brother, you don't know yet, that is licking a dog. You can tell by his attitude towards that Yang Zixi. As long as Cheng Feng says a few nice words, he will definitely turn against him. If you don't believe me, just look at it." with?"

As soon as the takeover war started, the changes in the stock price did not attract Cheng Sheng'en's attention at first. However, as the stock price continued to be suppressed, Dade also noticed that there was a fund secretly raising funds at a low level, and immediately reported it to police Cheng Sheng'en.

Sensing that something was wrong, Cheng Shengen contacted Hong Demin and Liang Junzheng in private, and only then did he know that Hong and Liang had signed a share transfer agreement. It was only because the transfer had not been officially transferred, so the news had not been disclosed to the public, but Liang Junzheng already legally owned the stock. This part of the equity! "

Cheng Shengen immediately realized that something was wrong and began to raise funds to fight back. However, at the most critical moment, he suddenly fell ill. He became as thin as a skeleton overnight and fell unconscious. He was sent to the ICU for rescue.

When Cheng Shengen fell down, all the pressure fell on Cheng Feng.

And Cheng Feng not only has pressure from Dade, Yang Zixi also gave him an ultimatum!

But this is not over yet. After the news of Cheng Shengen's hospitalization came out, more than a dozen women appeared in front of Cheng Feng, holding Cheng Shengen's will in their hands, and asked for the division of property after Cheng Shengen's death. The reason was that they all ruined the Cheng family. Flesh and blood, this is the condition Cheng Shengen promised them.

What Cheng Feng couldn't accept the most was that among the few women, there was Lu Manjia, the woman who had a relationship with him before.

At this time, Dade finally found the shadow of the Wu and Wei team behind the acquisition of Dade, and reported the news to Cheng Feng.

Negative news came one after another, and Cheng Feng felt like he was going to collapse. He thought again and again, and finally called Wu Di: "Old Wu, brother, only you can help me this time!"

Thanks: 08a, Little Tiger Brothers in the Demon Realm for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read and followed up the collection, thank you.

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