A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 606 Wu Licking Dog is online!

In the Dade acquisition battle, Hua Shier, as a partner, watched the operation of Wu Wei's team throughout.

It has to be said that Wu Wei is indeed a financial expert and an expert in stocks, which makes Hua Twelve, a guy who speculates in stocks with the prophet's cheats, feel ashamed and ashamed of himself.

Wu Wei sold Dade stock crazily at the beginning, and then released negative news to suppress the stock price, forcing Cheng Shengen to protect the market.

When Lao Cheng's funds came in, Wu Wei immediately gave up the attack, and instead began to raise money at a low price, followed by a car, and Haofeng relied on his strength to let Lao Cheng send him to Qingyun.

When the stock price reached the price in his mind, he began to sell in batches again. At the beginning, he dispersed the shipments and entered the village quietly, not shooting. When the secondary market reacted, he immediately launched and began to violently smash the market again. .

After several times, Hua Twelve, the investor, made a lot of money.

Of course, these operations are only in the early stage. After all, the shares of listed companies are numerous. If you want to eventually control, you must use funds to speak.

One month after the start of the takeover battle, it finally entered the stage where the bayonet became popular. Both sides stopped suppressing the stock price and began to frantically sweep the goods and absorb the scattered stocks in the market.

At this time, Wu Wei's team's chips have reached 37% of Dade's total share capital, and the Cheng family's father and son's combined shares have reached 39%.

In this month, the Cheng family and his son acquired a total of 12% of Dade shares from natural person shareholders and the secondary market. However, the advantage is not obvious at present, with only a 2% gap between the two parties.

This is because Wu Wei's previous operations were so outrageous that the Cheng family and his son spent a lot of money and energy protecting the market. The former took the opportunity to eat large chunks of meat and suck blood. Although the share ratio was smaller, they were making money. Cheng The father and son of the family are in compensation.

Before the market opened that day, Hua Twelve, Wu Wei, Director An, Liang Junzheng, and several partners held a meeting.

Director An smiled and said, "Although we haven't completed the acquisition of Dade in the past month, we have bitten off a piece of meat from that old fox Cheng Shengen!"

Hua Twelve said with a smile: "More than that, it's more than just a piece of meat. I think it's at least a fox leg!"

An Dong laughed loudly: "Yes, it's the fox's legs, Mr. Wu is a formidable young man!"

Hua Twelve looked like he was in a daze: "Dong An is still knowledgeable, otherwise why would Angkor be called Wu Wei!"

Wu Wei pointed at Hua Twelve and scolded with a smile, "You boy!"

Hua Twelve smiled very happily. After all, he could earn hundreds of millions of dollars after watching the whole show for a month. Even though he didn't care much about money, he still felt happy.

Liang Junzheng also laughed, but he frowned after laughing, making money is fun, but his ultimate goal is not to make money, but to control Dade, and this goal has not yet been achieved.

He murmured: "Let's not get too excited, now we sweep as much goods as Cheng's father and son every day, they are very resilient, if we can't win Dade in another week, we will be powerless in the future! "

Wu Wei took out his cigars and scattered one for each of them. When several people were puffing away, he said:

"I have also considered this. It is said that in the previous stage of protecting the market, they should have lost nearly [-] million, and then they started to compete with us to buy goods, consuming a huge amount of funds every day. I think their side There shouldn’t be much money left!”

Liang Junzheng asked suspiciously: "Yes, now Cheng Shengen has thrown in at least one billion yuan, right? Where did he get so much cash?"

The Cheng family's father and son are rich, but most of them are company shares and fixed assets. Now one billion yuan in cash has been invested, which makes Liang Junzheng, who is familiar with Cheng Shengen, feel a little abnormal.

Wu Wei waved his hand: "I have never failed in doing things, and I can't fail. At this point, either you die or I die. No matter what, you have to meet Cheng Shengen in the end. Let's see who is tough!"

An Dong bit his cigar and patted the table: "Well said, I didn't enter the market to make money, I did it to avenge my son, Mr. Wu, if you don't have enough funds, just tell me, and I'll make enough for you Already, in short, we are going to make a decision!"

At this moment, Liang Junzheng's phone rang suddenly, and he nodded towards Hua Shier and the others: "I'm sorry!"

After speaking, he stood up and went to answer the phone. In less than a minute, Liang Junzheng returned excitedly: "Everyone, good news, Cheng Shengen suddenly fell ill and has now entered the ICU!"

Shopping malls are like battlefields. When news of such a serious illness is told to ordinary people, the other party may sympathize with the patient, but everyone here realizes that this is an opportunity, and everyone is happy.

Wu Wei patted the armrest of the chair: "Okay, God will help me, and within three days, I will win the Great Virtue!"

On the other hand, Cheng Feng was in a state of desperation. He had been by Cheng Sheng'en's side during the two days of Dade's takeover battle, which made him mature a lot. He also knew that his company was surrounded by strong opponents in the mall. Divide food.

Originally, Cheng Sheng'en was there and withstood most of the pressure for Cheng Feng, but when the old Cheng collapsed, Cheng Feng immediately felt overwhelmed.

Especially when more than a dozen women rushed into his office, took the will and guarantee written by Cheng Shengen and approached him, demanding to divide the property, he almost collapsed.

Because among these women, he actually saw the company's chief financial officer, Lu Manjia!

"You, what?"

Cheng Feng hesitated to speak.

Lu Manjia said coldly: "It was your father who got me drunk. I took this opportunity. If I hadn't found out that I was pregnant later, I would have sent him in. This is his will and guarantee. The company has a share of the child in my stomach”

Other women, including Sister Qian, the nanny of the Cheng family, all produced identical letters of guarantee and wills.

Cheng Feng cursed in his heart: "You beast!" But he didn't know if he was scolding his father.

He temporarily appeased these women on the grounds that Cheng Shengen's life was not in danger. Even Lu Manjia asked her to go back to work, saying that as long as these guarantees and wills were true, the Cheng family would definitely fulfill their promises, otherwise the law would not Agree.

As soon as these women left, Cheng Feng Kuangkuang punched himself twice. He originally thought that his fascination was influenced by his family environment, but now it doesn't seem to be the case, it's a genetic inheritance.

As soon as the stock market opened, Wu Wei's side began to sweep the goods, showing full aggression, while Cheng Feng's side, the funds he could mobilize were extremely limited, so the situation that had been flat a few days ago immediately turned into a one-sided situation.

At the close of the market that morning, the ratio of shares controlled by the two parties had reached 38 to 39.5. This morning, Wu Wei's side swept 1% ​​of the goods, while Cheng Feng's side only swept 0.5% of the goods, because He ran out of funds.

Cheng Feng had to think about driving all Dade's trading team out of his office. He scratched his hair vigorously, with a decadent expression on his face.

Think about the previous wave of operations by my father, think about those old women who are waiting for the separation of the family with their wills.

Cheng Feng realized that it was no longer as simple as success or failure, but a situation where victory means survival and failure means death. Once he fails, he will be beyond redemption.

Just when he was scratching his head and trying to do nothing, Cheng Shengen's assistant came in and reported:

"Mr. Cheng, the acquirer whom Mr. Cheng asked us to investigate before he fell ill has already got some clues. The man who trades for them is the famous stock market wolf, Wu Wei!"

Cheng Feng narrowed his eyes: "What, which Wu Wei?"

He took the investigation materials from his assistant, saw the name of the financial company, and the information of the boss Wu Wei, and confirmed that this was Old Wu's brother Wu Wei.

For a moment, Cheng Feng felt betrayed. He wanted to find Wu Di and punch him hard, asking him why he did this.

But Cheng Feng calmed down very quickly. He was no longer qualified to be tough in the current situation. After thinking about the ultimatum Yang Zixi gave him recently, Cheng Feng dialed Lao Wu's number.

During the lunch break, in a coffee shop in the city center, Cheng Feng warmly gave Wu Di a hug: "Brother, it's great that you can come, I don't have many friends, I'm really afraid that you will never talk to me!"

Wu Di wanted to be angry, but with his good-natured personality, he felt a little sad when he heard the other party say that he didn't have many friends, and the stuffiness in his chest dissipated a lot, but he still curled his lips:
"I'm afraid I won't have any brothers, so don't do anything that would be embarrassing to my brothers!"

Cheng Feng said helplessly: "I really stopped drinking that day. I also dreamed about a soap seller with four flavors of soap. Then I dreamed about a short movie and several teachers. Finally, I was screamed by Yang Zixi. I woke up with a fright.”

Wu Di heard from Cheng Feng that he dreamed of selling soap in his dream, and somehow he associated it with picking up soap. Thinking about that night, if Cheng Feng went to the wrong room to sleep with him, he would suddenly have a chill, and the consequences would be disastrous!
Cheng Feng also explained: "Old Wu, you must trust me, I really have no intention of touching Yang Zixi!"

Wu Di said angrily: "Then I fell in love with Yang Zixi first, you said to ask for a phone number for me, but after you came, you made an appointment at night, Xiaoxi gave you the first time, it's true, right? Is that how you treat your brother?"

Cheng Feng's face froze, then he gave a coy smile and bowed again and again: "Young and frivolous, brother, don't care about success or failure, I'm sorry for you!"

Wu Di snorted: "There are still stones. I am my childhood sweetheart with Shen Bing. If you meet me, you will poach me!"

Cheng Feng put his hand on his forehead, he didn't have to wash the two things Wu Di said, especially Shen Bing, he was still thinking about it.

Seeing him like this, Wu Di stopped talking, and said coldly, "Tell me, what do you want me to do!"

Cheng Feng quickly put down his hands and looked at Wu Di with pitiful eyes: "Old Wu, only you can help me this time."

He mentioned that the Dade Group was being sniped and acquired, and then clasped his hands in his hands: "Old Wu, Brother Ang, you have to save me. As long as your brother stops, I will be saved, otherwise I will be doomed!"

Wu Di didn't say a word, his face was a little troubled.

Cheng Feng had already thought of how to deal with Wu Di before he came. He knew that Old Wu had a soft heart and a soft heart. He suddenly said:
"Old Wu, help me, how about I give Yang Zixi an explanation, I can register my marriage with her today!"

Wu Di thought of the child in Yang Zixi's belly, and finally had his dog-licking nature. He sighed and nodded.

When the market opened in the afternoon, Cheng Feng did not show up at Dade Company, but walked into the Civil Affairs Bureau with a smiling Yang Zixi.

Wu Di once again witnessed the scene of the brothers' registration, but compared to last time, he looked at Yang Zixi's smiling face, and his heart was full of sourness.

Afterwards, with his promise to Cheng Feng, Wu Di went to the financial company where his elder brother Wu Wei worked.

As soon as I came in, I saw that the company was like a battlefield, and all the traders were staring at one stock, and that was Dade Huitong.

Wu Wei is analyzing the situation of the battle in the afternoon for everyone. Judging from the situation in the morning, the Cheng family has run out of funds, and their victory is within easy reach.

When Wu Wei was talking about the passion, Hua Twelve pointed behind Wu Wei, who looked back and found that his brother Wu Di was looking at him with a complicated expression behind him.

Wu Wei restrained his smile, and said in a stern tone: "Wu Di, why are you here, don't you know it's my working time?"

Wu Di looked at Director An and Liang Junzheng, then looked at Hua Twelve with deep meaning, and then said to Wu Wei: "I want to talk to you alone!"

Wu Wei looked at the time on his watch: "10 minutes, go to my office!" Then he turned and left.

Wu Di waved to Hua Twelve: "Stone, come here too!"

Hua Shier said to Liang Junzheng and An Dong, "I'm sorry to excuse me", got up and followed the Wu family brothers, and walked into Wu Wei's office together.

As soon as the office door was closed, Wu Di asked, "Brother, did you do all this?"

Wu Wei asked in surprise, "What do you mean?"

Wu Di snorted: "Stop pretending, it's you who increased your holdings of Dade stocks behind your back, thereby manipulating Dade Huitong!"

Wu Wei nodded and admitted: "That's right, I'm tired of playing with financial securities, and the company is planning to transform. I just have an opportunity, and I want to hold a company for fun. Is there any problem?"

Seeing his indifferent attitude, Wu Di burst out immediately: "Do you know the relationship between the madman and me? This company belongs to his father!"

Hua Twelve burst out laughing. Seeing the Wu brothers looking over, he waved his hands and said, "As you said, I have been trained. Unless I can't hold it in, I will definitely not laugh again!"

Wu Wei said to Wu Di, "Wu Di, don't you think it's naive to say such things at your current age?"

Wu Di ignored his elder brother's sarcasm, but turned to Hua Twelve: "What about Shitou, what role do you play in it?"

Hua Twelve did not hide anything: "Partners, I included [-] million in the funds to acquire Dade. Oh, by the way, it should be almost [-] million now, thanks to Angkor!"

Wu Wei waved his hand: "According to the stock price in the morning, it should be 1000 million. Don't worry, if you believe me, I will naturally reward you!"

Wu Di was first shocked by Hua Twelve's financial resources, then came back to his senses and pointed at Wu Wei and Hua Twelve: "You... you are all working together, how can you attack your friends!"

Hua Twelve's face suddenly turned cold: "Old Wu, Angkor said you are naive, you are really naive. Is Dade Company owned by Cheng's family? But why do I remember that it is a listed company? They issue stocks and we buy them. Stocks, reasonable and legal, is there any problem?"

"Also, you need to figure out who attacked your friend. Don't you know about Cheng Feng prying the corner of the wall in front of me?"

"Don't you know that he went to Caiyunzhinan to steal a house?"

Wu Di couldn't turn the corner: "But you can't take over other people's companies!"

He and Hua Twelve couldn't explain clearly, turned to Wu Wei and said, "Can you sell the stock back to Cheng Feng?"

Wu Wei shook his head: "Business is business!"

Wu Di was furious: "Okay, I'll let you make a choice between money and emotion. If you don't return the stock to the lunatic, you will never have my brother."

Thanks: 08a, Little Tiger Brothers in the Demon Realm for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read and followed up the collection, thank you.

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