A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 621 Something happened to February Hong!

Chapter 621 Something happened to Er Erhong! (Please order in full)

The inheritance of art is a top priority in the martial arts world. The true things of some sects are not passed down from generation to generation, from son to daughter.

Just like the Yang family's Tai Chi, even though it is the most widely circulated in later generations, it is all about physical fitness and gymnastics. In fact, the real core of it has never come out of the Yang family.

The real Yang family's Xiaojia and some mental tricks for practicing martial arts are not seen at all by the Yang family. If you get some of these things, you are considered a true disciple.

Those disciples with foreign surnames who have joined the Yang Clan and want to reach a higher level have to look for something here and there, and what is called absorbing the strengths of each family.

For example, Wu Style Tai Chi, Wu Style Tai Chi, and Sun Style Tai Chi all come from the Yang family, but they all find their own way to excel. This is the reason.

Although the inheritance of the Bagua Sect is not as exaggerated as that of the Yang family, the true inheritance cannot be learned by outsiders. You must have worshiped the teacher, served tea, entered the sect, and obtained the approval of the teacher before it can be taught.

Therefore, Leng Buding showed up with a master with a foreign surname who had obtained the true inheritance. Naturally, Gong Yutian had to find out first. This urgency was even greater than that of his illegitimate daughter whom he had not seen for more than ten years, and he still hadn’t figured out why his daughter was here. In the capital, let’s first ask Hua about the origin of the Twelve Baguazhang.

As a result, the other party said with a smile: "Guess!"

This made Gong Yutian, the master of Baguazhang, who can make the martial arts world tremble even when he stomps his feet, instantly blackened his face. If he were to use a cartoon to describe it, it would be a black line.

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he smiled and asked, "Master Gong came to my humble residence. What advice can you give me?"

Gong Yutian snorted angrily: "You also have to guess!"

This is really the other person's way, the other person's body.

Hua Twelve smiled even brighter. This old man was quite interesting. He immediately raised his eyebrows: "Then guess whether I will guess or not!"

Miya Haneda: "."

Just when Gong Yutian was about to get angry, Gong Er suddenly swayed slightly, and Hua Twelve instantly put his arms around his wife's waist and asked with concern:

"What's going on? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Gong Yutian was furious and stepped forward and shouted: "Take your hand away from me, Ruomei, are you okay?"

Gong Er's eyes were a little confused, but they gradually became clear again. He took a step forward and stood in front of Gong Yutian:
"Dad, if you have something to say, please tell me!"

Gong Yutian's eyes narrowed: "You protect him so much, what is your relationship?"

Gong Ruomei made no secret and said directly: "He is my husband and I am his wife!"

Gong Yutian's face was filled with disbelief. He pointed at Hua Twelve and asked Gong Er: "What nonsense are you talking about? If I remember correctly, Ruomei, you are 20 years old this year. Do you think he is 15 years old?"

Hua Twelve smiled behind Gong Ruomei and said, "I'll be fifteen in five years. I just look more mature, but I'm actually still young!"

Gong Yutian almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, because you are just ten years old.

As a martial arts master, he usually behaves like a master of Yuan Ting Yue Zhi, who pays attention to his appearance even if the mountain collapses before him, but today he lost his temper several times, which is really rare, but whose daughter has a private life with a ten-year-old child? Who can remain calm?

Gong Yutian suppressed his anger and said coldly: "Let's not talk about it for now. I'm here to ask this kid who he learned his Bagua Yin Shou from!"

Gong Ruomei said truthfully, "I taught you!"

"Nonsense, your knowledge of gossip was laid down by your father. He didn't teach you Yin Shou Kung Fu in the first place. How could you teach him!"

Gong Yutian was so angry that he blew his beard, pointed at Hua Twelve and said: "I don't want to say it, I will come and see for myself. I see that you can't do anything with me, kid. Do you dare to come out and help me?"

As the current leader of the Bagua Sect, Gong Yutian is confident that as soon as Hua Twelve takes action, he will be able to judge who Hua Twelve's Baguazhang is from through the details of the opponent's moves and strength!

Gong Ruomei frowned when she heard this, and Gong Yutian saw it in her eyes, feeling more and more uncomfortable in her heart. They say girls are outgoing, but now it turns out that they are good. As soon as I said I would help, my daughter became worried.

Unexpectedly, Gong Ruomei turned around and said to Hua Twelve: "If we really compete, we need to be merciful and don't hurt daddy!"

Just now, she took a step forward and stood between the two of them, not because she was afraid that Gong Yutian would hurt her man, but because she was afraid that if her man was not serious or serious, he would hurt the father of this world.

Gong Yutian breathed a sigh of relief before he could bring it up. He thought to himself that his daughter's words were contradictory.

Immediately snorted, Chaohua Twelve shouted: "Don't come out yet!" Before, he was polite, it was a visit, but now if Ruomei says that this is his man, whether he is or not, then Cheng Dieyi is now his junior.

Hua Twelve stepped forward with a smile, nodded and said: "Since the palace master is interested in this, let's join hands and see what branch of gossip I am!"

As he spoke, he cupped his fists and made a gesture of invitation.

Gong Yutian maintained his identity and refused to make the first move. He raised his hand and said, "Come up!"

Hua Twelve knew what he was thinking, so he was not polite. He stepped on the muddy steps and was on the right side of Gong Yutian in an instant. He changed his palms and patted him silently with the wind in his ears.

Gong Yutian's feet moved slightly, and his body moved with his palms. He also handed it out with one move and one palm. The two of them cut their wrists together, and they immediately used their strength to release this ungrateful kid, shaking his muscles and cartilage. , make him suffer.

But in the next moment, an unstoppable force suddenly surged in, and with a bang, Master Gong hung the screen directly on the wall from the middle of the yard.

Hitting people is like hanging a painting, which is the essence of Baguazhang.

At this moment, Gong Yutian didn't even react. He didn't understand how it could be him who flew out.

At this time, Master Gong felt as if his bones had been shaken. He stayed on the wall for two seconds before the force was released, and he slid down against the screen wall.

If nothing else happened, Gong Yutian would end up sliding and sitting on the ground against the screen wall. But after all, he was a master of the first generation and could not afford to disgrace this person. He mustered up his strength and knocked against the screen wall with his heel. With a bang, With the force of the rebound, the whole person flew forward a foot before landing staggeringly.

Gong Er hurriedly stepped forward to support him, and then helped Gong Yutian sit on the Taishi chair in the yard, so as not to make him look embarrassed.

After Gong Yutian sat down, he still looked in disbelief. After a moment, he asked:
"How is it possible? You started practicing from your mother's womb and have only been practicing for a few years. How is it possible that you have such skill at such a young age?"

However, Hua Twelve did not respond directly to him. Instead, he walked to the side and sat down on a reclining chair. He said to Gong Er: "Ruomei, practice the swimming palm and let your father see the difference!"

Gong Er nodded and immediately walked to the scene. Gong Yutian also calmed down and sat up straight, waiting to see what happened.

I saw Gong Er making a hand gesture, and then her body moved quickly. Her palms were like catching birds, and her feet were stepping on the innate eight trigrams. She was chasing the moon and the wind. She was light and ethereal. She turned around like a dragon turning over, and then After a turn, it looks like an eagle looking back.Gong Yutian saw it really clearly. As he was practicing, his daughter, whom he had not seen for more than ten years, actually lifted her feet off the ground and floated three feet horizontally. This was like practicing boxing and becoming an immortal.

Gong Er finished practicing a set of Bagua Youshen Palm. He didn't blush and was out of breath. He walked up to Gong Yutian with a smile and asked, "Dad, how are you doing?"

Gong Yutian muttered: "Plausible, the movements are [-]% to [-]% similar, but the thing inside is not my Bagua Sect's way to generate energy!"

Suddenly, Gong Yutian's eyes shrank, and he saw countless more footprints on the ground paved with blue bricks in the courtyard. These footprints were scattered in an orderly manner, forming the names Qian, Dui, Li, Zhen, Xun, and Kan. , Gen, Kun, the innate Bagua patterns.

Each of the footprints was three inches deep into the blue bricks. He could do this skill, but it was so silent that even he, the Bagua master, didn't notice it at first. This was terrifying.

Gong Er smiled and said: "Dad, I gave our family's Yin Shou Kung Fu to Twelve. By the way, Twelve is Die Yi's original name. This set of Bagua Youshen Palm was taught to me by Twelve , even if we change our fists, our family will still suffer a loss."

Gong Yutian was stunned after hearing this: "How is it possible? If I change my fists, it will be the other person who loses, but our family will gain!"

Gong Er walked to Hua Twelve with a smile: "Dad, I'm talking about our family, not the Gong family!"

The co-author is such a family, Gong Yutian almost spit out a mouthful of old blood: "Girls are extroverted, girls are extroverted!"

Gong Er glanced at Hua Twelve, who nodded slightly:
"Dad, I will teach you this palm technique later. Just keep it in our Gong family and treat it as something at the bottom of the box!"

Gong Yutian originally disagreed with the relationship between Gong Er and Hua Twelve for no other reason than the big age difference, and secondly because he felt that Cheng Dieyi was an actor and not worthy of his daughter, even if the daughter was just an illegitimate child. female.

But things are different now. The other party is obviously a comrade in the martial arts world, and the set of swimming palms that my daughter showed just now is definitely a first-class boxing technique, but it seems to be inextricably related to her own Baguazhang.

This thing was offered as a dowry, and he was reluctant to refuse it.

While hesitating, something suddenly occurred to him: "No, I never passed on your dirty tricks before. How could you pass it on to this kid?"

Gong Er chuckled: "Dad, when you left, it was passed on to you, but you only practiced it once!"

Gong Yutian recalled it for a while, and suddenly remembered that something like this had happened. He felt sorry for his daughter at the beginning, and before leaving, he told her the story very perfunctorily. He asked in disbelief:

"You remember that one time? And you taught this kid to be better than your father and me?"

Gong Er smiled and nodded: "Firstly, your daughter and I are smart, and secondly, our boxing skills and Twelve's Bagua Youshen Palm are inherently similar. He can learn from each other and it's not difficult to be better than his master!"

Gong Yutian turned around and asked Hua Twelve: "Who taught your Bagua Youshen Palm to you? Why is it so similar to the martial arts of my Bagua Sect?"

Hua Twelve showed an apologetic smile: "Master won't let me talk about this!"

Gong Yutian knew that if his master was destined to ask about this kind of thing, it would break the rules of the world. He immediately stopped asking and snorted:
"Then let me ask you two things. First, what happened to Eunuch Zhang? How could you kill him? Second, what happened to you and Ruomei? You are so young. How can it match Ruomei and his wife?"

Hua Twelve did not hide anything about Eunuch Zhang and told him the truth.

After hearing this, Gong Yutian immediately said: "Well done, the Qing Dynasty is dead. These people don't know how to restrain themselves. They really have a right to die. I will report this to the young marshal and settle the matter for you. But in the future, you Don’t rely on your martial arts skills to act recklessly, you know?”

In the latter sentence, he seemed to be treating himself as an elder. After saying that, he asked again: "What's going on with you and Ruomei!"

In fact, Hua Twelve just had a memory in his mind out of thin air. He believed that Gong Er's body was shaken before, which should be due to the extra memory.

Use character cards to summon characters from other worlds, and the system will arrange a reasonable identity for the character in the current world.

Previously, Gong Er was from Suzhou, a single-parent family, and was raised by his mother. A few years ago, his mother died of illness, so Gong Er went north alone to find relatives. As a result, he fell ill in the capital and was rescued by Cheng Dieyi. Out of gratitude, he volunteered. She became a child bride and was privately married for life.

This was nothing at first, but when Gong Yutian showed up, another memory was injected into the system, connecting Gong Er with the Gong family in this world.

In that new memory, the person Gong Er was looking for was her father, Gong Yutian, whom she had not seen for ten years. Her identity was Gong Yutian's illegitimate daughter born from his estrangement in Hangzhou.

Hua Twelve thought it was quite silly at first, but after thinking about it carefully, the arrangement of the system made sense. If there had been no contact with the Gong family before, then Gong Er was an orphan in Suzhou. If there had been contact, this arrangement could explain her gossip. The source of Kung Fu, this is much more reasonable.

Seeing Gong Yutian looking at him like an enemy, Hua Twelve expressed his understanding. If he had a daughter who was given as a child bride, he would definitely look like this.

Gong Er took the initiative to answer Gong Yutian's question, and the latter burst into tears:

"I'm sorry for you, let alone your mother. When I returned to the capital, I originally planned to send someone to pick up your mother, but your grandfather didn't agree. The situation changed and the situation in the north was turbulent. Put it off and put it off."

Gong Er also had feelings for his father in this world, but he had no feelings at all for the mother arranged by the system. He immediately said:
"Dad, let the past go by. Mom doesn't blame you, and I don't blame you either. People always have to look forward!"

Gong Yutian was even more ashamed. How much suffering did this daughter have to go through before she could say these words and understand this truth.

He nodded: "Ruomei, don't worry, dad will let you recognize your ancestor and return to the clan, and treat you well in the future."

When Hua Twelve saw that Gong Yutian had a lot to say, and that Gong Er was really emotionally moved, Hua Twelve immediately got up and entered the inner house to provide the father and daughter with space to be alone.

More than an hour later, Gong Er walked in and said with red eyes: "I seem to have met my father back then, he is exactly the same!"

Hua Twelve nodded: "Then treat him as your father-in-law. After all, he is also your father in the parallel world!"

Gong Er nodded: "Father left and said he would settle the matter for you, but I asked you to be careful, as those old people and young people might do something!"

Hua Twelve nodded and didn't take it seriously. Anyone who wants to die should just give it a try.

The matter of Eunuch Zhang passed quietly, and no one mentioned it again, as if it had never happened. The Zhang family's property was divided up by several forces, and the largest share was given to that man. Marshal.

Before Hua Twelve could wait for the elders and the young to make a move, something happened on Er Erhong's side.

This day was supposed to be the day to sing "Farewell My Concubine" on stage at Guanghe Tower, but Er Erhong never showed up, so Hua Twelve had to change it to "The Peony Pavilion" on the spot.

As a result, after finishing singing, as soon as he returned to the backstage, a man covered in blood rushed over: "Boss Cheng, save my second master."

 Thanks: 08a, Little Tiger Brothers in the Demon Realm for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read and followed up the collection, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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