A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 622: Ding Dong Tomb turned out to be a suspicious tomb, and February Red fell into the real

Chapter 622: Ding Dong Tomb is actually a tomb of suspicion, and February Red is trapped in the real underground palace! (Please order in full)

As soon as Hua Twelve came off the stage and had not yet come to take off his makeup, a man covered in blood rushed into the backstage. Na Kun was shocked when he saw this and quickly shouted:

"Ahem, who is this? Stop him quickly and don't let him disturb Boss Cheng!"

Na Kun, as the matchmaker that day, knew that Eunuch Zhang's matter must have offended Cheng Dieyi and Er Erhong. Now he is doing everything he can to keep himself low and petty, fawning over a pug, trying to restore the relationship.

Now seeing someone rushing over, he quickly shouted and ordered his men to do things.

Guanghe Tower is one of the Seven Famous Gardens, so it naturally has a group of bodyguards to protect the courtyard. When they heard the boss's words, they immediately rushed forward.

As a result, although the person who came looked like he was covered in blood and was seriously injured, he was very skilled and managed to break through in a few strokes, shouting:
"I'm looking for Boss Cheng. Boss Cheng, please help my second master!"

Na Kun wanted to be stopped, but Hua Twelve said: "Let him come in and talk!"

After saying that, he entered the dressing room in Guanghe Building that belonged to him and Er Erhong.

Na Kun wanted to give a few words of advice, who is this? Just let him go inside. Aren't you afraid that an assassin or something might hit you? But when he thought of the dozens of lives in Eunuch Zhang's house, he swallowed and said, "Okay, forget it." I’m overthinking it.”

When the blood-covered man followed Hua Twelve into the room, Na Kun closed the hollow mahogany door himself, turned around, straightened up, and said bossily to a group of people in the background who stretched their necks to watch the fun. :

"What are you looking at? Is there anything you can do? I'm warning you, no one is allowed to tell anyone what happened today, you know? If anyone wants to talk too much after I know it, I won't be polite!"

After saying that, he waved his hand impatiently: "Just go and do what you have to do!"

In the room, Hua Twelve was sitting in front of the dressing table taking off his makeup. When the man who followed him entered the room, he knelt on the ground:

"Boss Cheng, please save our second master!"

Hua Twelve asked him to come in because he remembered that he had seen this man beside Er Erhong before. While removing his makeup, he asked without looking back:

"Tell me, what happened to your second master?"

The man suddenly started crying: "Boss Cheng, don't ask so many questions. My second master is trapped in a place now, and I don't know whether he is alive or dead. I heard the second master said that you are ten times more capable than him. There are so many people in Jiucheng, and now you are the only person I can think of who can rescue the second master."

Hua Twelve frowned slightly. This man said he came to ask for help, but in the face of his inquiry, he ignored him and spoke vaguely. He mentioned his ability and human face. It sounded that the matter was quite complicated, but he didn't say a single honest word. .

He immediately snorted: "If you don't make it clear, then you can go back. I can't save this person!"

It's not that he doesn't care about this junior brother he has been with for several years, but he just heard that this person said that he was just trapped and would not die. If something happened, it would have happened long ago, so he was not in a hurry to figure out the cause of the matter first before talking about anything else.

The man hesitated, then suddenly knelt forward and hugged Hua Twelve's legs: "Boss Cheng, please, for the sake of being brothers with my second master, please come with me to save people!"

Hua Twelve was motionless, but the muscles in his legs rose and fell together, and with a sudden bang, there was a sound like a bow being drawn. Not only did it shake the man's hands away, but he also flew away.

Looking at the two bloody handprints on his costume, Hua Twelve felt depressed for a while. He turned back and said to the frightened man with a stern face:
"If you want help, you have to show sincerity. Your second master and I are brothers, and saving people is a matter of friendship. But I also have a family to support, so I have to know the cause and effect. Besides, I don't even know who you are. I don’t know, I can’t just follow you in a daze without saying anything!”

After hearing this, the man felt that it was reasonable and said quickly:

"I am too anxious. My name is Chen Jiuliang and he is a son of the Hong family. Our second master is from the Nine Sects."

Hua Twelve wiped off the paint on his face and asked calmly: "What does the Nine Gates do?"

He knew in his heart that the reason why he asked this was to see how true this person was and whether he could be trusted.

Chen Jiuliang hesitated: "Jiumen is, yes"

Seeing Hua Twelve's increasingly impatient expression, he gritted his teeth and said, "It's just a family of nine out of eight families. Their ancestors have been doing the same thing as a local master for generations!"

Hua Twelve was washing his face with warm water when he heard this and sneered: "Are you a tomb robber?"

Chen Jiuliang's face, which was originally pale due to blood loss, felt extremely embarrassed and flushed due to the title of 'grave robber'. Finally, he nodded heavily and gritted his teeth in recognition:

"Boss Cheng is right, he is a tomb robber!"

Hua Twelve stood up and wiped the water on his face with a towel: "Then tell me, what happened to Junior Brother Hong!"

Chen Jiuliang had already revealed his identity, so he couldn't hide anything anymore and immediately told the cause and effect of the incident.

A few years ago, February Hong came to Beijing. Although it was to study opera, he also had another purpose, which was to visit the old witch's tomb.

The old witch ruled the land of China for decades, and plundered countless treasures. When she died, she took all the most precious things to the tomb. There is no one in the world who does tomb robbing who does not miss her.

It's just that Dongling is too close to the capital, only more than 100 kilometers away in total, and the capital is a battleground for military strategists. If you want to steal Dongling, you have to do things under the noses of those warlords.

In addition, although the Manchu and Qing Dynasties were destroyed, the last emperor was still there. Some people who worked in the previous dynasty changed from overt to covert, some institutions were still operating, and there were many people guarding the tombs, both overt and covert.

It is almost impossible to steal Aventurine under such circumstances.

But Er Erhong is young and energetic. Now that she has come to the capital, she has to catch the attention of the old witch. Therefore, during the past few years in Beijing, she has secretly inquired about all the information about the old witch Ding Dongling. The feng shui is bad, and she has already The topographic map was drawn.

They were going to take action after a while, but the people from the Red Sect suddenly discovered that there was another group of people trying to bury the old witch.

That man was Chief Sun, a small warlord stationed near Mashen Bridge in Ji County.

People from the Red Sect made inquiries and found out that Chief Sun was also a member of the tomb robbing business and was a member of the mountain-moving Taoist lineage of the four major tomb robbing sects of the Northern Sect.

If it were other factions, relying on the strength of the Jiumen Hong family, they could still have a head-on confrontation, but Chief Sun of the Banshan lineage was a warlord leading troops, with guns, cannons, and men, so they could only choose to cooperate.

Er Erhong sent someone to discuss with Chief Sun. Although the other party was not small in power, the energy of Jiumen was not low either. In the end, they gave him face and the two families joined forces.

Just three days ago, the people from the Red Sect and the Banshan lineage had already attacked the old witch's Ding Dong Tomb.

Both sides were professionals, with the help of explosives and sufficient manpower. They quickly opened the old witch's tomb and looted all the rare treasures inside.Then Commander Sun was not satisfied and stole the Yuling of old man Shiquan.

However, something strange happened during the robbery of Yuling, but Er Erhong and Commander Sun used various methods to solve it one by one.

After the treasures in Yulingli were emptied, it was supposed to end successfully and sit on the ground to divide the spoils, but at this time, things suddenly changed.

The reason was that there was a fool under Chief Sun at that time, who actually had an inappropriate interest in the old witch whose body was not decomposed, and planned to have fun on the spot, but he was stopped as soon as he took off her clothes before he started.

Er Erhong and Chief Sun were both professionals, and there were rules in their sects not to destroy corpses when robbing tombs, so they had the corpse of the old witch put back into the coffin.

There was a person under Chief Sun who was a eunuch in the former Qing palace. This eunuch was not as good as Eunuch Zhang and was very poor. He was later bribed by Chief Sun. This time he attacked Ding Dong Tomb. It was this person who worked in many ways and took down the people who guarded the tomb. Man, promised benefits, and only gained five days.

This man had served the old witch in the palace and took the initiative to take on the task of re-emborating her. As a result, during the process, he suddenly discovered that although the person in the coffin was very similar to the old witch, it was not the old witch herself.

This discovery was incredible, and it immediately attracted the attention of Er Erhong and Commander Sun.

The two of them each used their own skills, and soon made a major discovery, that is, the Ding Dong Tomb was the old witch's tomb, and there was a huge underground palace underneath the tomb.

With this discovery, both Er Erhong and Chief Na Sun took a breath. There were countless treasures in this suspicious tomb, such as emerald watermelon, emerald cabbage, jade lotus, gold-woven Dharani sutra quilt, etc. Not something of great value.

If a suspicious tomb is like this, then how many treasures must be in the old witch's real tomb.

Neither of them wanted to leave immediately. The tomb robbers saw such a valuable tomb right in front of them. If they didn't go in and get something, wouldn't they be entering the treasure mountain and returning empty-handed? How could they be willing to do so?

Er Erhong immediately used her tomb-exploring skills to find the entrance to the underground palace. After opening it, she and Chief Sun both felt that there were many dangers in the underground palace. There were probably countless traps or big rice dumplings. In short, they all smelled it. A sinister aura.

The road ahead is dangerous, and the two people who had worked well together began to distrust each other.

Er Erhong proposed to let the Banshan team enter the underground palace first to explore the way, but Chief Sun was not stupid and refused directly. Instead, he said that he would lead the soldiers to sit outside and let the people from the Hongmen go to the tomb.

The two sides couldn't discuss it, and finally reached an agreement. Chief Sun would send a group of soldiers to the tomb, but Er Yuehong would lead the team and the others in Hongmen would stay outside and wait with Chief Sun.

Unexpectedly, not long after Yue Erhong led the soldiers down to the underground palace, there were bursts of gunfire and then the roar of beasts.

The expressions of Chief Sun and everyone in the Hongmen, who often went to the tomb, changed, and they guessed that they might have encountered the worst outcome, that is, there was a big rice dumpling in the underground palace.

As the gunfire became less and less, and gradually disappeared, no news came from below the underground palace. At this time, everyone at the Red Gate panicked.

Unexpectedly, Chief Sun suddenly turned against him and directly ordered all the people from the Red Sect brought by Er Erhong to be arrested, and forced them all into the underground palace to save people.

When Chen Jiuliang said this, he said angrily with a tearful voice:

"The man surnamed Sun said he wanted us to go down to the tomb to rescue the second master, but even the things on us were taken down. He asked us to go down to the tomb empty-handed. Apparently he wanted to swallow the treasures for himself. He forced us to go in and die. If you come and ask, just turn away from the dangers in the underground palace!"

Hua Twelve nodded, thinking it was very possible, and asked Chen Jiuliang, "Then how did you escape?"

"I have learned the Bone Shrinking Kung Fu since I was a child, and I caught myself by surprise. I used the Bone Shrinking Kung Fu to break free from the rope. I ran out in the dark of night, robbed Commander Sun's car, and drove for half the night. Then I rushed back to ask for help from you. Boss Cheng, I really can’t think of anyone to turn to to save my second master, I can only turn to you!”

Hua Twelve has already changed back into his own clothes: "Let's go, take me home first, I have to let you know!"

Chen Jiuliang said anxiously: "Boss Cheng, my second master is still in danger. You can't delay it. You first find a way to let the man named Sun let go of the underground palace, and then we go down to rescue my second master." Only then can we have a way out!"

Hua Twelve said calmly: "If something happened to Junior Brother Hong, something would have happened a long time ago. It won't be less than a moment and a half. If you are anxious, just go find someone else for help!"

Chen Jiuliang hesitated and lowered his head: "You are right, I will listen to you!"

He said it politely, but there was a trace of resentment in his eyes. It was obvious that this person was not a broad-minded person, and he already hated him after being rejected twice.

Hua Twelve ignored him and stepped out of the room. Kun had been waiting outside for a long time. When he saw him coming out, he nodded and bowed to greet him:

"Boss Cheng, the young marshal just sent someone to say hello. He just came back from Jinmen and asked to see your play. What a shame. I decided to help you accept it without permission. It's not like me." Kun is good at making decisions, mainly because this matter is really irreversible!"

"Young commander?"

Hua Twelve's heart moved: "Where is he going to listen to the show!"

Na Kun quickly bowed down and said with a smile: "The news that you don't like to sing in the hall has been spread all over Sijiu City. The young marshal may have also heard about it. There is a rumor over there that just tonight, in our Guangzhou Helou!"

Chen Jiuliang's expression changed and he said quickly: "Boss Cheng, as long as the young marshal says something, I don't dare not listen to you!"

Hua Twelve glanced at him lightly: "Do you have the right to speak?"

He turned around and said to Na Kun: "Come back, just say that I don't have time today. If you want to listen to the show, you can come according to my time. You can come back on the day when the show is listed. At other times, I won't wait for you!"

After saying that, he walked away. Na Kun was dumbfounded and followed behind to scare him away:

"Boss Cheng, Grandpa Cheng, please don't harm me. If I say this, I will have people pull down the mass grave and kill me. You have to remember our feelings, right?"

Hua Twelve really listened to these words. He was mainly dissatisfied with Master Guan about Eunuch Zhang. In fact, he didn’t have much objection to Na Kun. After all, he was just a matchmaker. Thinking of his dedicated service over the years, he relaxed. :

"Look at your bearish appearance, I don't know what you are afraid of. The master Gong next to the young marshal is my father-in-law, and they are all my own. If you tell the truth, I can still hurt you!"

After saying that, he had already stepped out of the theater. Sure enough, he saw a car of this era parked outside. He opened the back door and got in, calling for Chen Jiuliang to drive away.

Watching the car drive away quickly, Na Kun stamped his feet anxiously: "Oh, you are my living ancestor!"

 Thanks to: 08a, Little Tiger in the Devil, and brothers for taking the exam well for their rewards, thanks for the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books. Thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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