A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 630 Ambush!

Chapter 630 Ambush! (Seek full order)
When Yujian flew out of Dingdong Tomb, Hua Twelve saw many soldiers outside the imperial mausoleum, probably the little warlord named Sun.

Originally, he wanted to help Er Erhong get rid of the man named Sun, but when he flew out, he took a quick look and found no one wearing officer uniforms. Thinking that it was important to save people, he returned to Sijiu City without stopping.

As for the grievances between Er Erhong and the warlord surnamed Sun, just wait for the former to resolve it himself. The Hong family should have this strength, otherwise the surnamed Sun would not have agreed to cooperate from the beginning.

The sword was flying with lightning speed, and the cup of tea had already landed in the courtyard of Sijiu City.

As soon as we entered the side room, the door of the main room was already opened, and Gong Er, wearing a cheongsam, walked out. Apparently he heard the sound of the door being opened.

When Hua Twelve saw Gong Er coming in, he shook his head and said, "Don't worry, it's nothing serious. Junior Brother Hong has hurt his heart. I'll help him stabilize his injury first, and I'll talk to you later!"

Gong Er didn't say much. He turned around and left the house, closing the door behind him. Then he sat on the master's chair in the yard and guarded the door for his man.

Within a quarter of an hour, Hua Twelve walked out. Gong Er looked over and the former smiled and said:
"It's okay. You can go back and rest. I'll just keep watch here!"

Gong Er shook his head and smiled: "No, let me chat with you and talk about Junior Brother Hong. I haven't heard you tell the story of this world yet!"

"This world"

Hua Twelve smiled and sat on the recliner next to Gong Er, leaned back, and recalled what happened a few years ago:

"You may not believe it. When I first came to this world, I was a six-fingered child. I was chopped off by Bean Girl with a knife. Although it was fake, it really hurt."

He talked about how he studied opera in the Xi Luck Cheng Guan Family Class, and how he used the Dabitou to seduce Yue Erhong and the other juniors, how he went on stage, how he became a character, about Eunuch Zhang, and finally about tonight's underground palace. The trip was also told.

Gong Er sat there quietly, like a qualified listener, listening with great fascination. She also smiled when she heard her man talk about the interesting things in the theater troupe. When she talked about Eunuch Zhang coveting her man's sexual desire, There was disgust and murderous intent in his eyes.

When he heard what happened tonight, Gong Er looked surprised: "You mean the old witch turned into that big rice dumpling?"

"Zongzi is the name of a local master and a tomb robber. In fact, I think they are zombies!"

Hua Twelve took Gong Er's hand, held it in his hand, and said with a smile:
"This world is not simple. With the abilities of you and me, we have to be cautious when encountering problems. We must not be careless. You and I are not omnipotent. Don't get hurt because of your carelessness. When the time comes, I will be I’m so distressed!”

Even though she had been married for many years, Gong Er's face still turned red when she heard her husband's straightforward and caring words, and she nodded in response:
"I know, you have to be careful yourself too!"

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, it was already dawn. He stood up and said, "I'm going to see how Junior Brother Hong is doing!"

Gong Er also stood up: "You have been busy all night, let me cook for you!"

Hua Twelve nodded and said: "Let's make some meat porridge, and make some ginseng soup. Junior Brother Hong can have some as well. He has just recovered from his injury, so these are just the right things to eat!"

When they entered the wing, they saw that Er Erhong's complexion had improved a lot, her breathing had become steady, and the injury on her chest had completely healed.

It turned out that Er Erhong had injured his heart. Such a serious injury would take at least twelve hours to heal even if he was treated with the brotherhood's medicinal bath and filled with strong alcohol to activate the medicinal properties.

But in order to speed up the recovery of Er Erhong, Hua Twelve used one of his penis fingers to stimulate the other person's body when he put the latter into a medicinal bath, speeding up the process of absorbing the medicinal power. That's why the injury healed so quickly.

Grabbing Er Erhong's veins, the latter reacted immediately and opened his eyes with excitement. When he saw it was Hua Twelve, he let out a sigh of relief and then realized that he was soaking in the water without any clothes on. In this state, when Mr. Hong looked at his senior brother, his eyes instantly turned into a 'what did you do to me' look.

Hua Twelve slapped him directly: "Don't think so wildly, this is a medicinal bath for you to heal your wounds!" The shadow of childhood shrouded by Dabi Dou came online again.

Er Erhong obviously also remembered what happened before she fell into coma. She felt that the pain in her chest was no longer there. She looked down and saw that there were no scars. She couldn't help but understand this senior brother a little better and said gratefully:
"Thank you, brother!"

After saying that, his expression was a little gloomy, obviously thinking about going to the tomb this time, and he sighed: "They blame me for being too conceited and causing Jiuliang to suffer."

Hua Twelve pinched Er Erhong's Cun Guan Chi, felt her pulse, and nodded: "It's already [-] to [-]. It's just that the energy has been damaged and the body is a little weak. Your sister-in-law has made a ginseng soup. You can use some later. It will take two or three days to return to normal!"

Er Erhong thanked her again, Hua Twelve waved his hand and said, "Isn't there anyone else in your Hong family? How come you, a teenage boy, have to take charge of such a big matter as Dongling?"

Er Erhong smiled bitterly and said: "When I was three years old, I was taken to the tomb by my grandfather. He taught me by words and deeds. I had already started training before I went to Beijing. As a disciple of the Red Clan, I have to face a test. I need to personally lead a team to steal a big curtain. So do I. I was a bit overestimating my abilities. I wanted to make a big splash, so I set my sights on the old witch’s Ding Dong Tomb, but I didn’t expect that it would fail and sink into the sand!”

"If I didn't have senior brother's help this time, I might even be involved!"

Hua Twelve shook his head: "No, you are a lucky person. Even if I don't take action, you will be safe!"

Just kidding, if in the original plot something happened to Er Er Hong in the capital, then there would be no story about Lao Jiumen. Now think about Er Er Hong entangled in the row of coffins with the 'Dora Sutra Quilt', there is a [-]% chance that nothing will happen, even if there is no Others will come to save him.

Speaking of this, Hua Twelve curiously asked why Er Erhong was in that coffin.

Er Erhong was also interested in the process of Hua Twelve coming to the underground palace, and the two told each other about their own affairs.

According to Er Erhong, when the warlord surnamed Sun robbed the tomb above, he asked people to collect the gold, silver, treasures and various jade treasures in the tomb, but he did not recognize this tuo The compass was 'come.

Thinking that the thing covering the body was an ordinary shroud, he threw it together with the body of the fake old witch into the northwest corner of the tomb.

Er Erhong recognized that it was a good thing and collected it when no one was prepared. Unexpectedly, it would be put to great use soon.

Later, the underground palace was discovered. Er Yuehong, an expert in art, was brave enough to go down to the underground palace to explore the way. At first, he encountered those paper figures and horses. After discovering the strangeness of those paper figures and horses, he immediately used the 'Dora Sutra to quilt' Protect yourself.

Sure enough, these evil things can't avoid the scriptures on the "Dora Sutra".

Then Er Erhong successfully crossed the Jinshui Bridge and arrived at the square in front of the Qianqing Palace. She also found the rice dumplings on the white marble bed.

Er Yuehong also had a young mind and was extremely confident in her own strength, so she casually uncovered the yellow talisman on the forehead of a rice dumpling.

As a result, the rice dumpling jumped up in an instant. Er Erhong understood that she had encountered a big rice dumpling, and immediately used all the methods of the native master to deal with the rice dumpling. He had something in his hand, such as black donkey tellurium, black dog blood There are a lot of them, but none of them work well.

Er Erhong could only run back the way he came, but even though he was good at qinggong, he was no match for Zongzi.

When he ran to the paper figures and horses, he was already overtaken by Zongzi. Er Erhong was also in a hurry. Seeing that the paper figures and horses were carrying the coffins without landing, he guessed that there might be something strange.

He felt that the current situation was doomed, so he simply tried his best, wrapped the 'Dora Sutra' around his body, jumped in, passed through the bright yellow curtain, and landed right in the coffin inside.

But when he landed, the shaft shook, and he hit his head on the edge of the coffin unsteadily. His vision went dark and he didn't know anything. When he woke up again, he saw Hua Twelve, but at that time his body was Old Huang Pizi controls it and can't help it.

Now it has been proven that his decision to jump into the coffin was correct. At least the rice dumpling did not destroy the coffin and bite him to death.

Hua Twelve also recounted his experience of the whole night. After hearing that the man surnamed Sun had a falling out after he went to the underground palace, Er Erhong was filled with indignation and vowed to ask for an explanation.

Hearing that Hua Twelve met Seng Gelinqin and the old witch again, Yue Erhong's eyes widened in shock even though she was used to seeing various scenes in the tomb. After all, these two people had only been dead for a few years, and they were both famous. A legendary historical figure.

After the two of them finished talking about their experiences, Er Erhong suddenly asked: "Brother, where did the 'Dora Sutra' go?" "Well, I thought I fell into the underground palace, right next to the golden well. "Junior brother, that thing is so unlucky, I advise you not to have it!"

But Er Erhong shook his head and said: "Brother, you think it's unlucky for us to be native masters. That old witch's Dhara sutra has been blessed by a Buddhist master and can ward off evil spirits. This is exactly what we native masters can meet." Unforgettable treasure!"

When Hua Twelve thought that this was really the case, he shrugged: "Don't blame me!"

Er Erhong smiled bitterly and said: "My life was saved by my senior brother. How dare I blame my senior brother? I'll go there again myself. I have to get that thing in my hands."

After speaking, his eyes became fierce: "Besides, there are some things that need to be settled between me and that person named Sun!"

Hua Twelve nodded and did not say anything about helping. The power of the Laojiu Sect was not small, not necessarily worse than that of Warlord Sun.

At this time, Gong Er came over and called the door, saying that the food was ready and asked if it would be delivered.

Hua Twelve asked Gong Er to set up the meal in the flower hall. He withdrew and asked Er Yuehong to change her clothes and go to the flower hall with him.

After taking the bowl handed over by Gong Er and taking a sip of the hot porridge, someone knocked on the door of the house. The concierge who had just gotten up and was sweeping the floor hurriedly opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Gong Yutian rushed in. Gong Er and Hua Twelve saw that it was him and quickly stood up to greet him.

Gong Yutian entered the flower hall and whispered: "Something happened."

He said and glanced at Er Erhong.

Er Erhong stood up immediately and said, "I'm going back to rest!"

Hua Twelve waved his hands and said, "No need!"

He turned to Gong Yutian and said: "Zhang Yue, this is my junior brother, you can trust me!"

These three words made Er Erhong feel warm in her heart.

Upon seeing this, Gong Yutian immediately chose to believe his son-in-law and whispered:

"The marshal's train was blown up by Xiao ZiZi on the way back to Fengtian. Now there are a lot of Xiao ZiZi activities in the capital, and it is very likely that they will take action against the marshal!"

"Young Marshal helped you put down the matter of Eunuch Zhang. Didn't you promise Young Marshal yesterday that Young Marshal asked you for protection by name?"

After Gong Yutian finished speaking, he added:
"That's what I mean. My dear son-in-law, you have the ability to communicate with the gods, and this matter is of great importance. You have to help me no matter what!"

As soon as Gong Yutian said it, Hua Twelve guessed what was going on. He had really forgotten about the Huanggutun incident before.

At that moment, Hua Twelve said without hesitation: "Yes, but I am only responsible for protecting the safety of the young commander. I don't care about other things!"

"Okay, come with me now!"

Gong Yutian was so anxious that he didn't even wait for a moment.

Hua Twelve was not so anxious. It was written in the history books that the young commander would return to Fengtian safely. There was nothing to worry about. He asked Gong Yutian to sit down and drink porridge. The latter stamped his feet:

"What time is it? Follow me to the Marshal's Mansion and let the royal chef cook for you. You can eat whatever you want!"

In the end, Shengsheng was dragged away by Hua Twelve. The latter could only tell Gong Er to protect the family and tell Dam Ziniang where he was going.

There was a car parked outside. After the two got in, the driver wearing a top hat started the car and drove away, heading straight for the Marshal's Mansion.

Halfway through the journey, Hua Twelve suddenly felt that Gong Yutian's whole body was tense, but he couldn't tell it on the surface. He immediately realized something, but he didn't care, and just watched his father-in-law's performance.

Then Gong Yutian suddenly spoke and asked calmly: "This master is a bit unfamiliar. It seems that the one who sent me here just now is not you!"

The driver in front of him trembled slightly, turned around suddenly, holding a pistol in his hand, and was about to shoot Gong Yutian.

But at this time, one of Gong Yutian's fingers had already been inserted behind the trigger, and the driver couldn't pull it off at all.

Gong Yutian closed his fingers. The pistol had been deformed and the barrel was crooked. It was obviously useless!

The old man conveniently pressed the driver's door, and heard the driver's neck bones snap, and his neck shrank into his chest.

As soon as the driver died, the car immediately lost control and hit a house on the roadside.


Seeing the danger, Gong Yutian opened the car door and jumped out.

But the moment he started, Hua Twelve rushed to the front row, pulled the driver's body to the passenger seat, and instantly took over the driving duties.

As a result, as soon as Hua Twelve finished all this, Gong Yutian was already on the street behind, looking at the car driving away with a confused expression. You should have told me if you knew how to drive.

Speaking of which, it was a coincidence that the two of them started at the same time. It was not that his son-in-law deliberately tricked him.

Gong Yutian ran after him. He was a great master of Baguazhang and proficient in Xingyiquan. He could run as fast as a galloping horse. Hua Twelve also slowed down.

But at this time, a rickshaw passed by Gong Yutian. Suddenly, the driver had a pistol in his hand and shot the old man twice.

At the same time, there were stalls selling breakfast and people doing small business around, and suddenly they all took out knives and surrounded and killed them.

When Gong Yutian went to Fengtian and was invited to work as a bodyguard for the commander, he performed a stunt of dodging bullets. At this time, he dodged left and right, and the killer's bullet had missed. When the latter tried to shoot again, the spine in his back was already bulging. When he came out, he was pressed on the chest by Gong Lao.

In just a few breaths, the killers fell to the ground.

Gong Haneda walked back to the car and said angrily: "Your father-in-law and I were ambushed, and you didn't even help me. You are really my good son-in-law!"

Hua Twelve took out a pistol and fired a shot outside. A body holding a rifle fell from the attic of a building in the distance.

"Who said I didn't help!"

 Thanks: 08a, Little Tiger Brothers in the Demon Realm for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read and followed up the collection, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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