A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 631 Watch me perform!

Seeing Hua Twelve kill the gunman in the distance, Gong Yutian looked surprised:
"Where did you get the gun?"

Hua Twelve pointed at the driver in the passenger seat: "I found it on him!"

Gong Yutian believed it to be true and didn't ask any questions. He opened the door and got in the car again. Hua Twelve started the car and drove towards the Marshal's Mansion at lightning speed.

Seeing Hua Twelve driving the car skillfully, even better than any driver he had ever seen, Gong Yutian felt that he could not see through his son-in-law more and more.

He is a well-known Peking Opera actor, one of the best in the opera world. Not only is he good at singing, he is also good at boxing.

It is enough to simply practice two hands, but his skills are better than those of him, a master of Baguazhang. Especially the power he showed in front of the young commander last time was like practicing boxing to become an immortal.

Today, I saw that he can actually drive. It seems that driving skills are not developed in a day or two.

The most incredible thing is the marksmanship shown just now. He casually killed the gunman dozens of steps away, and it was a headshot. This kind of marksmanship cannot be matched by even the sharpshooters in the Feng Army.

Hua Twelve just didn't know what Gong Yutian was thinking. If he knew, he would definitely curl his lips. This is nothing. He has never seen a marksmanship that can turn bullets.

Gong Yutian couldn't figure it out, but he didn't treat Hua Twelve as an outsider, so he simply asked:
"Twelve, when did you develop your spear technique of piercing the Yang with a hundred steps?"

Hua Twelve smiled while driving:
"It's easy for my father-in-law to practice. Spear skills are nothing more than hand-eye coordination and timing. Is this difficult for warriors like you and me?"

Gong Yutian smiled at the thought: "What you said is not bad. Back then, our Bagua sect also had gun practitioners, and I told them that you should concentrate on practicing boxing. If you are distracted by other things, you may not be able to achieve anything. , but looking at you now, it turns out that I was wrong!"

The two were chatting in the car, but surprisingly no one mentioned the ambush just now. It wasn't that they couldn't talk about it, but that both Weng and his son-in-law knew what was going on.

Although the vendors who were holding knives just now hid them very well, there were traces of the Japanese swordsmanship when they drew the knives, and they also walked like pigeon-toeds. It didn't take much to figure out what kind of influence they were from.

It must have been Xiao Tian who wanted to attack the young marshal, so he would first attack Gong Yutian, the number one bodyguard in the army. As long as the palace master was hurt, the young marshal's safety would be greatly compromised.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of the Marshal's Mansion and encountered no other dangers. This was normal. The capital was now Fengjun's territory. If he wanted to make moves in his childhood, he would not be able to make a big splash. If an operation failed, he would probably not risk it a second time. Came to kill a bodyguard.

As soon as the car stopped, a guard from the Marshal's Mansion came up to help them open the car door. They both respected Gong Yutian and Hua Twelve. When they learned that the two were ambushed, the guard immediately notified the guard captain, and then someone came to deal with it. body, investigating the ambush.

Gong Yutian took Hua Twelve and walked inside. The young marshal received the news and led people to greet him personally in front of the handsome hall door.

The last time we met, although the young marshal could be said to be approachable, he still had that aloof aura in his heart. This time it was completely different. After meeting, he immediately came up to shake hands with Hua Twelve:

"Boss Cheng, no, it's Mr. Hua. My heart dropped when you came!"

Hua Twelve nodded: "My condolences, Young Marshal!"

After saying this, the young marshal burst into tears and invited the two of them into the marshal's hall to talk.

After entering, I saw several generals in military uniforms sitting there. They all greeted Gong Yutian when he came in.

The young marshal did not introduce the identity of Hua Twelve, but said to the generals:
"What we discussed just now is final. I have made up my mind, let's do it like this!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and sent these people off. After all these people left, the young marshal invited Gong Yutian and Hua Twelve to sit down, and after being served tea, he said:
"Mr. Hua, I have decided to change the army and promote the reunification of the north and the south. What do you think of this matter?"

Hua Twelve's identity in this world is that of an actor. He didn't expect the young marshal to ask him such a question, but he still expressed his true thoughts:

"It is good for the country and the nation, and good for all the people. It is a great thing!"

"it is good!"

This decision made by the young marshal was opposed by many people in the Fengjun army, which can be said to be a big deal. Now when he heard Hua Twelve say this, he immediately felt that it was said to his heart.

He said excitedly: "I think so too, but Xiaozhi won't agree. They harmed my father and want to harm me. I want to ask Mr. Hua to protect me for a period of time so that I can complete this important task!"

Hua Twelve glanced at Gong Yutian and said to the young marshal:

"My father-in-law is a master of martial arts. In fact, with him here he can protect the young commander. However, the young commander serves the country and the people, and if he encounters danger, Twelve is willing to do his best!"

After listening to his previous words, the young marshal thought that he was unwilling, and was very disappointed. Only after hearing this did he understand what Hua Twelve meant, as he was afraid of losing face to his father-in-law.

He immediately said: "Mr. Hua misunderstood. It's not that I don't trust Master Gong. It's just that I have to return to Fengtian to take charge of the army in order to completely stabilize the morale of the army and control the overall situation. There will definitely be many risks on the road, so I plan to leave my family members in the capital. When the time comes, Master Gong I will stay in the capital to protect them!"

"My safety must be entrusted to Mr. Hua. I saw your methods that day, and they are said to have great magical powers. I think if there is anyone in the world who can protect my safety in Xiaozhi's hands, that person must be you, Mr. Hua!" "

Hua Twelve actually didn't want to get involved in these historical events, but he had promised the young marshal before that this time he would repay the favor. Of course, he also reminded himself in his heart that he was only responsible for protecting the safety of the other party and would not change any history. To be safe from mythical beasts.

Seeing the sincerity of the young commander's words, he nodded and said: "These are all easy to say. I am also confident that I can protect the young commander on my own, but I have a question to ask the young commander first!"

The young marshal was startled, and then said: "Mr. Hua, just ask!"

Hua Twelve raised the corner of his mouth slightly and stared into the other person's eyes with interest: "I want to ask, young marshal, can you trust me?"

Speaking of which, the two have met twice. The only connection is that Gong Yutian is Hua Twelve's father-in-law and also the young marshal's bodyguard. This time, he is protecting the young marshal personally. It is undoubtedly a matter of life and death. 'Trust' is a very key factor. The problem.

The young marshal glanced at Hua Twelve, then at Gong Yutian, and nodded vigorously:
"I still understand the principle of not doubting people and trusting people. Since I have put my safety in the hands of my husband, I must trust him!"

"Okay, then let me ask you, young marshal, if you have the guts to leave the house and have a walk with me right now?"

The young marshal frowned and said, "Go out now? Where are you going?"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Just follow me!"

After saying that, his figure suddenly flashed, and he arrived in front of the young marshal and grabbed his wrist.

The young marshal took his seat on the handsome chair, and Hua Twelve sat on the left hand side. The two were about five meters apart. He was there in an instant, almost as if he caught the other person with just one reach.

When Hua Twelve grabbed the young marshal's wrist, Gong Yutian reacted instantly and subconsciously blocked it, but with a bang, Gong Lao's hand was lifted up more than a foot high, unable to stop the former's movement at all.

Gong Yutian exclaimed: "Twelve, what are you doing?"

"Give the young commander a gift!"

Hua Twelve pulled the young marshal and left. He had already left the marshal's hall in one step, and reached the front yard in two steps. This speed was difficult for even Gong Yutian to catch up with. The other guards felt their eyes blur before they felt it. The man has passed, as if flying over land.

The young marshal also saw objects flashing past him like a revolving lantern. When he looked intently, he was already on the street in front of the marshal's mansion.

"This, this" the young marshal was so frightened that he could not speak.

Hua Twelve was amused in his heart. People said that this young marshal was timid, but now he saw that he was really not bad at all. He held the other person's arm and felt that the other person's body was a little stiff, obviously out of fear.

"Don't be afraid, young marshal, you and I are swimming together arm in arm, just watch my performance!"

Hua Twelve took advantage of the fact that the guards in front of the handsome man's house hadn't looked this way, so he pulled the young marshal and walked towards the lively places around him. This time he didn't use Qing Kung, and he was blocked by his old father-in-law as soon as he walked not far away. .

Gong Yutian said anxiously: "Twelve, what are you doing? There are many dangers outside. Send the young marshal back home quickly!"

When Hua Twelve saw that he didn't have any pursuers, and knew that his old father-in-law didn't make a fuss that everyone knew about, and was covering up for him, he immediately smiled and said:

"Don't worry, father-in-law, just watch me lure the snake out of the hole!"

There happened to be a noodle stall not far ahead. Hua Twelve clasped the young commander with his right hand, turned his left hand, and an embroidery needle had been shot out. The owner of the noodle stall had a red dot between his eyebrows, and he fell over.

As soon as the man reached the ground, a palm-sized pistol fell from his sleeve.

There were several diners at that noodle stall. They stood up suddenly, but as soon as they stood up, there was a red dot between their eyebrows, and then they fell to the ground with a plop.

Several rickshaw pullers who were waiting for work on the street were so frightened that they pulled their rickshaws and wanted to leave. But the next moment, they also had a red dot between their eyebrows, and they all received their lunch boxes on the spot.

"This" Gong Yutian obviously noticed that those who fell down were all carrying this guy, so these people were all assassins!
Hua Twelve kept walking, pulling the young commander forward leisurely.

At first, the young marshal was just nervous and didn't pay attention. When he came back to his senses, he also realized that something was wrong. As he walked by, people fell down inexplicably in the busy city. Some of the fallen people even dropped out of their bodies. He was suddenly shocked to see such a weapon as a pistol, and he also understood what Hua Twelve meant by luring the snake out of its hole.

Seeing that things had reached this level, Gong Yutian could only sigh and follow the two of them, ready to protect the young commander Zhou Quan at all times.

Hua Twelve took the young marshal to visit several streets around the marshal's residence, including street vendors, beggars in the corners, diners at the windows of restaurants, and passers-by.

Even the two middle-aged women holding their children had red eyebrows and died under the embroidery needles.

If there were no other reasons, Hua Twelve would be completely unconscionable for doing this.

But when he brought the young marshal back to the marshal's mansion, he asked the guards in the mansion to go out to check. When the results came out, the marshal was shocked. They were all assassins.

Especially those two middle-aged women. The children in their arms were real, but they were wrapped in swaddling clothes and had two grenades wrapped in ropes.

The young marshal was shocked, scared, and a little angry at first, but now he is completely convinced. Especially when Hua Twelve said that all the assassins around the marshal's residence were killed by him, he was even more shocked.

He quickly asked respectfully: "How did you do it, sir?"

Hua Twelfth took a cup of fragrant tea and said calmly: "When you practice boxing to a certain level, it will produce incredible effects. Those people's target is you, and they will have murderous intentions when they see you. Once they have murderous intentions, I can Be aware, it’s that simple!”

It seemed that he said it easily, but others were extremely shocked when they heard it. The guard captain on the side was shocked: "Isn't there no one in the world who can plot against you, Boss Cheng!"

Hua Twelve chuckled lightly: "You can also say that, of course there are people out there who are more capable than me. I don't know!"

Gong Yutian was beside him and praised: "The way of sincerity can be predicted. It is said that Yang Wudi was able to realize that the cicada would wake up before the golden wind moved. I think he was in the same state as Twelve You!"

Hua Twelve nodded, then shook his head:
"Yang Luchan and I should be at the same level in terms of perception, but obviously neither of us has reached the level of 'the way of utmost sincerity'!"

"It's a kind of spiritual enlightenment. I've been pursuing it for a long time, but unfortunately I'm not there yet. At that level, I can sense danger in any direction in advance and avoid it. That's the state of predictability!"

When others heard what he said, it was like hearing a myth. If it were really like that, wouldn't it be possible to avoid all disasters? When leading troops to fight, any ambush by the enemy would not be successful. It is simply unbelievable and unimaginable.

Gong Yutian sighed: "Perhaps that is just an imaginary realm, and it is already beyond the reach of ordinary people like you!"

Hua Twelve shook his head again: "No, that's not imaginary. Someone I know has achieved it, but that person is no match for me in terms of boxing skills!"

After seeing Hua Twelve's methods, the young commander's confidence greatly increased and he said bluntly: "With Mr. Hua here, I have nothing to worry about!"

That night, the young marshal held a banquet in the marshal's mansion for Hua Twelve and Gong Baotian's son-in-law.

Although the commander-in-chief is assassinated at this time, there should be no such thing as a feast, but the commander-in-chief's life and death are still secret to the outside world. On the surface, the commander-in-chief cannot reveal anything that makes Xiaori suspicious, so as to give the other party the impression that the commander-in-chief is safe and sound. illusion.

During the dinner, we talked about the assassination of Gong Yutian today. The Guards Office has already obtained the results of the investigation. The driver who was beaten to death by Gong Lao, as well as those who ambushed Gong Yutian in the street, have all been confirmed to be members of Xiaoli Te High Tech. people.

Not only were they, but the people Hua Twelve killed with embroidery needles on the street were also the work of his childhood.

Some of these people have been lurking in the capital for many years, and some are people who have recently come from Tianjin and the Northeast. This time they all ended up in the capital.

The driver who sent Gong Baotian to Houhai was also found. He was dead. His body was found in Houhai in the afternoon.

Various signs indicate that whether it was Huanggutun's assassination of the Marshal or his subsequent attack on the Young Marshal, Xiao Tian had already planned it.

After killing so many killers during the day, there is also a turmoil in the Marshal's Mansion. Now that the capital is under martial law, it is almost impossible to attack the young marshal in the capital during his childhood. So the only chance is to return to Fengtian in the capital. On the way.

That night, Hua Twelve returned to Houhai. This time, he would protect the young marshal for as little as half a month or as long as half a year. He had to explain everything to his family before leaving.

But as soon as he got home, Douziniang told him a piece of news. Just this afternoon, several land deeds were sent to him from the Marshal's Mansion, including a house, a shop, and even a county prince's palace was given to his family.

In addition, a certificate of deposit worth 100 million yuan was given, which can be withdrawn at any time.

Obviously this is the benefit the young marshal gave him.

Bean Girl was happy and worried at the same time, and said that if there was danger, we should not do it, and just give these things back to others.

But Hua Twelve smiled and shook his head: "If I give it to you, just keep it. Things that are dangerous to others have no impact on me!"

After explaining that everyone in the family would obey Gong Er's orders, he returned to the Marshal's Mansion.

The next day, the Marshal's Mansion gave Hua Twelve the appearance of a secretary, and gave him a Chinese tunic suit, two pens, and a pistol.

Usually when he is in the Marshal's Mansion, he can move around freely and has a special place to rest. If the Young Marshal leaves the Marshal's Mansion, he has to follow him.

A few days later, the young marshal finally took care of the trivial matters and made arrangements for some important matters, and then decided to leave secretly to return to Fengtian. Hua Twelve also wanted to accompany him north to protect the former's safety.

Thanks: 08a, Little Tiger Brothers in the Demon Realm for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read and followed up the collection, thank you.

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