A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 677 If you don’t obey the law, I will have no bottom line!

Chapter 677 If you don’t obey the law, I will have no bottom line! (Please order in full!)
When people mention Paris, they always think of galleries, perfume, the Arc de Triomphe, the Champs Elysées, the Eiffel Tower, and the title of the romantic city. However, Paris during this period exuded a strong atmosphere of decadence under its glamorous appearance.

In the ten years from 1930 to 1940, France had 24 governments.

Frequent changes in power have made it impossible for the country to implement a coherent policy strategy, which has also led to irreconcilable problems and contradictions in all aspects of the country, especially the economy. Data show that the national income of France in 1935 was higher than that of 1929. It decreased by 30% in 1, more than 80 companies closed down, and the unemployed population exceeded [-].

Just this year, France has just experienced an economic crisis, and the unemployed population has skyrocketed again. Many people have become homeless due to unemployment and have become homeless people in this era. These people have to engage in some gray and black industries in order to make a living, and some Small hotels with poor conditions but cheap prices have become the base of activities for these people.

Obviously, this is the situation that Zhao Xinchuan and He Anxia, ​​two unlucky guys, found in this hotel.

Kicking open the door of a room, there was smoke inside. A white man was lying on the bed smoking a cigarette. This man was frightened by Hua Twelve's behavior of kicking the door. When he saw three yellow men, he immediately got up and cursed. , you will take action as soon as you come over.

Hua Twelve was still the same as before, punching the opponent's throat with a clean and neat punch, directly shattering the opponent's throat. The strong white man covered his throat and fell to the ground softly.

Seeing that Hua Twelve was ruthless again and killing people without mercy, Zhao Xinchuan quickly advised:
"Boss Cheng, forget it, they have nothing to do with us, don't kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

Hua Twelve turned and looked at Zhao Xinchuan, and then at He Anxia who had the same expression: "You think so too?"

He Anxia nodded and said: "My master on the mountain said that you can't kill people casually!"

Hua Twelve raised the corner of his mouth: "You see, Master You has the same views as me. Heroes have the same views!"

He An looked confused: "How can this be the same!"

Hua Twelve pointed at the dead white man on the ground and said: "I'm not killing people, I'm killing foreign devils. These foreign devils came to our country to burn, kill and loot. They burned the Old Summer Palace. Don't you Taoists also talk about killing demons?" Damn it, I’m slaying demons!”


He Anxia was a little confused by Hua Twelve's sophistry: "This is wrong, foreign devils are humans, not ghosts!"

"Then why are you called foreign devils?"

"Because, because of him." He Anxia couldn't explain it at all. He had never considered why these people were called foreign devils. Everyone in his hometown called them that.

Zhao Xinchuan pulled his teammates away and said to Hua Twelve: "Boss Cheng, these are just ordinary people, not the Eight-Nation Allied Forces back then!"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Then let me ask you, you two have been living here for a while, have they ever seen you?"

"Now that we have not finished our work in France, if we are left alive, the law enforcement here will inevitably come to our door. Not only will my father-in-law be unable to be rescued, but we will also become wanted criminals. How can we talk about purchasing equipment?" Build a factory?”


Zhao Xinchuan had nothing to say. What Hua Twelve said was indeed reasonable.

Hua Twelve stopped talking nonsense with him, walked out of this room, and kicked open another room. The room exuded an unpleasant smell of multiple smells. Several white men and women were naked, with blurred eyes. Lying on the bed and sofa smoking cigarettes.

There was something special about the smell of that cigarette. When Hua Twelve was in the 'World of Dragons and Snakes', he worked as an anti-narcotics policeman. He knew it was heroin when he smelled it!
Before these men and women could react, Hua Twelve directly tapped their fatal points with his male finger. The smell of these men and women, as well as some unknown liquid, made him feel a little sick even if he killed people with fists and kicks, he still used Linqi Jin can be directly used to kill him.

Hua Twelve walked through the hotel, broke into five or six rooms, and killed more than a dozen people, until there was no one else alive in the hotel except a few of them.

What's interesting is that this hotel is a drug den, or a cigarette stall. Except for Zhao Xinchuan and He Anxia's masters and apprentices, no normal person is an addict. Some of them also carry firearms and all kinds of gibberish. There are all kinds of things. The old man has women's jewelry hidden on his body. At first glance, he is definitely not a good type. He is probably an armed robber or the like. He rests in the hotel during the day and goes out to rob the road at night.

Hua Twelve was amused: "Where are you two looking for?"

Zhao Xinchuan was a little embarrassed: "The point is that it's cheap!"

He Anxia added depressedly: "Who knew they were bullying people and raising prices every day!"

Hua Twelve shook his head, went downstairs, locked the door of the hotel, and placed the suspension of business sign behind the door glass. Then he went upstairs again and asked the two of them to take him to the room they rented. .

After entering the room, he took out a cigar and put it in his mouth, intending to change the air. The smell of smoking cigars was stronger than the smell in this hotel.

"Tell me, what's going on? Why did my father-in-law go to jail? And I brought you enough money when you came out this time. How can you be in such a state of poverty?"

Hua Twelve was also very curious. This time he not only brought money to Feng Jingyao, but also prepared sufficient travel expenses for Zhao Xinchuan and He Anxia. He was afraid that he would save it for emergencies in case of any situation. As a result, the two of them had no money to stay in a decent hotel. No, I have to stay in such a messy, chaotic little hotel.

Zhao Xinchuan sighed: "We have been tricked!"

He Anxia also added: "I was tricked twice!"

Hua Twelve was a little amused: "Okay, you guys tell me one by one, what is going on?"

Zhao Xinchuan immediately began to pour out the bitter water. During this period, He Anxia couldn't help but add a few words to his master from time to time.

Everything originally went smoothly. They took a boat from China to France. Feng Jingyao found an old friend in Paris, Sir Piero, the former general director of the Huangputan Industrial Bureau.

Yes, this Piero was still a noble. Although France no longer had an emperor, it did not prohibit noble titles, and titles were protected by law, so even in later generations France still had noble titles.

This Sir Piero welcomed the arrival of his old friends very much. He warmly entertained several people in his castle and invited them to stay.

When he learned that Feng Jingyao came to France this time to buy machines and open a factory, Piero patted his chest and happily agreed to help.

After that, Feng Jingyao took Zhao Xinchuan and He Anxia to live in the castle. Within a few days, Piero told a few people that the equipment had been contacted and could be inspected at any time.

Several people arrived at a factory in the suburbs of Paris that day. According to Piero, the owner of this factory went bankrupt during last year's economic crisis. The factory has now been taken away by the bank and turned into a foreclosure. The bank also wants to sell these things as soon as possible. Processed by machine.

Feng Jingyao saw that those machines were [-]% new, cheap and did not affect their use, and he was immediately tempted.Piero also said that due to the economic crisis in France, many companies have gone bankrupt in the past two years. Among the bank's debts are pharmaceutical factories and machines for producing Western medicines. As long as Feng Jingyao nods, he can immediately invite people from the bank to come out to discuss the details. In terms of acquisition matters and price, everything is easy to negotiate because of his face.

Feng Jingyao agreed without much thought at the time. In the evening, he hosted a banquet for Piero and the bank manager invited by the latter at a well-known restaurant in Paris.

The two parties had a very pleasant discussion. The bank manager said that for the sake of Viscount Piero, the price could be reduced by [-]%, but the price could only be reduced to this. If it were any more, the bank would lose money.

Feng Jingyao smiled and shook hands with the other party, indicating that they had reached a cooperation. After the meal, Old Feng was also a very particular person. Before the business was completed, he took out two gold pens purchased locally in Paris and gave them to Piero and the bank manager. He also said that after the transaction was completed, Thank you very much.

A meal is a feast for the guests and the host.

The next day, the bank manager took Feng Jingyao and three others to the pharmaceutical factory that had been foreclosed by the bank to check the condition of the machine. The condition was also very good, and everything was in line with Lao Feng's expectations.

Everything was going smoothly up to this point, but the turning point happened on the day of the transaction.

On the day of the transaction, Feng Jingyao and the bank manager signed a contract to package and purchase bank mortgage properties in front of Piero, and settled the payment. The total amount was [-] pounds, saving a lot of money than expected.

After the deal was concluded, the bank manager took the money and said goodbye. After seeing off the guests, Feng Jingyao directed the locally hired porters to transport the machines to the dock for shipment back to the country.

At this time, Piero said that he still had things to do and would not accompany him here. Feng Jingyao knew that it would take a long time to move, so he smiled and asked his old friend to leave first. When he finished here, he would have a generous gift delivered to his house. It was all agreed upon before.

Less than 10 minutes after Piero left, a fat middle-aged man wearing a suit and gold-rimmed glasses angrily rushed to the scene with the local Paris police, pointing at Feng Jingyao and saying that this man was stealing bank property.

Feng Jingyao immediately explained that he had signed a contract with the bank manager and had purchased the machines, and he also showed the contract to the police.

But the middle-aged fat man said that he was the manager of the bank and had no idea about this incident, and the bank had not received the money.

What's more, their bank does not have settlement business in pounds. Even if it does, the machines in the contract are worth at least 20 pounds. How can it be sold to foreigners for only [-] pounds?

Feng Jingyao realized what was going on at that time. He was being tricked. He didn't expect that after spending his whole life in the world and working as a gangster tycoon in Huangpu Beach for more than ten years, he would fall for such a simple trick.

At this time, he still didn't understand that he had let his old friend Piero trick him.

Feng Jingyao, Zhao Xinchuan, and He An went down and were immediately taken back to the police station by the Paris police. At this point, at least it proved that the police were genuine.

Feng Jingyao was found to have solid evidence of theft and was immediately imprisoned. The remaining money he had on him was also confiscated as a fine.

Zhao Xinchuan and He Anxia were identified as employees of Feng Jingyao and were released by the police.

After Zhao Xinchuan came out, he found a local lawyer who had been to Huangpu Beach and could speak some Chinese, and wanted to rescue Feng Jingyao.

After the lawyers went to the police station, the police told them that the evidence of Feng Jingyao's theft was conclusive and that he could not be released on bail. They also told the lawyers that in this case, they could be directly convicted without going to trial. If the suspect or his family members did not agree, they could also enter the court hearing.

After studying Feng Jingyao's case, the lawyer was full of confidence and told Zhao Xinchuan and He Anxia that there were many doubts about the case. As long as the lawyer's fees were sufficient, the case could definitely be overturned, so they should rest assured.

The next day after collecting the money, the lawyer changed his story, saying that Feng Jingyao's case was hopeless, and loudly told the two of them to get out and leave his office. As for the lawyer's fees, what were they?I won't back down at all. If you don't accept it, just file a lawsuit against him.

In this way, Zhao Xinchuan and He Anxia not only failed to rescue anyone, but were also defrauded of legal fees. This left the two of them financially strapped and had to find cheap places to live.

After listening to what the two said, Hua Twelve laughed angrily. What kind of old friend is Feng Jingyao? He is an old liar. He wants to return his knighthood?Is this what nobles do?
You don't have to think about this matter. It was Piero who made the buckle. He must have known that Feng Jingyao had brought money to buy the machine and had some evil intentions.

That bank manager, or rather the two real and fake bank managers, might be Piero's people.

As for the lawyer, he may have been threatened by Piero and changed his mind. It is more likely that he saw yellow people as easy to bully and wanted to blackmail the legal fees paid by Zhao Xinchuan and He An.

Zhao Xinchuan looked at Hua Twelve, who had a complicated expression, and said with a guilty look on his face: "Boss Cheng, what should we do now?"

Hua Twelve said with some hatred: "You, you have been practicing boxing for 20 years in vain, what about transforming strength, and combining nine dragons, even if you train on a dog, you can bite several dogs to death, you are bullied like this Okay, haven't you ever thought about what it means to be 'when a man is angry, his blood will spread five steps'?"

"It's not that I haven't thought about this, but now I can't find these people at all. I went to Piero's castle twice and he's not there!"

"That's all you can do!"

Hua Twelve shook his head: "In the evening, go out with me tonight and let you see how warriors do things. Have you two heard this saying?"

He Anxia felt ashamed and curious: "What are you talking about?"

Hua Twelve chewed his cigar and pretended to be fierce: "There are people who bully people when they are kind; there are people who ride on horses that are kind; people who are not ruthless will not be able to stand firm!"

He Anxia said seriously: "That's two sentences!"

"Ah, hit!" Hua Twelve punched He An down to sleep until night.

When it got dark and there were few people outside, Hua Twelve took the two of them and left the hotel. Instead of going to Piero's place first, he first went to find the lawyer who had tricked Zhao Xinchuan.

They first went to the law firm, which was no longer at get off work. Hua Twelve easily entered using the lock-picking technique. Then he found the address and phone number of the lawyer's home on the memo on the lawyer's desk, and went directly to the lawyer's address.

Let this lawyer know tonight why the law is the bottom line of morality.

Because if you don’t respect the law, then I will have no bottom line!

 Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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