A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 678 The Mafia’s style of doing things!

Chapter 678 The Mafia’s style of doing things! (Please order in full!)

Enes came home very late, walking unsteadily and unsteadily, smelling of bad perfume and alcohol.

When people reach middle age, they will face various pressures from society and family. The wife will complain because she cannot afford cheese and cosmetics, and the son will quarrel with him because he has no pocket money. The father and son are not close at all.

There were also the ridicules from his colleagues when he lost the lawsuit, and his mother's complaints when he had no money to pay for his parents' medical treatment. One after another, they always made him feel breathless.

But all this happened in the past. Thinking of throwing a stack of francs to my wife that day for household use, my wife, who used to be like a tigress, immediately transformed into a docile sheep. She served him well before going out, which made him feel good both physically and mentally. , Hey, what’s the difference between this and prostitution?
After thinking about giving his son pocket money, his son became closer to him and even said goodbye to him before going to school. You must know that this has not happened for many years.

And after sending a thousand francs to his parents this morning, his parents' happy smiles made him feel warm in his heart.

The most important thing was that Camille, who had always been nice to him in the ballroom just now, felt the wonderful feeling of turning into a slut on him after receiving the tip.

All this made him feel that a rich life is so beautiful.

The changes in his life all started with those two fools from China a few days ago. Relying on the Chinese language he had learned when he went to the Orient for gold mining in his early years, he defrauded a large sum of money from those two fools. The money was enough. He has been living and drinking for a long time.

Enes couldn't help but laugh out loud when he thought about how easy life would be after he got rich, and when he thought about his recent lavish life.

He opened the door to his house with a smile and staggered in. His eyes immediately widened and he saw a scene that made him angry.

His coquettish wife, who was in her 30s and still had charm, was leaning in the arms of a young oriental man in her pajamas, her blond hair on her head being stroked like a kitten.

"Sara, you stinky bitch, you stole a man behind my back!"

He said that he would rush up and beat up the adulterer and adulteress.

But the next moment, Enes stood still and raised his hands, because the young oriental man already had an extra pistol.

"First of all, sir, if you have something to say, things like having an affair are very normal in France. Which man here has never slept with someone else's wife, and which housewife doesn't have a lover? Sir, you are still young. Don't do it because of that." This kind of thing leads to the road of crime."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone kicked him from behind in the crook of his leg, causing him to kneel directly on the ground. Only then did he realize that his wife's expression was not one of enjoyment, but one of fear and trembling all over.

"Enes, these gentlemen said they are your friends!" His wife said in a trembling voice with a tearful tone.

Enes was about to say that he didn't know these people, but when he turned around to look at the people who kicked him, he immediately recognized the two people standing behind him, the two young men he had deceived.

The person sitting on the sofa was Hua Twelve. At this time, he smiled lightly and said in Chinese:
"You can understand Chinese, right? Let me explain first. I didn't do anything excessive to your wife. I'm not interested in her beauty at all. I just thought her hair was good, so I tried it. Feels like a silk cat!”

After he finished speaking, he stood up on the sofa, and then waved to He Anxia, ​​who pushed open a bedroom door, pulled out a gagged and bound 15-year-old white boy and pushed him to the ground.

After doing all this, He An showed a look of intolerance. Just as he was about to say something, Hua Twelve glared at him and he did not dare to speak anymore.

The boy was so frightened that he trembled all over and made a whining sound. The woman on the sofa rushed over and hugged her son, crying and comforting:
"It's okay, don't be afraid, it's okay!"

But looking at how frightened she was, she didn't look like she was okay at all.

When Enes saw his wife and son being so frightened, he didn't know where he got the courage and said loudly:
"My neighbor is Detective Fran from the nearby police station. He is a good friend of our family. As long as you dare to shoot, or if I shout loudly, you will spend the rest of your life in jail like the man named Feng. Half your life, you guys, you still have time to leave here!" The last sentence still showed some timidity.

Hua Twelve suddenly laughed: "I didn't want to bring innocent people into this, but now that you have brought it up," he waved his hand to He An again and instructed the other party to work. Who told He An to be a junior here?

He Anxia took out another disheveled middle-aged man from the master bedroom of Mr. and Mrs. Enes and threw it to the ground. This man also had his hands tied and a rag stuffed in his mouth.

Hua Twelve said to Enes who was in disbelief:

"Is he the Agent Fran you are talking about? Good guy, he is really a good friend of your family. When we came, he was trying to do something to promote friendship with your wife, but we stopped him. From this point of view, it seems like you should thank me!"

After he finished speaking, he took off the tattered rag from Agent Fran's mouth: "Come on, you two say hello!"

Fran looked embarrassed: "Enes, this is a misunderstanding."

"You piece of shit, I misunderstood you for being a piece of excrement." Enes punched Agent Furlong angrily, causing his nose to bleed. Then he pounced on him and punched him. The latter couldn't fight back because his hands were tied. , I can only keep begging.

Enes finished beating and looked at his wife again. In the eyes of the latter, her husband had always been submissive, and he had never been so violent as today. She said quickly:
"Enes, I still love you."

Hua Twelve fanned the flames and said, "I just made an observation and found that your son looks a bit similar to Fran. I just made a guess. I can't be sure. Are you the least likely to be neighbors?" It’s been more than ten years!”

Enes felt as if he had been struck by lightning. Then he looked at his son and then at Fran on the ground. At this moment, he realized that his son was not as handsome as he was when he was young. Instead, he looked a bit like Fran. .

His wife cried: "No, he is not Fran's son, I swear to God."

Hua Twelve asked casually: "Whose is it?"

The woman was full of fear of Hua Twelve, and subconsciously said: "It's Honoré. Oh, no." Knowing that she had spilled the beans, the woman collapsed helplessly on the ground and began to cry.

Enes did not burst out in anger again as he imagined, but fell to the ground slumped:

"I have already spent a lot of money, and I can return the rest to you!"

Hua Twelve shook his finger: "Let's not mention the money. I am suddenly interested in this Honoré. Why do you have a different attitude towards him? Can you tell me who this person is?"

Enes' lips moved but did not say anything, and one could see his inner tangle.

Hua Twelve put the muzzle of a gun on his head, showing with his actions that money is not necessary, but gossip must be known!
"No, don't shoot, Honoré is my brother!"

Shocking melon!

Before Hua Twelve could say anything, He Anxia scolded: "Why are there such bastards everywhere? These people deserve to die!"

Enes spoke in Chinese, so He Anxia could understand it. His benefactor and master Cui Daoning was killed by his younger brother Cui Daorong because he had committed adultery with his wife. Or was it He Anxia who dug a boat with his own hands and drowned the adulterer? Woman, that’s why she was so indignant when she heard this kind of thing again.

He Anxia was confused: "Don't these foreign devils say that the West is a civilized world? How come this kind of thing can happen?"

Hua Twelve looked disgusted: "Civilization is nothing, do you want to rob the civilized world by burning, killing, and looting? Let me tell you, every one of these so-called civilized worlds in the West is a robber, and they are all invaders of other countries. These people Just listen to the self-beautification and flaunting statement, it will make you sick if you hear it too much, don’t take it to heart!”

After listening to the gossip, Hua Twelve was satisfied, walked to Enes and squatted down with a smile:
"Let me introduce the current situation to you. The Mr. Feng that my two brothers asked you to save is a tycoon of the Eastern Gang. To use your Western meaning, he is the godfather of the Mafia. So you are not deceiving these two me. The money spent by a brother in a lawsuit is the life-saving money of an Eastern godfather. Do you know what this means?" Enes began to tremble all over. He didn't know anything else, but he knew how ruthless the Mafia's revenge methods were!

"Tell me, what exactly happened? Did you make the decision yourself to trick my two brothers, or did someone else give you instructions?"

The corner of Enes's mouth twitched, and then he said tremblingly: "Yes, it's my own intention!"

Seeing his eyes twinkling, Hua Twelve knew that what this guy said was not the truth.

He immediately reached out to Zhao Xinchuan, who handed him a pair of pliers.

Hua Twelve asked He Ans to hold Enes down. He pulled the latter's right hand over, took out a little finger and clamped it with pliers: "Say it again, I want to hear the truth, and I will count to three."


Hua Twelve didn't give the other party a chance to speak. He counted to three, and then without mercy, he used pliers to snap off Enes' little finger. He also pinched the acupuncture points on his hand to help stop the bleeding, so The broken finger didn't bleed much.

Enes wailed in pain: "I said, I said someone ordered me to do this, ah"

The reason why he screamed again was because Hua Twelve pinched his ring finger again: "What you mean is that you don't take the initiative to say it, and you still need me to ask questions one by one!"

As Hua Twelve spoke, he smiled and spread the other person's middle finger.

Enes was so frightened that he came out of his body, sweating all over his head in pain, and said in a hoarse voice: "It's Sir Piero. He gave me five hundred francs to do this. He is very powerful. I I dare not disobey him.”

Hua Twelve did not hesitate to use pliers to cut off his middle finger: "You mean you are afraid that he is not afraid of us?"

"That's not the case, no sir, I don't know. I just thought they were two Chinese people with no background."

Hua Twelve pressed the opponent's palm to the ground and smashed it with pliers until the flesh and blood were blurred: "What's the matter with no background? Chinese people are easy to bully, right?"

He became angry when he heard this. After smashing it, he felt comfortable. He comforted Enes, who was wailing:

"Look at you, you know that I have a bad temper and you still have to provoke me. You should talk to me properly. Forget it this time. You are not allowed to talk like this next time. Do you understand?"

Enes nodded vigorously, snot and tears falling from his mouth and nose like streams.

"Tell me about Piero. What kind of power does he have? He dares to trick our people?"

This time Enes did not dare to say anything else. He resisted the urge to faint and told Piero's situation.

The so-called knight is actually an inconspicuous viscount, but he can be regarded as a real noble. His ancestors once had great glory. By Piero's generation, the glory of his ancestors has long declined. The castles passed down by his family were all sold to others in the previous generation.

Piero, the heir to the title, even ended up on the streets and became a gang member when he was young.

Later, Piero relied on his courage to fight and his certain brains to make a name for himself and became a small leader in the gang. Then he started a drug and alcohol business and made a lot of money.

After he got rich, he bought back his ancestral castle and spent money to buy an opportunity to serve as an official in the East.

At that time, the Eight-Nation Allied Forces went to the East to burn, kill and rob. After returning, even the soldiers became rich, let alone the officers. Therefore, many people in the upper class of the West who did not get along well wanted to go to the East to pan for gold.

Piero found old connections in his family and bought this opportunity, so he went to Huangputan and took the position of general director of the Ministry of Industry.

After becoming the general director, Piero didn't have to do anything. Someone would give him money while he was at home. Feng Jingyao was one of them, so the two of them maintained a good relationship under the combination of interests.

When Feng Jingyao came to France this time to find Piero, the latter became interested when he knew that the former had a huge sum of money.

After cheating Feng Jingyao, although Piero was not afraid that Zhao Xinchuan and He Anxia, ​​two Chinese people who could not even speak French, would cause trouble, he still felt that it would not be a good idea to let them stay in Paris.

So Piero simply found Enes, an unscrupulous lawyer who had been to the East and could speak some Chinese. After the two of them discussed it, they gave Zhao Xinchuan and He An a buck, cheated the two of them of their money, and wanted them to I can't stay in Paris anymore and leave France.

After Enes finished speaking, he begged: "I'm just an errand boy. I'm willing to return the money to you. Just let me go!"

Hua Twelve asked this guy: "Did Piero arrange the people in the police station in advance?"

Enes said that he was not involved in the previous incident, so he did not know.

Hua Twelve nodded. Judging from the current situation, it made sense. He immediately said:
"How about you call Piero over and I'll let you go?"

Enes said sadly: "He is a noble and I am just a young lawyer. How could he listen to me and come here?"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "That means there is no use keeping you!"

After speaking, he was about to shoot.

Enes was so frightened that he shouted: "Let me try, let me try, don't shoot!"

He made several phone calls before he contacted Piero. On the phone, he told the other party that the two Chinese people seemed to have found some evidence and wanted to meet Piero to discuss it.

As a result, the other party only cursed on the phone: "Useless trash!" and hung up the phone directly.

Hua Twelve shrugged: "Sorry, it seems there is no use keeping you!"

When he left with Zhao Xinchuan and He Anxia, ​​there were four corpses lying in the room, which looked like a tragic love murder in a family ethics drama.

Hua Twelve's side was not without gains. Not only did he get back the money he was defrauded, but he also got the specific address of the phone. It was the phone number of a high-end apartment in Paris. Having the address was enough.

Zhao Xinchuan thought what he did today was a bit cruel, but Hua Twelve said with a smile: "They say that my father-in-law is the godfather of the mafia. This is the way the mafia does things. The family must be in order."

Zhao Xinchuan wanted to persuade Hua Twelve again, but He Anxia helped Hua Twelve this time and said: "They are not good people. They deserve to die!" He heard his disciples say this, so he accepted the woman's kindness. Anyway, everyone died. They are foreign devils, as long as Hua Twelve does not do this to his own people.

 Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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