A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 679 Your circle is really messy!

Chapter 679: Your circle is so chaotic! (Please order in full!)

Piero's apartment is in the center of Paris, with a view of the Eiffel Tower. It has three floors and a balcony. It is the kind of high-end apartment in the movie where you can see the Eiffel Tower when you open the window.

Standing in front of the apartment and looking up, He Anxia cursed:

"Three floors are owned by his family, as well as the castle. He is so rich and still defrauds us of our money. What a stupid foreign devil!"

Hua Twelve chuckled at the side: "You're right, think about it, can a dog with blond hair and blue eyes be a blonde? It's obviously not a human being. There is a foreign breed of dog called a golden retriever. You'll know it when you see it."

He Anxia was shocked: "It's true or false. I just said it casually. Could it be that I was right?"

Zhao Xinchuan saw that his apprentice was acting stupid again, and said angrily: "Listen to his nonsense, hurry up, let's go in and arrest him!"

After saying that, you should take a step inside!
Hua Twelve stopped him: "There are more than a dozen guards on the first floor. If you enter from the front, there will be too much noise!" His senses could easily detect the number of people in the room.

After saying this, the three of them looked up and smiled. It would be easy if there is a balcony!

The next moment, the three of them jumped up at the same time and floated onto the balcony.

Not to mention anything else, with this light skill and Chinese martial arts, you can easily defeat superheroes like Batman and Spider-Man, but you still need to use a hook lock?You still have to use spider silk, ha.tui!
There was a weak light in the room, proving that the people in the room had not fallen asleep. People's energy begins to decline when they reach 40 years old, and they are not what they used to be after fifty. Piero was woken up by a phone call from the unlucky lawyer, and he never returned. She had fallen asleep and was currently sitting on the sofa, smoking a cigar and sipping red wine.

On the bed, a girl with a face that cannot be seen is sleeping soundly. There is a thin blanket around her waist, revealing the white and smooth back of her upper body. The curve of her lying on her side shows her high and bulging abdomen. Judging from the size, there are at least five Yue is pregnant, which is why Piero did not go back to the castle to be with his wife, but came here to spend the night.


Although Hua Twelve, Zhao Xinchuan, and He Anxia managed to remain silent by relying on Qinggong, the moonlight still cast their shadows on the windows, so as soon as they stepped onto the balcony, they were looked at by Piero.

The balcony door was not locked and was easily pushed open by the visitor. Piero had already picked up a revolver from the table next to him and pointed it outside to shoot.

The next moment, his eyes blurred, his hand loosened, and the pistol was already in the hand of a young man. The young man said with a smile:

"Don't shout, I'll beat you to death!"

At this time, through the weak light of the table lamp in the room, Piero could clearly see the person coming. He was an Asian young man with red lips and white teeth, and an elegant temperament.

Yes, Piero was thinking of the word 'elegant'. He had lived in China for more than ten years and had a certain understanding of the language and culture there.

He felt that this young man was very kind, but before he could remember where he had met him, he saw Zhao Xinchuan and He Anxia behind Hua Twelve.

"It's you!"

Piero was a little nervous: "How did you find me?"

As soon as I finished speaking, an idea suddenly flashed in my mind: "Shit, it was that damn lawyer who betrayed me!"

Hua Twelve snapped his fingers: "You guessed it right, but there is no reward!"

He easily took out a Piero cigar from the cigar box on the coffee table, skillfully cut it with cigar cutters, and lit it for himself. This process was all done with one hand, and his dexterity was beyond the imagination of normal people. , the muzzle of the gun in his right hand never left Piero, he took a nice breath, and then asked lightly:
"How do you want to die?"

Piero's throat twitched: "I don't want to die!"

Hua Twelve almost laughed out loud: "You are really talented, Pi Yanping, right? Do you know what we are looking for you for?"

"Pierro, you can call me Sir Piero!"

Piero had calmed down from the panic and tried to remain calm: "Gentlemen, I think we can have a good talk!"

Hua Twelve nodded:
"Okay, what do you want to talk about? I have a hundred ways to die here for you to choose from. One of them is very enjoyable. Falling from a high place and then being penetrated by an iron pipe from the back door. The whole body is inserted there, like a landmark. , Well, if I put you under the Eiffel Tower, old man, then you will be popular, and I can take you into history!"

Piero followed Hua Twelve's words and imagined that scene in his mind. He broke into a cold sweat. He only had one thought now. The person in front of him was a devil. How could he think of such an evil method.

He quickly said: "I know you found me for Feng. It's true that Feng is a tycoon in Huangputan, but I got the news that he has become a thing of the past. This is why he came to France to buy machines and plan to build a factory. , because he is no longer the gangster tycoon, isn't he!"

"How much benefit can you gain by following him? How about I give you ten times the amount of money he gives you?"

Before Hua Twelve could say anything, He Anxia spat: "Bah, you think we are as greedy for money as you foreign devils. We are loyal!"

Piero laughed when he heard this: "Believe me, young man, I have lived in China for more than ten years. I know everything you know. I have seen countless so-called loyal people in China crush the so-called loyalty in the face of interests." Brotherly loyalty, if this person disregards interests for the sake of loyalty, it only means that interests are not enough!"

"Think about it carefully, what kind of future can you have by following Feng, that shabby tycoon? I will give you ten times the money, or you can come with me. I am a noble in France, and you have a much better future by following me than by following Feng!"

"One more thing I want to tell you is that I have more than ten bodyguards with live ammunition on the first floor. They have all been soldiers who have experienced hundreds of battles. If you don't agree with my suggestion and insist on beating me to death to avenge Feng, Then as soon as I shout or your gun fires, they will rush up and beat you into sieves, and then we will both die together, and you don’t want that, right?”

"Take money and die with me. Is it difficult to choose?"

Hua Twelve held a gun in his right hand and gave a thumbs up with his left hand:
"Awesome, there are threats and inducements in those words, but one thing you don't understand is that you are not qualified to negotiate terms with me at all. In addition, the gunmen you mentioned are not a threat at all in my eyes!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his finger and shot out force from his finger. Piero's body instantly stiffened and he couldn't even open his mouth, let alone shouting.

Hua Twelve said to Zhao Xinchuan: "Go and deal with the bodyguards below, do it quickly and don't make any noise!"

Zhao Xinchuan has mastered Chinese martial arts to the point where he can master Taoist martial arts and the Nine-Dragon Combination. He can easily deal with a few Western gunmen who don't know martial arts.

Previously, Hua Twelve stopped Zhao Xinchuan and refused to let him in through the main entrance. That was because there would definitely be a disturbance if he entered through the main entrance, and the other party would also have the opportunity to shoot.

But the situation was different at this time. It was an attack from within. Zhao Xinchuan walked down from the third floor. Before the bodyguards on the first floor could react, he quickly took action and resolved the battle in a moment. Those who were rushing to grab the gun even He was knocked down without a chance.

When Zhao Xinchuan came back, he nodded to Hua Twelve, indicating that it was done.

Only then did Hua Twelve smile at Piero: "Now that your support is gone, it's time for you to enjoy yourself and be punished for betraying a friend!"

He stretched out his finger and dipped a drop of red wine into Piero's wine glass. The drop of wine on his finger was dazzled by the light, shining like a ruby.

Hua Twelve twisted it with two fingers, and the wine droplets turned into thin pink ice flakes. It was the world's number one skill of Jinwu in torturing and controlling people, the Talisman of Life and Death!

With a flick of his finger, the talisman of life and death hit Piero's face. A second later, the ice slices melted, and the internal force penetrated into his facial nerves.

How cruel is the attack of the Life and Death Talisman?It can only be described as being unable to survive or die, which shows how powerful it is.

Hua Twelve slapped Piero directly in the face. This was the best treatment that even Ding Chunqiu had never enjoyed.

Zhao Xinchuan and He Anxia both came over curiously, wanting to see what Hua Twelve was up to.

The next moment, the life and death talisman was activated. Since Piero's acupuncture points were tapped, his body could not move or cry out. His body suddenly tensed up, all the muscles in his neck collapsed, and the veins on his forehead instantly appeared. , the exposed blood vessels on the arms emerged.

Then he was sweating like rain, his whole body was shaking violently, and his eyes were bloodshot, revealing a look of fear and despair.

All this happened silently. Although there was no movement, seeing this scene and seeing Piero's expression as if he was in hell still made Zhao Xinchuan and He Anxia shudder.He Anxia suddenly pointed out: "The old foreign devil peed his pants!"

Sure enough, an unpleasant smell came out, and Piero actually started to urinate and excrement under the extreme touch of the Talisman of Life and Death!

Zhao Xinchuan asked Hua Twelve, "What kind of fame do you have?"

"Taoist martial arts, life and death talisman, the effect is the same as the name, it can make people unable to live and die!"

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he smiled at Master Zhao Xinchuan and said, "Would you two give it a try?"

The master and the disciple shook their heads like they were playing drums. Hua Twelve deliberately teased them:
"If you want to try, take a step forward!"

The next moment, he raised his thumb at Zhao Xinchuan: "I didn't expect you still have the courage!"

"Me?" Zhao Xinchuan didn't know why: "I didn't retreat!"

After saying that, he turned around and saw that his cheap apprentice He Anxia had taken a step back at some point and seemed to have taken a step forward.

"Damn it, you evil disciple, you actually cheated the master!!" Such an upright person as Zhao Xinchuan cursed.

He Anxia waved his hands repeatedly: "I just took a step back because I was afraid. I didn't trick you."

Seeing the look in his master's eyes that wanted to teach him a lesson, he quickly pointed forward and said, "The old foreign devil is going to die!"

Hua Twelve took a look and found that the old foreign devil had reached his limit. The capillaries in his eyes had ruptured and blood was flowing from the corners of his eyes.

After casually untying the old foreign devil's acupuncture points, Piero was just able to move. He screamed miserably and reached out to grab his face. In an instant, his face was covered with bloodstains and he became like a ghost.

The woman on the bed who was sleeping due to pregnancy was finally awakened by Piero's beast-like cry. When she saw the scene in the room, she was about to scream.

Hua Twelve had noticed her a long time ago and pointed his gun at her: "I'll beat you to death if I scream!"

After speaking, his eyebrows were raised slightly. I didn't notice it just now, but this woman turned out to be Asian.

The woman stuffed the blanket into her mouth and bit it tightly, fearing that she would scream. She trembled for a long time before she calmed down, but she still had a look of fear on her face.

"Little devil, stick, Annan, or Chinese?"

Hua Twelve ignored Piero who was tearing his face, but asked the woman in French.

"I, I don't understand what you said?"

The woman spoke authentic Chinese, with a hint of Huangputan accent, and she turned out to be a woman from Shanghai.

Zhao Xinchuan and He Anxia were also stunned. The latter said: "You are Chinese, how could you be with the old foreign devil? You"

Halfway through, he didn't know what to say, or whether he was right or wrong. This was beyond his knowledge.

Hua Twelve is accustomed to it. There are more girls who worship foreigners in the future. This is nonsense: "Are you Pi Yanping's wife?"

When the woman heard that these people were all fellow Chinese, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved. When she heard the other party ask this question, she shook her head a little:

"I was his lover in Huangpu Beach. I came here with him because I was pregnant. Who are you?"

Hua Twelve smiled and explained: "You are from Huangputan, so you should have heard of Feng Jingyao's name!"

The woman nodded: "The tycoon from the French Concession has a very good relationship with Piero!"

Hua Twelve nodded: "Yes, this old guy tricked Feng Jingyao into jail in France. I am Feng Jingyao's son-in-law. Naturally, I will get him back!"

The woman heard that they were enemies, and when she thought about the rumors about the Huangputan gang seeking revenge, she was so scared that she hugged the quilt tightly and huddled on the bed, not daring to move.

At this time, there was no good piece of meat left on Piero's face.

Hua Twelve thought it was okay and let him catch him again, whether he would die or not. He was almost becoming a super villain. What would happen if he was allowed to make a comeback at that time?

What super villain?Red Skull!

Use a male finger to poke the acupuncture point and pour in the energy, and the unbearable pain and itchiness will immediately stop.

Piero breathed a sigh of relief, his face was covered with blood, and even though his skin was turned out, he actually showed a smile.

Compared with the pain caused by the Life and Death Talisman, the pain in my skin and flesh now is like heaven.

Hua Twelve smiled lightly: "Tell me, how did you lie to my father-in-law? If you don't explain clearly, I will let you taste the feeling just now!"

At this time, his smile, let alone Piero, looked like a devil in the eyes of Zhao Xinchuan and He Anxia. What kind of method can make people smile happily while still showing a comfortable smile? This is not a devil. What is it again?
Piero never wanted to feel this kind of pain again, so he quickly endured the pain and told the story. In fact, before Feng Jingyao came to him, he knew about Feng Jingyao's ruin, so he treated him as an old friend at first, and waited until he found out about his identity. With a huge sum of money in mind, I took a fancy to it.

He found both the real and fake bank manager, and the police chief was the real one. Putting the three of them together, he managed it for twenty thousand pounds. This is the value of the pound these days, it is so valuable.

Among the [-] pounds, in addition to the money to frame Feng Jingyao, there was also the money to kill him.

Hua Twelve's face turned cold, and his whole body exuded murderous intent that made everyone else feel chilled:
"My father-in-law is dead?"

Piero shook his head quickly: "Not yet. Tomorrow the director will arrange for him to be transferred to prison. On the way, he will create the illusion that Feng wants to escape, and then kill him on the spot!"

Hua Twelve asked Piero again where he kept his money, and after receiving a satisfactory answer, he asked with a smile:

"How do you want to die?"

Piero knew that no matter how lucky he was, it was possible that even when a person was about to die, he could speak kindly, so he pointed to the woman on the bed:
"I have a request. I will tell you where I hide the money. I just ask you not to kill her. She has my child in her belly."

Hua Twelve shook his head: "Although she is my fellow villager, your wife is the mother of your future son. A family should be neat and tidy, don't you think so?"

Before Piero could say anything, the girl on the bed shouted:
"Don't kill me. The child in my belly is not his, but his bodyguard Jim's. Jim is downstairs. He is British and I have been with him for a long time. I just sleep with Piero and have no other relationship." ."

Piero's eyes widened and he fell down, clutching his heart. He had a heart attack and was so angry at the news.

Hua Twelve was speechless; "Your circle is so chaotic!"

 Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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