A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 680 Feng Jingyao: I want to take revenge with my own hands!

Chapter 680 Feng Jingyao: I want to take revenge with my own hands! (Please order in full!)

Hua Twelve originally thought that all the bodyguards downstairs had been eliminated by Zhao Xinchuan, but the latter told him that those people were still alive and had just been knocked unconscious by him.

He glanced at the female compatriot who was crying and said:
"Okay, okay, don't cry. For the sake of our compatriots, go down and find out which one is your Jim. I'll leave you two alive and leave in a while. The further away the better!"

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he waved his hand and motioned for the woman to quickly go downstairs to recognize him.

The woman stood up timidly, glanced at Piero on the ground, and then at Hua Twelve. She couldn't believe that he just let her go. After all, she had heard about these gangsters when they were in Huangpu Beach. How ruthless and ruthless, how he does things without leaving anyone alive.

Hua Twelve said impatiently: "Don't worry, I won't kill women!"

Zhao Xinchuan and He Anxia rolled their eyelids at the same time.

After the woman heard what he said, she went downstairs tremblingly. Hua Twelve raised his pistol at her back.

Zhao Xinchuan and He An were stunned for a moment. Just as they were about to stop them, Hua Twelve had already lowered his gun, turned to them and smiled:
"Tell me, are you treating me as a gentleman with a villain's heart? Don't worry, I'm just imitating Brother Xuechen!"

He Anxia patted his chest: "I thought you were serious, by the way, who is Brother Chen?"

"Brother Chen, I don't even know you even if I tell you!"

Hua Twelve smiled and waved to the woman who looked back, telling her to move forward boldly.

The woman went down to the first floor and pointed out her lover Jim among a dozen bodyguards who were knocked unconscious:

"Sir, he..., he is Jim!"

Hua Twelve took a look. This British guy was a bit handsome, a look that would be liked by future generations of girls. He smiled and asked:

"Is this guy good to you? Is there another woman?"

The woman pursed her lips and said nothing. The answer was obvious. If she said it was not good for her to hook up with her boss, then it shouldn't be possible, but it seemed that Jim was also a playboy.

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Do you want this man to be kind to you all your life?"

The woman nodded subconsciously, and Hua Twelve raised his foot and suddenly kicked Jim in the crotch.

The fainted Jim woke up in pain and screamed loudly, but before he could see the things around him clearly, Hua Twelve kicked him out again.

The woman was startled: "Sir, you."

"This way he won't be able to mess with other women, and the child in your belly will become his only hope. He will have to be kind to you two for the rest of his life!"

Hua Twelve said matter-of-factly that Zhao Xinchuan and He Anxia didn't understand why he suddenly resorted to a dangerous move, but now they understood his good intentions, and they all nodded and thought that this move was good. Foreign devils are unreliable, and this way they are much more reliable. .

The woman looked confused: "But he also has a wife and son, how can he be nice to me alone?"

Hua Twelve: "."

Zhao Xinchuan: "."

He Anxia: "."

Okay, this is a scumbag, and this woman is no good either. She acts as a lover for others and even cheats on her as a mistress.

Hua Twelve threw a wad of money to the woman, which seemed to be more than 3000 pounds:

"When we leave, take your gold and silver jewelry and take him to see a doctor. If you don't want to get into trouble, it's best to leave Paris. If you are found by the police, remember what to say and what not to say. Do you understand?"

The woman picked up the money and nodded repeatedly: "I understand, I understand, but Jim and I are just playing for fun, I..., I don't want to follow him!"

"what ever!"

After Hua Twelve said this, he trampled Jim to death, and then made up for it one by one, silencing all the bodyguards.

After killing the people, according to Piero's instructions before his death, he found a safe in the study on the second floor. After opening it, there were bank deposit certificates worth [-] pounds, dozens of gold bars, and a small bag of diamonds.

Hua Twelve took out the diamonds and took a look. The smallest ones were three carats, and they were still worth some money.

Putting their things into the storage space, the three of them left the apartment and disappeared into the night.

The woman was so frightened when Hua Twelve killed Jim that she huddled in a corner on the first floor. She didn't get up until the three of them left her. She glanced at the dead Jim with a complicated expression, then she didn't hold back any longer and hurriedly tidied up. She left here with her own jewelry, the three thousand pounds given to her by Hua Twelve, and the private money she had saved over the years.

The woman went to Chinatown in Paris. There was a restaurant owner there who was very interested in her. Every time she went to eat, Brother Liang always secretly looked at her in a daze. He thought she didn't know, but in fact she was thinking Smirk.

She has nowhere to go now. Although she doesn't like that good brother, she knows that he is a person who can be entrusted to her.

I knocked on the door of the restaurant in the middle of the night. Brother Liang who opened the door saw the woman clearly and was surprised and said:

"Ajuan, why are you here!"

The woman said pitifully: "Brother Liang, I have no place to go. Do you want me?"

Brother Liang was stunned. Just when the woman was disappointed and wanted to leave, the man nodded heavily:

"Yes!" Then he happily took the woman in.

If Hua Twelve saw this scene, he would definitely shake his head and sigh, why are all the honest people taking over?

The next day, accompanied by Brother Liang, the woman went to a black clinic in Chinatown for an abortion. They planned to have a child of their own.

Just as the two entered the clinic, Hua Twelve was leaning on a stolen car on a remote road in the suburbs of Paris, smoking a cigar.

He Anxia squatted on the side of the road, feeding the stray dogs with chicken legs.

Zhao Xinchuan looked at his pocket watch: "Boss Cheng, you can't make a mistake, are you sure that the prison car escorting your father-in-law takes this route?"

"Don't worry, it's definitely not wrong. It's this road, and this road is the farthest back. If they do it, that's the most suitable place, so they will definitely pass by here!"

Hua Twelve used the soul transfer method to hypnotize the sergeant-level police officer in the Paris detention center and got accurate information. How could it be wrong?

While the two were talking, He Anxia suddenly barked and kicked the stray dog ​​out. The guy actually started fighting with the dog while feeding it.

Zhao Xinchuan turned around and scolded his apprentice: "Can you be more honest!"

He An pointed at the stray dog ​​with an aggrieved look: "Master, it bit me!"

Hua Twelve said with a smile: "No, you feed it chicken legs and it bites you?"

He Anxia nodded: "I planned to give it half of the chicken legs and eat the remaining half myself, but it turned out that it even ate mine and bit me when I grabbed it!" Zhao Xinchuan slapped his forehead and said to Hua with a dark face. Twelve said: "You are right, I may have accepted a fool as my apprentice!"

Hua Twelve couldn't stop laughing: "He Anxia, ​​next time you eat half of it yourself and feed the rest to the dog. If you eat the dog's leftovers, won't you become a dog's leftover?"

"That's right, by the way. How do you know my nickname? My master said that it's easy to make a living with a nickname, so he called me Gou Sheng when I was a kid!"

Hua Twelve felt that he could laugh all day long.

At this moment, a prison van came from a distance, and Zhao Xinchuan suddenly became energetic:

"Is it this one?"

Hua Twelve flicked the ashes of his cigarette: "Whether it's true or not, stop him first and then talk about it, you do it or I do it!"

"I come!"

Zhao Xinchuan felt that he was responsible for Feng Jingyao's arrest. If he had been as careless as Hua Twelve from the beginning, the problem would have been solved long ago, so he wanted to make amends for his mistakes.

He strode to the middle of the road, faced the approaching prison car, and made a nine-dragon-joining gesture with his hands.

Whoosh~, the car drove by.
Well, this is the comedy version that Hua Twelve imagined in his mind.

In fact, when the prison van saw an Asian blocking the road, it accelerated and hit him.

"Nine Dragons Merge!"

Zhao Xinchuan roared, and the invisible energy came out, bang bang bang, four explosions in a row. All four tires of the prison car exploded, and the body rolled directly on the road, then turned upside down, and swayed to a halt. There, everyone inside was smashed to pieces, no one was standing or sitting, they all fell down.

Hua Twelve grinned. If Feng Jingyao died in this rollover accident, would he take revenge or not? He felt that Zhao Xinchuan should think about this issue in advance.

He turned to Zhao Xinchuan and asked curiously: "Why do you shout 'Nine Dragons Together' when you make a move?"

Zhao Xinchuan was suffocated: "I'm used to it, I'm more powerful!"

Hua Twelve nodded with deep understanding. Sometimes he was like this.

The three of them walked towards the prison car. A French policeman escorting the prisoner stood up unsteadily, pulled out the revolver at his waist, stuck his head out of the car door and was about to shoot.

Hua Twelve's feet seemed to shrink to an inch. No matter how he acted, he took one step and was more than ten meters away. At the moment when the opponent fired, his fingers had already grasped the opponent's gun body, and his thumb pushed the hammer behind the revolver, allowing the hammer to fire. Can't fall, can't fire bullets.

At the same time, Hua Twelve had already seen clearly from the car door that among the prisoners escorted inside, there was Feng Jingyao, but his father-in-law was not in a good condition at the moment.

“That’s not how guns work!”

Hua Twelve, the foreign policeman, grinned. The next moment, the revolver was in his hand. With a turn of his wrist, the gun was facing forward. With a bang, he killed the person in front of him without even looking at what was going on inside. , flicked his wrist, opened his bow left and right along the car door, and fired three shots in both directions.

The three foreign police officers who were drawing their guns, or who had already drawn their guns and were about to shoot, were all shot in the eyebrows and fell down directly.

The other prisoners in the prison car were so frightened that they screamed loudly. When Hua Twelve stepped onto the prison car, a strong white man whose head was smashed in the overturn of the car and was still bleeding shouted:
"Shit, couldn't you just look at the target before shooting? You almost hit me."

This white man's exposed arms and neck are covered with tattoos, and he has a fierce look on his face. At first glance, he is not a good person.

Hua Twelve shot him on the brow: "It turned out to be close, but this time I hit the target!"

Other prisoners in the prison car who still wanted to complain immediately shut up.

Feng Jingyao was tortured in the detention center and his whole body was covered in injuries. When the prison van rolled over just now, he was knocked upside down. It was only then that he spoke:
"Twelve, come here, kill them all!"

Lao Feng specially said this in French. Hua Twelve immediately understood what it meant. The prisoner in the car must have a grudge against Lao Feng. He deliberately said it in French to let them know clearly.

Old Feng did look a little miserable. His face was bruised and swollen, and there were bruises at the corners of his eyes. His hands were drooped and seemed to be broken. He had no energy at all. It is estimated that these prisoners were responsible for his injuries.

"Oh, no, the Sheriff asked us to do this. You can't do this to us."

Before he finished speaking, Hua Twelve had already taken out the pistol he had obtained from Piero yesterday, and shot each of the prisoners to death.

Seeing that all these people were dead, Old Feng smiled on his bruised face, and then he said something about his last words: "Twelve, I think I'm going to die. Treat Cheng Cheng well. Don't forget what you promised me. Give birth to a boy named Feng.”

Hua Twelve is speechless. He is worried about this even when he is dying.

"Don't worry, I'm here and I can still kill you!"

Hua Twelve took him out of the car, walked to his car, took out a bathtub, poured in the Brotherhood's liquid, soaked Lao Feng in it, kicked He An down who was studying his pants, and took He took out two Snow Ginseng and Jade Toad Pills and stuffed them into Feng Jingyao's mouth. By doing this, he could be saved even if he breathed.

Zhao Xinchuan reminded: "Let's go quickly. A car just passed by. They should call the police soon. Why are you taking a bath now!"

"I just asked them to call the police. My father-in-law was beaten like this, so we can't just let things go like this!"

The Snow Ginseng Yuchan Pills melted in the mouth, and Feng Jingyao took effect at this time, making him feel quite energetic:

"I like to hear this. If a person is not cruel, he will be bullied by others!"

Hua Twelve smiled and pointed his Yang finger to speed up the recovery of his injury.

After waiting for more than an hour, under the accelerated healing of Hua Twelve Yang Zhi, Feng Jingyao had fully recovered, and the bones of his arm had begun to grow. At this time, several police cars finally drove up from a distance.

Hua Twelve had just taken out the bathtub, so he no longer concealed it. He took out a few Chicago typewriters from his crotch and gave them to Zhao Xinchuan and He An:
"We are in the industrial age now. Stop using martial arts to solve problems and try the products of industrialization!"

When several police cars approached, before they could figure out what was going on, Hua Twelve suddenly got on with a Chicago typewriter. He Anxia and Zhao Xinchuan gritted their teeth and imitated his example and pulled the trigger.

The powerful firepower made it impossible for the French policemen who arrived to get out of the car, and they were beaten into pieces in the car.

Feng Jingyao walked over to confirm that there was no police chief who framed him. He turned to Hua Twelve and said:

"I want to take revenge with my own hands and kill that foreign devil chief!"

Hua Twelve smiled and nodded: "Okay, then take revenge with your own hands!"

Ambroise, the chief of the Paris Police Department, was the one who framed Feng Jingyao by collecting Piero's black money.

Today, Feng Jingyao was kidnapped. The robbers killed the policeman who was escorting the prisoner and more than a dozen of his subordinates. Such a vicious incident made him a little anxious. He directed the investigation of the case, accepted inquiries from his superiors, issued a wanted order, and dealt with these matters until later. Went home at midnight.

Just as he got off the car, a car across the street suddenly turned on its headlights, making him unable to see clearly for a moment. He could only see a few people getting out of the car and walking over. When he saw clearly that the leader was Feng Jingyao. , he was immediately shocked, but the other party held a Chicago typewriter in his hand and pulled the trigger directly on him.

The highest-ranking criminal in the French police force was robbed and beaten to death in front of his home!
 Thanks to: 08a, Little Tiger from the Demon Realm, and Brothers Huayu Tianxian for their rewards. Thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes. Thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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