A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 686 Seriously hurting people!

Kuixing kick fighting is a unique skill of the Taoist monks. It is specially used to remove the large vertebrae of zombies when robbing tombs or encountering rice dumplings.

Zombies are invulnerable and powerful. Hua Twelve has already entered the realm of the extraordinary. How strong is he?In the old witch's underground palace, she even used all her strength to break the zongzi's joints.

This Partridge Whistle's fist and kick skills are far inferior to his, but in the original plot, he was able to break the spine of the Xiangxi Corpse King with one kick using the "Kui Xing Kick" move. This shows that this move must have its own uniqueness. at.

Partridge Whistle was extremely cheerful. Now that he had decided to agree, he no longer hesitated. Hua Twelve originally planned to let him choose the martial arts for exchange. Unexpectedly, the former made a decision and passed Kuixing Kickfight to Hua first. twelve.

How to exert force, how to move the energy, and what part to kick when dealing with zombies are all explained in great detail.

Kuixing's kicking move has a unique method of movement. After mastering it, the hardness of the toes and soles of the feet is comparable to the iron toe, which is the unique skill of kicking the foot. The difference is that the iron toe is hardened by kicking hard objects over many years. Kung Fu, and Kuixing's kicking fight only achieves this effect through the use of Chinese martial arts and the combination of breathing techniques.

However, it is not something that can be achieved at the beginning. It also requires years of physical training, but it does not require kicking hard objects. This is similar to Neijiaquan.

The characteristic of 'Kuixing Kick Fight' is that in addition to being as hard as iron, the attack intensity can be about ten times the strength of one's own legs through the coordination of breathing and strength at the moment of the move.

This is also the reason why Partridge Whistle, with his mortal body, can kick the Xiangxi Corpse King to death.

Of course, the part where he kicked the Corpse King was also particular. It was the weak point of the Corpse King's spine. If he kicked the corpse king's trunk and limbs, not to mention increasing the force by ten times, even if the force was increased by twenty times, the opponent would not be able to break through the defense of the Corpse King.

Hua Twelve is a great master of Chinese martial arts and an innate master of internal strength. When Partridge Whistle explained the details of this move, he understood it clearly.

The secret of the 'Kuixing Kick Fight' made Hua Twelve very happy. With his current strength, if he could unleash an attack ten times more powerful with one kick, it would be so sharp. He would have learned a killer move.

After the Partridge Whistle was finished, Hua Twelve used it on the spot. The details and key points were spot on, as if he had practiced this move for decades. The former was amazed:
"It turns out that there really are geniuses in this world. You only listened to me once, and you are more sophisticated than me in using the moves. Now your move is just about the use of strength. This is the skill of terrazzo. It will naturally increase over time. The strength has reached the same level as mine!"

Partridge Whistle said as he touched the ground with his toes. Without using any force, a brick immediately broke into several pieces. Although he didn't use Kuixing's kicking move for this move, he just used his luck skills, which was obviously based on the move. Unwilling to be compared, he wanted Hua Twelve to see his skills.


Hua Twelve smiled and raised his thumb. In fact, with his current skills, he could use this move. Although it could not reach ten times his own strength, it was definitely not something that Partridge Whistle could match. It was just said that it was suspected of showing off, so he might as well I won’t mention it anymore.

After learning Kuixing kicking and fighting, Hua Twelve also began to teach the skills. He explained the efficacy of the 'Taomen Tuna Technique' that he had learned during the October siege, and the role of the 'Ape Strike Technique' in the Chinese and Japanese techniques. Explain in detail, let Partridge Whistle understand the effectiveness of the two techniques, and then choose on your own.

Hua Twelve obtained the Sun Refining Technique from Boss Cha, and the Moon Refining Technique from Zhou Xiyu, thus obtaining the complete "Ape Strike Technique". He also read it carefully during this period, but at a glance Disappointed.

It turns out that the ape attack technique is not a cultivation technique as netizens said, but an assassination technique that originated from the Spring and Autumn Period and has been passed down for thousands of years. It just adds some Taoist daily and night techniques.

Sun-refining and moon-refining methods are actually basically found in all Taoist sects, as well as in Wudang swordsmanship. They are very similar, and they are nothing more than the art of contemplating the existence of gods.

As it is said in the movie, if you practice daily exercises like an ape and look at the sun, it is absolutely impossible. In that case, the retina and macular area will be burned before the exercise is completed, and you will become blind after a few days of practice.

The daily and monthly training in the Ape Strike Technique actually strengthens the soul and nourishes the body through contemplation of the spirit. After successful practice, a person can move as fast as an ape.

As far as martial arts is concerned, in fact, the only way to go is to be fast and unbreakable.

The two techniques that Hua Twelve asked Partridge Whistle to choose have the effect of powerful physical bodies. A strong physical body will naturally have some resistance to things like curses.

After listening to Hua Twelve's introduction, Partridge Whistle hesitated for a moment before choosing the 'Tao Sect Breathing Technique'.

Although the Ape Strike Technique Daily Refining takes care of both mind and body, it is difficult to get started. Although the 'Taoist Breathing Technique' can only strengthen the physical body, it is easy to learn. You can increase your strength and strengthen your Qi and blood while walking, sitting and lying in just one breath. In contrast, the breathing technique is more suitable for people like Partridge Whistle who are burdened with curses.

Hua Twelve secretly praised Partridge Whistle for his vision. Now that he has already entered the extraordinary world, this Taoist art of breathing and breathing is still effective and has benefited him a lot over the years. In his opinion, when it comes to training the physical body, Taoism The breathing technique is indeed superior.

Pass the Taoist breathing technique to Partridge Whistle and explain the key points in detail.

After Partridge Whistle understood it, he immediately returned to his room and tried it. At first he had no feeling, but after half an hour he was in a good state and realized the beauty of it.

After breakfast, Hua Twelve took the girl's pulse again. The latter saw him again, looking a little ashamed, but neither of them mentioned what happened in the morning in front of Er Erhong.

Yesterday, Hua Twelve prescribed a prescription to clear away toxins and strengthen the roots. The girl took the medicine last night and this morning. It is reflected in her pulse now, which proves that the medicine is right for the case.

Looking at Er Erhong who was a little worried, Hua Twelve checked his pulse and nodded to him and the girl with a smile:

"Don't worry, the medicine I prescribed yesterday has taken effect!"

The girl also nodded: "I woke up today feeling more energetic than usual. I also went out for a walk in the morning, and I am not so afraid of the wind and cold!"

Er Erhong was overjoyed: "That's good, that's good. Girl, I told you a long time ago. As soon as my senior brother arrives, he will be able to cure the disease and rejuvenate himself!"

The girl also nodded happily. In the past few years, her condition has finally seen the light of day, so she was naturally very happy.

Hua Twelve smiled and shook his head: "I just happened to bump into it. Don't go out and talk nonsense. What if everyone comes to see me for medical treatment? I have no plans to change my career!"

Er Erhong and the girl both laughed when they heard this.

The three of them were talking together, and without much effort, Na Kun came over to discuss the matter of Luo Xifucheng's performance in Changsha.

Er Yuehong has her own theater in Changsha, called Liyuan, where she usually performs Peking Opera and Flower Drum Opera. It is very convenient for Xifucheng to perform on stage here. He invited Hua Twelve to come to Changsha, firstly to treat the girl's illness, and secondly, for The brothers and sisters will work together again to allow moviegoers in Changsha's hometown to see the glamor they had when they collaborated in the Forty-Nine Cities.

Now that the girl's illness has been cured, he feels relaxed all over, so when Na Kun mentions it, Yue Erhong is also in high spirits, so he will go to Hua Twelve's courtyard to rehearse the opera, and then let's have a good time.

Er Erhong is proficient in Peking Opera and Flower Drum Opera, and belongs to the same family. Hua Twelve plans to collect traditional operas, so Huagu Opera is naturally indispensable, and he also wants to communicate. But before that, he still has something to do, which is to get the music he obtained in France. The machines are all sent to Xining.

Just as he was thinking about how to contact the young marshal in Xining, Zhang Qishan came to the door again and informed Hua Twelve that the front and rear of the plane had been taken care of, so that he didn't have to worry.

Hua Twelve happened to tell Zhang Qishan about wanting to contact the young marshal, and the latter patted his chest and promised to leave the matter to him.

In the afternoon, Zhang Qishan helped Hua Twelve contact the young marshal via telegram. After confirming that a suitable location for building the factory had been found, Hua Twelve did not waste any time and took a flight from Datuopu Airport to Xining with Feng Jingyao that day. .

With Mr. Dai's care, Xining asked for people and land for building the factory. Several large local houses were demolished and directly converted into factory buildings.

The young marshal also requested many skilled workers from the people's government, and they all came to Xining during this period.Now everything is ready, all that is left is the machine.

Hua Twelve took out all the machines in the storage space. The ones that could be used were directly installed by experts and technical workers from the government. The ones that were not used were donated to the government for industrial development.

Of course, his request was that these machines could not leave Xining, and if the government wanted to use these machines to build factories, they could only build them here.

In this way, the government will pay more attention to Xining, and his three factories will also benefit from it, and they will have more peace of mind in terms of safety.

Leave professional matters to professionals, and hand over machines to experts and technical workers for installation and debugging. The young marshal, his eldest wife, and the fourth young lady hosted a banquet for Hua Twelve and Feng Jingyao to cleanse themselves from the dust.

During the dinner, the young commander said something, which made Hua Twelve finally know the reason why the little devil Chen Bing was in Songhu, but he had not launched an attack for a long time.

Speaking of which, this wave was still his fault. Back then, Hua Twelve killed tens of thousands of little Japs in Sijiu City in the name of the Third Prince's appearance. In his childhood, because of the disappearance of [-] Kwantung Army soldiers at Jinzhou Railway Station, They were half-convinced about the things about gods and ghosts, but when the incident in Sijiucheng came out, the little devils actually believed it to be true.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, after achieving certain results, the little devils did not dare to continue the aggression. Instead, they invited the Onmyoji of their country's Jiuju sect from the East to come to China to see what was going on, and to prevent any It happened again.

A lot of Onmyoji from the Little Devils came, and they really saw a big problem at first glance. First of all, the layout of the Eight-Armed Nezha City was real. In the eyes of the Onmyojis from the Jiuju faction, if they want to conquer China, they must first To break their feng shui.

Feng Jingyao was half-convinced when he heard it, but Hua Twelve believed it as soon as he heard it, because there was such a saying in later generations. A search on the Internet found a lot of related information about Feng Shui fighting, saying that there are noses and eyes. Of course, some people say they are superstitious, but there is no smoke without fire. .

So Hua Twelve is not surprised at all if he can do such a thing in his childhood.

Hua Twelve frowned and asked: "The theory of Feng Shui is as mysterious as it is mysterious. It cannot be believed that it exists or that it does not exist. What do the people's government say? Are you just messing around in your own day?"

The young marshal chuckled: "Of course not. The Feng Shui things we learned in our childhood were all learned from our ancestors. If you really want to say it, our Huaxia are their ancestors. The government has entrusted Longhu Mountain, The Taoist masters from Maoshan are here to deal with this matter. If those real Taoists take action, I’m sure they won’t be able to make a big fuss there, and they might even suffer a big loss!”

"That's good!"

Hua Twelve felt excited after hearing this. If he hadn't had something to do, he would have wanted to join in the fun and watch the two sides fight.

After staying in Xining for a few days, when all the machines here were installed and running normally, Hua Twelve handed over all matters here to Feng Jingyao, then bid farewell to the young marshal and returned to Changsha.

The young marshal offended the bald head. Because although Hua Twelve did not dare to touch him, the bald head did not want to use him, so he simply gave the young marshal a member of the Civil Affairs Committee. The false title of deputy minister of industry and information gave him the title of commander-in-chief of Northwest Industry. Things can be regarded as out of sight and out of mind. They don't see each other and they don't get tired of each other.

Therefore, the young commander will live in the northwest for a long time and stay in Xining for a long time.

When Hua Twelve left, the young marshal told him to come over often to drink, and not to forget his sworn brother. Hua Twelve smiled and said, "Don't worry, even if I forget you, I can't forget my father-in-law." , isn’t his old man still here looking at the factory?”

The young marshal pointed at him and laughed and scolded: "I just can't beat you, otherwise I'll beat you up and down to vent my anger!"

As soon as he returned to Changsha Hongfu from Xining, Boss Cha gave him a surprise.

That day Hua Twelve ordered Boss Cha to follow Chen Pi secretly. Sure enough, after Chen Pi knew that the drug Jude Law gave him was morphine, the next night, the night when Hua Twelve took a flight to Xining, Chen Pi couldn't bear it. I found the other party and asked for an explanation.

Boss Cha and Zhou Xiyu, who were following in secret, took the opportunity to take action and captured Jude Law and young female spy Tanaka Ryoko who met Chen Pi, and handed them over to Er Erhong and imprisoned them in the Hong Mansion dungeon.

Er Erhong said with her hands behind her back:
"This matter is a bit troublesome. The place Chen Pi went to was the Chamber of Commerce of the Chou people in Changsha. When Boss Cha and the others took action, the matter was quite troublesome. Now this matter has been focused on by Lu Jianxun, the intelligence officer of the civilian government in Changsha. , I have come here several times in the past two days to ask about the Chou Country Chamber of Commerce, and he must be suspicious of us, but he always asked me to put him off, I don’t think he will give up easily!"

Boss Cha explained: "When Xiyu and I caught them, a dozen masters of daily life jumped out, all of them had extraordinary skills. I feel that these daily life masters are not simple!"

Hua Twelve chuckled, waved his hands, and said indifferently: "So what if it's not easy, so what if I don't give up, don't worry, it'll be fine!"

Er Erhong wanted to say something else, but finally nodded.

Hua Twelve went to the dungeon to see Jude Law and that Tanaka Ryoko, and they were indeed the two guys who worked together in the TV series.

Seeing someone coming in, Jude Law immediately shouted: "I am from the Ugly Country. You can't do this to me. I will protest to your civil government!"

Hua Twelve knew that this person was behind the scenes of "Lao Jiumen" and "Tomb Robbery Notes", causing trouble and chaos. He immediately laughed and said:

"Protests are welcome, you can resist as long as you want when you get down!"

Jude Law was shocked when he shouted: "You, what do you mean?"

Hua Twelve ignored him and looked at Tanaka Ryoko. This girl's eyes shrank when she saw him. Could this subtle change not be hidden from his eyes?
He raised his eyebrows: "You know me? I'm from Ttech, right? Many of you have died at the hands of me and my wife. I think my appearance will definitely be familiar to you secret agents!"

Tanaka Ryoko shook his head and said: "I don't know what you are talking about. I am a serious businessman, not a spy!"

Hua Twelve went up and kicked the woman in the face. He had no sympathy for the female spy at all, and directly kicked the woman until her face was covered with blood:

"I'm serious about hurting people. You bitch doesn't look very serious at first glance. Why are you pretending to be such a serious person like me!"

Tanaka Ryoko was kicked unconscious, and Hua Twelve looked at Jude Law: "What about you, are you serious?"

Jude Law was so frightened that he waved his hands quickly: "I'm not serious, I'm not serious!"

Hua Twelve went up and kicked him: "Sure enough, he is not a serious person, what I hit is not serious!"

After the beating, he felt refreshed both physically and mentally, and waved his hand to Er Erhong: "Bury it!"

Er Erhong said in surprise: "Buried?"

"Why don't you bury it and keep it for the New Year?"

Er Erhong nodded. Although he washed his hands in a golden basin, there was no shortage of people in the house to do dirty work. He immediately asked people to put them in sacks and bury them alive in the suburbs at night.

During dinner, I met Partridge Whistle, who talked to Hua Twelve about the curse. However, he had been searching documents in the Hong Mansion these past few days, and found something about the Muchen Bead in a manuscript written by Elder Yueer Hong. There may be traces of Muchen Beads in the ancient tomb of King Yelang in Qianbian. I plan to go to Qianbian in the next few days.

Hua Twelve immediately became interested after hearing this!
Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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