A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 687: The leader of Xiling!

Chapter 687: The leader of Xiling! (Please order in full!)

PS: I won’t forget the chapter I owe. I’ll make it up when I have enough time.

When he heard Partridge Whistle talk about the ancient tomb of King Yelang, Hua Twelve's heart moved.

He remembered that in "Nu Qing Xiangxi", it was the partridge whistle who wanted to visit the ancient tomb of King Yelang. He rescued Chen Yulou, the leader of Xiling, in Xiangxi, and was invited by him to explore the ancient tomb of Pingshan together.

Now Partridge Whistle suddenly mentioned the ancient tomb of King Yelang, which should obviously be the beginning of the plot.

Hua Twelve was not very interested in tomb robbing, but in the Pingshan Ancient Tomb, there were six-winged centipedes and the Xiangxi Corpse King that had become the inner elixir of climate. He was very interested in these two things and immediately made up his mind to follow them. The Partridge Whistle makes this trip.

Immediately, he told Partridge Whistle and the other three that he wanted to follow him to learn more. Partridge Whistle only cared about Muchen Beads and didn't care about the gold, silver and jewelry in the ancient tomb at all. He thought Hua Twelve was going for the treasure in the tomb. , and immediately agreed.

Partridge Whistle needed to prepare some things to go to Guizhou. In addition, he also had to look for specific information about the ancient tomb of King Yelang in the notes and manuscripts of the ancestors of the Hongfu, so he decided to delay for two more days and leave Changsha after two days. Guizhou border.

In the past two days, Hua Twelve stayed at the Hong Mansion rehearsing the repertoire with Er Erhong, Boss Cha, and his fellow apprentices. He also borrowed the Huagu Opera script from Er Erhong and transcribed it.

During the rehearsal, he got excited and asked Er Erhong to perform a Flower Drum Opera alone. Everyone in the Hong Mansion came to watch the excitement. The classic song "Bang Hai Chopping Woodcutter" in the Flower Drum Opera made the bunch of rubes laugh with joy.

Hua Twelve and Er Yuehong also reappeared in the classic version of Farewell My Concubine, making Boss Cha, a fellow magician, and the three brother and sister Partridge Whistle, all applauding when they watched it.

Duan Xiaolou was a little depressed: "Originally, I played the role of the overlord very well. Once the two of them cooperated, it was like a classic dog and woman. If the master brother plays the role of the overlord again, I have to go back to play the role of a soldier!"

Hua Twelve joked with a smile: "You are now a little bit of a character, and it is not appropriate for you to play the role of a soldier again. This time I will give you a partial general. If you come out and be stabbed to death by me, the overlord, you can call it a day!"

Duan Xiaolou's eyes widened: "I put on my makeup for a long time, but I was stabbed to death by Master Brother Zhi as soon as I came on stage. Then I might as well go back and play the role of a soldier."

Everyone laughed after hearing this.

In the afternoon of the next day, the three brothers and sisters of Partridge Whistle began to pack their bags and prepare to leave for the border of Guizhou the next morning. However, they did not expect that in the afternoon of this day, the troublemaker came to their door.

Lu Jianxun, the civilian intelligence officer stationed in Changsha, led a group of soldiers into the Hong Mansion and asked to see Cheng Dieyi by name.

Er Erhong asked Hua Twelve not to go out, and he went to the flower hall to entertain the uninvited guest.

But how can Hua Twelve do it? People come to him and look for him by name. It is definitely not his style to hide from people. He immediately waved his hand and rejected Er Erhong's proposal and strode towards the flower hall first. Er Erhong was helpless. He had no choice but to follow quickly and face it together.

Entering the flower hall, I saw a young man wearing a civilian uniform, sitting on the main seat with his legs crossed, as if he was the master of the Red Mansion. I think this person is Lu Jianxun.

On both sides stood a dozen civilian government soldiers with loaded guns and ammunition, all of them with solemn expressions and murderous intent.

Seeing Hua Twelve and Er Yuehong come in, Lu Jianxun didn't get up, raised his chin and asked:

"Which one of you is Cheng Dieyi!"

Er Erhong knew Hua Twelve's temper and was afraid that he would start a fight if he opened his mouth, so she quickly said: "I'm Er Erhong, this is my senior brother Cheng Dieyi!"

After he finished speaking, he hugged Lu Jianxun and said, "Sir, I wonder why you are here today?"

Lu Jianxun nodded to Er Yuehong: "It turns out to be the second master. I'm glad to meet you. It's helpless to interrupt me today. I received a report that Cheng Dieyi was related to the disappearance of Jude Kao, a Ugly countryman, and I came here to take him there. Go back and ask questions!”

Er Erhong quickly denied: "My senior brother is from a troupe and doesn't know Jude Kao at all. I'm afraid Commander Lu has been deceived!"

Lu Jianxun chuckled: "It's not up to you whether you recognize him or not. Take him back for interrogation, and the truth will naturally come to light!"

After saying this, his face darkened and he shouted: "Catch Cheng Dieyi and take him away!"

The soldiers on both sides immediately came forward to arrest people. Er Erhongduan shouted:
"I see who dares!"

There was provocation and a hint of hope in Lu Jianxun's eyes:
"Yueerhong, I'm warning you, don't think that because you have a good relationship with Zhang Qishan, you can ignore me. If you dare to obstruct law enforcement again, I can treat you as an accomplice and take you back for questioning. !”

Er Erhong smiled coldly: "You said someone reported it. Then ask the reporter to come out and confront him. I want to see who is spreading rumors to frame my senior brother!"

Although he said that the other party was spreading rumors, he knew very well that Jude Kao and the little devil girl were buried that night. It rained that night, and mushrooms were probably growing on the graves.

Lu Jianxun slapped the table: "It's a joke, we have the responsibility to protect the safety of the whistleblower, so we will never disclose the whistleblower's information. Er Erhong, I'll give you face and call you Second Master. If I don't give you face, you'll just be a showman." Low-grade!"

"Are you worthy of a confrontation? Arrest someone for me!"


Hua Twelve stretched out his hand to push away the February red and faced Lu Jianxun:

"Mr. Lu, right? I don't want to embarrass you. Go back and send a telegram to the Chairman of the People's Government or Mr. Dai, saying that you want to arrest me. Let's see what they say. Okay, go back and don't worry about anything." Hang around, be careful with your arms and legs!"

Now the north is fighting with Xiaori. After the fight is over, the two sides will inevitably have to fight hand to hand. The war is about to break out. Hua Twelve is really unwilling to do something that will make his relatives and enemies happy. Otherwise, it would not be a big deal to reach out and squeeze the man named Lu to death. Son.

Who would have expected him to talk nicely, but Lu Jianxun didn't appreciate it: "What a joke, you're just an actor, and you still need to alert the Chairman and Mr. Dai when you're being arrested? You're exalting yourself too much!"

Er Erhong reminded: "The surname is Lu, my senior brother and the commander are brothers!"

Lu Jianxun's smile became even brighter: "Then I have nothing to worry about. Aren't all the commanders gone? A phoenix in despair is worse than a chicken. Who doesn't know that he can't save himself now? What's more, Boss Cheng, a brother, please catch me." people!"

The last part was shouted at his men.

Bang bang bang bang bang.
A dozen civilian soldiers, together with the intelligence officer Lu Jianxun, were thrown out of the Hongfu gate. Each of them had their legs broken, and they lay on the street in front of the Hongfu gate and started wailing.

The one who takes action is naturally Hua Twelve. If you can't get down the stairs, just throw him down.

Er Erhong shook her head at the door.

Lord Zhang, who came after hearing the news, happened to see this scene. He got off the car, glanced at Lu Jianxun and others who were wailing on the ground, and asked Er Erhong and Hua Twelve:

"I came here as soon as I got the news. Is everything okay?"

Er Erhong smiled bitterly and pointed at Lu Jianxun and the others on the ground: "Look at which one of us looks more like someone is in trouble!" Hua Twelve said to Zhang Dafo: "Send a telegram to Jinling and ask Bald and Mr. Dai to tell them that Lu Jianxun is I did it, don’t send this kind of sand coins here in the future, you, Zhang Qishan, will have full control over Changsha from now on, tell Mr. Dai, just say what I say!"


Zhang Qishan looked confused and couldn't figure out what was going on. In his opinion, it was a bit nonsense for an opera singer to send a telegram to talk to the Chairman and Mr. Dai.

Er Erhong thought the same way and thought her senior brother was talking nonsense.

Hua Twelve said to Zhang Qishan: "You can go if you are told. Why can't what I, the uncle, say not work? Do you want me to ask your sixth uncle to come over and talk to you?"

Zhang Qishan is so depressed. Who said that when we become friends as equals and have different opinions on co-authorship, you will become an uncle again?
Seeing Hua Twelve's vows, Zhang Qishan sent a telegram to Jinling with the idea of ​​giving it a try.

In less than an hour, Jinling called back. The message was simple and clear. Lu Jianxun was relieved of all his duties and handed over to the custody of Changsha garrison officer Zhang Qishan. There was no mention of Hua Twelve breaking the former's legs.

All military affairs in Changsha will be handled by Zhang Qishan from now on.

Zhang Qishan didn't know what to say when he saw the content of such a telegram. Why does this make him feel more awesome than my sixth uncle?

As for the informant mentioned by Lu Jianxun, Hua Twelve forgot to hypnotize him first and only focused on breaking the opponent's legs, so he simply handed the matter over to Zhang Qishan and told him afterwards.

That night, Hua Twelve used Yiyang Finger to give the girl the first treatment. The girl took the decoction to clear away toxins and strengthen the body. With the magical effect of Yiyang Finger this time, the disease was half cured. Waiting for this time with Partridge Whistle When they go out and come back, they will use one penis finger to do it again, and the girl's disease will be completely cured.

Seeing that the girl's complexion had improved visibly, and she became like a normal person after the treatment, Er Erhong cried with joy, took the hand of the senior brother Hua Twelve and thanked him profusely, saying that she was willing to help the senior brother. Go through fire and water, this kindness and virtue will allow him to do anything.

Hua Twelve kicked him away: "I don't have Lord Rabbit's hobbies!"

At that time, Er Erhong's face was even redder than the red coat he was wearing. Three beauties, Feng Chengcheng, Yatou and Bai Niu, looked at Er Erhong's deflated face and were all amused and laughed out loud.

On the morning of the third day, Hua Twelve said goodbye to his beloved wife again, and followed Partridge Shao and the other three people to leave Changsha and head to Guizhou.

When passing through western Hunan, Partridge Post took a shortcut through the mountains and passed several Miao villages on the way. In order to make the journey easier and avoid misunderstandings, he suggested that everyone change into Miao clothes before heading into the mountains.

Hua Twelve was self-conscious, so he immediately put on Miao family clothes and went into the mountains with his brothers and sisters.

He was born well, but after he was dressed in Miao people's bright clothes, he became even more handsome. Hua Ling, a girl who was still in love, stared straight at her eyes. It was the partridge whistle that reminded Hua Ling to shyly turn her head. Go, but still peek at him from time to time.

Hua Twelve pretended not to see it. Although this flower spirit looked like Xiaojiabiyu and was smart and lively, it was obviously not his cup of tea. It was better to stay away from him, so as not to cause any misunderstanding and make the girl sad in the end.

After two days of driving in the mountains, I met some Miao people who were collecting medicine. Partridge Whistle could easily deal with them in Miao dialect. Hua Twelve could actually speak some Miao dialect. When he followed Lan Fenghuang But I lived in Jingmiao Village for a while.

That night, several people stayed in a cave, lit a bonfire, and drank and chatted around the bonfire.

Ordinarily, people should not drink alcohol in the mountains, but in this mountain, the humidity and coldness are heavy at night. A few sips can warm the body and drive away the dampness and coldness.

While they were chatting enthusiastically, Hua Twelve's ears suddenly twitched, and he immediately made a gesture of silence, and then pointed outside the cave: "Listen!"

The three brothers and sisters held their breath for a moment and listened. But after listening for a while, the old foreigner said first: "Boss Cheng, did you hear it wrong? Apart from the sound of wind and the cry of night owls, there is nothing else." Sound!”

Hua Ling also nodded in agreement, obviously she didn't hear anything.

Partridge Whistle frowned and listened, and suddenly his eyes shrank: "No, there is some movement, let's go and see what's going on!"

After saying that, he stood up and walked out, and the others also stood up and followed.

Hua Ling and the old foreigner both looked at Hua Twelve with surprised expressions. They knew what their senior brother was capable of. Even their senior brother, Partridge Whistle, didn't notice it in advance. Boss Cheng actually heard it first. How good are his ears? ah.

The partridge whistle led the way, and they followed the sound, walking deep and shallow in the forest. After walking for about a mile, they waved to everyone to stop, hid behind a tree and looked in one direction.

Hua Twelve, Hua Ling, and the old foreigner all followed the same example. They all found a tree to hide in and looked in the direction where the partridge whistle was looking.

In the hazy moonlight, the forest ahead suddenly opened up. It was a small clearing in the forest, surrounded by ancient cypresses. The clearing was filled with grave mounds one after another. The hills and ridges were filled with grass and rocks, and a clear spring flowed through it. The winding flow reaches deep into the grass, and the back of the grave mound is obscured by the night mist that breeds weeds.

Between the two ancient trees outside the cemetery, there is half a broken stele. It is too far away to make out the writing on the stele, but the stele is about half a person tall, and it is covered with a layer of incomplete The tile surface looked like it was either the tomb door of an ancient tomb, or the archway ruins of some dilapidated ancestral temple.

The point is not the ancient tomb, but what happened in front of the ancient tomb.

I saw a person standing in front of the ancient tomb under the moonlight, falling to the ground with a face full of horror. A big raccoon with white hair, followed by a small raccoon with yellow fur mixed with colorful patterns. He was slowly walking towards the man on the ground.

When everyone saw such a strange sight, they couldn't help but take a closer look, but it was a bit bad at this sight. They all felt that their eyes were blurred. The white-haired raccoon had disappeared and was replaced by a white-haired donkey with a horse sitting on it. There was a skinny old woman with a sullen expression on her face.

The thin old woman's eyes were shining, but she was so thin that she looked like a mummy crawling out of a tomb. There was not a trace of flesh visible, and her skin was as rough and shriveled as old tree bark, with no trace of blood at all. No, and he is extremely short, apparently less than three feet tall. He wears a white cap on his head, and has a pair of small feet wearing white shoes that are three inches tall.

At this moment, Hua Ling and the old foreigner walked out of their hiding places uncontrollably towards the ancient tomb.

Hua Twelve knew immediately that he was obsessed with the illusion. When he saw Hua Ling and the old foreigner being attacked, he was considering whether to shoot them with an M500 or slash them with a flame knife, when the Partridge Whistle over there took the lead. , deliberately stepped on a dead branch on the ground, making a clicking sound, which made Hua Ling and the old foreigner slightly startled and slowed down.

Then the partridge whistle shouted loudly: "The heaven and earth are full of righteousness, and they are mixed and endowed with manifolds. Below are the rivers and mountains, and above are the sun and stars. People call it awe-inspiring, and it is as abundant as the sky."

This is Wen Tianxiang's "Song of Righteousness". Every word and sentence is full of the awe-inspiring righteousness of heaven and earth, which can deter evil and evil. As soon as this righteousness song comes out, the illusion disappears in front of Hua Ling and the old foreigner, and both of them wake up immediately. .

Partridge Whistle was about to step forward and kill the two raccoons, but Hua Twelve took action one step ahead of him. With one step of his foot, he was already in front of the two raccoons as if he had shrunk to an inch.

The two raccoons reacted very quickly, and they all swooped up and bit Hua Twelve's throat and body.

Hua Twelve pointed his fingers together like a knife and swept out. While listening to Pu Pu's two sounds, the two raccoons flew out like rags. The two heads had already left the body and fell to the ground, whistling and bleeding, and twitched twice. Not moving anymore.

He took out a dagger and went up to cut open the body. Unfortunately, he couldn't find the legendary demon pill. It seemed that these two raccoons hadn't become a big deal yet.

Turning to look at the man on the ground, Hua Twelve knew that this man was Chen Yulou, the leader of Xiling among the four tomb robbers. Finding him in this trip to western Hunan was half the success.

 Thanks to: brothers 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon World, and Shu 20230718081812510 for their rewards. Thank you to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes. Thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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