A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 691 Lao Wai, please be more careful!

Hua Twelve found that his hair stood on end, and he immediately thought that this phenomenon had been introduced on the Internet in real life. If a person's hair suddenly stood up in the wild, it was probably an electrostatic reaction caused by a large amount of charge accumulation on the head. In other words, it is a precursor to a lightning strike.

Damn it, how can there be a lightning strike when there are no clouds at all?

Hua Twelve thought to himself. When he raised his head, he saw clouds gathering above his head. He didn't know when he was covered by dark clouds.

His mind was running rapidly, and he immediately came up with a guess. The six-winged centipede was originally a monster with a demon pill. This time it swallowed the toxin essence of countless poisons and was refined into a demon Gu. The life level will definitely jump and evolve. The strength will definitely be further improved, and according to the settings in some fairy novels, it is very likely to cause thunder disaster.

With this thought, combined with the sense of crisis in his heart, Hua Twelve was [-]% sure that this was the situation now.

Hua Twelve's first decision was to run away. He knew exactly how much he weighed, and he had no confidence that he would survive the thunder.

But he was unwilling to give up the Gu worm he had just obtained. Now the Gu worm has not been fully trained. He needs to feed it with his own blood for 49 to [-] days before he can master the life Gu, and only then can he get the benefits and feedback.

From the feedback that such a powerful Gu insect like the Six-winged Centipede gave him, one can imagine how much benefit he could get, and how could it be possible for him to give up so easily.

His eyes quickly scanned the surroundings, but he couldn't find any lightning protection place. However, he saw the people who were coming together looking over here from a distance. Chen Yulou asked loudly:
"Brother Hua, what's going on now?"

Hua Twelve didn't bother to answer. He immediately saw Luo Laowai, who was 1.8 meters tall next to Chen Yulou.

His mind instantly recalled that when he and Luo Laowai were smoking and spanking together these past few days, the other party had boasted about his family history.

Why did he learn to drive corpses when he was young and worked as a corpse dealer, but his real purpose was to sell opium. After he got rich, he recruited young men, destroyed countless families, formed a team and became a local warlord, and robbed many women.
In critical moments, people's thinking speed becomes very fast. Some people can even recall their own lives in the moment before the crisis. Hua Twelve is like this now. After recalling Luo Laowai's sinful family history, he then remembered a story.
It was said that two people met a big tiger in the forest. Person A quickly took out his sneakers from his bag and put them on. Person B asked in confusion: "Can you still outrun the tiger if you change your shoes?" Person A put on his shoes and ran. : "I can't outrun a tiger, so I can't outrun you!"

When Hua Twelve thought of this, his eyes lit up immediately and he shouted loudly: "Others, don't move. Luo Laowai, please come over with a knife and help me!"

When he spoke, he was already squatting on the ground, trying to lower his height on the ground as much as possible.

Luo Laowai saw that all the poisonous insects were dead, and only the big centipede remained motionless in front of Boss Cheng, and seemed to have lost its vitality. He thought that Boss Cheng was calling him to go over and hit him, so he became more courageous, thinking that this was An opportunity to show courage in front of everyone and his subordinates, he replied loudly:

After saying that, he took a steel knife from his subordinates, ran over with big strides, and when he got close, he said with a smile:

"Boss Cheng, you are really capable. You single-handedly wiped out all the poisonous insects in this mountain. It was so damn satisfying. By the way, why are you squatting here?"

Hua Twelve not only squatted, but also mobilized his energy and blood to spread all over his body. At the same time, he also used the innate divine power to protect his body. Hearing Luo Laowai ask this, he grinned:
"Shuai Luo, raise your sword and be more powerful and domineering!"

After speaking, he stretched out two fingers to plug his ears.

Luo Laowai raised his knife and was about to hit the centipede, but at this moment he suddenly felt his scalp numb and said strangely:

"Hey, why do I feel so numb on my head?"

A bolt of lightning fell, and thunder shook the valley. In the distance, Chen Yulou, Partridge Shao and others, who were about to ask Hua Twelve why he wouldn't let them pass, felt a white light suddenly appear in front of their eyes, dazzling flowers, and were shocked by the thunder and flash. He was so dizzy that he lay on the ground subconsciously and did not dare to move.

After a burst of thunder, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed, and the sky returned to the clear sky before, as if the dark clouds and thunder and lightning had never appeared before.

At this time, Hua Twelve's hair exploded, his face was dark, and there was still smoke coming from his body. However, he was fine. The six-winged centipede was similar to him. There was also a burning smell coming from the gaps in the carapace, as if it had been struck by lightning. As if it were cooked, all six transparent wings were burned away by the thunder and fire, but it could be seen from the slightly shaking claws that it still had a trace of life.

Everyone and Gu were fine. Hua Twelve turned his attention to Luo Laowai not far away. At this time, the local warlord fell to the ground, still maintaining the shape of the Statue of Liberty. There was a trace of flesh at the connection between the handle of the knife and his hand. Xiang, the whole person is like a piece of coke, and his original appearance can no longer be seen.

In that moment, Luo Laowai withstood [-]% of the power of the thunder, and the remaining [-]% was shared by Hua Twelve and the Six-winged Centipede. The remaining power of the thunder and lightning turned countless poisonous corpses on the cliff into ashes.

Hua Twelve thought to himself, as expected, thunder struck high places, and metals are easy to conduct electricity. The physics teacher really did not deceive me.

Originally, La Luo came over to block the thunder, and he just struck it with one strike without thinking. If there was a second strike, he would release his flying sword to resist it. If there was a third strike, he would have no choice but to abandon the Gu insect. Just think about yourself.

Unexpectedly, the thunder only struck once and disappeared that day. It seems that this six-winged centipede has a limit to its strength, otherwise it cannot easily end the disaster.

In fact, how did Hua Twelve know that the reason why Lao Xiong Ridge on Pingshan Mountain was chosen by emperors of several dynasties as a place for alchemy was precisely because of its excellent feng shui, which was not inferior to the Taoist Cave Paradise. The power of the imperial court made some Feng Shui arrangements, which were originally designed to eliminate disasters and ward off evil spirits. This reduced the power of the lightning strike, otherwise it would not have ended so easily.

At this time, everyone in Chen Yulou who had recovered their senses over there rushed over when they saw that the danger was over. Miss Hong was the first to speak and asked Hua Twelve:
"Singer, are you okay?"

Hua Twelve grinned: "Have you changed your mind? Are you worried that I will be struck to death by lightning and you will become a widow?"

Seeing that he could still joke and laugh, Miss Hong knew that it was definitely nothing serious. Her eyes looked a little unnatural when he said that, and she said with a look of disgust on her face:

"Stop laughing, it's like briquettes turned into sperm. It looks scary!"

Chen Yulou and Luo Laowai were brothers. They quickly went up to check the situation: "Luo Shuai, how are you?"

Hua Twelve didn't feel guilty at all: "Shuai Luo has done too many bad things and got struck by lightning. You see, he got me involved!"

If the six-winged centipede could talk, he would laugh out loud now. I am not a human being, and you are not a human being. I was obviously pulled by you to support you, and yet you bite me back.

People are superstitious these days. After hearing what Hua Twelve said and thinking about the things Luo Laowai had done, everyone thought that it was really possible.

Luo Laowai: I died unjustly!

Seeing that Hua Twelve was fine, Partridge Whistle also went to check on Luo Laowai's condition, and then couldn't help but shook his head: "There is still a breath of life, but it is probably hopeless. My condolences to Mr. Chen!"

Chen Yulou was somewhat sad. Although he didn't like what Luo Laowai did, the latter was quite loyal to him and was the warlord he supported. It was a pity to die like this.

Hua Twelve stood up at this time and said: "Let me take a look!"

He walked over and checked Luo Laowai. Sure enough, as the partridge whistle said, he still had breath, but the skin in the place where he was struck by lightning was ripe, and the five internal organs were seriously damaged. It probably only lasted for a moment and a half. .

After thinking about it, Hua Twelve took out two pills. One of them was naturally his favorite Snow Ginseng Yuchan Pill. This medicine melted in the mouth and was used to hold Luo Laowai's last breath. The second pill is the Baiyun Xiong Gall Pill of the Hengshan School of the 'Swordsman Jianghu World'. This medicine can make a person comatose for half a day and lock in vitality. Not only can the injury be recovered in the coma, but it can also delay the outbreak of the injury and buy time for treatment. .Of course, these two medicines are not enough to save Luo Laowai. What Hua Twelve wants is to hang the opponent's life first, and then use a medicinal bath to restore him.

Although Luo Laowai has done many evil things, if he died directly, forget it, just think that Hua Twelve was killing harm for the people, but the former is still alive, it is not easy for him to just die, after all, he was blocked by him Thundery.

Two pills were stuffed into Luo Laowai's already hacked mouth one after another. Both of them melted in the mouth. The aura of the local warlord finally stabilized. Although it was still very weak, it was not as likely to be interrupted at any time as before. Looks like it.

Hua Twelve suggested: "Now that the poisonous insects have been eliminated, why don't we go back and repair it first? I will treat Luo Shuai by the way. His injuries will be fully recovered in a day or two. Then we can come to visit the tomb again." Late!"

Chen Yulou said in surprise: "You are already cooked and can you still be saved?"

Hua Twelve nodded: "It should be no problem!"

"Okay, let's go back first!"

With a wave of his hand, Chen Yulou unloaded the bandits and Luo Laowai's troops and returned to Yizhuang.

The surface of Hua Twelve's body was charred black, but his skin was not damaged. Miss Hong insisted on letting him sit down on the sliding pole, occupying Chen Yulou's sliding pole, and asked Mr. Chen to follow the team back, which made Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle complain. All the way to female college, she was not allowed to stay.

Before leaving, Hua Twelve also asked people to carry the six-winged centipede. Although the latter became a Gu, it was still in a weak stage. After being struck by lightning, it also lost its ability to move and needed time to recover. .

Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle both guessed that Hua Twelve had succeeded in refining the Gu, so they didn't say anything and had people carry the six-winged centipede down the mountain together.

After returning to Yizhuang, Hua Twelve soaked Luo Laowai in a medicinal bath. After he recovered a little, he poured strong wine into him to speed up his blood circulation and promote the healing of his internal injuries.

The moment Luo Laowai was soaked in the tub, the life of the Turkish warlord was saved.

As soon as they walked out of Luo Lao Wai's house, the red lady came over and asked in a low voice: "When you let Luo Lao Wai pass by, were you asking him to block the thunder?"

Hua Twelve subconsciously said three times in a row: "I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

Miss Hong showed a meaningful smile, rolled her pretty eyes at Hua Twelve, turned around and left without asking any more questions, stopped after taking two steps, turned around and said:
"I boiled hot water for you just now, you should wash up too!"

Hua Twelve felt that this woman had seen through, but he said blindly: "Does the fourth aunt care about me?"

A flying knife hit Hua Twelve's ear and hit the door frame behind him: "Virtue!"

The red girl left without looking back.

Chen Yulou and Luo Laowai's adjutants came over and asked about Luo Laowai's condition. They learned that Luo Laowai would be fully recovered in a day or two. Although they did not believe that they would recover so quickly, they were really relieved, and there was a look on their faces. smiled.

Hua Twelve went to the quiet room prepared for him by Miss Hong to wash up and change into new clothes. Then he took out the mirror from the storage space and looked at it. He couldn't help but sigh:
"There are indeed benefits to surviving the thunder tribulation. My skin has become much whiter. Oh, how can a person be so handsome? He looks like Tang Sanzang. I am really worried about all the big girls and little wives in the world!"

Although his words were poor, what he said was good. Of course, it was not about the big girl or the little wife, but he really benefited from that thunder.

At this time, his meridians were much expanded than before, and the innate power in his body became more obedient.

Originally, although the Chaoyang Purple Qi and Big Dipper Gangsha in his body neutralized each other and became innate divine gangsters that had little stimulation on the body, they still caused some irritation and damage to the body.

The situation of Hua Twelve in the past was like that of brothers in the Sichuan and Shu areas of later generations who could eat spicy food, but this does not mean that chili peppers are not irritating to their bodies, such as the oral mucosa, gastric mucosa, and intestinal mucosa.

But after today's thunder tribulation, the innate Gangsha in Hua Twelve's body has become as if he was practicing internal energy. Not only can he not feel any stimulation, but it also has the effect of warming and nourishing the body. This proves that his body and meridians are all in the thunder tribulation. It has been enhanced, making him completely immune to the negative effects of the innate evil spirits, and only enjoys the benefits brought by the positive effects.

For this reason alone, Hua Twelve felt that the trip was worth it.

After washing up, he walked out of the quiet room. Hua Twelve's handsome appearance made him jealous. Not only did he not win praise from others, he also made everyone laugh.

Hua Ling pointed at his face and said strangely: "Boss Cheng, where are your hair and eyebrows? You have become a monk."

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone laughed again, but it was under the lightning strike. Although Hua Twelve was not injured, the hair on his body was turned into gray by the power of the thunder. This is why he looked in the mirror and felt like Tang Seng’s reason.

Ignoring these guys who didn't understand aesthetics, I asked Chen Yulou and heard that Six Wings was locked up in a side room in the backyard of Yizhuang. Hua Twelve didn't bother with anyone and went to see his own Gu worms.

After arriving in the backyard and entering the side room, Hua Twelve felt a close aura from the giant centipede on the ground.

After he smeared his own blood on Liuyi's forehead and it was absorbed by it, a very subtle psychological connection was created between Hua Twelve and Liuyi, and this subtle connection became stronger after the thunder tribulation.

At least Hua Twelve could feel the kindness and closeness shown by Six Wings to him.

After carefully examining Six Wings, I found that this big guy was not unable to move due to injury, but that it was undergoing amazing changes within its body, or that it was evolving.

The toxins from countless previous poisons have finally gathered into one body. Six Wings is presumably digesting these benefits. Once it completes its evolution, there should be no serious problems.

Hua Twelve just felt that it was a pity that the six wings of this big centipede were destroyed by the thunder. Otherwise, it would be strengthened after becoming a Gu, and with his careful training, it might one day be able to fly in the air and become his flying mount. Not necessarily, it will definitely be much more attractive than standing on a flying sword.

But he didn't expect that the six wings would start to shed their shells the next day. After they shed their shells, the six wings would grow back intact.

In addition to the six-winged centipede, Luo Laowai took a medicinal bath for a night, and his injuries were almost healed. He kept thanking Hua Twelve for saving his life.

This was great for Hua Twelve, and he nodded immediately: "Old Wai, please be more careful and do more good deeds in the future. You see, I was struck by lightning this time, and I was even hurt!"

After hearing this, Luo Laowai nodded repeatedly, looking ashamed!
 Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

  (End of this chapter)

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