A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 692: I am the Sword Immortal and I have a showdown, Xiangxi Corpse King!

In less than two days, Luo Laowai, who was struck by lightning for doing bad things, completely recovered. Everyone couldn't help but marvel at Hua Twelve's medical skills. They all said they didn't expect Boss Cheng to have such abilities and medical skills. Instead of becoming a miracle doctor, you become a famous actor in the theater. That would really be an indignity.

The red girl's eyes glowed unconsciously when she looked at Hua Twelve. When others looked at her, they didn't say anything, but they knew in their hearts that this girl was one step closer to the fourth concubine.

Miss Hua Ling felt a little uncomfortable. In fact, she liked Boss Cheng. It was not that the fourth aunt couldn't discuss it, but she didn't show that intention.

Chen Yulou is happy to see the matter between Miss Hong and Hua Twelve come to fruition. If the two of them really get married, the Xiling family will have a powerful friend, who will benefit from it without any harm.

Luo Laowai recovered from his injury, but Chen Yulou couldn't sit still and called everyone together to discuss visiting the tomb again.

When Hua Twelve was called over, everyone was startled. There was no other reason. This guy was fine before, but now his steps were sluggish and his face was bloodless. He seemed to be suffering from a serious illness, and he seemed to be in the fireworks alley. The feeling of being squeezed dry by a few courtesans in a brothel.

When the red girl saw it, she quickly went up to help her: "Singer, I saw you yesterday and you were fine. Why are you like this?"

Others also showed concern.

Hua Twelve took out a piece of ginseng as thick as a goose egg from his arms: "Miss Hong, please help me make some ginseng soup to replenish it!"

After passing the ginseng, he took out a black Shouwu: "By the way, add this one too!"

Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle both had expressions of surprise on their faces. Both of them were well-informed. When they saw the two treasures, they immediately felt that they were extraordinary and hurriedly stepped forward to check them out.

One said: "This ginseng is at least 500 years old!"

Another said: "This Shouwu must be 300 years old!"

The two stared at each other, no wonder they didn't pay much attention to tomb robbing. If these two medicinal plants were sold, it would be enough for an ordinary family to have enough food and clothing for several lifetimes, so they took it out casually.

Luo Laowai scratched his bald head struck by thunder and reminded:

"Boss Cheng, you can't take medicine blindly. I think your symptoms are like kidney deficiency. I have experience with this. In this barren mountain, you suddenly have kidney deficiency. Could it be that you encountered a female ghost who sucks people's yang energy?" Alright?"

Listening to Luo Laowai's nonsense, everyone looked strange. Seeing that his reputation was damaged, Hua Twelve suddenly said anxiously:

"You have a weak kidney. I am empty. Bah, bah, you have been led astray!"

Hua Twelve secretly decided in his heart that next time there was something like overcoming a tribulation, he would have to call Mr. Luo Wai over. It would not be unfair at all to ask this guy to block the thunder.

The reason why he is like this is not due to kidney deficiency, but due to excessive blood loss.

In the 'Swordsman World', he saw that Blue Phoenix had practiced the natal Gu and felt that it was not very dangerous, so he thought about it when he encountered the six-winged centipede.

It's just that Hua Twelve only saw the good side of things, but ignored an extremely important point.

After initially subduing the Gu, there will be a slight psychological connection between the person and the Gu, which is the prototype of the natal Gu.

But that trace of induction is very fragile and can only be saved for a very short time. Once the induction disappears, the Gu insect will immediately return to its wild nature, and it is absolutely impossible to practice the original Gu. If you want to maintain that kind of induction, you must use refined Gu. Feeding Qiqi with human blood for 49 days will strengthen the relationship between humans and the poison, and only then will the poison finally recognize its master and succeed.

What Hua Twelve ignored was that the natal Gu of Blue Phoenix was a rare snake Gu in Miao territory. The little snake was no more than the size of a little finger. He only needed to drink two mouthfuls of blood every day. It was very easy for Blue Phoenix to feed it.

And Hua Twelve's natal Gu, a six-winged centipede, is over three feet tall and needs to drink two large bowls of blood every day.

Hua Twelve relied on his being a martial arts master and his strong physique to hold on for two days. Today he couldn't hold on any longer. If he didn't replenish his body, he would be sucked dry by the centipede.

Miss Hong helped Hua Twelve sit down on the chair and quickly went to boil the medicine. When everyone saw Boss Cheng like this, it was difficult to speak. Come on, don't leave the meeting. Just wait.

After Miss Hong boiled the medicine and brought it over, Hua Twelve drank two precious medicines, which nourished the five internal organs and bone marrow, allowing the body to have energy to produce blood, and his complexion improved a little.

He sat up straight, and under the strange expressions on everyone's faces, he said, "Master Chen, tell me, what's the matter with calling me to the meeting?"

Chen Yulou shook his head: "Originally, I asked the brothers to discuss the matter of exploring the Pingshan Ancient Tomb again, but now I feel that these are not important. I am curious, Brother Hua, what have you experienced and how did you end up like this? !”

Hua Twelve has a black hair, what do you mean, what have I experienced, how come it sounds like he has been ruined by others, you are just asking for gossip.

He was about to tell the story about feeding the Gu with blood, but then he changed his mind. Chen Yulou said that he wanted to explore Pingshan again. Hua Twelve remembered that in the original plot, this guy teamed up with the Partridge Whistle and was tricked by the owner of the tomb. Together, they suffered heavy losses.

Although Hua Twelve looked down on the tomb robbing business, he still admired Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle for their personalities, especially since they got along well with each other. He couldn't just watch these two guys jump into that hole.

He immediately asked: "I'll put this matter aside for now, and we'll talk about it later. Let's talk about this ancient tomb first. Head Chen has called everyone together, and I think I already have an idea in my mind. Why don't you tell me about it and listen to it!"

Luo Laowai was sure that Hua Twelve had kidney deficiency, so he was not interested in what he had gone through. When he thought about it, there were only three possibilities for Hua Twelve's kidney deficiency: [-]. Red Girl, [-]. Hua Ling, and [-]. , female ghost, none of which can be thought of right now. What he cares about is robbing tombs and making money.

So when Hua Twelve said that we should talk about the ancient tomb first, Luo Laowai clapped his hands and said, "That's right, Mr. Chen, Boss Cheng is right, let's talk about business now!"

Chen Yulou was joking just now and nodded immediately: "Okay, then I will tell you what I think!"

After listening to what he said, everyone sat upright and concentrated.

Chen Yulou held the folding fan in one hand, patted it gently on the other hand, and shook his head: "Brothers, some may know, some may not know, my Xiling lineage has the method of distinguishing dragons from mountains, and there is a secret method in it. You can hear the wind and thunder to determine the structure of the underground tomb!”

Everyone was greatly surprised when they heard this, but Partridge Whistle said: "I have heard rumors that Xiling has the magical method of listening to thunder to explore tombs, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

Hearing the Partridge Whistle, the leader of Moving Mountain, start to express his admiration, Chen Yulou looked bright and continued:

"I visited Luo Shuai's tomb for the first time with Luo Shuai before. We used gunshots instead of thunder to determine the outline of the underground palace, but we couldn't hear the details. That day, lightning struck Luo Shuai on a dry day, so our second visit to the tomb was in vain. However, it was a blessing in disguise. I could roughly hear the location of several tomb passages and three underground palaces through the sound of thunder. Most of them were where Yuanren's tomb was located. The largest underground palace was located on the top of the mountain. Open under this deep cliff."

Luo Laowai was overjoyed when he heard this: "Then what are we waiting for? Hurry up and ask the motherfucker!" When Hua Twelve heard that this was still according to the original plot, he immediately said: "Master Chen, just now you asked me why It’s like that, I’ll tell you about it now!”

Everyone became curious when they heard what he said, wondering why he suddenly mentioned this matter.

Hua Twelve didn't show off, and directly said the lie he just made up in his mind:

"Actually, I felt that the ancient tomb in Pingshan was very risky, so I used the Taoist method of summoning the underworld to explore Pingshan at night, hoping to help my brothers find the location of the ancient tomb. However, my skills were too weak, which damaged my vitality!"

When everyone heard what he said, they looked at each other in confusion. We believe you are a master, and we believe you can refine Gu. But you suddenly said that you are an immortal cultivator and can produce ghosts?How can we believe this?Are you sure you're not having a nightmare about something?
Chen Yulou coughed lightly: "Brother Hua may have some disease and his mind is a little confused. Don't mind it!"

Many people nodded along.

Seeing the expressions of everyone, Hua Twelve didn't hide it. He pointed his hand and a white light flew out. It circled around the room a few times like a dragon, then pounced and inserted it into Mr. Luo's crooked shoulder. Above, it is a sword with a cold light.

I am the Sword Fairy and I have a showdown!

The sword was so sharp that when it pierced Mr. Luo's shoulder, he didn't feel any pain. He turned around and saw the sword stuck in his shoulder, and then he reacted and screamed.

"I'm sorry, my vitality has been damaged. It's a bit difficult to control the flying sword. I can't control it. I'm sorry, Lao Wai!"

Hua Twelve said this, but he was snickering in his heart. You just said that I had a weak kidney, right? I really thought that the sword immortal would not hold grudges!

After speaking, he hooked his fingers, and the flying sword flew back with a swish, was put into the storage space by him, and disappeared.

After everyone was shocked, they all stood up. The living Sword Immortal appeared in front of them. How could they dare to sit in front of others?

Chen Yulou said solemnly: "Brother Hua..., no, it's Mr. Hua Immortal."

Hua Twelve waved his hands sarcastically: "What do you think of immortality? I didn't reveal my identity. I originally wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person. I have no choice. You don't believe me. You have to ask me to show my supernatural powers." Look at how much fuss this has caused, even outsiders, everyone is sitting here, you can still call me Brother Hua or Boss Cheng, but don’t call me Immortal Chief, I am still on the road to becoming an immortal. You have traveled so many miles farther than ordinary people, but in fact you are no different from ordinary people!"

Everyone felt that the immortal's words sounded modest, but they didn't know why, but they felt so proud and deserved a beating!
Hua Twelve asked everyone to sit down, and after some good talking, everyone relaxed, and then everyone became excited. This was the first time they had met a living swordsman.

One asked whether the Jade Emperor's real surname was Zhang, and the other asked which one was more beautiful, the Queen Mother or Chang'e.
Hua Twelve has a black line on his head. What the hell do I want to know? I’ve never seen it before.

"Don't talk nonsense about me being a ghost!"

Hua Twelve explained the correct location of the Yuan Dynasty general's tomb described in the original plot, and then said: "The Yuan Dynasty tomb is on the mountainside. The others are all traps for tomb robbers. If you make a mistake, you will escape death." !”

Chen Yulou suddenly became energetic and asked someone to get paper and pen. He first drew the shape of a bottle mountain, and then used a pen to describe the space in the mountain that he heard when he listened to thunder and distinguishing dragons. Then he pointed to a space on the mountainside and said: " It should be right here!”

Hua Twelve saw that the position of his painting was very different from that of the original work, so he nodded and confirmed:
"Yes, the tomb is right here. The rest of the place is full of traps, as well as the old emperor's alchemy room and alchemy furnace. However, there is nothing good in it. I also took a look at the alchemy furnace with Yin Shen. The corpse elixir made from zombie meat is extremely disgusting!"

Everyone listened to his description and felt the same way. Partridge Whistle also lost interest in the elixir pharmacy.

With Hua Twelve's guidance, everyone immediately took action and climbed Pingshan again, eliminating the need to explore the tomb. The two families, Bishan and Xiling, quickly found the exact location of the tomb and successfully entered the tomb. .

This time, no explosives were used to blow up the mountain, and the bottle mountain did not collapse. However, in the tomb chamber, there were mountains of gold, silver, jade, and countless blue and white porcelain jars. Any piece taken out at random was a great treasure and antique.

In the main tomb, there is a mountain of gold and a sea of ​​silver. In the middle, there is an unusually tall purple gold coffin. The purple gold coffin is so luxurious and beautiful, and it is surrounded by a jade box covered with beads, so-called beads.It is a pearl tent, and the coffin is covered with flawless jade.

I don't know what the status of this Yuan Dynasty general was, but he was able to have so many burial objects, and even the coffin was extremely luxurious. I guess his status was not low during his lifetime.

Chen Yulou sighed: "This is all the sacrifice of our people in the Central Plains. This foreign general burned, killed, and looted our people in the Central Plains during his lifetime. After his death, he took these treasures underground. What we do today is to do justice for heaven."

Hua Twelve said impatiently: "Come on, if you rob a tomb, just rob the tomb. Don't give yourself a gilt, and get to work quickly!"

The others burst into laughter, and Chen Yulou coughed twice in embarrassment: "What are you waiting for? Move it!"

Luo Laowai had been pierced by a flying sword in the shoulder before. Half of his body was bandaged and he came up on a splint when he went up the mountain. He had a grimace on his face. At this time, with gold and silver in front of him, he laughed and waved his hand in high spirits: " Brothers, move the hell away!"

The next moment, the bandits from Xiling and Luo Laowai's brothers rushed forward and started searching.

Partridge Whistle was staring at the mural on the wall in trance, because the mural depicted the pattern of Muchen Beads.

Chen Yulou patted him on the shoulder: "As for the Muchen Pearl, we'll look at it later. Let's open the coffin for him first. Maybe your Muchen Pearl is inside!"

After saying this, Partridge Whistle immediately came back to his senses and nodded repeatedly.

At the moment when they were moving mountains and unloading mountains, the two leaders of tomb robbers joined forces and easily opened the coffin.

When Hua Twelve saw them opening the coffin, he did not stop them. Instead, he walked behind them and waited for the zombie king to come out of the coffin.

As soon as the coffin lid was opened, a burst of black gas suddenly emerged from the coffin.

The people around the coffin quickly retreated, and before the black air could dissipate, they saw an ancient corpse sitting upright in the coffin.

This zombie is tall and burly, with a face as bloody as beef liver. It has no crown on its head and its hair is loose. It is dressed in a splendid purple robe with fierce patterns and a jade and gold belt around its waist. It is the first person in Hua Twelve's trip. Two purposes.

Xiangxi Corpse King!

 Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

  (End of this chapter)

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