A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 693 The name of the chapter is sucked away by the zombie king!

As soon as the corpse sat up, everyone was shocked. Chen Yulou subconsciously took out the dagger Xiao Shenfeng, the inherited weapon of the Xiling lineage, and made a defensive posture. The partridge whistle also opened its posture, looking like it was ready to attack at any time. !

Luo Laowai used to be a corpse hunter. He looked at the corpse sitting up and grinned: "What's wrong? Why did the Yuan Dynasty zombie sit up from the coffin on its own? I'm afraid the zombie will turn into a walking corpse!"

After hearing what he said, everyone held their breath and watched to see if the corpse would make the next move.

Fortunately, the corpse just sat upright and never moved again!
Huamaguai, the military advisor of the Xiling group of thieves, was considered well-informed. When he saw this, he said:

"I heard a Western doctor say that some corpses still have neurological reflexes after death, including those that sit up. In fact, they are not fake corpses. Could this be that kind of reflex?"

Hua Twelve, who was watching the excitement, laughed out loud. Damn it, you have been dead for hundreds of years and still have nerve reflexes. What kind of nerve is that? You must be crazy!
He held back his laughter and turned to Huama: "You are right, it's just that kind of reflex. Then go and take off all the treasures from him!"

Huamaguai was startled when he heard this, and even broke out in sweat: "There are so many brothers, why do I have to go!" Obviously he was also reluctant!

Hua Twelve said with a smile: "Because others thought it was a fake corpse, but you said it was a neurological reflex, we are all afraid, but you believe in science, who else will go if you don't!"

Huamaguai smiled and said: "What science? I'm just bragging."

In such a gloomy and eerie atmosphere, when the two said this, many people who were still nervous couldn't help but laugh.

Partridge Whistle tried to kick the ancient corpse in the chest, and the next moment the corpse fell down again, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Luo Laowai used his good hand to scratch his bald head struck by lightning, and laughed: "Damn, it was a false alarm. Work, work, move things quickly!"

The Xiling bandits and his brothers were now busy again.

Chen Yulou walked to the purple gold coffin, stretched out his hand and stirred the coffin with a small sharp edge, and said to the partridge whistle: "Come here, see if you have your Muchen Bead!"

When the Partridge Whistle heard that this was a serious matter, he quickly stepped forward to check. As a result, the two leaders, Bishan and Xiling, searched the coffin and could not see the shadow of Muchen Bead.

Chen Yulou asked curiously: "Brothers Partridge Whistle, others have said that you have been searching for the Muchen Bead for thousands of years. What is it?"

Partridge Whistle was disappointed that Muchen Bead was not found, but he still said:

"I have never seen the specific thing, but it is said that the thing is the condensation of the inner elixir of ancient creatures, or it is the creation of heaven and earth. Its shape and color are no different from the human eye. It is said that the ancient thing is hidden in a tomb somewhere in the world. Inside the corpse's mouth, it's called the Muchen Bead, also known as the Phoenix Gallbladder, which can break the thousand-year curse of our Shishan lineage!"

Luo Laowai had long been impatient when he saw the two of them chattering beside the coffin without taking the treasure. Who doesn't know that the most valuable things in the tomb are usually buried in the coffin? He hurriedly stepped forward and said :
"Two heads of the house, you guys can chat while you're at it. Let the brothers unload the treasure from this coffin first!"

Hua Twelve also came up at this time and said directly: "Take the treasures in the coffin. I have given this coffin and this ancient corpse. You guys don't have any objections!"

Although Partridge Whistle and Chen Yulou didn't know what Hua Twelve wanted with this ancient corpse, they were relieved when they thought that the other party wanted a six-winged centipede.

Chen Yulou said: "This visit to the tomb went so smoothly only because of Brother Hua. Brother Hua can just take whatever he wants without having to say hello to us!"

Hua Twelve smiled and shook his head: "I only need these two things!"

Luo Laowai knew that Hua Twelve had a profound background and extraordinary abilities. After listening to Chen Yulou's words just now, he was still a little afraid that Hua Twelve would open his mouth and take away the treasure. Wouldn't that make their work in vain?

At this time, when Hua Twelve said that he wanted a coffin and an ancient corpse, he suddenly beamed: "Okay, I'll take out all the treasures right now and clean out the coffin for Boss Cheng!"

That being said, he was doing Hua Twelve a favor by taking the treasure.

After Luo Laowai finished speaking, he called his brothers to come up and retrieve the treasure. He also used his intact arm to grab a piece of gold-locked jade from the chest of the ancient corpse.

He grabbed the jade and was about to pull it off, but the next moment, his wrist banged and was caught by a dark withered arm. Looking carefully, it was the ancient coffin that caught him. corpse's hand.

Old Luo's scalp was fried. Although he had learned how to drive corpses, he should have some skills in dealing with zombies and walking corpses, but he had not used them for many years. What he had learned before had been returned to his master a long time ago. At this time, he was caught by the zombies. , so frightened that his whole body became weak, he turned to Hua Twelve and shouted in mourning:

"Boss Cheng, take your ancient corpse away quickly!"

While he was shouting, the ancient corpse opened its eyes, stood up suddenly, opened its big mouth and bit his neck!

"Luo Shuai, be careful!"

Chen Yulou stabbed the ancient corpse's forehead directly with his little sword. With a bang, sparks shot out, and the treasure of Xiling was returned without success.

Fortunately, although the zombie was not hurt this time, it also gave it a pause, preventing Luo Laowai from being kissed by the ancient corpse wolf for the time being.

At this moment, Partridge Whistle picked up an underworld weapon from the ground, but it was a bronze incense burner, which was directly hit on the face of the ancient corpse. After a loud noise, the incense burner shattered, and the ancient corpse was smashed into the coffin again.

However, the ancient corpse was still holding Luo Laowai in its hand. When it fell back, it directly pulled the unstable Luo Laowai into the coffin.

"Help, Mr. Chen, please save me."

"Luo Shuai!"

Chen Yulou stepped forward to save people, but was stopped by Partridge Whistle: "Be careful!"

The Partridge Whistle had seen clearly. It turned out that the corpse of the Yuan Dynasty general was close to Luo Laowai's back, as if it had sucked the life out of a living person, as if it was sucking something. The zombie's face instantly became ruddy and shiny. A few minutes later, it was definitely not as deadly as before.

But Luo Laowai was miserable. He seemed to have aged ten years in the blink of an eye. His skin had wrinkles visible to the naked eye, probably because the zombies sucked the yang energy and marrow.

Chen Yulou could see clearly with his night eyes and knew that Luo Laowai was in serious danger, but he still couldn't bear it and asked Hua Twelve for help:
"Boss Cheng, let's release the flying sword and kill the zombies!"

Hua Twelve was still thinking about taking the zombie away for research, so how could he just kill it? Besides, the zombie and Luo Laowai were now tightly stuck together, so this cut would not break them in half.

But it’s not easy to just leave him alone: ​​“Let me take a look!”

The interior space of this coffin is not small. Although the zombie was hiding behind Luo Laowai, his head was exposed. Hua Twelve was not polite. He stepped forward to activate the divine power in his body, activated it in his palm, and slapped the zombie with his palm. top of head.

Shen Gang is definitely an extraordinary energy. It is formed by the neutralization of the Chaoyang Purple Qi and the Beidou Gang Evil. It has a restraining effect on evil things. With this palm, green smoke sizzles out from the top of the ancient corpse. It smells extremely strange and looks like a zombie. He also felt the pain of the injury, his body twisted, and he opened his mouth to roar.

As soon as the zombie roared, his mouth immediately left Luo Laowai. Upon seeing this, Hua Twelve grabbed Luo Laowai with one hand and pulled him out, but Lao Luo's body was out, and his good hand was still holding the zombie's hand.

Lao Luo said in a weak voice: "Boss Cheng, please save me!"

Hua Twelve looked at his hand and said in a negotiating tone: "Otherwise, you won't have this hand!"

Luo Laowai almost cried: "No, I think we can save him one more time. Boss Cheng, you have great powers. I can't even call you grandpa. You have to save me!"

Hua Twelve also wanted to try the skills of the Xiangxi Corpse King. He held Luo Laowai in one hand and used his other hand to grab the zombie's wrist. He separated the muscles and bones.But the next moment, Hua Twelve felt that his fingers were like pinching fine steel, and the hand that separated the tendons and bones could not move at all. He urged the divine power in his body to move, and used the Jiuyin Divine Claw to separate the tendons and bones.

The Jiuyin Divine Claw is also called the 'Destroying Divine Claw'. The five fingers use force to break through all the strongholds, destroying the enemy's head as if it were piercing through rotten soil. With this move, Hua Twelve can easily grab five claws even on hard granite. Come to a finger hole.

But this scratch didn't hurt the zombie at all. The place where his fingers came into contact with the zombie's wrist made a sizzling sound and sparks popped out.

Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle both looked horrified. It goes without saying that the zombies have copper skin and iron bones, but what is the strength of Hua Twelve's five fingers?Is this still human hands? That’s all for steel hooks!
Seeing that the zombie could not be affected by such finger strength, Partridge Whistle immediately shouted: "Brother Hua, pull that zombie up, I will kick him with Kuixing Kickboxing!"

Hua Twelve didn't answer. He could kick it himself if he wanted to do that, but if he kicked the zombie to death, what would he study?

The hand that immediately grabbed the zombie's wrist changed from grasping to shaking, stimulating the strength of the whole body, and the innate divine power in the body, all of its own strength of more than 250 jun was changed into the concussive power of the internal boxing, which exploded under this shock come out.

With a bang, dust stirred up under the purple gold coffin, and the entire tomb seemed to shake. The Xiling bandits looked here in shock.

The red girl who was carrying the underworld weapon shouted in this direction: "Singers, be careful!"

Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle were stunned for a while, and there were three people next to the coffin who were easy to attack. No wonder they all said that a woman who is in love is blind. Is this selective blindness?

Luo Laowai: I am not a human being?

Whether the dust was flying under the coffin or the tomb was shaking, these were all the aftermath of Hua Twelve's shock. In fact, [-]% of the force of his shock penetrated the zombie's arm, stirring back and forth. If not for this, the coffin would have fallen apart long ago. .

Such a huge force finally made the zombie's fingers loosen. Hua Twelve took advantage of the situation and threw Luo Laowai outward, and the latter escaped from the zombie's clutches.

Luo Lao fell to the ground crookedly, feeling no pain at all, but Hua Twelve used a clever trick to make him land smoothly.

But even so, Luo Laowai couldn't get up and felt that all his strength had been drained away.

The Xiangxi Corpse King had no interest in it and acted entirely on instinct. When he saw Hand Xueshi being rescued by the man in front of him, he became furious. He sat up again and opened his mouth to spit out a blast of black and miserable wind towards Hua Twelve.

Everything just happened in a flash of lightning. Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle originally planned to step forward to help, but Hua Twelve had already thrown Luo Laowai out.

The two of them had just breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this scene. They were the two factions who had recorded the supernatural events that happened in some ancient tombs. Knowing that this black air and wind could never be contaminated, they all reminded loudly: "Hua Brother, get away quickly, you can’t touch that black energy!”

However, they saw that Hua Twelve did not dodge, but waved his sleeves. Suddenly, strong winds blew and rustled in the tomb chamber, blowing back all the black air and wind. This move was a unique Shaolin skill. Kasaya's magic of subduing demons'.

After breaking through the evil wind, Hua Twelve turned around and reached behind the zombie. He reached out with his left hand and grabbed the Xiangxi Corpse King's neck with a bang, and lifted it up with one hand.

The zombie had acquired Luo Laowai's yang energy, and it already looked a bit like a human being. The joints of its hands and feet had also softened a lot. It was struggling in Hua Twelve's hands like a living person, but now he was being held up on his back. , no matter how his hands and feet move, no matter how hard he exerts himself, he cannot touch Hua even a little bit.

When Hua Twelve saw Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle looking at him dumbfounded, he immediately shouted: "If you don't take action to get the treasure, what are you waiting for!"

Only then did the leaders of the two factions react and quickly started to clean up the treasures in the coffin.

After everything was taken out, Hua Twelve threw the zombie into the coffin, picked up the coffin board with his toes and buckled it directly. He put the zombie and the coffin into the storage space, waiting to take them out for study when conditions permit. !

He had tried it before in the old witch's underground palace in Ding Dongling. Although his storage space could not hold living things, it had no problem collecting zombies. Now he tried again with this Xiangxi Corpse King, and it was still the same.

Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle were very curious when they saw that the coffin was completely missing. The former said: "Brother Hua is a swordsman. You must have the magical power of Taoism and Xumi Mustard Seed of Buddhism!"

Hua Twelve's trip to western Hunan was complete and he was in a good mood. He smiled and nodded: "That's about right!"

Over there, Mr. Luo shouted tremblingly: "Master Chen, can you save your brother first, and then talk about anything else?"

Chen Yulou slapped his forehead and forgot about this incident. He walked over and said with a smile, "Luo Shuaiji is a good man and a good person. Isn't it no big deal?"

Luo Laowai said with a bitter face: "I feel weak all over, and my arms are very numb, as if they are no longer my own!"

Hua Twelve and Partridge Whistle also walked over at this time. When they took a closer look, they saw that Luo Laowai's hand had turned blue-black. Where the zombie had grabbed it, there were five finger marks as black as ink. appear.

Chen Yulou also exclaimed: "Is this corpse poison?"

Hua Twelve glanced at the hand he used to catch the zombie. It was still as white as jade, not to mention black, not even a black spot.

After drinking the five-treasure flower honey wine, he became immune to all poisons. In addition, the energy in his body had the effect of restraining evil spirits, so even corpse poison could not touch his body.

Chen Yulou is quite experienced: "This requires glutinous rice to remove the poison. Let's carry Luo Shuai down the mountain quickly!"

Hua Twelve took out a bag of glutinous rice directly from the space. All the grains and grains in his storage space were ready. Naturally, there was also glutinous rice, which came in handy at this time.

Chen Yulou quickly grabbed a handful and rubbed it repeatedly for Luo Laowai. Black air visible to the naked eye bubbled out. It took a long time before the green and black color faded, and he was finally out of danger.

However, the corpse poison is easy to remove, but Luo Laowai cannot get back the yang energy that was sucked away, so he can only slowly replenish it with supplements in the future.

But who can we blame? If Luo Laowai hadn't been so greedy and was the first to touch the corpse, he wouldn't have ended up like this. Others would be the unlucky ones.

The trip to Pingshan Mountain was uneventful. Before going down the mountain, Partridge Whistle found clues to the Muchen Bead in the murals of the ancient tomb as in the original plot, and it was considered a gain.

After Hua Twelve came down from the mountain, he didn't want any money for the treasure in the tomb. Chen Yulou offered to give it but he refused. He just asked Miss Hong:

"I'm going back to Changsha, will you come with me?"

The red girl, who had always been sassy and heroic, suddenly became sultry and rubbed the corners of her clothes with her hands without making a sound.

Chen Yulou looked worried: "What are you thinking about? You will become the fifth aunt in a later time!"

The red girl's eyes widened: "He dares!"

Then the voice softened again: "I have conditions, I want to be the last concubine!"

That means after her, Hua Twelve can no longer look for her.

Hua Twelve smiled and nodded: "Okay, then you can start with the Ten Aunts!"

The people around suddenly burst into laughter. Aunt Ten, didn’t it mean that we could find six more in front of us?
Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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