A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 697 Is this thing alive?

Chapter 697 Is this thing alive? (Please order in full!)

When Lord Zhang arrived, Hua Twelve was demonstrating the entire process of feeding six-winged centipedes to his third and fourth concubines in his room.

The reason why he wanted to demonstrate this was that Feng Chengcheng said that he found Hua Twelve looking pale, and because his whereabouts were unknown last night, he suspected that this guy was causing kidney deficiency behind their backs, so the latter wanted to prove that his pale face was definitely not kidney deficiency, nor was it Caused by going out and messing around.

As a result, as soon as Six Wings was released, the content of the demonstration changed from a demonstration of feeding Six Wings to a demonstration of rescuing Feng Chengcheng.

After pinching the third aunt to wake her up, Feng Chengcheng, who had just woken up, saw the huge centipede more than three meters long and fainted again.

Only then did Hua Twelve react and asked Lady Hong, "Do you think she was frightened by Six Wings?"

The red lady looked at him with a black line: "What do you think!"

Well, Hua Twelve finally understood what was wrong and complained to the fourth aunt: "It's all because you are not afraid at all, so I subconsciously ignored the fact that girls are afraid of bugs!"

Red Lady: Where is my throwing knife!
He carried Feng Chengcheng to the bed, let him lie down, quickly cut his wrists to feed the six wings, and then put the big centipede back into the storage space, and then revived the third aunt.

After Feng Chengcheng woke up, his expression was a little sluggish, as if he had experienced some kind of shock: "Twelve, I seem to be dreaming. I dreamed of a big centipede. Is it a centipede spirit if it is so big?"

Hua Twelve quickly comforted him and explained that it was not a dream. The big centipede was his pet and has now been put away.

Feng Chengcheng looked at him for a long time before bursting into tears. She hugged him and scratched and bit him, saying that she was most afraid of bugs and so on. This time she almost lost her soul in fear.

Hua Twelve was a little scared after hearing this. He thought that Xu Xian was scared out of his body when he saw the big white snake without clothes. He had to have two snakes, white and green, to steal the fairy grass to save him. The six-winged snake looked like a snake. Jingke is much more terrifying, and he looks like he is in the same group as Jinba Dharma King. If Feng Chengcheng is scared out of his wits, he will have nowhere to find the fairy grass.

Hey, let's put it this way, Xu Xian's courage is actually worse than that of a girl.

He was holding the white lady..., well, he was holding Feng Chengcheng. Oh, they all look the same anyway. When he was holding this lady and despising Xu Xian, a servant from the Hong Mansion came outside to invite him, saying that Master Zhang Dafo was here. The second master invited him. Boss Cheng went over to talk.

Lord Zhang Dafo did not come by himself. There were two other people who came with him. One was his adjutant Zhang Rishan, who was also a member of the Zhang family, and the other was Qi Tiezui, who was the eighth in the Nine Sect and was known as the Eighth Master.

Er Yuehong introduced several people to Hua Twelve. Zhang Rishan knew about Hua Twelve's relationship with the young marshal and respected him very much. Qi Tiezui did not dare to neglect when he saw this, and said with a smile that he was a fan of Hua Twelve.

Hua Twelve knew clearly that what he said was polite, but he still asked with a smile: "Really, which play of mine would you like to hear?"

Qi Tiezui was stunned for a moment. He was just being polite, but he didn't expect to be asked. After holding it in for a long time, he said:

"Your performance of Zhang Fei fighting Li Kui was so good!"

Hua Twelve laughed heartily: "Baye is such a wonderful man. I heard that you are called Qi Tiezui by people in the world. It turns out that you have a really tough mouth. Go back and help me eat two walnuts. Don't waste the ability of this mouth!"

Everyone present laughed. Each of these two people was better at making nonsense than the other!

Qi Tiezui wasn't angry either. He was the one who started talking nonsense. He was in Changsha and couldn't compete with famous actors in Beijing. He said it was nonsense to talk about theater fans. He immediately smiled and said:
"Boss Cheng is also a wonderful person. No wonder when I hear the second master talk about it, he always praises it very much!"

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "I don't dare to take it seriously. Ten points is too many. Nine point eight is enough. This number is auspicious!"

The crowd laughed again.

After she had stopped laughing, Yue Erhong said: "There are two things that Lord Buddha came to do this time. One is that I heard that Senior Brother and Marshal are producing new weapons. Lord Buddha wants to ask if this weapon can be given to his subordinates. Get a new batch!"

"The second thing is that a place suspected to be where the kid made the virus was found in a nearby mine. I'm going to follow him to find out. Once I leave, my family will naturally be taken care of by my senior brother!"

Hua Twelve was not surprised by this first thing. Lord Zhang Dafo and the Young Marshal were distant relatives, and all telegrams between him and the Young Marshal were through this family. Naturally, the affairs of the military factory could not be hidden from them, so he immediately said:

"Now the civilian army has started a war with the Japs. The first batch of new weapons is produced and must be sent to the front line. Let's wait for the second batch. I will leave [-] new rifles for Lord Buddha. You can equip some of the troops first. , we’ll talk about the rest later.”

Lord Zhang was overjoyed when he heard this. He also knew that the new weapon would be used on the front line. It was said that the weapon was very powerful and its performance far exceeded that of the rifles currently used. It was also more powerful than the heavy machine gun and could cost up to five hundred. He was already satisfied and thanked him profusely.

Later, Zhang Dafoye and others did not go behind Hua Twelve's back and directly talked about the news about the mine.

Hua Twelve coughed lightly and interjected: "I know a little bit about the things under the mine!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. Er Yuehong didn't believe that the Hua Twelve Society was targeting the target without purpose, and quickly asked what happened.

Hua Twelve told the story about Qingwuzi and the fallen copper, and then said to everyone's surprised expressions:
"I've heard about what happened in Changsha before. The train full of coffins and corpses was actually a conspiracy of the little devils. The little devils were very interested in the things in the mine, but they didn't have the ability to go in, so they thought of you, old ninemen. , that train is to lure Buddha into the situation!"

"The next few days I came to see Junior Brother Hong to treat the girl. This is the second link of this plan. It is to lure Junior Brother Hong into the game. The purpose is to join forces with you to crack the method left by Qingwuzi and let They get what’s inside!”

When Hua Twelve said this, he suddenly remembered something and added: "By the way, that Judekao who treated the girl and gave her morphine was also employed by Xiaozhi, but this guy had other selfish motives, but it doesn't matter now, because Whether it's Tanaka Ryoko, the person in charge of Jude's examination, or the person in charge of the little life, they are all dead, so this conspiracy will be self-defeating!"

Master Zhang was dubious, but Er Yuehong believed in Hua Twelve, and suddenly said: "It's actually like this, senior brother, how did you know?"

Hua Twelve smiled and said, "I guessed it!"

Er Erhong was speechless: "Brother, can't you be more serious?"

Although he complained like this, he did not ask further questions. He understood that if someone didn't say anything, there must be a reason for not saying anything.

Qi Tiezui suddenly muttered:

"The Palace of Netherworld is dominated by the gods. Burial without cutting grass is called robbery burial. Burial close to ancestral graves will bring disaster to descendants. One grave will be prosperous, but ten graves will be lonely and poor. Good luck and bad luck for burials are the same as for abandoned corpses. Yin and Yang are combined. Talisman, the communication between heaven and earth. Inner Qi emerges, and external Qi takes shape. Internal and external factors multiply, and Feng Shui is formed by itself. If you observe your vision, you will understand your emotions. If you can understand this, the world will be rampant."

Zhang Rishan, Lord Buddha's adjutant, was familiar with Qi Tiezui and asked, "Master Eight, what are you talking about with your mouth?" Yue Erhong said, "It's the Qingwu Sutra, and the author is none other than Qingwuzi! "

Qi Tiezui nodded excitedly and said: "Yes, Qingwuzi is the most famous Feng Shui master in the Northern and Southern Dynasties and my idol. His last whereabouts are unknown in history. I didn't expect that his tomb is in Changsha."

Lord Zhang was not interested in Qingwuzi or anything else, so he turned to Hua Twelve and said:

"Brother Hua, it's not that I don't trust you. This series of things all show that it is related to Xiaori's virus experiment. Although what you said is very reasonable, it is very likely that this incident is Xiaori's arrangement to bring me and the second master into the game, but It’s a matter of safety in Changsha. As a defense officer in Changsha, I still want to go there in person and have a look with my own eyes before I can rest assured!”

Hua Twelve smiled. This was what he wanted. He was only upset if Lord Zhang didn't go. He was not familiar with visiting tombs. If these people in front of him didn't go, who would guide him.

He immediately smiled and said: "Buddha's duty is as it should be, but I also want to go down with you. I won't take any of the treasures in Qingwuzi's tomb. I only want one thing, and that piece was hidden by Qingwuzi." The meteorite copper under the mine, I wonder if you can agree to it!"

Er Erhong looked at Zhang Dafo Lord, there was no problem with him, it just depends on what Zhang Qishan said.

Zhang Qishan said seriously: "I am not here to rob the tomb, I just want to see with my own eyes whether the things under the mine are a conspiracy of Xiaoli. If it does not affect the safety of Changsha, I will rest assured. As for the things inside the tomb, Boss Cheng Just take whatever you like!"


Hua Twelve suggested: "Since we are not here for the property in the tomb, if there are any gold, silver, jades, antiques and treasures in there, why not donate them all to the country to support the Anti-Japanese War!"

Buddha Zhang said happily: "That's exactly what it should be!"

Qi Tiezui, the eighth master, said with a sarcastic smile: "Everyone, I don't know if it's too late to change my name to Guo Jia!"

Everyone knew that this guy was joking. After Yue Erhong recovered from the girl's condition, her personality gradually became cheerful. After hearing this, she even joked: "Stop calling Qi Tiezui, change your name to Qi Pianzui!"

Zhang Dafoye also smiled and said: "I think this name is good, and this will be it from now on!"

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

The mine is near Changsha. Zhang Dafo Lord had to see it before he could rest assured, so he decided to set off today.

Everyone prepared. Zhang Dafoye took many Zhang family children and headed to the mines in full force. After the death of Chen Pi yesterday, Er Erhong had already taken over the Hong family's business. At this time, he also selected dozens of capable people. The masters of the tomb went together.

Everyone rode out of the city. On the way, Qi Tiezui smiled and joked: "Congratulations to the second master for returning to his old career. Look how good it is. Why wash your hands in a golden basin!"

Er Erhong smiled and shook his head: "I did stop robbing the tomb after the incident. I wash my hands in the golden basin sincerely. I went to the tomb this time because the property in the tomb was donated to support the Anti-Japanese War and serve the country and the people. Make an exception!”

Hua Twelve rode a horse alongside Er Yuehong. Hearing this, he praised: "This is a good example. I think we need to break it more in the future. So much gold and silver treasures were taken underground by those in power in the past. It is really a waste. Why not take it out and do something beneficial to the nation and the people!"

Speaking of this, Hua Twelve mentioned the trip to western Hunan again and asked Zhang Dafo if he knew Luo Laowai.

Zhang Qishan nodded and said: "I heard that he was originally a small warlord in western Hunan, but was later absorbed by the people's government. His reputation is not very good!"

Hua Twelve nodded: "You should pay attention and see if you can take him under your command. This time Na Luo Lao Wai got a benefit from robbing tombs in Pingshan and made a fortune. He will probably expand his team. You recruited him." , when we face Xiaoli in the future, we can have more strength. If this old boy doesn’t really resist Japan, then you can just get rid of him!"

Zhang Qishan nodded when he heard this and kept this matter in his heart.

On the way, Hua Twelve told Zhang Qishan how the special forces of later generations trained and performed tasks. He also talked about what decapitation tactics were. If Zhang Dafo could train a special forces of dozens or hundreds of people, these people would be armed with AKs. , with enough firepower, it can presumably act as a surprise weapon on the battlefield.

Zhang Qishan nodded repeatedly after hearing this. Although what Hua Twelve said was not comprehensive, it also brought him a lot of inspiration.

After walking quickly all the way, we arrived at the field at noon. After taking a short rest, everyone was led by Zhang Dafoye into the mine.

Before this, Zhang Dafoye went deep into the mine twice, and was poisoned once. It was Er Erhong who rescued him, so he was already very familiar with the terrain of the mine, and led the team directly to a stone gate.

Zhang Qishan and Er Erhong stepped forward at the same time, looked at each other, and then they pushed open the stone door together.

Everyone entered the underground palace and walked through the corridor. The Hong family broke the trap along the way, and finally arrived in front of a stone tablet. There were many writings on the stone tablet. After a thousand years, the words were still clear, it was the "Qingwu Sutra"!
In addition to the Qingwu Sutra, there is also the origin of this large tomb, which is similar to what Hua Twelve told them.

Zhang Qishan saw it with his own eyes, and then he completely believed Hua Twelve's words, and finally felt relieved, as long as it was not a place where he studied viruses in his childhood.

Qi Tiezui regarded Qingwuzi as his ancestor and bowed his head when he saw the stone tablet.

There is a stone gate behind the stone monument, and there is a large pool in it. The water in the pool is turquoise and waveless, and it fluoresces slightly under the torch. When everyone passes through the stone gate, they see a platform made of bluestone in the middle of the pool. It is hundreds of meters away from them, with thick walls on both sides. The iron cable lies across the water. If you want to get to the other side, you must pass the iron cable like a wooden bridge.

"I'll go over first, and you guys will follow!"

Hua Twelve didn't want to walk on a single-plank bridge. When he stepped on it, he was already flying like an immortal, floating lightly on the water for 50 meters before falling.

Just as he was about to fall into the water, and everyone was about to shout to him to be careful, Hua Twelve waved his hands, and the water under him suddenly rippled, and his body rose into the air again, like a big bird, floating again. After flying for 50 meters, it fell like a feather and landed lightly on the bluestone platform on the other side.

Qi Tiezui was dumbfounded: "Dear me, Boss Cheng has become an immortal this time. Is this also called Qinggong? Shouldn't Yanzi Li San be killed?"

In fact, this is a method of luck that Hua Twelve discovered after practicing the Nine Dragons Together. With this breakthrough, it is expected that he is not far away from the Xiaoyao Sect's supreme body method, 'Xiaoyao Yufeng'.

When everyone walked through the rickety iron rope, they saw Hua Twelve, who had arrived a long time ago, looking at a three-meter-high meteorite copper in the middle of the platform in a daze, with a solemn expression on his face.

The reason why Hua Twelve had this expression was because he found that this thing could not be stored in the storage space, so there was only one explanation. This thing was alive, or this piece of meteorite copper had its own soul!
 Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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