A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 698 The dead can live!

Zhang Dafoye and Er Erhong both ordered the people they brought to check around the platform. Everyone under them agreed and immediately dispersed to check around.

Adjutant Zhang Rishan shined a wind lantern into the pool. Although the light was a bit dim, he could vaguely see something under the pool, and he immediately shouted:

"Lord Buddha, look there is something down here!"

After hearing Zhang Rishan's words, Fo Ye, Er Er Hong, and Qi Tiezui all came over to look into the pool. At this time, everyone was holding torches and wind lanterns. Zhang Da Fo Ye and others were even using flashlights. The light shone brighter than before. It became brighter several times, and finally it was clear that there was a bronze coffin in the water.

Qi Tiezui pondered: "Is this the coffin of Patriarch Qingwuzi?"

As he spoke, he knelt down and kowtowed to the coffin in the water.

Er Erhong shook her head, turned around and found that Hua Twelve had not followed, but was standing beside Yutong in a daze. She couldn't help walking over and asked:
"Brother, did you find something?"

Er Erhong saw that Hua Twelve had something wrong with his expression and was the first to speak, asking with concern.

Hua Twelve shook his head: "It's nothing, I just think this thing is a bit weird!"

At this time, everyone had already walked back from the edge of the pool.

When Lord Zhang heard what Hua Twelve said, he couldn't help but stare at the meteorite copper and observe it carefully.

Qi Tiezui asked Hua Twelve from the side: "Boss Cheng, is this the meteorite copper you mentioned?"

Hua Twelve nodded: "Not bad!"

Er Erhong frowned and said: "This thing is not small. We just walked through the stone gate and the corridor just now. It is impossible to transport it through. How can we take it away!"

"I'm sure I won't make it!"

Qi Tiezui pointed in the direction he came from: "The origin of this large tomb is clearly recorded on the stone tablet outside. At first, Patriarch Qingwuzi placed the meteorite copper outside because it was too big to be transported away. A large tomb was built to cover up the traces of meteorite copper. When the tomb was built, transporting it out was not even considered."

Hua Twelve was thinking about the matter of the fallen copper, when his heart suddenly moved, he turned to Qi Tiezui and said:
"Eighth Master, you are famous for your extraordinary calculations. How about you give this thing a calculation?"

Hua Twelve showed no apparent calmness at all. He was a little shocked now. Mainly because he had tried to use the storage space to collect meteorite copper before others came over. The result was that he could not collect it. This feeling of being unable to collect it, It was exactly the same feeling as when he collected living creatures.

Therefore, he now guessed that there was something strange about this piece of meteorite copper. It was probably alive and had its own soul.

Besides that, there is another possibility.

Hua Twelve once read a statement on the real-life Internet that Qingwuzi did not actually die, but gained an alternative kind of immortality through the power of meteorite copper. His body or soul lived in this meteorite copper. .

He couldn't determine which situation it was, but in short, there was life in this meteorite copper or the world inside the meteorite copper, whether it was material life or spiritual life.

Hua Twelve asked Qi Tiezui to do the calculations, also wanting to see what unexpected gains there would be. After all, in a world where zombies and monsters exist, the Eighth Master of the Nine Sects who can be called the 'divine calculation' will definitely not be just trying to gain fame. generation.

Qi Tiezui did not refuse, nodded and started calculating using Qimen arithmetic. After a while, he suddenly said in shock:

"It's the Seven Hexagrams No. 30. The hanging poem says: The truth is in the suspense, and the open mind is in the dark. In the bright moon of Chengjiang River, the color should be empty. This is impossible."

As he spoke, he looked up at the huge meteorite and couldn't speak any more.

Lieutenant Zhang Rishan, who followed a few people, listened anxiously: "Master Ba, why are you still reciting a poem? You should speak more clearly!"

Qi Tiezui recovered from the shock and said:

"I used the time and direction to make hexagrams, but the strange thing is that the hexagrams show that what we see in front of us is just an illusion. In fact, it is the mirror, flowers, water and moon, dim and dim. There is nothing in front of us. There should be nothing!"

Everyone found it a bit unbelievable. Er Erhong frowned and said, "No matter how hard you calculate, you have such a big piece of copper right in front of you, and you actually say it's nothing!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to touch the meteorite copper, and the real feeling of touch made him believe that Qi Tiezui had made a mistake or was talking nonsense.

Hua Twelve was thoughtful: "Maybe Master Ba's calculation is not wrong, but we just didn't see the essence clearly!"

"Come and see here!"

Lord Zhang had just been circling around the meteorite copper to observe. When he heard everyone talking, he just listened and didn't interrupt. At this time, he was calling everyone to come over and take a look.

When everyone heard this, they gathered around and saw Zhang Qishan pointing to a spot on the meteorite copper and saying, "Look carefully here to see if there is anything in it!"

Qi Tiezui squeezed in the front, adjusted his glasses and looked carefully: "No!"

Hua Twelve thought of something and said, "Put out the lanterns and torches before watching!"

Everyone extinguished the lights in their hands and looked carefully. This time they saw that the place Zhang Qishan pointed to had become somewhat transparent, and the scene shown inside shocked everyone. What they saw was also a platform. , there are also pool chains outside the platform, exactly the same as where everyone is.

Lord Zhang stretched out his hand towards the transparent place, and one of his hands was completely submerged into the copper. He immediately raised his eyebrows and said, "Go over and take a look!"

After speaking, he took a step forward and walked in directly.

Hua Twelve smiled and said to Er Yuehong: "Junior Brother Hong, let's go in and have a look too!"

Er Erhong nodded, and they entered side by side.

Qi Tiezui was timid and cherished his life, so he greeted from behind: "You don't have to think about it anymore, what if there is a trap!"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Don't worry, Mr. Ba, let alone the agency, I'm not afraid even if the dog is closed and the dogs are let out!"

"Isn't it that fierce!" Qi Tiezui muttered, but still followed in, and the people behind him also filed in.

When everyone entered the space inside the meteorite copper, they found that the inside was exactly the same as the outside. At least at first glance, there was no difference.

Qi Tiezui glanced at the pool: "Hey, there's a bronze coffin in here too!"

Mr. Zhang Dafo said in deep thought: "I just don't know which of the bronze coffin inside and the one outside is real and which is fake!"

At this time, everyone suggested taking out the bronze coffin and taking a look. Then they would know whether it was true or false.

Hua Twelve tried to collect the huge piece of meteorite copper in this meteorite copper space, but unfortunately it still didn't work, so he had to watch the show on the side. He did not participate in the discussion of the people. He was not familiar with the tomb robbing business. There were Zhang Dafo and With the help of two experts like Yue Erhong, he could just ride in the car the whole time and there was no need to worry about that.

Sure enough, Zhang Dafoye and Er Erhong lived up to their expectations and soon discovered that there seemed to be some mystery on the platform in the meteorite copper space.

On the ground in the east, west, north and south directions of the platform, the four sacred beasts of Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku and Xuanwu are carved, and in the middle is a huge unicorn carving. Lord Zhang thought of the Zhang family's unicorn blood, so he cut his palm with a knife and dripped the blood on the unicorn carvings.

The next moment, Zhang Dafoye's unicorn blood seemed to be alive, swimming rapidly along the lines of the unicorn. There were not many drops of blood, but it dyed the entire unicorn carvings blood red, and then there were ripples from all around. The stunned mechanical voice.

Everyone's feet were shaking. The platform below was probably the center of the machine. After the machine was activated, it caused certain changes in the mechanisms inside, which caused the vibration.

Except for Hua Twelve, everyone looked around cautiously and saw that the water around the platform began to freeze, but the bronze coffin broke through the ice.

Lord Zhang tentatively walked onto the ice, standing firmly, and strode towards the bronze coffin. The others quickly followed after seeing this.

When the coffin lid was opened, an old man in rich clothes was seen lying in it, with a rosy face and new clothes, as if he had just fallen asleep.

Qi Tiezui said in surprise: "Is this the Patriarch Qingwuzi? Why does he look like he is alive? It's amazing!" He stretched out his hand to check his breath, but there was no breath at all.

Er Erhong noticed a piece of brocade placed on the old man's abdomen, took it out and unfolded it, and saw seal characters written on it.

The people from the Nine Sects who came this time, apart from tomb robbers and fortune tellers, all had studied this kind of ancient texts. Qi Tiezui stood next to Er Erhong, looked at the brocade, opened his mouth and read:
"In the universe, there is no limit in the four directions, up and down, and there is no limit beyond the limitless."

Based on the situation in front of him, Zhang Dafoye said: "Both these two sentences are from Zhuangzi. The only limit in the four directions is the universe. There is no limit beyond the limitless. Could it be that Xumi mustard seeds? Could it be that this space is actually a legend? Xumi mustard seeds in the quilt?"

Hua Twelve had inherited the Xiaoyao sect, so he had naturally read Zhuangzi. Hearing this, he couldn't help but ponder:

"There is no infinite beyond the infinite, and there is no endless within the endless. I think what Qingwuzi means is that this is another world beyond the heaven and earth!"

At this time, he became more and more convinced that this was the mirror space, but it was a little troublesome to explain, so he said it in words that everyone could understand.

Lord Zhang took out a small piece of meteorite copper from the mouth of Qingwuzi's corpse. Qi Tiezui saw it and said strangely:

"Is this piece of meteorite copper too? It's not uncommon for ancient people to be buried with jewels and jade in their mouths. What is the Qingwuzi Patriarch doing with a piece of meteorite copper!"

At this time, Er Erhong noticed the writing on the bronze coffin and recited: "The dead are the living? Could it be that Qingwuzi wants to use the meteorite copper to seek immortality?"

Qi Tiezui looked around, shook his head and said, "Second Master, I don't believe this world is real, so what we see must be an illusion created by some agency. Don't think too much about it!"

"An illusion is definitely an illusion, but an agency is not necessarily an agency!"

Hua Twelve suddenly smiled: "How about we follow the road in this world of meteorite copper and get out of the mine to see what it's like outside?"

Zhang Dafoye and Er Erhong thought for a moment and nodded.

Although Zhang Qishan came to investigate whether the mine was related to Xiaoli's conspiracy, he had already come to this point. As a member of the Nine Sects, he could not help but become curious. He immediately ordered his men to stay and greeted Er Erhong and Hua Hua. Twelve, Qi Tiezui and Adjutant Zhang went out to take a look.

Several people walked out of the mine in the world of meteorite copper. Along the way, they discovered that the directions of the roads here and the outside world were in opposite directions. However, Hua Twelve understood that this was the characteristic of the mirror space.

After coming out, it was completely dark outside. The horses were still there. Hua Twelve got on the horse directly:
"Let's go back to Changsha!" After saying that, he hit the horse and left.

Zhang Qishan and Er Erhong both followed. Qi Tiezui wanted to remind everyone of the danger and not to rush in, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was already riding a long way away.

Adjutant Zhang Qishan led two horses and handed one to Qi Tiezui. He smiled and said: "Ba Ye, if you are afraid of any danger, then Fo Ye and I will go and have a look. You can go back to the mine and wait." good."

He knew that Qi Tiezui was timid and came out together, so he definitely didn't dare to go back by himself. As expected, Qi Tiezui insisted: "Nonsense, I, the Eighth Master of the Nine Sects, have never seen any scene, will I be afraid of danger? I am mainly afraid of the dark! "

After saying that, he got on his horse and chased forward: "Lord Buddha, wait for me!"

Adjutant Zhang smiled and shook his head, mounted his horse and headed towards Changsha.

When the few people returned to Changsha City, they saw that Changsha City in the fallen copper world was exactly the same as outside. They went to Lord Fo's mansion first, and as soon as they entered, they saw several officers discussing matters in the hall.

Lord Zhang was startled when he saw the leading officer and blurted out: "Dad?"

Zhang Qishan's father asked him to kneel down when they met, and then shouted loudly, saying that he came here, disturbed things that shouldn't be disturbed, destroyed the balance of the two worlds, and asked him to take people and leave quickly.

Lord Zhang stood up and said, "No, my father died in the hands of a kid on the way to Changsha. I buried him with my own hands. You are not my father. Who are you?"

The officers were all stunned on the spot, unable to answer. Hua Twelve walked closer, looked at the man who looked the same as Zhang Qishan's father, and said:

"If I guess correctly, you are Senior Qingwuzi, right?"

Er Er Hong and others were startled, and they all looked at the man, who showed a strange smile: "How did you guess it?" When he spoke, the officers disappeared like afterimages, leaving only him. One for myself.

Hua Twelve also laughed: "Not only did I guess that you were Qingwuzi, I also guessed that you would have no way to deal with us, otherwise you wouldn't have used such intimidation methods. Am I right?"

After he finished speaking, he didn't wait for Qingwuzi's answer, and then said: "In this case, senior Qingwuzi, I will discuss something with you. I am interested in this mirror space. How about you give me the meteorite copper? I can I’ll give you what you want most in exchange!”

What he is talking about is true immortality. As long as Qingwuzi's body is still alive, he can use stem cell technology to exchange for this piece of meteorite copper that can create a mirror space.

Of course, with Hua Twelve's strength, he could rob him, but Qingwuzi was not a bad person, and he had no grudge against him. Why would he rob someone else's things as soon as he came up? Wouldn't that be unreasonable? So he proposed Transaction, intending to obtain meteorite copper in a fair transaction.

Unexpectedly, Qingwuzi didn't even want to hear what his exchange conditions were, and the appearance of Zhang Qishan's father quickly changed on his face, turning into the look of Qingwuzi in the bronze coffin before.

The old man showed a terrifying-looking smile:

"Who said I can't do anything to you? Since you don't want to leave, then never leave, stay with me!"

After he said this, his body began to fade and slowly disappear. Just when everyone was confused, shouts came from outside: "They are inside, kill them quickly!"

The next moment, many people rushed in from outside. Among them were Eunuch Zhang who had long since died in Sijiucheng, Peng Ganwu from the Peng Family Taiji Sect, Jude Kao and Ryoko Tanaka, and Chen Jiuliang, Chen Pi and his son.

In addition, there were many people whom Hua Twelve didn't know, but Yue Erhong, Zhang Qishan, and Qi Tiezui showed shock when they saw them.

Looking at the expressions of his companions, Hua Twelve could confirm that the people who rushed in were all dead.

"Kill them!"

Chen Pi was the first to attack Er Er Hong. This time he did not use a flying knife, but used his weapon in the original plot, the 'nine-claw chain hook'. As soon as the chain shook, the iron hook grabbed Er Er Hong. The others swarmed up, each looking for their own enemies, and they wanted to tear them apart completely and let them stay in this copper-metal space forever.

Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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