A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 703: Someone is causing trouble, suspend business!

PS: Influenza A is so severe. My daughter just happened to have it. She caught the fever again less than a week after going to school. She also infected me when she came back. She started to have a fever of 38-39 degrees last night and her brain is dizzy. Brothers, please be careful and do well. Take prevention.

Open the system interface and view your own skills:
Boxing ‘returns to nature’

‘Taoist breathing technique’ and ‘returning to nature’, every breath is a breathing process, and it is also a process of strengthening the body.

The realm of "the first four moves of the Hu Family Boxing Manual" and "returning to nature".

Internal skills and mental skills, the three major magical skills of the Xiaoyao sect--'Innate Divine Gang'! ‘First glimpse of the door’!
‘Nine Yin Manual’: ‘return to nature’.

‘Flame Knife’: ‘return to nature’ (invisible and formless, subdue demons and eliminate demons)
‘Kuixing Kickfight’: ‘reaching the top’

"Kowloon unites" is the final word: "reaching the peak"

‘Water-Bearing Sword Technique’ ‘Returning to Nature’

‘Xinyou Sword Technique’ ‘Return to Nature’

‘Dugu Nine Swords’: ‘Proficient in the Past’

'Evil-Repelling Swordsmanship': 'Climb to the Peak' (Note: You can only use the 'Small Wuxiang Gong' if you are not in the palace, and the real power will be automatically reduced by one level, for mastery!)

Five Sacred Mountains School Swordsmanship: 'Climbing to the Peak'

Xiaoyao Martial Arts: ‘Reaching the Peak’

Lightness skill: 'reaching the pinnacle'.

'Archery' and 'Back to Basics'.

'Shooting' 'Back to Basics'.

'Riding' and 'Back to Basics'.

'Shen Xian Suo' (Escape Technique)

‘Ace Killer Skill Pack’: ‘Reaching the Peak’

Gun Drawing Technique: ‘Return to Nature’ Note: Special skill for pistols.

Rapid Fire Technique: ‘Return to Basics’ Note: Special skill for pistols.

Spear Throwing Technique: ‘Return to Nature’ Note: Special skill for pistols.

‘The power of three hundred jun’

Casino lighthouse halo.

Explosive secrets. (Improve physical fitness 2-4 times.)
National Martial Arts: Boxing skills penetrate hundreds of schools of thought and the realm of innate Gangqi, ‘returning to nature’!
‘Swordsmanship’: ‘comprehension’.

Special skills: 'Slow Vision' and 'Breaking the Void, Seeing God and Not Being Bad'.

Hua Twelve saw that his power had reached 50. Although he did not deliberately practice many techniques, he had made some progress more or less as he gained new understanding of martial arts over the past [-] years.

In terms of Chinese martial arts, there is an additional comment that "boxing skills can penetrate hundreds of schools". It is probably because he knows too many boxing skills now, and the system has classified him into the "boxing skills" category.

In short, Hua Twelve is still very satisfied with his current state.

Hua Twelve discovered that there was a 'pet' interface in the system interface. After opening it, he saw the following:

Life Gu: Six-winged centipede!

He raised his left hand and glanced at his wrist. At this time, there was a bracelet made of black jade.

"Wake up, come out and take a few steps!"

Hua Twelve said hello with a smile, and with a connected mind, the bracelet instantly came to life and turned into a half-foot-long black jade centipede. It shook its back and gained three pairs of transparent wings.

The centipede crawled along Hua Twelve's arm to his shoulder, rubbed its head against Hua Twelve's face, and acted very affectionately. Then it jumped lightly and landed on the ground. In an instant, its body grew to more than ten feet. It's the six-winged centipede from Pingshan that became a demon pill.

After this centipede was trained as the life Gu, it has undergone miraculous changes. Its size can be reduced to an inch in length, or it can be restored to its original shape, that is, it can be big or small. According to the habit of the life Gu, this centipede wants to enter the host's body and cling to it. Being near the pericardium can bring incredible benefits to the host.

For example, the natal Gu will help the host purify the toxins in the blood. No matter how poisonous it is, as long as the natal Gu can withstand it, it can turn it into nutrients. While helping the host detoxify, it can also promote the growth of the voodoo itself.

And as the voodoo grows, it will secrete a special substance back to the host. This substance can strengthen the human body, enhance the host's lifespan and all aspects of physical fitness.

At that time, the six-winged centipede's natal Gu was successfully refined and turned into an inch-sized one. It bit the skin on Hua Twelve's hand and tried to drill in along the blood vessels, but the latter decisively refused.

There was a centipede near his heart. Hua Twelve couldn't bear the thought of that scene, so he simply let the centipede lie on his wrist, connected end to end, like a black jade bracelet, and it looked very beautiful.

Moreover, the Gu insect is lying on the wrist, and it still has the various abilities of the natal Gu. It does not affect the effect of the natal Gu. It is detoxification and so on. It may not be in the heart in time, but Hua Twelve drank the Five Treasure Flower honey wine. Originally, It is resistant to all kinds of poisons, so it does not lack the slightest benefit.

"If you have nothing to do, just play by yourself, help me catch mosquitoes or something!"

Hua Twelve said as he found a few clean towels and hung them on both sides of the six-winged centipede's legs: "Run two more laps and help me mop the floor!"

Six Wings and Hua Twelve had the same mind. At this time, they looked at the host with a resentful look, quite like, I am not a human being, you should not be a human being.

The host has practiced a natal Gu, and he is holding it in the palm of his hand. You are so good, and you let the natal Gu mop the floor, where can you reason?

Watching Six Wings crawling around the house and starting to mop the floor, Hua Twelve smiled and nodded, very satisfied. He felt it was easier to use than a vacuum cleaner robot. He reminded:
"Climb under the cabinet twice more, and the hygiene of this house will depend on you from now on!"

Six Wings: "."

I made a video call to Jiazhen, talked on the phone, and asked about the company's development, and the answer I got was good.

After hanging up the phone, Hua Twelve was about to lie down on the bed and relax for a while when a video call from Zhang Yan came over, asking him why he didn't video call her.

Hua Twelve couldn't laugh or cry, and the little girl also learned to be jealous. He immediately chatted with the little girl for a long time before Zhang Yan hung up the phone happily. Walking to the viewing balcony, sitting on a chair and looking at the river, Hua Twelve suddenly felt a sense of emptiness in the real world. He wanted to go anywhere in the mission world and return to the real world, but he didn't know what to do.

In the days that followed, Hua Twelve lived the boring and boring life of an otaku, playing games, taking out food, and drinking water every day, as if he had returned to his student days.

There is no point in playing games all the time. Hua Twelve took out his mobile phone and wanted to see if there were any good novels recently.

I found a recently popular free platform, clicked on the urban channel, and saw that the page promoted a novel called Dragon King. I read the synopsis of the work: A man disappeared for four years and came back to be worshiped by ten major families!

Hua Twelve read it for a while and found it boring. He clicked on another book and couldn't help but laugh when he read the introduction: A man disappeared for three years and came back to be worshiped by the four major gangs.

This is all the same way.

Hua Twelve found it interesting and clicked on a few novels with similar themes.

The introductions are: A man disappears for two years and comes back to be worshiped by all the beasts! A man disappears for a year and comes back to be worshiped by millions of fish!
Hua Twelve enjoyed reading this, and I can write about it too.

I immediately created an author account and randomly named Wang’s novel. The synopsis is: A man disappeared for 10 minutes and was worshiped by millions of maggots. The man said: “Get me out quickly, I fell into the toilet!”

Hua Twelve was fine. He coded two chapters in one breath and uploaded it. After waiting for a day, there were three comments, all of which were scolding him. Well, he admitted that he had no talent for writing novels because he was desperate.

A few days later, Luo Yun and Yi Xue came out of the mountains to a nearby county. When they were buying supplies for the mountain village primary school, they finally had access to the Internet and had a video chat with Hua Twelve.

Luo Yun said that his life now is extremely peaceful and peaceful. When he teaches in the mountains every day, all he sees are blue skies and white clouds and pure faces. He feels that his thoughts have been sublimated. He even started to try writing novels a while ago and has already made a lot of money. After two months, the manuscript fee was several hundred yuan.

Hua Twelve was immediately interested: "What's the name of the novel you wrote? I'll read your masterpiece later!"

Luo Yun mentioned a book title. Hua Twelve thought it sounded familiar, and then he listened and said, "My book is mainly about a man who went into the mountains and had an adventure. He disappeared for two years and reappeared to be worshiped by all the beasts."

Hua Twelve instantly remembered this book. Wasn't it the same book he read two days ago? The writing was incomprehensible. No wonder he only earned a few hundred yuan in two months.

Before he started damaging Luo Yun's novel, he heard Luo Yun say over there: "By the way, there was a fool who also imitated my genre and wrote a book, and asked millions of maggots to worship it, but it ended up falling in the toilet. , It’s so funny, what do you think that fool was thinking!”

Hua Twelve: "I am that fool!"

After saying that, he immediately hung up the phone. Luo Yun was stunned for a long time, then suddenly burst into laughter. He called Hua Twelve continuously but was rejected by this guy. He was too embarrassed to see anyone.

Although Hua Twelve did not answer the phone, he still transferred 10 yuan to Luo Yun and the others, saying that it was the royalties for writing three chapters, and asked Luo Yun and Yi Xue to help buy some school supplies and donate them to children in the mountains.

Luo Yun smiled even more when he saw it. He really wanted to save face. Writing three chapters was worth [-] yuan. I'm afraid he just dreamed it. When he told Yi Xue, the latter couldn't help but laugh too. He took out his mobile phone and found Hua Shi. [-]. That novel, after reading it, I never laughed. The main thing I read was not the content, but the comments.

At this time, Hua Twelve's book has accumulated hundreds of comments, all of which were passed by by people who couldn't help but curse a few words. This made this book a strange work with more words in comments than in the novel.

After holding it in for a few days at home, I couldn't stay any longer, so I called home and said I wanted to go back and have a look.

His mother gave him a slap in the face on the phone and said: "I just came back last month, why are you coming back this month? It's free to pay for travel expenses. You have time to work hard. Don't let me and your dad worry about you when you are in your 20s. I'm telling you, your dad is so angry with me... your aunt, your second aunt, and your cousin."

More than an hour later, Hua Twelve hung up the phone with a cold sweat. Several times he wanted to say that he still had something to do, but his mother interrupted him. He didn't talk so much during this meeting, so why not make a phone call? So talkative!
Since he can't go back to his hometown, Hua Twelve plans to go out for a walk, travel or something, and he can come back at any time when there are system tasks.

This guy didn't even take a plane. At night, Yu Jian took to the air and went directly to Huashan, revisiting his old place in the real world.

In the morning, I started walking down from the top of the mountain. When I came down, it was already noon. I had a bite of local specialties lunch at the foot of the mountain. Well, the food taste was not the same as the food near Huashan Mountain, and it was a bit different. Xiaogui, Hua Twelve, who wanted to recall the past, couldn't help but be a little disappointed.

While scrolling through his phone after dinner, he suddenly saw an anchor introducing a beauty product. Hua Twelve took a look at it twice and was surprised to find that this was not a stem cell biological skin care product produced by his company.

Hua Twelve thought it was Jiazhen and the others who followed the trend of the times and found some internet celebrity anchors to bring the goods, so he couldn't help but shake his head.

This product of his always has a pure aroma of wine and is not afraid of the alley. No matter whether it is a woman or a man, once you use it once, you will never be able to live without it. Because the beautifying effect is so good, you can feel the change in your mental complexion after just one day of use. , use it for a period of time, and you will look five to ten years younger. Who can refuse such skin care products?
With this kind of effect, if you take the route of carrying goods, you will feel like you are losing value.

But after watching what the anchor said for a while, Hua Twelve couldn't help but frowned. Damn, this is not bringing goods. It's a crackdown on counterfeiting. All kinds of hints that the goods are not good, the raw materials are questionable, and the prices are inflated are all on the public screen. There are many people who echoed this, saying that this product is not good.

Hua Twelve laughed angrily. He called Jiazhen directly and asked her to come into the live broadcast room to see what this guy said. After reading it, Jiazhen was filled with indignation and said immediately:
"Honey, please wait a moment, I'll go ask what's going on!"

After hanging up the phone, within 10 minutes, Jiazhen called and said that she had understood the question. Since the sales of the company's products were booming after entering the mainland market, some anchors took the initiative to contact the company and wanted to bring this product. , but these anchors all have one requirement, which is that the price must be lowered.

I asked Zhang Yan about this at the time, and the latter immediately said no. The little girl was thinking the same thing as Hua Twelve. My product is in short supply. I can’t even produce enough to sell it, so I even lowered the price to let you bring the goods. Picture what.

Zhang Yan made a decision, and the staff below responded to the Internet celebrities one by one. Some expressed understanding, and some looked forward to working together next time, but there were also some big Internet celebrities who had a very high self-esteem and relied on their millions and tens of millions of fans to continue to favor them. But Jiao is too arrogant.

The one being broadcast live right now is the most intense one. I told you at that time that your company would definitely come to me to bring the goods.

It ended up like this within a few days.

Hua Twelve even laughed angrily. There really are all kinds of shit beetles in the forest. He asked directly on the phone:

"Let the company's legal affairs manager sue him until he goes bankrupt!"

Jiazhen said: "I have just communicated with the legal affairs department. The legal affairs department said that what the Internet celebrity said was very measured. They were all questions and connotations. They did not leave much handle. If you want to file a lawsuit, you need to be careful in handling them. Not big!”

Hua Twelve pondered for a moment: "What is the current sales volume in the mainland?"

Jiazhen is now a career-oriented woman, and she talks about these data: "Now the mainland sells more than 50 orders every month, and this number is still growing. The main reason is that our company's production capacity is somewhat insufficient, and there is demand from Europe and the United States. The quantity is high!”

Hua Twelve nodded and sneered: "In that case, the sales of our products in the mainland will be suspended. All shares will be given to other countries first. Sales in other countries will be changed to a real-name system. One person only needs to buy products for one person. As for the mainland, , explain to the customer, put the pressure on this anchor, when will he publicly apologize and compensate, and when will sales resume!"

Just kidding, this stem cell product has been on the high-end route from the beginning. The price of the product is extremely high, and the customers who can afford it are either rich or expensive. Not to mention that the more than 50 customers in the mainland are all billionaires, they are not much different.

These people experienced the benefits of the product, suddenly stopped it, and after a while returned to their original aging appearance. I don’t believe they can bear it. By then, they will not be able to buy this product anywhere. Now that they know the reason why it is the anchor, what happens next There is no need to say more about what will happen.


Zhang Yan was a little hesitant, but Hua Twelve made the final decision: "Just do it!"

As soon as he finished talking to Zhang Yan, he heard the system upgrade sound in his mind, telling him that there were new system tasks to take on. Hua Twelve bought a ticket back to the Magic City, went home and lay down to take on the tasks.

Thanks to: Brother 08a for the reward. Thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes. Thank you very much.

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