A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 704 Never-ending, street writer!

New York, Chinatown.

Hua Twelve was awakened by the noise coming from next door. He got up from the soft bed and lit a Hua Zi. While he was awake, he began to receive the memories from the system.

Mike Hua is a Chinese-American and a freelance writer in New York. He makes a living by writing some film reviews and short stories. However, it seems that he has had no income for more than half a year, and most of his previous income came from complaining about and discrediting released movies. As for short stories , all of them were rejected and put into the trash can, because those things were called worthless entertainment by the publishing house.

A month ago, Mike Huawei lost all the inheritance left by his parents because of stock trading. He sold his house in a wealthy area of ​​New York and moved to this low-cost apartment in Chinatown.

The landlords of the apartment are a Chinese couple, both of whom are second-generation immigrants. The husband, Steven, runs two restaurants in Chinatown, and the wife, Valerie, is studying for a doctorate in law school.

Both of them were enthusiastic people. After Mike Hua moved in, he locked himself in his room for a month and did not go out. The couple visited him twice and showed great concern for him.

Hua Twelve chuckled. Unexpectedly, as soon as he had the idea of ​​writing a novel in the real world, the system assigned him the identity of the street-breaking author. The landlord and his wife were also interesting. In Mike Hua's opinion, it was the concern from his compatriots. But in his opinion, it was obvious that the couple was worried that he would die in the house.

The wife of the landlord and his wife looked at him with stars in her eyes. Well, it was obvious that she was attracted by sex, because the appearance of this Mike Hua was exactly like that of Hua Twelve. Well, this is how this guy views his own appearance. Mysterious confidence.

Recalling the identity arranged by the system, Hua Twelve thought that this system mission was a bit strange. First, it was to obtain the NZT-48 formula, and second, it was to save New York.

The first is easy to understand. Hua Twelve knows that NZT-48 is a drug in the movie "Never End", which can greatly improve the efficiency of brain use. Of course, what is said in the movie is quite exaggerated, saying that normal human beings can only Using 20% ​​of the brain, after taking NZT-48, the brain can be fully utilized.

Hua Twelve was sure that this was bragging. This was NZT-48, not cph4 (the drug in the super body). If you fully use your brain, wouldn't you be a god?

He believes that there will definitely be an increase, but it will not be 100% that high.

Hua Twelve is very interested in this NZT-48. If he gets this thing, it will be like cheating to learn martial arts, so he likes this task.

But what the heck is that second mission, Save New York? Could there be any natural or man-made disasters in the plot of 'Never Ending'?
Hua Twelve felt that if the system issued him the mission of 'Destroying New York', he would be more willing to accept it.

Well, he is a Chinese who traveled across planes through the system and traveled thousands of miles to come to New York in this world just to save New York. What kind of spirit is this? Isn’t this the spirit of SB!

But there was nothing he could do about it despite the system's arrangements. He would just watch it while walking.

thump, thump, thump
The sound of knocking on the wall came again from next door. He was woken up by this sound just now, and it hasn't stopped for a long time.

Although Hua Twelve had traveled through time and had wronged the other party by saying that he had woken him up, the neighbor must have offended him now. He immediately got up and walked out of his apartment, went to the neighbor's door and knocked on the door.

After a while, the door opened, and a somewhat slovenly white young man asked with a hint of vigilance on his face: "Who are you looking for?"

Hua Twelve covered his nose: "Damn it, did you put it in the room? Why is it so smelly?"

The white young man was a little embarrassed, and then showed a hint of displeasure: "It's none of your business!" After saying that, he closed the door.

Hua Twelve held the door with his hands. No matter how hard the white young man pushed, he could not close the door. The white man seemed to be aware of the power gap between the two, and said with some sternness: "Listen, I don't know you. , if you dare to cause trouble for me, I will call the police!"

Hua Twelve frowned: "Hey, I don't want to do anything to you. I live next door. It was the noise you made that disturbed me. Do you understand?"

The white man suddenly showed a hint of embarrassment: "Oh, sorry, I'm just rushing to finish the manuscript."

Hua Twelve laughed angrily: "Hey, do you use a sledgehammer to finish the manuscript? Eighty, eighty?"

The white man obviously didn’t understand the eighty-year-old joke, but he could understand the first half of the joke and quickly explained:

"Okay man, you know, when a lot of people are thinking, they subconsciously want to do something with their hands, just like turning a pen. I just, um, practiced shooting on the wall with a basketball."

Hua Twelve nodded: "I can understand you, but I can't accept it. I hope you won't do this next time, OK?"


The white man nodded and apologized again.

Seeing that his attitude was okay, Hua Twelve wanted to turn around and go back, but was stopped by the man from behind: "Hey buddy, I heard Valerie mentioned you. She said you also write novels?"

Valerie is the wife of the landlord couple mentioned earlier.

Hua Twelve nodded: "Yes, hardworking coder!" After he finished speaking, he thought of the other person saying that he was rushing to finish a manuscript, so he asked: "By the way, I just heard that you are rushing to finish a manuscript. Are you also a novelist? "

The man nodded: "I signed a book contract two months ago!"

"Oh, that's great. I didn't expect that we are not only neighbors, but also peers. By the way, my name is Mike Hua. You can just call me Mike!"

Hua Twelve stretched out his hand with some envy. He knew the pain of coding. He worked hard to code three chapters, but all the comments ended up criticizing him.

The man also stretched out his hand and shook his hand: "Eddie Morley, just call me Eddie!"

"Eddie Morley?"

Hua Twelve instantly remembered that this was the male protagonist in "Never Ending". He didn't recognize him just now, but he didn't blame him. He just didn't expect that the other man was sloppier than in the movie.

"Eddie, we Orientals value fate. We are both neighbors and fellow travelers, so we are very destined. How about we go downstairs and have a drink together? I'll treat you!"

Hearing that the other party was a character in the plot, Hua Twelve immediately began to get closer. He remembered that the drug dealer selling NZT-48 in the plot was the ex-brother-in-law of the person in front of him.

Eddie Morley's eyes lit up: "Of course, this sounds great. I just need a change of environment to clear my mind. Maybe having a drink is a good idea. Let's go!"

The two of them locked the door of their own house and went downstairs to the bar on the next street together. After entering, they both ordered a glass of ice-cold whiskey and started talking more while drinking.

Hua Twelve asked with a smile; "By the way, Eddie, can you tell me about your novel? What is it about and what type is it?"

Speaking of his novel, Eddie suddenly became excited:

"I wrote a science fiction novel, but my conception was more profound. My original intention was to express the difficulty of life for people in the 21st century. I conceived a utopian society. In that society, we"

Eddie, who was very enthusiastic before, suddenly got stuck when he said this, and then kept repeating: "We..., we, um, very..."

It is obvious that he only has a beginning, and the rest of the story has not yet been conceived.

Changing the subject a little stiffly, he asked: "Well, Mike, can you tell me about your novel?" Hua Twelve said subconsciously: "I wrote about a man who disappeared for 10 minutes and then had a hundred thousand maggots worship him. story"

"Maggots? Are they the maggots I understand?" Eddie grinned and asked with an exaggerated expression.

Hua Twelve slapped his head, and then he realized that he did not talk about the trash that the system assigned him to write with this identity, but the one he uploaded to the Internet in his real world.

"Okay, that's probably it. Actually, this is mainly a professional novel, um, insect research, you know!" He tried to explain.

"Are maggots insects?" Eddie asked curiously.

Hua Twelve shrugged: "It's precisely because I don't know that I have to study it!"

Eddie laughed. He now understood that the person opposite him was also a street writer.

With the relationship of mutual sympathy, when they came out of the bar, the two of them looked like they had been friends for many years.

Returning to the apartment, as soon as they reached the second floor, they met the landlord and his wife. The landlady Valerie immediately beamed when she saw Hua Twelve: "Hi, Mike, it's great that you can walk out of the room."

The male landlord Steven also nodded: "Yes, young people should go out more and do some activities instead of being bored in the room all the time." He was actually afraid that if this person died in his house, his house would not be in good condition by then. Rented.

Hua Twelve glanced at Steven and said to himself, "Did you see the look in your wife's eyes at me? You're going to eat me up. You're really big-hearted."

He smiled and said a few words.

The landlord and his wife turned their attention to Eddie again: "Eddie, it's time for you to pay this month's rent. We've given you grace for many days!"

Eddie quickly explained: "As you know, as long as I hand in the manuscript next Friday, I will have money to pay the rent."

Valerie didn't have a good face towards Eddie: "Eddie, only Steven will believe your lies. Isn't the rent here cheap enough? You can still pay the rent even if you ride a bicycle to deliver newspapers. Don't worry about it anymore." Please raise your bullshit royalties, okay? Can’t you be more realistic?”

Eddie was speechless and speechless, especially in front of his new friend Hua Twelve, he felt very embarrassed.

Hua Twelve took out three hundred dollars from his pocket and handed it over: "Valerie, this is Eddie's rent for this month. Let me pay it for him first!"

"Mike, you have to think clearly, he may not be able to pay you back!" Valerie reminded kindly.

Hua Twelve smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, we both write novels. I can't watch a neighbor and colleague really give up his dream for this little money and go deliver newspapers. Without dreams, life is boring." What’s the difference between fish? You think so!”

Valerie smiled like a flower: "You are so funny, no wonder you are a writer, okay, then I will accept it!" While taking the money, she secretly scratched the palm of Hua Twelve's hand with her finger. What it means is naturally very obvious.

Hua Twelve laughed and pretended that this was not the case. Not only was this woman a married woman, but he didn't want her even if she was single, because she didn't meet his aesthetic standards at all. I remember that in the original plot, Eddie had sex with her once. .

He turned around and took a look at Eddie's slovenly appearance, and thought to himself that the landlady has a really good appetite, not only eating meat and vegetables, but also eating cold food.

From that day on, Hua Twelve became friends with Eddie. The two often drank together, bragging and spanking. As for the novel..., what is it?
Anyway, no one wrote more than ten words.

One day, Eddie came to Hua Twelve in frustration and asked him to go out for a drink. Seeing the former's shocked look, Hua Twelve asked curiously and learned that his girlfriend officially broke up with him today.

Hua Twelve was very surprised. Eddie did have a girlfriend in the original plot, but he had not seen her for so many days since he entered the mission world, thinking that the two had broken up long ago.

He immediately said in surprise: "You have a girlfriend? I haven't seen her come to your place before!"

"So is it an 'official' breakup? In fact, she hasn't come to me for two months!" Eddie looked like he was about to cry.

The two of them got very drunk that day. Of course, Eddie was drunk and Hua Twelve helped him back.

The next afternoon, when Hua Twelve was watching a football match at home, there was suddenly a fierce knock on the door. When he opened the door, he saw Eddie standing at the door with an excited face and a stack of thick manuscripts in his hand. .

What is different from the past is that Eddie is now in high spirits and has swept away the previous decadence: "Mike, help me take a look, this is the manuscript I wrote!"

Hua Twelve's eyes flashed. No need to ask, Eddie had already met his former brother-in-law and got a trial version of NZT-48.

After letting Eddie in and getting him a can of beer, Hua Twelve sat on the sofa and read the manuscript. Well, the characters are rich, the story is compact, and the writing is concise but beautiful and smooth. In his opinion, this is absolutely It's a good novel.

"Wow, what a rare science fiction work. Eddie, you really impress me!"

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he looked envious and jealous again: "It would be great if I had your writing style. Did you find inspiration from the blow of broken love?"

Eddie was all smiles when he heard Hua Twelve's praise, but looking at his envious look, his expression was a little tangled.

Thinking of this new friend recently, helping him pay the rent, treating him to meals and drinks, and a series of other interesting things, Eddie pondered for a while and said:

"Mike, you can actually write such a good work, you just lack some things that can wake you up!"

Hua Twelve was overjoyed and deliberately pretended to be confused: "Eddie, are you talking about Jinpin? You must never touch those things for the sake of writing!"

"Of course not, what are you thinking? I'm talking about a new drug that can improve brain utilization, called NZT-48, but it's not on the market yet. When I met my ex-brother-in-law yesterday, he heard that I lacked The inspiration just gave me. I woke up in the middle of the night last night and thought about how bad it could be, so I gave it a try. It turned out that everything he said was true. I wrote 40 words in only six hours, and As you can see, the finished product is here!”

Before he could finish speaking, Hua Twelve had already dug out [-] US dollars from the gap in the sofa and slapped it on the table:

"Eddie, take me to see your ex-brother-in-law. I also want to buy some of this medicine. Ten thousand is to buy the medicine, and ten thousand is for your traveling expenses!"

Eddie's Adam's apple twitched. He meant to share when he said it, but he didn't expect Hua Twelve to be so generous. For a while, he was a little confused about whether he should pay for the traveling expenses.

Hua Twelve said with a smile: "Why don't we spend the [-] yuan to buy medicine, and each of us can get half of it?"

"make a deal!"

Eddie really didn't have money to buy medicine, and he was still thinking of working as a small business on credit for his ex-brother-in-law, but now he has everything.

Thanks to: Brother 08a for the reward. Thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes. Thank you very much.

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