A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 705 My neighbor is Jesus!

Chapter 705 My neighbor is Jesus! (Please order in full!)

Under the influence of NZT-48, Eddie's thinking was unusually clear. He had already thought very clearly that his former brother-in-law gave him this drug not to sympathize with him, but to expand his business.

After all, among all the useless relationships that should be discarded and put on the shelf, what could be more useless than the relationship between an ex-brother-in-law and an ex-brother-in-law whom I haven’t seen for more than nine years!

So the question is, since the other party is trying to expand business and attract customers, the final purpose must be to get him to pay for medicine, but he can't even afford the rent of three hundred dollars, so what can he use to buy this kind of utility? What about the magic little pill?

Now, after Eddie's observation, Mike Hua, the new neighbor, is a homebody writer who doesn't go out for a long time. He has a simple mind and good compassion. More importantly, his economic conditions seem to be good.

Eddie felt that he had made a good move by telling him about NZT-48.

This expression of blessing in front of the new neighbors was a way of expressing gratitude for helping pay for the rent that day, and also introducing a new client to the former brother-in-law. It was simply a double act.

Moreover, Hua Twelve's performance exceeded his expectations, and he even said that each person would get half of the medicine bought for twenty thousand dollars, which made Eddie laugh like crazy in his heart.

On the surface, he acted very reserved and calm. He deliberately pondered for a while before nodding in embarrassment:
"make a deal!"

Without further ado, after the two of them discussed it, Eddie put the money away and immediately took Hua Twelve to find his former brother-in-law to buy medicine.

In front of a high-end apartment on the seventh floor in Manhattan, Eddie took out the contact card given to him by his former brother-in-law yesterday from his pocket, took a look at it, and then turned to Hua Twelve and smiled:
"That's right, it's right here!" He raised his hand and knocked on the door.

After a while, a man's voice came from the apartment asking: "Who is outside?"

Eddie shouted, "Hey Vernon it's me, Eddie!"

The voice inside continued: "Which Eddie?"

Apparently this ex-brother-in-law doesn't even remember his ex-brother-in-law's voice, and the relationship is evident.

"It's me, Eddie Morley!"

Eddie smiled awkwardly at Hua Twelve: "You know, Eddie is a very common name. Just like your name is Mike, it is very common. I know more than a dozen Mikes."

The explanation was a little pale, but Hua Twelve nodded very understandingly:
"Of course, that's it!"

Vernon in the room, Eddie's brother-in-law, seemed relieved after hearing the answer: "It's you, now is not the time Eddie, let's meet later!"

Eddie quickly said: "Hey Vernon, I really have something to talk to you about, okay now?"

After a while, the door opened, and a young white man wearing pajamas with obvious scars on his face appeared in front of them.

The scars on the man's face were obviously from being beaten. Eddie pointed at the man's face in surprise and asked:

"Vernon, did you get hit in the face?"

Vernon interrupted coldly and looked at Hua Twelve: "Eddie, who is this Asian?"

Eddie quickly explained: "He is Mike, my good friend and a writer. His situation is the same as mine, but you have to know that Mike is richer than me."

He knew what his ex-brother-in-law was like, so he specially emphasized the word 'rich'.

Hua Twelve showed a cooperating and naive smile on his face, showing a smile that was not experienced in the world, but he was stupid and had a lot of money:

"Hello, I heard that Eddie got inspiration from you and just wrote something very good. You know what we lack most in creation is inspiration. I hope you can help me too. Money is not an issue!”

Vernon didn't smile the whole time. He just looked at them coldly with a scrutinizing gaze. After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he waved:

"come in!"

The area of ​​Vernon's apartment is not small, it seems to be more than 100 square meters, with modern decoration and artistic flavor. Being able to have such an apartment in Manhattan, where land is at a premium, shows that he has a certain financial strength.

The three of them sat on the sofa. Vernon spoke first: "Eddie, did you tell him about NZT-48?"

Eddie felt a little guilty: "Vernon, you know I am the most grateful person. You helped me yesterday. Didn't I just want to introduce you to a client? Don't worry, Mike is very reliable!"

Vernon nodded, and then took out a trial pack from his pajamas pocket, a plastic bag the size of a matchbox, containing a transparent pill about one centimeter in diameter.

Putting the trial device on the table and holding it down with his fingers, Vernon looked at Hua Twelve and asked:
"Five hundred dollars a pill, can you accept it?"

Hua Twelve smiled and said: "No problem at all!"

After speaking, he shook his head to Eddie, who took out twenty thousand dollars from his pocket: "Vernon, this is twenty thousand dollars, we want forty NZT-48 pills!"


Hua Twelve interrupted Eddie, and then, like magic, he began to take out money from the pocket of his coat, and took out eight more stacks of bills, which were all piled together:
"With such a good thing, of course you can take as much as you want. Mr. Vernon, we all want as much medicine as you have!"

NZT-48 has major flaws. After Hua Twelve gets it, he will definitely have to study it himself. This process requires a lot of consumption, so he needs to prepare more.

Vernon was shocked at first, and then asked with some vigilance: "Are you the FBI? Or something else."

In his opinion, it was obviously abnormal to spend so much money at one time to buy something that he had never tried before. It was like a trap that was eager for quick success and was very similar to the methods of some federal agencies.

Hua Twelve laughed loudly: "If I were the FBI, then I would definitely snap my fingers right now, and then a bunch of people would rush in, holding up guns and shouting, "Get down and don't move!"

He said while smiling and snapping his fingers.

The next moment, there was a bang and someone kicked open the apartment door from the outside. A group of people rushed in with guns and shouted:

"Get down and don't move!"

Vernon and Eddie both looked at Hua Twelve in astonishment. What do you mean, Xiu'er, you are really the FBI!

Hua Twelve said with some embarrassment: "If I say this is a coincidence, would you believe it?"

Suddenly there was a sound of coughing outside the door, and a haggard white man walked in with the help of others.

When Vernon saw this man, he suddenly became nervous: "Hi, Wood, long time no see!"

Wood laughed angrily when he heard this: "It's been a long time since I last saw you. I almost searched all over New York to find you. You, my cousin, are deliberately avoiding me, right?"

At this time, Hua Twelve recalled that in the original plot, it seemed that it was the day Eddie came to see Vernon, who was beaten to death in his apartment. This seems to be the situation now.

He coughed slightly and interrupted: "Mr. Wood, right?" Wood turned to Hua Twelve and asked coldly: "What Asian do you want to talk about?"

Hua Twelve pointed at the banknotes on the table: "I'm here to buy something. Can you wait until our transaction is over before we can talk about it?"

Wood smiled: "Kill him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a strong white man in a suit pulled the trigger on Hua Twelve.

There was a flash of fire and bullets came out of the barrel!
The next moment, everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

Hua Twelve stretched out two fingers to block the side of his head. There was a yellow-orange bullet between the two fingers.


Everyone couldn't believe their eyes. How could this be something that human beings saw?


After Hua Twelve said this classic pretentious line, he quickly released his fingers and let the warhead fall to the ground. Damn it, it was too hot.

That Wood was so excited that he trembled all over: "Cake seller, who are you!"

Hua Twelve sneered: "It doesn't matter who I am anymore. What matters is that from the moment you let someone shoot me, your end was already determined. You are destined to die here today!"

As soon as he said this, Wood clutched his heart and began to twitch, frightening the person who was supporting him. He quickly searched for the medicine he had brought with him, but when he was getting the medicine, Wood's body straightened up and he fell to the ground. Plant away.

The person supporting him quickly laid him flat on the ground and was about to give Wood medicine, but when he checked his breathing, he realized that the boss was already dead.

Everyone looked at Hua Twelve with extremely shocked eyes. One of the gunmen was a Christian. He threw away the gun, knelt on the ground and started to cross himself to Hua Twelve.

“What you say will follow the law, and what you say will follow the law!”

Eddie looked at his neighbor in disbelief, and then began to recount today's events from the beginning:
"Before, you said that someone would rush in at the snap of your fingers, and it turned out to be true. Then you caught the bullet with your fingers. Finally, you said that this gentleman was destined to die here, and he died immediately!"

Eddie concluded with shock on his face: "Oh my God! Is my neighbor Jesus?"

Seeing the actions of their companions, some of the other gunmen couldn't bear it and turned around and ran away. The one who shot Hua Twelve also ran away, leaving only two who followed suit and imitated the behavior of the Christian companion before him. , also knelt down and began to confess his sins.

On the sofa opposite, Vernon swallowed and said:
"Um, I think there is something wrong with today's matter. It was a trap from the beginning, right? Everything is fake. There is no way I can follow my words. Hehe, I am an atheist. You can't fool me. Okay, Wood, stop pretending, Mike, what I said is right."

Vernon looked at Hua Twelve with a smile on his face as if he had discovered the truth.

Hua Twelve himself was confused by what happened just now. Especially when Eddie said it, he began to doubt his identity as a time traveler. Why didn't others travel through time but it was me? Am I really the reincarnation of Brother Su?
But then I thought about it and it was not very reliable. Now that Vernon said this, Hua Twelve immediately felt like seeing his relatives and clapped his hands:

"Vernon, you're right if you don't believe it, because these are all coincidences. What am I talking about? Why am I here to buy medicine, right? If I can really follow my words, then I will tell you about the kid who shot me just now." He hung up immediately, let’s see if he hangs up!”

As soon as he said this, he heard the sound of brakes coming from the street outside, and then there was a bang.

A few people looked outside out of curiosity. It turned out that there was a car accident outside. The front of a car was dented and smoke was coming out. A corpse was lying on its back on the road more than ten meters away. There was blood coming from the nostrils and the limbs were twisted. It was obviously not safe. alive.

Being on the seventh floor, they could slightly see the man's appearance, and Vernon was stunned, because that man was the gunman who had just shot Hua Twelve.

Vernon said nothing, turned around silently, knelt down to Hua Twelve, and began to make the sign of the cross:

"Lord, it was You who led me to find faith."

Hua Twelve only has a black line on his head. Is his mouth so smart today?

In fact, the thing is very simple. Wood is also a user of NZT-48 and a client of Vernon, but his brain can no longer withstand the effects of the drug.

Vernon knew the medicinal properties of NZT-48, which was extremely flawed. In a situation like Wood's, he would definitely die if he continued to take it, and he would die if he stopped taking the medicine, but it would be slower, so he was afraid of causing trouble, so he simply avoided it. As long as she doesn't die under his nose, it's easy to say no matter what.

Wood knew that he would die if he stopped taking the medicine, so he desperately looked for Vernon to buy the medicine. Today he finally found it, but due to his excitement just now, the deadline came early and he died on the spot.

As for the gunman downstairs, when he saw Hua Twelve acting like he was right, he rushed out of the apartment with his companions in panic, and rushed across the road without looking at the car. Only then was he taken away by a speeding vehicle.

All in all, it’s a coincidence!

The former died of drug side effects, the latter died of a traffic accident, and had nothing to do with Hua Shimao.

But these coincidences are considered miracles in the eyes of others.

What the hell are you talking about, and you're not Brother Su?
"I-am I?"

Hua Twelve also fell into deep self-doubt. How could I not know if I am so awesome?

He coughed lightly, regardless of whether it was true or not, it was quite good to use this identity.

He immediately pointed at Vernon and said, "You are guilty!"

Vernon was sweating profusely: "Please Lord forgive me for my sins!"

"Hand over the evil NZT-48 first, as well as the money you earned through evil!"

Vernon didn't dare to resist, so he quickly found a large bag of medicine and several stacks of knives: "That's all, my lord!"

"Okay, if there is anything else in the future, give it to Eddie and ask him to pass it on to me. Then I will take the first step and you will recite a hundred times here, so that your sins can be alleviated."

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he collected the money and medicine, and pulled the confused Eddie away amidst the sound of New Testament chanting.

When they were outside, Eddie was still asking: "Lord, I also want to repent!"

"Zhennima coins, I lied to them, hurry up and leave!"

Hua Twelve was so angry and funny, even the country was scolding him, and he couldn't help but laugh and cry in his heart. He went out to buy medicine, but he still made money without spending any money. How can this be justified?

The two of them hurried back, not daring to take a car, so they walked through the streets and alleys, trying to walk in crowded places as much as possible. When passing by a museum, Hua Twelve felt that the place looked familiar and couldn't help but take a second look. Seeing the sign for security guards at the door, he just thought he had been here before in another world, so he didn't think much about it and walked away quickly. He just wanted to go home quickly and sort out what happened today.

 Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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