A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 706 Become a guard in the museum!

Back in the apartment, Hua Twelve kept his word and gave the other person the share he promised Eddie. Of course, it couldn't be half, but he divided twenty pills and gave them to the other person.

"Eddie, I said I would give you ten thousand dollars worth of medicine before, these are yours!" The price is five hundred dollars a pill, so ten thousand dollars is exactly twenty pills.

Vernon took out hundreds of pills. Hua Twelve gave out only a small package, while he himself took a large package of NZT-48. In comparison, what he gave to the other party was pitifully small.

Eddie was still very happy and said:

"Thank you!"

When Hua Twelve gave the medicine, he carefully observed Eddie's expression and nodded with satisfaction when he saw him like this. A contented person is always happy. This person is capable, so he immediately made it clear:
"Eddie, you probably haven't used up NZT-48 yet, so you might as well think about it. It's said that this thing can make people use their brains 100%. Although this statement is a bit exaggerated, it should significantly increase the utilization rate of the brain. is allowed"

Eddie nodded, he thought so too.

Hua Twelve emphasized: "But the problem is, since the brain can be used so efficiently, why do we only use a small part of it? That is because our brain and body may not be able to bear this for a long time. It is an efficient use, so my advice to you is to use this thing as little as possible until I find a way to improve the side effects."

Eddie's brain was running rapidly, and he instantly judged that what Hua Twelve said was right. He couldn't help but look a little ugly, but he still asked curiously:

"Do you still know about pharmacy?"

Hua Twelve smiled and nodded: "My medical and pharmacy knowledge was among the best in the 90s and [-]s!"

Eddie looked confused: "In other words, you are more than 20 years behind the times?"

Hua Twelve looked slightly embarrassed: "Of course it's not impossible for you to understand this way!"

Eddie: "."

People were right, and Hua Twelve also felt quite embarrassed. After the release of "The Legendary World of Immortality", he didn't improve his knowledge in this area. Firstly, there were too many other things to learn, and secondly... Well, mostly just laziness.

This time with NZT-48, Hua Twelve planned to use the effect of this drug to enrich himself and improve all aspects of knowledge that he had fallen behind.

Inviting Eddie to stay for a dinner together, Hua Twelve personally cooked authentic Chinese food, pasta, well, this was introduced to the West by Marco Polo, authentic Chinese food.

While eating, Eddie thought about what happened today and still couldn't understand it. He asked in a stern voice: "Mike, seriously, are you really not Brother Su?"

Hua Twelve said angrily: "Of course not, how could I be hung on a cross if I am so awesome?"

Eddie rolled his eyes when he heard this. He never wanted to discuss this topic with him again. He could only believe that everything was a coincidence. After eating the spaghetti, he thanked Hua Twelve for his hospitality and went back to his house next door to start working as a code typist. went.

So far, this guy can only think of using NZT-48 to write novels.

After Eddie left, Hua Twelve took out one NZT-48 and put it in his mouth. He put the others into the storage space, then leaned back on the sofa and began to quietly feel the effects of the medicine.

As the effects of NZT-48 dissipated in the body, Hua Twelve's thoughts seemed to jump to another space, and the speed of his brain began to increase rapidly. He tried to recall some of the martial arts he had mastered.

After a while, Hua Twelve couldn't help but admire: "This thing is really magical!"

Originally a martial arts master, he thought he had mastered all kinds of boxing and swordsmanship. Now, under the high-speed analysis of his brain, flaws and areas for improvement appeared.

Hua Twelve did not rush to improve his martial arts and fix the flaws. Instead, he closed his eyes and used his martial arts ability to see the gods indestructible and carefully feel the various effects of NZT-48 on his body.

First of all, it is positive. NZT-48 will increase brain usage, make people energetic, think clearly, and be able to recombine and organize some details and information that are not easy to notice at ordinary times and draw inferences in an instant. In addition, it seems that It also has a certain stimulant effect.

The problem arises here as well, once people get excited it is difficult to become wise.

Yes, there is a difference between being smart and being wise.

Intelligence means good memory, strong comprehension, quick response, creativity and problem-solving ability.

To be wise is to make choices that are thoughtful and prudent, and to avoid impulsiveness, panic, and overconfidence.

Just like Iron Man Tony Stark in Marvel, he is top-notch smart, but he doesn't do many things so wisely.

In the original plot of "Never Ending", after Eddie took NZT-48, when he participated in the group merger and acquisition case, he was once pointed out by his partner, a real Wall Street tycoon, that although he had sufficient reasoning ability, Lack of experience, insufficient thinking, and no idea how to analyze competitors.

These are just signs of being unwise.

In addition, there are also some problems with the exciting factor of NZT-48. Eddie once had a memory gap for [-] hours while taking the drug due to excessive excitement. During this period, he even accidentally killed a model he was having sex with. , and then was summoned by the police station and identified. Fortunately, he got through by chance, otherwise there would be no subsequent story.

Of course, for the body, it can't be called any side effects. After all, anything can happen when a person is excited.

After summarizing the positive effects, Hua Twelve began to carefully understand the negative effects of this drug on the body.

At this time, his heartbeat began to accelerate, the blood supply to the brain began to increase, the burden on the liver and kidneys increased, and the spleen, stomach and digestive functions weakened.

At present, the human body can still bear these negative effects, but once this state continues, the consequences will be catastrophic, and the chances of cerebrovascular disease and organ failure will increase proportionally.

Even if the body is as strong as Hua Twelve, he is not completely immune to this side effect. Although it is not the result of a rush like ordinary people, there is no guarantee that it will not leave any hidden dangers in the long run.

Hua Twelve quickly determined the improvement direction of NZT-48 in his mind.

First of all, you can't require the engine to run at high speed without the parts being worn out. That's unscientific. No matter how this drug is improved, the body will have the above reaction when the brain is running at high speed. This is the principle of affecting the whole body.

Hua Twelve aims to improve this drug by reducing its power and usage time, so that the side effects can be within the range that the body can bear, giving the body time to repair itself and recuperate.

Then just solve the addiction of drugs.

You can stop taking the medicine at any time and only use it when necessary.

Of course, there is another direction, which is to develop a drug that can repair damaged cells at the genetic level. It can be taken as an auxiliary drug to NZT-48 and can also reduce side effects.

After temporarily deciding on two research directions, Hua Twelve planned to go online immediately to improve his knowledge of pharmacy that was lagging behind this era.

The moment he turned on the computer, an idea flashed in Hua Twelve's mind, and he remembered why the museum he saw today looked familiar.

'New York Museum of Natural History', when she was in 'Killer World', Matilda's school organized students to visit this place, and it was Hua Twelve who drove Matilda to and from the place.

Hua Twelve didn't care about this museum, but thought about Matilda.

Well, I haven’t seen that girl for a long time. Hua Twelve decided to bring the girl to this world and have fun for two days after settling the matter of NZT-48.

The next day, Eddie excitedly brought the manuscript he wrote yesterday and asked Hua Twelve to help him read it. He also asked him if he had taken any medicine yesterday and how the novel "One Hundred Thousand Maggots" was going.

Hua Twelve shrugged regretfully: "There is no doubt about the effect of NZT-48, so thinking too fast caused the maggots to turn into flies and fly away!" Eddie smiled and punched him, and asked him if he had time. Accompany him to publish social articles.

Hua Twelve thought that he also wanted to rent a laboratory, so he agreed and the two went out together.

Eddie was still in a state of excitement, talking endlessly about his ideas for the new book and his various experiences after taking NZT-48.

Not surprisingly, Eddie's novel was once again appreciated by the publishing house, and he was one step closer to becoming a best-selling author.

After walking out of the publishing house, Eddie smiled and patted Hua Twelve on the shoulder. He showed off the $[-] manuscript fee check advanced by the publishing house in front of the latter and said with a smile:
"Mike, don't be too envious, I believe you can do it too!"

Hua Twelve smiled and nodded.

An hour later, he swiped his card and rented a laboratory in the Upper East Side for drug research for $30 a year.

It is worth mentioning that the 'money card' is very powerful. The mission background is in the Ugly Country. The 1000 million in the card will automatically turn the unit into a beautiful sword.

Eddie was dumbfounded as he watched Hua Twelve swipe his card to pay and took the lab key. He stammered:

"Well, if you are so rich, why do you write novels?"

Hua Twelve chuckled and said: "Can't you have some personal pursuits!"

It is worth mentioning that the laboratory has a living area for experimenters. Hua Twelve plans to move here. The laboratory he rented has a good environment. It is not far from Central Park. Looking out of the window, it is also If he could see the Natural History Museum he passed by yesterday, then doing research here would not be so boring in the coming days, and he could occasionally go out for a walk.

Eddie expressed regret that his new friends had moved away, but this kind of thing is normal in Europe and America and is always unavoidable.

After Hua Twelve returned, he moved. The so-called move was just to get back Mike Hua's ID, and everything else was given to Eddie.

Back in the laboratory, Hua Twelve didn't need to buy new daily necessities. He had plenty of them in his storage space. However, the next day he went out to buy some professional books, intending to improve his 20-year professional knowledge first. Go up.

When Hua Twelve walked out of the rental car with a large cardboard box of books in his arms, a medium-height white man bumped into the cardboard box in his hand. The force was not small, but to Hua Twelve It was said that there was no impact at all, but the white man fell directly to the ground due to the force of the backlash.

The cardboard box was too heavy because of the heavy books. It cracked in the collision and many books were scattered on the ground.

The white man quickly got up to help pick up the books on the ground, and apologized repeatedly: "Sorry, sir, I was thinking about something just now and didn't notice you."

When he was talking, he saw that the books were all brand new, but some of them were already stained with dust and stained by falling on the ground.

The man quickly said: "I'm sorry, this book is stained, but I just lost my job. Please see if I can leave my contact information first. Don't worry, I will definitely compensate you after a while."

Hua Twelve glanced at the dirty book, which did not affect his reading. He immediately smiled and shook his head: "The function of books is to learn knowledge. Since this function is still there, there is no need to talk about compensation."

He admired the other party's attitude of not shirking responsibility. Judging from the other party's clothes, he didn't look very decent. He looked like an unemployed person. He immediately put down the damaged carton and repacked the books on the floor with the other party.

When the man saw that these books were all professional medical books, he couldn't help but sigh: "I also dreamed of becoming a doctor, but you know, there are too many things to memorize."

Just now, the man lowered his head to pick up the book. Hua Twelve did not see his face. Now he saw his face clearly and recognized him immediately:
"Are you Ben Stiller? I loved your movie 'Meet the Father-in-law'!"

Hua Twelve did not expect that the person who bumped into him was actually a big Hollywood star.

Unexpectedly, the man looked confused: "Who is that? No, no, you have the wrong person!"

After that, he formally introduced himself: "My name is Larry Daley. You can just call me Larry. Thank you for letting go of the past. You know that for an unemployed person, this is a great help. Thank you again!" "

Hua Twelve's mind was running rapidly, and he immediately found information about this name from his dusty memory.

There was only one person who could match Ben Stiller's appearance and the name Larry Daley, and it turned out that he was the male protagonist in the movie "Night at the Museum" starring the former.

Hua Twelve subconsciously looked in the direction of the Natural History Museum, right?

Turning back, Hua Twelve showed a warm smile and stretched out his hand: "Hello Larry, my name is Mike Hua. You can call me Mike or Hua. By the way, can you tell me about your unemployment?"

After Larry Daley shook hands with him, he took out a recommendation letter from his pocket and said with a smile: "It's all over, I will have a new job soon."

He pointed to the Natural History Museum not far away: "Just be a guard in the museum!"

Hua Twelve didn't show it on his face, but he was already happy in his heart. It turned out to be this plot, and there was an artifact in the museum that could be called an artifact.

He immediately exclaimed: "Wow, it must be cool to work in a museum!"

As he spoke, his voice changed: "It's just that the salary at the museum is not very high!"

Larry nodded: "No way, I'm divorced, and my son wants me to have a stable job!"

Hua Twelve nodded sympathetically, and then seemed to think of something: "By the way, my laboratory also needs an administrative director with a monthly salary of five thousand US dollars. I wonder if you are interested?"

In order to increase trust, Hua Twelve also pointed to the nearby laboratory: "If you have time, you might as well come in and take a look!"

Larry readily accepted the invitation and took the initiative to help Hua Twelve carry the book into the laboratory.

After looking around the clean and tidy laboratory, Larry's eyes suddenly lit up: "Mike, I want to know what the administrative director of the laboratory is responsible for?"

"Mainly responsible for the safety of the laboratory and a small amount of external affairs!"

"Isn't that still a guard?"

"No, I still have to clean up!"

Larry: "."

He still chose to sign the contract. After all, the salary of a museum guard would definitely not exceed two thousand dollars. If he was offered five thousand dollars here, any fool would know which one to choose.

Hua Twelve took the museum recommendation letter from him and said with a smile: "You can throw this away now and come to work at nine o'clock tomorrow morning!"

After sending away Larry Daley, who looked surprised and thanked him repeatedly, Hua Twelve began to modify the content, age, ethnicity, and other information on the recommendation letter.

That night, an Asian security guard named Larry Daley was added to the museum.

Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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