A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 707 Matilda has grown up!

In the New York Museum of Natural History, Hua Twelve consulted the front desk and then knocked on the old and peeling paint door of the guard room.

With a stubborn voice, a white-haired old man with a playful smile opened the door:

"Hey, I'm Cecil, how can I help you?"

Hua Twelve directly took out the recommendation letter and said that he was not a tourist: "Hello, I am Larry Daley, and I am here to apply for a job."

The white-haired old man Cecil originally had a smile on his face, but when he saw Hua Twelve's height, he couldn't help but frown slightly:
"Are you six foot four?"

Ugly country’s height is calculated in feet. For example, Jordan’s information is six feet six inches, which is 198 centimeters when converted into centimeters. Flash Wade’s height is six feet four, which is 190 centimeters when converted into centimeters.

Hua Twelve felt something was wrong. When Larry Daley came over in the original plot, the old man was very enthusiastic. Why did he have a nose that was not a nose and eyes that were not eyes? Is it color discrimination? Isn't that because he is discriminating against this old man?
At this time, the effects of NZT-48 had not yet worn off, and his mind was racing. No, the old man was asking about his height, and his eyes were looking up and down at his body. It was obvious that his height and body were the key.

Hua Twelve grasped the key point and immediately made a guess. This old man was not a good person. In the original plot, Larry was first hired, and then he pretended to retire with two other old security guards, but in fact he wanted to steal the treasures in the museum. , and then framed the whole thing on Larry, who was in desperate need of money.

One of them chose Larry because he needed money, and the other probably because he was of average stature and had little fighting ability. Even if he was exposed, it would be easier for them to control him.

The fact is that after the incident was exposed, Larry was repaired by three old men. Of course, the three old men were not young and they would definitely not be able to defeat Larry under normal circumstances. But at night, under the influence of the artifact, their body functions were rejuvenated. .

At this time, Cecil asked about Hua Twelve's height and looked at his strong figure up and down, looking dissatisfied. Hua Twelve judged that this veteran was evaluating his combat effectiveness.

Hua Twelve said quickly: "Mr. Cecil, let me tell you the truth. Even though I am tall, I am born with little strength and cannot do too strenuous work. Yes, I am a novelist. I am writing a story about the evolution of fly larvae, so I can only find a relatively idle job to support myself, please give me a chance?"

"Fly larvae? Aren't those maggots?"

"You can understand that too!"

After a simple conversation, Cecil's attitude instantly improved a lot, and there was a smile on his face:
"Wow, I really can't believe that such a big guy like you is just a showman. By the way, I heard that you Asians know kung fu, karate, taekwondo, etc. Do you know kung fu? Please answer honestly, because being a guard is such a good thing. It’s a job, and fighting is a bonus!”

It seemed like a reminder, but in fact it was digging a hole for Hua Twelve.

Hua Twelve Best Actor's performance reappeared, showing a very frustrated mood: "I'm sorry, sir, although I really want to say that I can, but I can't deceive you, I don't know any fighting skills!"

He said this, but what he was thinking was: I can not only do kung fu, but also fly swords, and I can also enlarge a centipede. It was bigger than you when I pulled it out, so I asked you if you were afraid. Well, I just pulled out a centipede. Don’t think wrongly. .

The old man smiled even brighter: "Although you do not have any advantages as a guard, I like honest people. Come in young man, your sincerity touched me, and I decided to give you a chance to let my old friends see it too." You, if they don’t object, then the job is yours.”

He said, letting go of the door and making a gesture of invitation.

Hua Twelve had a smile on his face and thought in his heart, I believe you, you are such a bad old man!

Entering the guard duty room, Hua Twelve met two other elderly guards, the black old man Reginald, and the fat and short white old man Gus. The former acted very friendly, and the latter showed full kindness. Aggressive, violent, and bragging about having fought a boxing champion for nine rounds.

Hua Twelve really wants to ask, was that boxing champion afraid that you would jump up and hit him on the knee, so he allowed you to hold on for so long? But in order to satisfy the old man's vanity, he still showed admiration and some fear.

His performance made the three old men with ulterior motives very satisfied.

Cecil announced on the spot: "You are the night guard!"

Hua Twelve showed an expression of surprise at the right time: "Thank you so much!"

Cecil immediately took him around the museum to familiarize himself with the terrain, and then told him that he could go to work today.

Hua Twelve asked if he could go home and then come back to work.

Tonight is the start of the museum's fantasy night. For such a fun thing, Hua Twelve doesn't want to be the only audience, so he has to find a companion.

Cecil, of course, had no idea what he was thinking and said there was no problem.

Hua Twelve left the museum and returned to the laboratory not far away. After returning, he used the character card to summon Matilda.

The next moment, a youthful beauty appeared in front of her, with a bulging front and a curvy back. She was over 1.7 meters tall, and she threw herself directly into Hua Twelve's arms:
"You bad guy, I thought you had forgotten me. You even missed my birthday last week."

Hua Twelve originally adjusted the time ratio of 'Killer World', and now Matilda is already a big girl.

The original little Maddie had grown up and was taller than the actress who played the role in the original plot, becoming a taller and longer-legged model version of Natalie Portman.

"Mattie, I didn't mean it. You know, I'm on the rise of my career." Before he could finish his words, Matilda blocked him with his mouth.

The sudden change made Hua Twelve's eyes widen, but he did not refuse. Don't be stupid. They are all adults. Why refuse such a good thing?

After a long time, Matilda let go of Hua Twelve, panting heavily, and grinning at the same time: "I've wanted to do this for a long time!"

Hua Twelve couldn't laugh or cry. This silly girl couldn't even breathe when she was KS.

After getting the octopus-like Matilda off her body, the girl was not happy: "You missed my birthday, and you still treat me like this, are you trying to be irresponsible?"

Hua Twelve looked confused: "Don't talk nonsense, what have I done to you?"

"Why are you pushing me when I'm holding you?" Matilda was dissatisfied, and then pulled out two sand eagles from behind: "Tell me, who can you call me over to help you kill?"

Hua Twelve is so sweaty, this girl was completely led astray by him:
"I'm not asking you to come here for help this time. I'm asking you to come here. One is to make up for your birthday present, and the second is to take you to a fun place tonight!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Matilda laughed and pounced on her to tear off her clothes.

Hua Twelve asked her what she was doing, and Matilda said confidently:

"I open my gifts myself!"

The process of opening gifts was quite brutal. Since the scene was too bloody, I won’t describe it in detail. In short, traces of the battle were all over the entire living area of ​​the laboratory.

Hua Twelve's combat power was as high as 100 million. Even though he didn't fight back throughout the whole process, Matilda, who took the initiative to attack, still suffered some lacerations. Even so, after the battle, Mattie was still very happy because she completed the first transformation in her life. She is now a real woman. Well, she was not a man before.

Matilda skillfully took out a pack of cigarettes from her pocket on the floor, lit one, leaned into Hua Twelve's arms and took a puff.

Hua Twelve reminded: "Smoking is harmful to health!" After speaking, he took out a box of cigars from the storage space: "Smoking this from now on!"

Destined to live forever, even eternal life, what's the point if you don't have this kind of hobby.

Matilda had beautiful eyes and a smile, and her face was full of sweetness. She stretched out her hand and said, "Where is my gift?"

Hua Twelve said in astonishment: "Isn't it me?"

Matilda smiled like a little fox: "I asked for that myself, so it doesn't count. Where is the one you gave me?"

Hua Twelve shook his head in a funny way: "Wait until tomorrow. If I give that gift to you now, you won't be able to get out of bed. I'll take you somewhere tonight and give it to you tomorrow!"

Matilda's face turned red: "You hate it!"

"Why do you hate me?"

"Stop talking, I want the gift now!" Matilda was slightly injured and couldn't get out of the line of fire, so she immediately wanted to get the gift again.

Hua Twelve felt that Maddie seemed to have misunderstood something. He was obviously talking about stem cell injection.

Glancing at the time, Hua Twelve quickly held down Matilda, who was about to act like a demon: "Get up quickly, it will be too late!"

An hour later, Hua Twelve, wearing a security uniform, stood at the entrance of the museum, bidding farewell to the three bad old men.

When he was about to go out, Cecil pretended to have just remembered it, and threw a night shift security manual to Hua Twelve, asking him to refer to the manual to solve any problems. However, he said nothing about the resurrection of all the exhibits in the museum at night. carry.

After the three old men walked away, Hua Twelve waved to the door, asking Matilda, who was hiding behind the pillars in front of the museum, to enter the museum with him, and then locked the door.

Matilda looked confused: "You didn't come when I asked you to come with me. Why in this world did you take the initiative to work as a security guard in a museum?"

Hua Twelve walked to the front desk and sat down, smiling and said: "You will know it in a while, but don't be afraid!"

Matilda curled her lips and looked like you looked down on people: "I have often gone hunting in Africa over the years, and I have killed many lions. How can I be afraid?"

Hua Twelve raised his watch and counted down: "Five, four, three, two, one!"

Matilda was about to ask him what he was doing when suddenly there was a huge roar behind her. She turned around and saw that the Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton placed in the museum hall came to life and became a moving bone dragon. He roared towards them, and then walked over with long strides. The ground trembled with every step he took.

She subconsciously went to draw her gun, but Hua Twelve quickly stopped her: "Don't be afraid, it doesn't bite!"

After speaking, he walked forward with a smile and stretched out his hand. A bone dragon rib more than one meter long fell into his hand. Hua Twelve threw the rib out. The bone dragon immediately chased after him like a dog and picked up the rib. After that, he took it back and threw it in front of Hua 12 and the others.

Hua Twelve said to the dumbfounded Matilda: "You see, just think of it as a dog that loves to play the game of picking up bones!

Although Matilda was surprised, she felt relieved after hearing what Hua Twelve said. At the same time, her childlike innocence was moved. She picked up the rib and threw it hard towards the back of the museum. The bone flew out and was inserted in the hall. On the side, there is a statue of Theodore Roosevelt, the sixth president of the United States, on the shoulder.

The statue of Theodore Roosevelt was originally riding on a horse, holding the reins in one hand and holding a sword high in the other, solemn and solemn. However, when the bone pierced the shoulder, it suddenly came to life and screamed.

Before the ribs could be pulled out, the bone dragon had already rushed towards him with long strides.

Theodore Roosevelt was so frightened that he ran away on horseback. Although he knew that the bone dragon would not hurt anyone, it would snatch bones. The bone was stuck in his shoulder. If he took one bite, he would die. If he didn't run, he would be a fool. He ran on horseback in front, and the Bone Dragon was chasing after him. He chased and then escaped, and went deep into the museum. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared.

Hua Twelve said with a smile: "I was still worried about how to walk this bone dragon. Now the problem is solved!"

After all, Matilda had just grown up and still had the temperament of a teenager. At this time, she suddenly became excited when she saw such strange things as the bone dragon and the resurrection of the statue:
"Hua, tell me quickly, what is going on?"

When she asked this question, Hua Twelve understood that there should be no movie like 'Night at the Museum' in 'Killer World'. After all, there are some differences between the parallel world and the real world, which is quite normal.

He immediately smiled and said: "Let's go, I'll take you for a walk first, and we'll talk while walking!"

The two went up to the second floor and saw that the primitive people in the exhibition area on the second floor had been resurrected and were sitting around the fire, studying how to make a fire. At the corner of the corridor, the stone man from Easter Island shouted: "Here are the new ones? Did I bring candy?"

Hua Twelve took out a handful of lollipops and threw them over. The stone man opened his mouth and took a sip, swallowed them all, and then said with a satisfied smile:
"Thank you!"

Hua Twelve waved his hand, then turned around and introduced to Matilda: "There is a gold medal from Egypt in this museum. It was made by the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh with the magical power of the ancient Egyptian moon god Kongsu. Artifact."

"The function of this artifact is to release magical power at night, giving life to statues, dolls, specimens, and mummies."

While the two were talking, they had already arrived at the real-life model display area. The real-life models here mainly include the real-life model of the ancient Roman arena, the real-life model of the railway construction in the western part of the country, and the real-life model of the Mayan people building the Mayan pyramids.

At this time, over in ancient Rome, Roman warriors the size of a human pinky finger were practicing, over over on the Western Railway, cowboys were singing and dancing, and Qing laborers with braids and black-skinned laborers were jingling and swinging hammers.

The Mayans, who were also about the size of a pinky finger, discovered the arrival of Hua Twelve and Matilda. They immediately summoned an army and rushed out from the scene of the Mayan civilization. They held hunting spears and blow darts and stood half a meter away from the two of them. Attacks were launched from a distance to the left and right.

The spears were thrown, and the arrows were blown like rain, and they all hit the knees of the two people. Well, they could also attack the knees of Hua Twelve and Matilda, no higher.

Hua Twelve waved his hand casually, and invisible energy came out, causing the spears and blowing needles to shoot back, instantly piercing the thighs of more than a dozen Mayans, causing them to fall to the ground and howl. The remaining Mayans Upon seeing him, instead of continuing to attack, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed to him.

Obviously, these villains can't understand this way of rebounding attacks with just a wave of the hand. They regard Hua Twelve as a god!
"Go back and stay well, don't cause any trouble for me!"

After Hua Twelve's words, the Mayans immediately withdrew, carrying the wounded on the ground and rushing back into the Mayan civilization real-life model.

The western cowboys and Roman warriors have not bothered Hua Twelve for the time being. He has put it aside for now. Now he wants to take Matilda to see the artifact 'Akamanra Gold Medal' also called 'Aka' Manla's Golden Monument'!
Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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