A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 709 Iron Man chasing the Saint!

The three old men turned around and saw Hua Twelve. They knew they had been caught and were a little unnatural, but they were still calm. Sissel chuckled and said:

"Hey look who it is, our Asian boy, you shouldn't be here at this hour, you should go make sure all the doors are closed right!"

"It's been confirmed!"

Hua Twelve pointed at the Kamala gold medal: "Cecil, haven't you all resigned? What are you doing now?"

Cecil looked at his watch, and then said to the black old man Reginald and the short and fat old man Gus beside him:

"Less than a minute left!"

Gus nodded, turned his head and used both hands to pull out the Akaman gold medal on the wall and hold it in his hand.

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows, was this an obvious robbery?

Cecil said with a smile on his face: "Larry, we three old men have retired and want to get some pension money. How about you pretend that you have never seen us and let us take this gold medal?"

Hua Twelve said with a smile: "Cecil, I am the guard here. If you were me, would you agree?"

Cecil shrugged and said matter-of-factly: "Of course not!"

He even laughed after saying this: "Larry, you have been working night shifts for a while, and I think you know the secret of this gold medal, but there is one thing you may not know yet!"

Hua Twelve asked very cooperatively: "Which point?"

Cecil looked at his watch: "You only need to wait ten more seconds, eight, five, three, one, time is up!"

The three old men all held their heads high, and the black old man Reginald even threw away his crutches and opened his hands as if to welcome something.

Unfortunately, nothing happened.

A few seconds passed, Hua Twelve held back his laughter and asked, "What are you doing, posing?"

The three old men were also a little embarrassed. Gus patted the Carmanra gold medal in his hand. Reginald looked at Cecil, who looked at his watch:

"Maybe my watch is running a little faster, let's wait and see!"

Hua Twelve asked jokingly: "How long will you wait?"

Cecil raised his head and looked at Hua Twelve: "Larry, I remember you said that you are just tall and weak, right?"

Hua Twelve nodded: "Yes, I am a scientific researcher, so you know."

Cecil looked at the two old guys: "Maybe we don't need to wait."

Gus placed the gold medal on the pharaoh's coffin first, and then the three old men walked towards Hua Twelve with clenched fists.

Bah bah bah.

Three old men were lying on the ground, each with a dark circle under his eye. Well, the black old man Reginald's dark circle was relatively light. If you don't look carefully, it's hard to see because he is originally black.

One of Cecil's eyes was closed: "When you came to apply for Del, didn't you say you didn't have much energy?"

"You can believe it no matter what you say!"

Hua Twelve was joking as he took out the real Kamala gold medal from the storage space behind his back.

At this time, the sun had set. As soon as the Kamala gold medal came out, it emitted the power of the moon god Kongsu. The next moment, a mammoth's cry came from the distance, indicating that all the dead objects in the entire museum would be resurrected at this moment. .

Seeing that the gold medal had completed its mission tonight, Hua Twelve took the real thing back again. He did so very covertly, and the three old men did not see his little move.

At this time, the three old men stood up from the ground with surprises on their faces. Cecil laughed loudly: "I just said it was my watch. How could the Kamala gold medal go wrong!"

Gus and Reginald began to twist their necks and move their shoulders. Now they looked much more energetic than before, as if they were not old men, but young tough guys about to enter the ring.

Cecil smiled proudly and said: "What I just said you don't know is that we old guys, like the things in this museum, will be blessed with gold medals and be reborn after sunset, as if I’m dozens of years younger and I’m back to my prime, young man, let’s enjoy it!”

As he said that, he took a step back. Short old man Gus waved his fists and rushed forward: "I'm not lying to you. When I was young, I really fought nine rounds with the boxing champion!"

Hua Twelve kicked Gus in the knee, and Gus knelt down. He opened his bow from left to right and unleashed a flurry of blows, which slapped the old man until his mouth and nose were bleeding and his face was swollen. Finally, he kicked him out and threw him. On the ground, he sneered:

"I've wanted to ask you for a long time. Were you tied to a tree by the boxing champion and beaten? Otherwise, how could you, a short guy like you, last for nine rounds?"

Gus was still dissatisfied: "You used your feet, you committed a foul!"

Hua Twelve was too lazy to pay attention to him. He was as old as a dog and he wasn't fighting with you in the ring, let alone using his feet. He was just afraid of trouble, otherwise he would just take out his gun and shoot!

Reginald took out a switchblade from his waist, popped out the blade, and then used his left hand to turn his right hand, and his right hand to his left hand. He used the same technique as a black man on the street. He gradually moved forward with his feet and threatened: "Boy, what are you doing?" It’s better to hand over all the money you have.”

Behind him, Cecil covered his forehead: "Old man, you've made a mistake!"

Reginald was also a little embarrassed: "This return to youth has brought out all the old habits, I'm sorry!"

He said to Hua Twelve again: "Boy, get out of the way."

Reginald was uttering threatening words, and was still playing tricks with his hands. When he threw it with his left hand, the switchblade flew to his right hand, and when he threw it with his right hand.

The knife was caught by Hua Twelve!

Then he inserted it into Reginald's thigh, and the latter screamed and fell to the ground: "Old man, I'm injured, please call an ambulance."

Cecil felt as if he had been cheated by his pig teammates. He ignored Reginald and looked at Hua Twelve with a somewhat exaggerated "Wow":

"Putty skills, Bruce Lee."

He laughed and said, "There's one thing you may not know."

Hua Twelve was speechless: "How many things do I still don't know? Can you just finish it in one breath?"

Cecil chuckled: "When Bruce Lee came to New York from Seattle to develop on Broadway, he also moved the Zhenfan Martial Arts School to New York. I was the first batch of students at his New York Martial Arts School."

After saying that, he put on a classic pose and said "Ahhh".

Reginald and Gus were both excited: "Beat him, kill him!"

Hua Twelve said indifferently: "So you have studied with Bruce Lee, so I guess he must not have you as a formal disciple!"

"how do you know?"

Hua Twelve smiled and spread his hands and said: "It's obvious that you are planning to break the law. It is obvious that you have a bad character. For people like you, teaching you Kung Fu is equal to harming society!"

"I hope you can still laugh after a while!"

There was a small rag under Cecil's feet, as if he was about to rush in and punch. Then, three steps away, he flew directly into the air, kicked his legs 360 degrees in the air, and went straight to Hua's Twelve Faces Gate.

Hua Twelve shrank down to avoid this kick, and then followed with a Baji Sky Cannon. This move in the game is also called the Oil-consuming Root, and punched Taozi.

He didn't use much strength, but Cecil couldn't bear it. He was so beaten that his painful old face began to twist in the air.

He fell to the ground, huddled up and foamed at the mouth.

Hua Twelve smiled at the three old men on the ground and said: "Guys, please be honest. You still have life to go to the police station tomorrow morning. If you are not honest, then don't blame me for being cruel and disrespectful to the elderly!" The three old men cursed in their hearts. You have a big mouth, stab your thigh with a knife, and attack the vitals of an elderly person. How the hell do you respect the elderly? Respect your sister!


The floor shook and an animal roared from the end of the corridor.

The eyes of the three old men all lit up. This kid had arrived at the Egyptian Pavilion so quickly. The door to the animal exhibition area must have been unlocked. Lions and other things must have come out. He was dead.

These three guys didn't even think about it. Even if Hua Twelve was eaten by a lion, would the three of them be okay?

A little monkey appeared in the Egyptian Pavilion, it was Dexter who loved to steal keys. At this time, it was chirping and gesticulating to Hua Twelve, as if to convey some message.

But Hua Twelve understood: "You said that lion is going to eat me?"

Monkeys are the most interesting thing. If you are polite to it, it may not be polite to you, but if you have to conquer it, then it will be polite to you.

This is what happened to Dexter. On Hua Twelve's first day at work, this hozen tried to steal the key, but Hua Twelve grabbed his hands and tied the door to him for the night.

Since then, the monkey has been subdued. When he first saw Hua Twelve, he shivered and was so scared. Later, when he saw that he didn't care about him much, he started to please him like a traitor. This time, he even betrayed his companions to report the news. He was completely like an animal. Traitor.


The roar of lions could already be heard in front of the door. An African male lion and several lionesses appeared at the door of the Egyptian Pavilion. Behind the lion, various wild beasts came to watch, including mammoths, ostriches, zebras, reindeer, and antelopes. Came to watch the excitement.

At this time, there was another roaring sound. The Hun King and his younger brother rushed over with a tomahawk in hand. They guarded Hua Twelve and confronted the lions. It was obvious that help was coming.

The lion roared, and the Hun king roared for a while. No one on either side was willing to give in.

Hua Twelve instantly changed his view of his little brother. The Hun King was a bit ugly, but he was really good at something.

He took a step forward, pointed at the lion and said, "The melee is too messy and it's hard to clean up. It's time for a one-on-one fight!"

The lion seemed to be thinking about his proposal, and his big head nodded heavily for a while.

The animals and the Huns dispersed. Hua Twelve and the lion faced each other in the field. The three old men behind him couldn't help shouting in excitement: "Bite him to death, bite him to death!"

Before Hua Twelve spoke, the Hun King was unhappy. He turned to glare at them and waved his hand casually. A Hun boy went over and punched and kicked the three old men, which was very cruel.

This means that under the magic of Kamala's gold medal, the three old men have restored their physical fitness when they were young, otherwise they would have been beaten to death.

Hua Twelve Dynasty Lion raised his fingers, full of provocation: "You go first, otherwise you won't have a chance!"

The lion was furious. After a roar, it suddenly jumped towards Hua Twelve.

Instead of retreating, Hua Twelve rushed forward, grabbed the lion's mane with one hand, and pushed it down. With a bang, he pushed the lion down from mid-air, smashed it to the ground, then turned over and rode on it, and was beaten. Boomer.

The two fists were banging like pile drivers, and at the same time he shouted in English: "Are you convinced? If you are convinced, just meow like a cat!"


blah blah blah!


blah blah blah!


The lion was subdued, lying there like a cat, and using his big swollen head to hold his twelve palms, he couldn't do it, he would be beaten to death!

Hua Twelve smiled and stroked the lion's mane. From now on when he goes to work, he can pet the cat when he has nothing to do!

He was just playing around with the lion, otherwise if he was serious and punched him, visitors to the animal exhibition area tomorrow would be surprised to find that there is an extra skylight in the skull of the stuffed lion.

After conquering the lions and the Huns, Hua Twelve unlocked the achievement of the Unification Museum.

Early the next morning, Hua Twelve handed the three old men to the police. The three old men left dejectedly. They admitted the crime in a tacit understanding and did not reveal the secret of the gold medal.

Hua Twelve was commended by the director and received a bonus of one thousand US dollars.

Return to the laboratory during the day and continue studying NZT-48.

Larry's son came to the laboratory during the day. This kid was as big as a brat and wanted to see if his father was bragging. He had found a job with a stable salary and a high salary.

At noon, Hua Twelve invited the father and son to lunch, and then gave Larry half a day of paid leave so that he could have fun with his son.

The research on NZT-48 is progressing very smoothly. Hua Twelve has figured out all its ingredients and successfully completed the replication.

In other words, even if the medicine in Hua Twelve's hands is gone, he can still make it himself.

The next research will shift from replicating the drug to perfecting it. This is more difficult for other researchers because they need to observe the experimental subjects and adjust the efficacy of the medicine through various data of the experimental subjects.

But Hua Twelve doesn't have to be like this, because he himself is the best experimental subject, and he doesn't need to stick to various data.

He is a great master of Chinese martial arts. He sees the gods and is incorruptible. He can look inside and observe the most minute cellular level of his own body. He is fully aware of the impact of medicine on the body and what state it is in at every moment.

I believe it won’t be long before an upgraded version of NZT-48 appears.

In the evening, Hua Twelve went to the museum for a walk, but did not take out the real Kamala gold medal, because tonight he and Matilda were going to start studying the gold medal's abilities.

There was no problem in the museum, so Hua Twelve skipped work and returned to the laboratory not far away. Anyway, he was the only one keeping watch at the museum. As long as there were no problems, no one would know that he had left.

At this time, many toys have been prepared in the laboratory, including plush, mechanical, plastic and simulated toys.

There are also some stuffed animals placed outside the laboratory.

This is to test the effect of the gold medal, whether it acts on space or on a fixed area.

The moment Hua Twelve took out the gold medal, all the toys in the room came to life. Hua Twelve looked out the window, but there was no change in the toys outside.

The results came out. This gold medal only works in spaces, such as museums and laboratories. These two spaces are one large and one small, but as long as the gold medal is inside, it will have an effect.

But the outside separated by a wall is not affected by magic.

The first test was completed. Hua Twelve took out a one-to-one proportion of the Golden Saint from the storage space. As soon as the Saint came out, he broke the window and flew away into the sky.

"I'll go after him!"

Hua Twelve took out a set of steel suit models from the storage space. Under the magic of the gold medal, it also turned into a real thing. Matilda was so enticed by it that she also asked for one, and the two entered the steel battle. Yi, linked up with Jarvis like a dream, and the next moment, the two Iron Man rose into the sky and chased the Golden Saint.

Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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