A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 739: Promotion and reward, BMW Wuzui!

Hua Twelve fired Wushuang on the winter hunting ground. No matter who it was or how many people came forward, they could not get past three rounds with his horse spear. He showed his invincibility and stunned those who wanted to steal his tiger. The three princes carried out a counter-plundering operation.

He took away all the leopards, wild boars, and other larger beasts that the other party had hunted, leaving only some pheasants, rabbits, and the like for them. This could be considered as saving his pants and leaving some face for the prince.

During the entire process, everything Hua Twelve did was in compliance with the rules of winter hunting, and there was no behavior that was detrimental to the crown prince and the other two princes.

And during the whole process, Hua Twelve felt vaguely that there were several sharp eyes locked on him. It is conceivable that once he really does something detrimental to the prince, then the thunder will definitely be waiting for him. one strike.

Hua Twelve didn't need to think about it to know that those eyes secretly watching him must be the worship masters of the imperial court's worship department responsible for protecting the safety of the three princes, at least at the innate level.

Of course it's not that he's afraid of these people, it's just that the gains outweigh the losses of confronting the court now.

Speaking of which, Hua Twelve quite admires these worshipers. As long as he abides by the rules of winter hunting, he will not take action even if he robs the prey of three princes. This is very principled!

The three princes saw that they couldn't restrain themselves by showing off their identities, and sent experts to defeat them. They were also robbed of prey. They didn't want to stay any longer, so they left with their own people. They didn't know whether they wanted to get some more prey before the winter hunting was over, or they were anxious. I went back to complain to my biological father.

Hua Twelve watched the three princes leave, glanced at a few old men in their team inadvertently, and smiled faintly.

When the three princes were out of sight, he pointed forward with his horse:


With enough big insects to seize the leader, and enough prey to be distributed among the newly harvested young men, there is no point in continuing to hunt, so we might as well call it a day.

As soon as you say it, you will act like a tiger.

Lu Dayong, who has become the third person in the Jie Dao Group, quickly shouted: "Brother, you are going against the grain!"

Next to Lu Dayong, Cao Fang, who considered himself the second leader of the Taoist Robbery Group, gave the guy a stick:

"Brother, can you be wrong? Just go whichever way you say. Go forward in a big circle around Tienwang Mountain. If you walk for ten days and a half, you will be able to return to the camp sooner or later!"

After he finished speaking, he said to Hua Twelve with a smile: "Brother, are you right?"

"That's right, you're a banana, cabbage, and pineapple head!"

Hua Twelve did not give him a good face at all: "Now that you know how to flatter me, why were you so cowardly like a grandson just now that you didn't even dare to say more words?"

Cao Fang smiled bitterly and said: "Brother, he is the prince. There is also a prince inside. Let alone talking nonsense in front of them. Even if I fart in front of the prince, I will be beaten if my family finds out. Besides, brother, what do you think? Yes, he's just the leader of the winter hunt. If they ask you to give it, it's over. Even if you don't give it to the prince, then you won't give it to the prince if he wants it."

Hua Twelve's eyes widened; "If they want it, I have to give it to them? Don't I want to lose face?"

Seeing this, Cao Fang sighed helplessly: "Hey, brother, please be more careful when you go back. If not, just find a way to mobilize, leave Bianliang, and become a small official in other places. As long as you don't hang around under their noses, over time, , this matter may have been forgotten by several princes!"

In fact, not only Cao Fang thinks that Hua Twelve will be unlucky, but other members of the Jie Tao Group also think so. Some people even think that Hua Twelve will be captured by the officials when he goes back, let alone the leader of the Winter Hunt. , directly questioned the guilt.

However, these people were all descendants of noble families and had some integrity. Although they believed that Hua Twelve was going to be unlucky, they did not immediately distance themselves from him. Of course, this was because they thought they would not be implicated.

If Hua Twelve really did something treacherous and implicated others, it is estimated that these people would have disappeared long ago.

Hua Twelve glanced at Cao Fang in surprise. Being able to say these words to him at this time seemed to be really showing his emotions. He smiled slightly:

"Don't worry, your brother will be fine!"

Others thought he was comforting himself, but on the way back, Hua Twelve was still high-spirited and humming two unheard operas from time to time, which made it difficult for others to understand.

They couldn't understand why this guy wasn't worried at all after offending all three princes, including the prince.

When they returned to the camp, they saw many people in the three princes' team looking at their Taoist Robbery Team with complicated expressions. It was obvious that the three princes had returned to the camp early to complain to the officials.

The noble disciples of the Jie Dao Regiment who suffered from "Stockholm Syndrome" couldn't help but worry about Hua Twelve, and they also believed in their hearts that the eldest brother would most likely be prosecuted by the officials.

What everyone did not expect was that after returning to the camp, official Zhao Ji not only did not blame Hua Twelve, but also recognized his performance in the winter hunting and directly announced that Lin Chong was the leader of the winter hunting.

Naturally, he will be rewarded if he becomes the leader, so Zhao Ji directly promoted him by two levels, to the rank of 12th rank, to the rank of third-rank dragon forbidden officer.

Regardless of the fact that there are only three ranks, the Dragon Guards are divided into three levels. The sixth-rank Dragon Guards are the third-class guards, the fifth-rank Dragon Guards are the second-class guards, and the third-rank Dragon Guards are the first-class guards.

Now Hua Twelve, a third-grade dragon forbidden officer, has risen to the top among the dragon forbidden officers.

Further up, there is the first-level Dragon Ban Lieutenant Commander.

After being granted an official position, Hua Twelve was still a little unhappy because Zhao Ji wanted to confiscate his Northeastern Golden Gradient Layer "Big Flower" and said that he would put it into "Yujin Garden", one of the "Tokyo Four Gardens", and use it with Jiaozhi, Tianzhu and other foreign countries. Raised together with some rare animals brought as tribute from the state.

But Zhao Ji didn't ask for his money in vain, and also rewarded Hua Twelve with a BMW called "Kicking the Snow Wuzui".

During this winter hunting, Zhao Ji brought several horses and asked them to let them loose on the snow in the paddock. At this time, he directly asked people to bring the Snow-Kicking Black Horse over.

In a short time, seven or eight grooms came together to escort the BMW.

Several Oxford lassoes tightly tied the BMW, and the BMW continued to toss unyieldingly, and from time to time it would roar like a dragon or a beast, pulling the ropes desperately, allowing the seven or eight strong grooms to He had to use all his strength to hold it down.

Originally, Hua Twelve was a little unhappy. He thought that no matter how good it was to come to Ma, it would be as fragrant as the Siberian tiger. Besides, the big flower got along so well with him. The tiger was very understanding of human nature. He would listen to what the big flower said.

Dahua: If you don’t listen, beat me!

But when Hua Twelve really saw Ki Xue Wu Zui, he couldn't move his eyes away.

At this time, if someone asked him as a joke: Are you still reluctant to part with the big flowers? This guy will definitely ask: What is a big flower?

Kicking the snow and black feathers, the horse lives up to its name!

This horse is as black as an ingot, with no mottled colors on its body. Its four hooves are as white as silver. It is nearly two meters tall at the shoulders and is a head taller than ordinary war horses. Although its bones are thick, its body shape is very well-proportioned.

Hua Twelve's eyes became brighter and brighter.

What a shame!

It is said that Xiang Yu, Zhang Fei and Yuchi Gong all rode this kind of BMW in history.

However, the names are different. Xiang Yu's horse is called Wuzui, Zhang Fei's horse is called Wuyun Taxue, and Yuchi Gong's horse is called Taxue Wuzui. Now Zhao Ji gave him this horse, which is called 'Kicking Snow Wuzui'!

Hua Twelve suddenly felt that this was a bad name. It seemed that compared to the previous mounts, his name of Ki Xue Wu Zui was the lowest. Those who didn't know it thought he was endorsing the body shirt.

I made up my mind that I would change my name to something nicer later, such as 'Black Cat Sheriff', 'Black Wolf', 'Black Sheep', etc. It would be nice and a little special.

When Zhao Ji saw the way Hua Twelve looked at Wu Zui, he could not hide his fondness and said rather gloatingly:

"This horse was a tribute gift from the Xixia envoy when I ascended the throne. Since entering the palace, it has been extremely fierce and no one can subjugate it. I heard that Lin Chong, you are brave enough to be unworthy of all men. Today you captured that white-breasted horse alive. I believe the big insect can subdue this BMW!"

"But I have given you a BMW as a reward. Whether you can ride it or not depends on your own ability!"

The people around him suddenly realized that this was right. Lin Chong had robbed three princes and brought shame on the royal family. How could the officials not punish him at all? Why don't they wait here?

When the time comes, Lin Chong will not be able to subdue the royal horse, so he will naturally not be rewarded. Not only will he lose the tiger, but he will also lose face. The matter of the three princes being robbed of prey will also be downplayed. It is like killing several eagles with one arrow. High, really high!

Hua Twelve strode forward and asked the grooms to remove the ropes and move away.

The grooms all advised: "General, if we shake off the rope, this horse will run away without knowing where it is!"

Hua Twelve laughed: "Don't worry, this horse was given to me by the government. Even if it gets lost, I can't blame you!"

Zhao Ji twitched the corner of his mouth. He had originally thought that if Hua Twelve could not surrender, he would take it back. His abacus jingled, but he did not say it out loud at this time, so that others would not dare to say it with their mouths and would curse in their stomachs. This emperor is stingy.

The grooms looked at Zhao Ji, who waved his hand on the martial arts stage, indicating that they could retreat.

Several grooms then used their skills to shake off the rope. When the black horse realized that it was out of trouble, it ran away.

But it was fast, and Hua Twelve was even faster. He had already been ready to go and was waiting for this moment. Wu Hao had just started to charge up, and before he had time to give fuel, he rushed forward and put his arms around Wu Hao's neck. With a sudden force, the BMW fell to the ground with a bang.

Wu Zhui still wanted to struggle to get up, but Hua Twelve held down the horse's head with one hand. No matter how hard Wu Zhui tried, he could not escape the suppression of Wuzhishan.

In less than a stick of incense, the horse was sweating profusely and lying in the snow, panting and resigned to his fate.

This operation stunned Zhao Ji and all Wu Xun who had never seen Hua Twelve make a move. No wonder he was invincible on the winter hunting ground. No wonder he could capture the big insects alive. It turned out that he really had the power to subdue a tiger.

Seeing that Wu Zhui was no longer struggling, Hua Twelve touched Wu Zhui's mane with his hand and said with a smile:

"Are you convinced? I let you get up, but you can't run away!"

Wu Zhui seemed to understand what he meant and snorted.

But as soon as Hua Twelve let go, Wu Zui stood up, turned around and kicked Hua Twelve with his two hind hooves.

"Ouch, you little pony doesn't keep your word!"

Hua Twelve was not angry at all. He saw Wu Zui's purpose, turned his back to him, and kicked him with his two hind hooves. If he dodged, he was destined to distance himself, and the BMW would definitely take this opportunity to run away. Gone.

So you can't hide this time. Not only can you not hide, but you have to turn defeat into victory, and you have to win beautifully.

Hua Twelve did not dodge. He directly grabbed the two hind hooves that Wu Zhui kicked with his hands. The muscles of his arms rose and fell together, instantly neutralizing the force of Wu Zhui's kick.

Then he grabbed Wu Hao's hooves with both hands, twisted his body, and lifted Wu Hao's whole body up. His feet kept spinning, and he threw upwards with both hands. He threw the Wu Hao horse more than three feet high. Then it fell hard.

Hua Twelve's feet were motionless. He put his hands on the falling Wu Zui's back and used Tai Chi to throw Wu Zui up again.

Just like an adult throwing a child, he kept throwing the BMW, which was nearly two meters high at the shoulder, up, caught, and up again until Wu Zui started to bubble, and then he placed it on the ground.

Zhao Ji was dumbfounded, and then he became very good at painting. He asked someone to get up and get paper and pen. On the performance stage, he quickly sketched a painting of Hua Twelve throwing black pearls in the snow, and titled it "The Divine General Throws Black Pearls" picture"!

From then on, Hua Twelve's identity as Lin Chong was known as the 'God General of the Song Dynasty', which also caused him some minor troubles.

Wu Zhui was finally convinced. He couldn't bear it. He was dizzy, dizzy, and vomiting bubbles. No horse could bear this.

Wu Zui, who had recovered, was extremely docile. He kept trying to wash Hua Twelve's face with his big tongue, making him so disgusting. Is this horse born in the year of a dog?

After riding Wu Zui and driving around the camp, Hua Twelve finally realized what a BMW is. It is simply the Ferrari among horses. It has such a damn pushing feeling, lightning speed, and it is so spacious that it is suitable for shaking. The shaking of the horse's back made him very fond of it.

During a winter hunt, Hua Twelve was not only promoted and rewarded, but also met a group of younger brothers from the Taoist Robbery Group. It can be said that he returned with a full load.

The next day when Gao Qiu called him to the Palace Commander's Mansion, when Yang Zhi, an official fan, saw him, his eyes were full of envy, and he asked Hua Twelve how he did it.

Hua Twelve touched his hair and coughed lightly: "The main reason is that he is handsome!"

When Hua Twelve went to see Gao Qiu, Yang Zhi found a bronze mirror and looked at the big blue birthmark on his face in the mirror. He thought to himself that it was no wonder that his life was unsatisfactory. It turned out that the crux was here.

Gao Qiu saw Hua Twelve in the study and quickly pulled him to sit down:

"Tell me, why haven't I understood this? You stole the crown prince, the third prince, and the ninth prince's prey, and trampled on the royal family's reputation. Why do the officials seem so happy instead of angry? And give you a promotion and reward?"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Didn't you ask Cai Jing yesterday? That old guy should understand clearly. By the way, I haven't seen Cai Jing yet. Which old man was he yesterday?"

"No one. Those who went yesterday were all Wu Xun, and Cai Jingnai is a civil servant. It is said that he was sick at home yesterday and did not participate in the winter hunting!"

Hua Twelve nodded and said with a look of disdain: "You said that you have been a high-ranking imperial officer, but you can't even understand this. No wonder you can only be a jester. You really don't have any skills at all. No!"

Gao Qiu was so depressed: "I'm asking you for advice. Don't do anything. It's just the word I said last time. By the way, you are being attacked personally!"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Okay, I didn't expect you to be so shameless at your age, so I'll tell you!"

"I'm going to offend a prince this time, and the officials will definitely have a bad impression of me. Even if they can't do anything to me due to the winter hunting rules, I will definitely be unlucky in the future, but I put three people who may be on the big treasure If all the princes are offended, the official family will definitely use me more!"

Thanks to: brothers 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon World, and Oscar’s Economic Growth. Thank you to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes. Thank you very much.

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