A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 775: Destruction!

Daxiangguo Temple was already very popular with pilgrims. The miracle of Wu Daozi's mural appearing out of thin air caused a stir in Bianjing. People went to pay homage to the miracle. The heat did not drop for half a month.

After waiting for these days, Hua Twelve finally felt unbearable. At noon that day, when the sun was at its peak and there were relatively few tourists and pilgrims, he held a sunshade paper umbrella and took Yang Zhi, Lu Da, Wu Song, and Yue Fei with him. Not far away, there were several Imperial Army soldiers dressed as believers, who went to the Daxiangguo Temple together to see with their own eyes what was going on.

Hua Twelve was wearing a white gown and holding a white ink-ink paper parasol. He walked in front with fluttering clothes and was spotless. He was as clean as a good young man in troubled times. Several people behind him were walking with their heads held high. Only Lu Zhishen had a stern expression and shrank back in Wu Song. behind.

Wu Song dodged and said: "Brother, what are you hiding from?"

Lu Zhishen waved his hands and said, "Quickly stop me, don't let anyone see me."

He was sent to Xiangguo Temple by Elder Zhizhen of Mount Wutai to practice cultivation. However, he made the mistake of running away with Hua Twelve within two days of becoming a monk. He felt guilty and was afraid of meeting someone he knew.

Several people followed the crowd into the Main Hall. Hua Twelve put away the paper umbrella and held it in his hand. Looking around, he saw the Buddha's golden body sitting on the lotus platform in the middle, surrounded by incense and mist. There was indeed a mural on the left wall of the hall.

Many faithful men and women gathered around the wall, looking up, and some pilgrims burned incense and kowtowed in front of the mural. Daxiangguo Temple also cooperated by placing an incense burner in front of the wall for the convenience of pilgrims.

Hua Twelve and others also walked over. When they got closer, they saw the mural pattern. Above, there was a goddess walking among the clouds, holding auspicious flowers in her hands. The auspicious clouds stretched out. Below, there were pavilions, pavilions, ponds, and urchins playing among them. , eminent monks give lectures.

This painting is exquisitely crafted, and the characters and scenery are lifelike.

Hua Twelve glanced at it and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, because the content of the painting was indeed the pattern on the mural of Ningrong Temple in Tiejuan Temple, which was exactly the same as what he saw that day.

The difference is that in the Ningrong Temple of Tiequan Temple, there were two murals on the east and west walls, and the goddess and the eminent monk were separated. But now that these two murals have appeared on the walls of Daxiangguo Temple, they have merged into one, and the goddess and the eminent monk have joined together. Went together.

Fairies are flying on clouds and flying into the sky, and eminent monks are preaching in the human world, but I don’t know what their fame is.

After observing for a long time, Hua Twelve felt that there were relatively few tourists at noon and it was a good time to take action. He immediately made a hidden gesture to the crowd with the hand holding the paper umbrella.

The soldiers pretending to be believers had been paying attention to his movements. When they saw this, they nodded slightly, and then one of them stepped forward and shouted loudly to the believers who kowtowed and burned incense to the mural:

"This is a Buddhist temple. You don't worship Buddha, Bodhisattva, or Arhat Vajra. Instead, you kowtow and burn incense to these murals that come from nowhere. You are really worshiping Buddha indiscriminately. You don't know what it means!"

After speaking, he pointed at the mural and cursed: "What kind of thing is worthy of competing with Buddha for incense!"

After he finished speaking, the soldiers pretending to be believers took out the black porcelain bottles used to sell wine from their sleeves, opened the corks, and raised their hands to splash the contents of the porcelain bottles onto the mural.

Those porcelain bottles are filled with melted ink. As long as you splash it on the mural, you can make the vigilante witch on your painting look beautiful and fragrant. This time it will be ruined, even if the mural is not destroyed. , I will also give you a beautiful woman who will transform into Zhang Fei, which will disgust you to death.

Originally, they were dealing with monsters, and Hua Twelve planned to let his men throw excrement and blood on them.

But then I thought about it, this is a world with ghosts and gods. In the Mahavira Hall of Daxiangguo Temple, in front of the golden body of Buddha, pouring that kind of filthy thing would be such a sin.

Hua Twelve felt that people's safety came first in the world, and it was better not to commit suicide casually. Some did not dare to follow the rules, and finally decided to use this ink, mainly for environmental protection.

In addition, it is necessary to be famous and occupy the righteousness.

That's why the soldier shouted the words "fighting the Buddha for incense".

When the time comes, if a Buddhist master really comes to talk to him about his feelings, Hua Twelve can also explain: "I am complaining about you Buddhists!"

Seeing a few people suddenly come out and splash ink on the wall, this sudden scene made everyone around them exclaim. Hua Twelve raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "It's done!"

But the next moment, a figure flashed past. An old monk wearing a bright red cassock was already blocking the mural. As his sleeves waved, a strong wind blew up. The black ink that was splashed out faced Hua Twelve. Several people poured water on their heads.

The next moment, Hua Twelve put down the paper umbrella that was splashed black with ink, turned around and looked at Wu Song, Yue Fei, and Yang Zhi, who had their heads and faces covered in ink, and gloated:

"I said the sun is bright enough for you to get an umbrella!"

The three of us were speechless. If you had held the umbrella farther away just now, you would have protected us all. In the end, you were protecting yourself and you still had the nerve to say this.

There was still one person who was fine, Luda who was hiding behind Wu Song. At this time, he poked his head out and said, "What's going on?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the old monk. He immediately wanted to turn his head back, but saw the old monk raise his eyebrows and name him, "Zhishen!"

Lu Zhishen walked out from behind Wu Song, clasped his hands and said:

"Ruda has met Elder Zhiqing!"

It turns out that this old monk is Elder Zhiqing, the abbot of Daxiangguo Temple.

Elder Zhiqing frowned and said, "If you don't pick manure and water the vegetables in the vegetable garden, why do you come here to cause trouble?"

Lu Zhishen said weakly: "This disciple got into trouble and collapsed the vegetable cellar. He has been kicked out of the temple and is now living in the Forbidden Army!"

Elder Zhiqing's frown deepened: "Even if the temple doesn't allow you, you are still a disciple of Buddhism. What would it be like to be in the army!"

Lu Zhishen had a deep connection with Buddhism. Even though he was usually a rough-and-tumble man, he respected him from the bottom of his heart when he met an eminent monk. This was true for Elder Zhizhen when he was in Mount Wutai, and he is the same for Elder Zhiqing now.

Therefore, when asked by Elder Zhiqing, he felt wrong and speechless.

While Elder Zhiqing and Lu Zhishen were talking, Hua Twelve secretly waved his hands to the people splashing ink, and those people hurriedly squeezed out of the crowd and quickly went out.

Turning around, seeing the old monk being aggressive, Hua Twelve couldn't help but cough lightly and said:

"Master, you got some of my brothers covered in ink, you must give an account!"

Elder Zhiqing turned to Hua Twelve. In his originally compassionate and peaceful eyes, a flash of light flashed through his eyes, and his whole person seemed to become sharper and more powerful in an instant:

"What do you want to explain?"

As he spoke, a mountain-like momentum rushed toward Hua Twelve's face as if Mount Tai was pressing down on top.

Hua Twelve's eyes turned cold: "What do you think!"

He spoke not loudly, but at the same time he let go of the warrior aura of being an innate martial arts master.

A sharp-edged aura, as sharp as an ax or a knife, was in direct opposition to the aura emitted by Elder Zhiqing.

There is a kind of force that says, if you dare to conquer the top of Mount Tai, I will attack Mount Huashan with all my strength. Huashan: The one holding you down is Mount Tai. What are you doing to attack me?

The wind blew between the two of them, and the sleeves and hems of their clothes rustled.

The surrounding pilgrims who were watching the excitement felt inexplicably cold in their hearts, and they all retreated unconsciously. A monk from the temple came in and asked the pilgrims and believers to leave the Main Hall temporarily, leaving only the monks and a dozen or so people in the temple. After the pilgrims were evacuated, dozens of monks holding clubs rushed in and surrounded Hua Twelve and others.

Each of these monks has strong qi and blood. Although they are not as strong as Lu Da, Yang Zhi, and Wu Song, they are similar. In terms of the strength of their qi and blood, they are still stronger than Xiao Yuefei.

Wu Song, Yue Fei, and Yang Zhi all reached into their arms. They all had sharp weapons hidden in their long robes. If these monks wanted to harm Hua Twelve, they would definitely kill them and protect the former to fight his way out.

Elder Zhiqing looked at Hua Twelve and said, "Go away. Don't come back to cause trouble in the future. Otherwise, our Buddhist sect also has Vajra protectors who can defend the way and subjugate demons!"

Hua Twelve laughed. He came today with no intention of making a big deal out of it, otherwise he wouldn't have thought of a reason. It was just a splash of ink. Later generations of international actresses can tolerate it, but even a monk like you can't. What kind of Buddha are you cultivating?

But since the monk said this, he couldn't be afraid:

"Do you threaten me?"

Elder Zhiqing said calmly: "It's not a threat, the poor monk is just telling a fact!"

Hua Twelve stretched out his hand toward Luda: "Senior brother, bring it!" He also has backup plans. Some things can be used, but they cannot be left out!

Luda gave Elder Zhiqing a weak look, then looked at Hua Twelve, and said, "Brother, don't let me go!"

"The military order is like a mountain, I say bring it!"

Hua Twelve stared at Elder Zhiqing without looking back, but his tone increased.

Lu Zhishen had no choice but to bite the bullet and took out a watermelon-sized earth mine from under his large robe and placed it in Hua Twelve's hand.

Hua Twelve dragged it with his hands and said to Elder Zhiqing: "The thunder will explode tenfold. I made it myself. It's hard to say when it will explode."

Ruda's face turned pale: "You said it was safe."

"I didn't tell you that you can hang it in your crotch. Your robe is so big, you can only fit it in!"

Ruda: "."

Listening to the two of you saying something to each other, Elder Zhiqing's expression was a little ugly. He practiced "Avalokiteśvara's Ear Root Perfection Method" and was most sensitive to danger. At this time, the Buddha's heart was shaking and he called the police frantically. He felt a great deal of pain from this earth mine. danger.

Elder Zhiqing was not sure whether the thunder could hurt him when it broke out, but if the main hall was destroyed, the surrounding pilgrims and other monks in the temple would surely suffer heavy casualties.

Elder Zhiqing said with a cold face: "Are you threatening this poor monk?"

Hua Twelve smiled lightly: "I'm just telling a fact!"

True to his words, Hua Twelve tilted his palm and grasped the watermelon-sized earth mine with just his finger strength. As long as he let go or his hand slipped, the consequences would be unimaginable.

It's no exaggeration. The ten-fold thunderbolt contained twenty kilograms of black powder prepared by Hua Twelve according to the formula in his memory. In later generations, a foreign boy once conducted an experiment, and twenty kilograms of black powder exploded. , the mushroom clouds came out.

Feeling that the dangerous aura was getting stronger, Elder Zhiqing's throat twitched unconsciously, he swallowed and felt his mouth was a little dry:

"That General Lin, the poor monk is friends with the commander, and he even treated him to a vegetarian meal!"

Hua Twelve smiled at the corner of his mouth and raised his eyebrows at the old monk. The meaning was obvious. Why are you so timid? Aren't you awesome? Aren't you threatening me? Come on, let's destroy it together!

Co-author: You really know me, why are you pretending to be awesome here? Now you know how to have a relationship?

Hua Twelve simply flipped his wrist, and the Thunderbolt, which was ten times the size of a watermelon, suddenly moved downwards. The old monk almost flew over to pick up the melon, but the next moment, he found that he was firmly sucked by the former's internal force.

This seems to be even more dangerous than before.

Elder Zhiqing said quickly: "General Lin has something to say, but don't be impulsive. Impulsiveness can make people fall into Avici Hell."

Hua Twelve laughed and said: "Yes, as long as I let go, many people in your temple will go to hell!"

Elder Zhiqing's eyelids twitched and he said warmly: "What exactly does the donor want to do?"

Hua Twelve's smile turned cold: "Since you know me, you should also know my purpose of coming. Why are you pretending?"

Elder Zhiqing sighed and said: "The donor destroyed Tiejian Temple because of some grudges. He really went too far!"

"He slandered me, he slandered me!"

Hua Twelve looked around, fearing that others would listen. Seeing that there were no pilgrims at this time, he felt relieved:

"Old monk, don't talk nonsense. Tiejian Temple has suffered retribution. What does it have to do with me? I just ask you, do you agree to my intention?"

Elder Zhiqing clasped his hands together: "Please forgive me for not obeying my orders!"

After he finished speaking, he quickly said: "General Lin, the poor monk knows that you are here for this mural. Please wait for a moment until the old monk tells the cause and effect. Let's talk about other things!"

Elder Zhiqing was also anxious. Without waiting for Hua Twelve's consent, he pointed at the old monk on the mural and said:

"This is Zen Master Huitong who presided over the temple in the Tang Dynasty. Zen Master Huitong and Wu Daozi had a close relationship. When the painting sage was painting in Tiekang Temple, he thought of his old friend who had passed away, so he painted in the murals. The painting depicts the scene of the Zen master teaching the Dharma!"

"Now that the day has passed, this mural has become spiritual, and the Zen Master Huitong on it has also gained a trace of Buddha nature. He is already an enlightened monk. Because of this connection with this temple, he took refuge in this temple when he was in trouble. Please also ask General Lin, Donor Lin, please show your noble hand and let him go!"

But Hua Twelve shook his head: "I'm not looking for this old monk. There's no problem in letting me let him go. What I'm looking for is the police fantasy witch inside!"

Elder Zhiqing added: "Jing Huan is the elf in the painting. He has been under the shadow of the Buddha. He was disturbed by obsession before. Now he has achieved enlightenment, changed his past mistakes, and worshiped under the disciples of Zen Master Huitong. As the saying goes, he put down his butcher knife and became a Buddha immediately. No matter how many mistakes she made in the past, she has let them all go now. Why don’t the donor turn conflicts into friendship and give her a chance to repent and make a new start?”

Hua Twelve shook his head: "No, the vigilante witch will come to me every day to cause trouble. I am a military man. I believe that it is better to take the initiative to attack than to passively defend. Only by destroying all the enemies can my heart be at peace. Old Monk, you don’t want me to feel at ease!”

As he spoke, he held the Tenfold Thunderbolt and tried to throw it to the left. Elder Zhiqing's face twitched and he was about to fly to the left to save it.

Hua Twelve took it back and threw it to the right again. Elder Zhiqing broke out in a cold sweat and tried to save it to the right again.

Hua Twelve took it back again and laughed loudly: "Isn't it fun? If you keep blocking me, there is something more exciting."

At this time, someone outside was heard shouting: "General Lin is here, the official General Xuan Lin has entered the palace."

Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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