A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 776 Song Xia Fighting Formation!

"Put it away quickly, don't let anyone see it!"

Hua Twelve took out the trump card of ten times the sky-shattering thunder. He didn't really want to raze the main palace to the ground. He just didn't want to lose because of his momentum. When he heard someone outside calling the official to summon him to the palace, he just gave him a step down. He stuffed the big watermelon into Lu Zhishen's arms.

Lu Zhishen did not expect that he would make a sudden attack, and suddenly he almost missed the watermelon. When he was about to let go of the watermelon, three palms on his left and right stretched out to help him support it, but it was Wu Song, Yue Fei, and Yang Zhi.

These three people were also afraid that this thing would explode. They formed a group to meet the Buddha, so they were all staring here. When they saw this thing falling to the ground in Luda's hand, their scalps exploded and their hair stood on end. , even the hair on the armpits stood up in shock, and they all took action to stabilize it.

Seeing that the support was finally secured, the sound of a deep breath was heard in the main hall ×55

Except for Hua Twelve and the others, the surrounding monks, including Elder Zhiqing, all breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Elder Zhiqing touched his scalp. At that moment, he felt that his hair almost grew out in shock.

The sound of footsteps approaching quickly came from outside the Main Hall, and the voice just now called: "General Lin, is General Lin here?"

Hua Twelve signaled Luda to put it away quickly, and then shouted outside:

"Here it is!"

Lu Zhishen glanced at Hua Twelve with a resentful look, lifted up the hem of his clothes, revealed a linen pocket under the hem, and stuffed the big melon into it again.

There were two ropes tied to the linen bag around his waist, and the hanging bag for melons was hidden between his legs and covered by the hem of his clothes. As long as Ruda crossed his legs when walking and didn't wander around so much, outsiders would be completely free. Unable to discover.

Of course, this method requires a tall and burly person like Luda. If you want Wu Dalang to come, he will have to ride on the melon.

As soon as Luda hid the things, the owner of the voice had already walked into the Main Hall and said dissatisfiedly:

"General Lin is so arrogant. He has only led a battalion for a few days. He doesn't even pay attention to the official summons. Why do we have to come in personally to invite you? Come on, come on. Our family is here. Just kowtow to the general."

This man had a sharp voice and spoke as fast as a machine gun. He rushed in with a few dragon guards, and none of the monks guarding the courtyard dared to stop him.

This man originally had an angry look on his face, but when he saw the confrontation scene in the Main Hall, he was suddenly startled:

"Hey, is this a fight?"

Hua Twelve felt that the voice sounded familiar just now. When he saw the person coming, he couldn't help but smile bitterly:

"Eunuch Dai, you have misunderstood Mr. Lin. How can I stand in front of you? Aren't you asking people to surround you!"

The person who came was someone we had met several times before, a close confidant of the official family, Dai Quan, the eunuch in charge of the palace!

Elder Zhiqing obviously knew Dai Quan. As soon as he waved his hand, all the monks protecting the courtyard put away their sticks and retreated beside him. The old monk clasped his hands together:

"It turns out that Eunuch Dai has arrived. The poor monk is polite!"

It was said to be a salute, but it was just a clasping of hands and a slight nod, without any sign of respect.

Dai Quan's face darkened: "Old Arhat, you're so polite, we won't accept gifts. Besides, if you give gifts to my family, how dare you, Daxiangguo Temple, to besiege the general of the dynasty? Buddhism is so bold!"

Elder Zhiqing's face turned dark. Who said I gave you a gift? But he didn't refute it. He knew that the other party said it deliberately. If he refuted it, he would get into a verbal dispute. He, a Buddhist monk, argued with a eunuch. That in itself Just fell behind.

So the old monk just said calmly: "My father-in-law is joking. General Lin just had some misunderstandings with this temple. The monks of this temple have always abided by the law, so how dare they besiege the general of the dynasty!"

Elder Zhiqing turned to look at Hua Twelve: "Do you think so, General Lin?"

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows. Originally, he had a guilty conscience when he came to Daxiangguo Temple to cause trouble, but judging from the fact that the old monk did not dare to sue him, it seemed that the old monk was also guilty.

He figured it out in an instant. It was probably related to Wu Daozi's paintings. He thought that the mural that suddenly appeared had been rumored to be a miracle by the entire Bianjing for so many days. The Daxiangguo Temple did not come forward to explain it. Instead, it enjoyed the dividends and allowed him to Several goblins accepted incense from believers. If word spread about this, the reputation of Daxiangguo Temple would also be ruined in the streets.

The corners of his eyes and brows lit up with joy, and he was about to tell him about the painting.

At this time, Dai Quan also turned around and asked him: "General Lin, is this really a misunderstanding? If you have any questions, just say it. Our family will make the decision for you. Our family can't make the decision. There are still officials."

But the moment Dai Quan turned his head, Elder Zhiqing said three words to Hua Twelve:

"Tiekan Temple!"

The three words "old monk" were spoken using the secret method of sound transmission. It seemed that the lips did not move much, but the sound was clearly transmitted to Hua Twelve's ears, and others could not hear a word.

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows calmly. He knew that the other party was using his burning of Tiejian Temple to blackmail him into not telling the truth.

Quickly weighing the pros and cons in his mind, Hua Twelve was about to say it was a misunderstanding, but seeing the slightly expectant look in Dai Quan's eyes, he thought to himself:

"Could it be that Dai Quan has a grudge against this monk and wants to say something to cause trouble for him?"

"In this case, if we follow the monk's words, we will definitely offend this eunuch with whom we have a good relationship!"

He had no dealings with Elder Zhiqing in the first place, but if he offended the eunuchs around Zhao Ji for the sake of the old monk, it would be a loss-making deal, and a wise man would not take it.

Hua Twelve rolled his eyes and thought of a way to give the old monk eye drops without revealing each other's secrets. He immediately said:

"It's true that it was a misunderstanding at the beginning, but aside from the facts, don't you have any responsibility?"

The old monk looked confused. You have put aside the facts, so how can you talk about it?

Elder Zhiqing said to Dai Quan angrily: "Eunuch Dai, you saw it too."

Who would have thought that Dai Quan's eyes lit up, and the eunuch felt that he had learned another trick. He turned to the old monk and said:

"That's right. A slap in the face can't make a difference. Putting aside the facts, don't you have any responsibility?"

The old monk didn't want to speak anymore. He clasped his hands together and bowed slightly: "I don't treat you well in this temple, why should I treat you as a distinguished guest?"

After saying that, he turned around and left, obviously not wanting to get into any unnecessary entanglement with the two of them.

But the monks who were guarding the courtyard were still standing in front of the murals, staring at Hua Twelve and others with vigilance.

When Hua Twelve saw the old monk leaving, his eyes flickered. He used to be wary of the influence of Daxiangguo Temple and did not dare to make any big moves, but now it seems that Daxiangguo Temple also has something to worry about. In this way, he There is room for maneuver.

Looking back, I must think of a way to destroy this illusion, so that I can feel at ease.

Dai Quan saw that Elder Zhiqing was so angry that he ran away with a smile on his face: "Humph, there are times when this old monk is frustrated!"

Hua Twelve asked in a low voice: "Father-in-law, do you have any issues with this monk?"

Dai Quan curled his lips and said: "What kind of status does our family have? How dare we have any quarrel with the Arhats of Daxiangguo Temple? Besides, our family entered the Shenxiao Taoist Palace with the official family, so we are not from the same family as Buddhism!"

Hua Twelve was a little stunned. Apparently there were a lot of things going on here. Not only were there issues of face, but there were also disputes over beliefs and orthodoxy. After Dai Quan finished speaking, he slapped his forehead, grabbed Hua Twelve's arm and walked out:

"Hurry up, I almost delayed the business, the officials are still waiting."

Hua Twelve waved to the back, and Ruda and the others followed him. When they left the Main Hall, he asked:

"Eunuch Dai, tell me what the officials want from me first, so that the general can be mentally prepared."

While speaking, he used his body to block the gazes of several Longjing lieutenants. A jade pendant was already stuffed into Dai Quan's hand. The jade pendant was just full in his hand. As long as he didn't let go, outsiders wouldn't be able to tell.

Dai Quan held the jade pendant and glanced down. He saw a touch of whiteness between his fingers and rubbed it with his thumb. It felt delicate and warm. He knew it was the best mutton-fat jade and was expensive. He immediately smiled.

He calmly put the jade pendant into his cuffs and said at the same time: "The official is looking for you because the envoys of Xixia and Liao Kingdom are meeting today."

When he said this, Hua Twelve became even more confused. What did the meeting of the envoys of Xixia and Liao have to do with him.

Dai Quan said: "There is a carriage waiting outside, let's get in the carriage and talk!"

When they arrived outside the temple and got on the carriage, the coachman flicked his whip and the carriage started moving quickly. Only then did Dai Quan explain what happened.

It turns out that the Song and Xia had been fighting for years, with each other winning and losing. This year, the Western Army won a great victory and captured Zangdihe City. After several battles, Xixia's vitality was severely damaged and it was somewhat unable to withstand it, so it asked the Liao Kingdom to mediate.

The Liao State sent envoys to Bianjing with the Xixia envoys to meet Zhao Ji and ask the two families to stop fighting.

The Song Dynasty also wanted to have a temporary truce and recuperate. Originally, there was no difficulty in this negotiation. As long as the Xixia side shed more blood and allowed the Song Dynasty to taste some of the sweetness of the victorious nation, things would be settled.

But the Xixia side wanted to save face and refused to admit the defeat of the war. They only said that the Xixia ruler was compassionate and peace-loving and could not bear the suffering of the people of the two countries, so he agreed to a truce.

What's even more outrageous is that the Xixia envoy also relied on the power of the Liao Kingdom, saying that the Song Dynasty had taken advantage, and proposed truce conditions to Zhao Ji, asking the Song Dynasty to pay a sum of money before he would stop.

As a result, the court naturally aroused an uproar. Some radicals believed that a fight was still needed, but some ministers were afraid of the alliance between Xia and Liao, and suggested that it be better to spend money to eliminate the disaster.

The Xixia side also wanted to show off their force, and simply proposed to use military force to determine victory or defeat. They said that when they came to the Song Dynasty this time, they were escorted by Xixia warriors. It was better to have a few games with the Song Dynasty, and the victory or defeat was judged by the heroes.

If the Song Dynasty wins, the Xixia side will not need to pay compensation and the two sides will have a truce. If the Song Dynasty loses, not only will the war be suspended, but the annual reward will be increased tenfold for ten consecutive years to compensate for the Xixia side's losses during the war. .

When Song and Xia signed a peace treaty, the Song Dynasty would give Xixia 72,000 taels of silver, 153,000 bolts of silk, and some tea as annual gifts every year.

The Xixia people made this request, which meant that they lost the competition. This number must be doubled ten times for ten consecutive years. Each year, it is 700,000 taels of silver plus more than 1.5 million pieces of silk, and ten times the tea supplies.

In the past ten years, the compensation has exceeded tens of millions of taels of silver, which is like a lion's mouth.

Zhao Ji didn't want to agree at first, but he couldn't stand the verbal stimulation of the Xixia and Liao envoys. For the sake of the Nine-Five Supreme Lord's face, he finally agreed to this condition. The two families agreed that there would be three battles and three general battles.

As a result, the first battle was lost. Xixia general Hua Luoqi led a hundred Xixia soldiers to set up the "Black Wind Formation". Wang Ziteng personally commanded a hundred forbidden army infantry to fight. As a result, he was beaten like a third grandson and lost his helmet. The armor was removed and there were heavy casualties. More than 80 of the 100 infantry were killed.

If Wang Ziteng hadn't taken the initiative and surrendered early, I'm afraid the whole army would have been annihilated.

On the other hand, among the Xixia people, only one soldier accidentally scratched his skin.

Such a big victory made Xixia Lai envoy even more arrogant. He laughed in front of Zhao Ji without saving any face. He also said that they would win two games in a row in the battle formation, and there was no need to compete for two out of three games. , just start fighting.

Zhao Ji made a mistake here and his face turned dark. Seeing Xixia's rampage, if he wasn't afraid of being laughed at by outsiders, he would have immediately issued an order to kill this useless thing like Wang Ziteng. You can even die in battle. , and surrendered.

Zhao Ji immediately asked the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty who could break this black wind formation.

Tong Guan and the generals of the Xixia Army, who had experience fighting against the Xixia Army, were at the border at this time. No one in Bianjing knew the details of the Xixia Army, and they had never seen the Black Wind Formation, so they were not sure of breaking it.

For a moment, the whole place was silent, and no one answered.

Only the wild laughter of the Xixia envoys and the gloating voices of the Liao envoys were left.

In the end, it was Wang Ziteng who recommended Hua Twelve, saying that Lin Chong was a divine general of the day who was professed by the official family. His martial arts skills were unparalleled in the world and he would definitely be able to break the Xixia people's black wind formation.

Zhao Ji had forgotten about Lin Chong recently. When he heard what Wang Ziteng said, he immediately remembered Hua Twelve's demeanor at Tiewang Mountain that day, and ordered Lin Chong to rush into the temple to face the Xixia envoy.

After hearing this, Hua Twelve couldn't help but cursed in his heart. He surrendered to the enemy in front of the emperor. This was an insult to the country. Wang Ziteng was definitely doomed. He and the other party had a grudge. This time, it was obvious that the bastard recommended him. What a kindness! ! !

Thinking about it, you will know that if Hua Twelve wins, Wang Ziteng will recommend meritorious service, and maybe he will be able to escape the disaster. If Hua Twelve loses, then the two of them will be finished together. This is stepping on his back. , pull him into the water!

Dai Quan saw that Hua Twelve looked bad and reminded:

"General Lin, it is related to the national system and cannot be avoided. However, although this matter has risks, it is also an opportunity. The general has served as the instructor of 800,000 forbidden troops and has good training skills. If he wins, it will be a show of power in front of the emperor. You’ve shown your face in front of the official family, and by then you might be able to reach the sky in one fell swoop!”

Hua Twelve felt funny in his heart. Your words are all good, but what does 'in case' mean?

Although co-author Dai Quan was trying to persuade him, he subconsciously thought he couldn't win.

Immediately he said calmly: "Eunuch Dai, that Wang Ziteng fought with the Xixia people. I think my father-in-law was also there. I wonder what the name of the black wind formation is?"

Dai Quan looked embarrassed when he heard this: "We can't explain clearly, but when the Xixia people launched the formation, as the name suggests, a twenty-foot-long black wind came out of thin air in the martial arts arena, rolled up the black mist, and wrapped the soldiers of both sides in it! "

"Bystanders watching the battle can only hear the sound of fighting, but they can't see what's going on inside!"

Hua Twelve frowned when he heard this. He also leads troops. He has recently learned to form troops and formations. Not only can he pick up various formations at his fingertips, but he has always seen them. Black wind and black mist appear out of thin air. What kind of formation is this?

Seriously unheard of!

"Could it be a witchcraft?"

Dai Quan shook his head and said: "Zhenren Lin and the others saw it and said it was not a witchcraft. General, you should think about how to break the formation later!"

After saying this, the eunuch also sighed. He was also a member of the Song Dynasty. Now that the generals in the dynasty had no ideas, and the Song Dynasty was about to lose, he couldn't help but worry.

At this time, Hua Twelve thought about it and smiled:

"Don't worry, Eunuch Dai. Even if you can't see his formation clearly, I'm sure to break it with one force. Don't you know that one force can defeat all methods? It doesn't matter what the ant's formation is, just step on it with one foot!"

Dai Quan couldn't help but feel better when he saw Hua Twelve suddenly bursting with confidence and speaking so arrogantly. He smiled and said, "Then we wish the general success!"

Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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