A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 782 Send troops to suppress the bandits!

The place where Jia Zheng managed the Yellow River was in Jiyin, which was later known as Heze. It was not far from Yuncheng County, which was convenient for people from Liangshan Mountain to attack. Chao Gai, Wu Yong and others, since they got Hua Twelve's letters, started to attack Jia Zheng. This foreigner from the Ministry of Industry took heart.

On this day, the spies reported that Jia Zheng had been in office for more than a month and was finally leaving the city to have a look at the dam. Wu Yong thought this was an opportunity. He just wanted to bring someone to kidnap Jia Zheng, and then ask Jia Baoyu to bring the silver to redeem him. The psychic gem will be delivered to your door automatically.

Liangshan had no intention of mobilizing troops to kidnap a fifth-grade civil servant. After Chao Gai and Wu Yong discussed it, they just asked Liu Tang to take people to do this business, and asked Ruan Xiaoer to drive a boat to meet him. As long as he succeeded, he would kidnap Jia Zheng and leave from the water. Let's go, even if there are pursuers, there is nothing we can do.

After the plan was made, Liu Tang and Ruan Xiaoqi took a dozen of their confidants and went down the mountain to work.

As for Jia Zheng, although he was a fifth-rank member of the Ministry of Industry, he had never done anything serious. Even for this official, it was his father Jia Daishan who took pity on him and did not inherit the title. He licked his old face and gave him from the emperor. He begged for it.

Jia Zheng usually worked in the Ministry of Works, mostly chatting with his colleagues. Some imperial projects in the Ministry of Works were not dared to be done by a layman like him. Therefore, although Jia Zheng had been in the Ministry of Works for a long time, he was still useless.

The imperial court asked him to manage the Yellow River, that is, to manage the yellow area. But for Jia Zheng, this job was a blur. He didn't know where to start. He was too smart and not quick. In Bianjing At that time, he refused to ask his colleagues for advice, saying that he was afraid of being laughed at by his colleagues, so he took his family and came to Jiyin to take office.

With this anxious and angry mentality, I forced myself to walk all the way. As soon as I arrived in Jiyin, I fell ill and was bedridden.

I went to see a doctor and was told that this was a disease caused by overthinking, causing hyperactivity of the heart and liver. I needed to calm down and adjust slowly.

In this way, Jia Zheng lay down as soon as he took office and nursed it back to health for more than a month. After nursing it for a few more days, he finally did not dare to neglect the court's errands and planned to go to Bashang to have a look.

It was a beautiful day with beautiful weather and beautiful weather. He heard that although the north and south sides of Jiyin were yellowed areas, the scenery on the dam was very good. Fortunately, he took Mrs. Wang and Jia Baoyu with him to turn the inspection into a beautiful one. It has become a family outing.

As a result, as soon as we arrived at the dam and before we could start playing, more than a hundred strongmen came from a distance and kidnapped the people.

When the group of strong men led Jia Zheng and his family away, a strong man with red hair and a red beard and a cinnabar mark on his temples walked out from the woods under the dam with a knife in his hand and looked at the people who were walking away in the distance with a confused look on his face. Team:

"what's the situation?"

This man was none other than Liu Tang. He led his men to ambush here, preparing to kidnap Jia Zheng. But before he could take action, more than a hundred people came to do the work first. Seeing that there were many people on the other side, he decided to He and a dozen brothers did not dare to take action, and only came out to check after the others left.

One of his subordinates smiled bitterly and said: "Leader, we are asking our colleagues to have their beards cut off!"

Liu Tang slapped his head: "That can't be done. This is a task assigned by the master. Come on, let's follow and take a look!"

He immediately sent one of his men to notify Ruan Xiaoer, and Liu Tang followed with his men.

Two days later, Liu Tang returned to Liangshan and told Chao Gai and Wu Yong about the situation. It was his colleagues from Qingfengshan who robbed Jia Zheng's family.

There are three village owners in Qingfeng Mountain, namely Yan Shun, the golden-haired tiger, Wang Ying, the short-footed tiger, and Zheng Tianshou, the fair-faced man.

The person who kidnapped Jia Zheng was none other than the second master of Qingfeng Mountain, Dwarf Tiger Wang Ying.

Liu Tang told Chao Gai and Wu Yong that after he knew that the other party was a colleague of Qingfengshan, he had revealed his identity and said that Jia Zheng's family was Liangshan's target. He hoped that Qingfengshan would give him face and hand over the people to him, and there would definitely be someone in the future. A generous gift.

As a result, he was chased five or six miles away by the Dwarf Tiger Wang Ying and his men. If he hadn't escaped by chance by taking advantage of the mountainous terrain, he might not have been able to come back this time.

After Liu Tang finished speaking, he was extremely angry and said to Chao Gai: "Brother, that Qingfeng Village doesn't know what is good or bad. Give me a team of men and I will pacify Qingfeng Village!"

Chao Gai stood up directly: "If you want to go, let's go together. There are only three to five hundred people in the small Qingfeng Village, but they dare to go against me, Liangshan. This time, they will be crushed to death!"

Wu Yong has a big head. These two guys are floating. He grabbed one with one hand and quickly stopped him: "Brother Chao Gai, brother Liu Tang, calm down first. I think it's best to ask brother Lin Chong about this matter." OK!"

Chao Gai said: "We haven't done this well, how can we have the nerve to ask my brother!"

Wu Yong said: "To put it bluntly, I don't blame us, but if we send troops easily, I might ruin my brother's affairs!"

When he said this, Chao Gai calmed down a little and asked, "How do you say this?"

Wu Yong explained to the two of them: "We Liangshan troops are my brother's ambush. It's hard to expose them. If we send out a large number of troops to attack Qingfeng Mountain, it will be difficult to conceal this matter. When it reaches the ears of the court, it will be known that there are people like us in Shandong." If you send troops, wouldn't it reveal the truth, and the court will definitely take action? It's not a big mistake for my brother!"

When Chao Gai and Liu Tang heard this, they also felt that Wu Yong was right. Although they were unwilling to do so, they agreed with him.

That day Liu Tang rode quickly to Bianjing.

On the other side, Jia Zheng was kidnapped, and some of the escaped servants went back to report the news. Aunt Zhao and the concubine Jia Huan were left in his home. These two were also uninformed. They were panicked at first, but then they were reminded by others and hurriedly Ask someone to report it to the official, but the local official can't make the decision, so he reports the matter to the court.

Hua Twelve didn't know the news from Liangshan yet, so he supervised the soldiers' drills in the military camp every day. In his opinion, if Liangshan took action, the matter of the psychic treasure and jade was almost certain, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

That boy Xue Pan really suffered a lot under Lu Zhishen's hands. When he first entered the military camp, he behaved like a dandy and refused to obey the discipline.

What kind of person is Ruda? How can he be used to such a thing? He will whip whenever he picks up the whip.

Xue Pan initially went to Hua Twelve’s handsome tent to complain:

"Brother-in-law, you have to save me. That Ruda is a beast. You see, he doesn't even use his hands to beat me. He whips me with a whip. This is treating me like an animal. My sister is married to you. He is so I don’t give you face!”

Hua Twelve sat on the handsome tiger-skin chair, drinking tea with the old god present. After listening to Xue Pan's words, he chuckled: "You don't know, senior brother has already given me a lot of face!"

Xue Pan pointed to the whip marks on his hands, feet, chest and back: "There are dozens of whip marks. How can he give you face? This is just a slap in the face, my good brother-in-law!"

Hua Twelve put down the tea cup and sighed: "Forget it, I'll just tell my senior brother that from now on, don't use a whip to beat you, just use your hands!"

After hearing this, Xue Pan was dissatisfied and said, "Can't you tell him not to hit me?"

Hua Twelve shook his head: "The military camp has its own rules. I can't help you with this. Choose a whip or a fist!"

Xue Pan pursed his lips: "Then I'll choose fists. Brother-in-law, please talk to him. If I make a mistake, I'll hit him twice less!"

Hua Twelve nodded and said yes, then said: "Just three times!"

Xue Pan immediately became happy when he heard this: "Three strikes is good, just three strikes!"

After finishing speaking, he was about to leave when he heard Hua Twelve say: "Senior brother was originally a commander in the Western Army. He killed a bully named Zhen Guanxi with three punches. Then he came to Bianjing and got to know me. I don’t know how Xue Pan compares to Guanxi.”

Xue Pan's legs were weak, so he turned around and said, "They call me Zhen Guanxi. I can't suppress it anywhere, so that's no good. Brother-in-law, you can't watch me being beaten to death by him!"

Hua Twelve smiled faintly: "Then you should practice hard. A hero like my senior brother admires tough guys the most. If you still have the temperament of a playboy, you will die in this military camp sooner or later!"

Xue Pan was also afraid, and since then he changed his temper and began to practice ruthlessly. After a month or two, his whole person seemed to be completely transformed.

Aunt Xue and Xue Baochai came to the military camp to see Xue Pan once. They saw that Xue Pan had changed from fat and white to black, lean and capable. He also practiced sword skills well. They really cried, laughed, and were surprised and happy. .

When Aunt Xue saw her son's change, she felt more and more that she had done the right thing by letting Xue Baochai marry Hua Twelve. In the past two months, another happy event happened in the military camp, that is, Wu Song and Hua Rong's sister Hua Baoyan fell in love.

This matter has to start with Hua Rong becoming the commander of the first battalion.

After Hua Rong became the commander, he impressed the twelve battalions with his marksmanship. Among the twelve battalions, there was no one who was good at shooting.

One day when Hua Twelve organized a large drill for the Twelve Battalions, Hua Rong defeated several challengers in a row and was so satisfied that he actually challenged Hua Twelve, the general.

Hua Twelve didn't let him get used to it, he agreed directly and went on the field with a horse in his hand.

The two men faced each other on horseback one hundred and fifty steps away. Hua Twelve urged his crotch to step on the snow and Wu Zui, and the man and horse rushed towards Hua Rong as one.

Hua Rong heard from Lu Da, Wu Song and others that his general had superb martial arts skills, and also knew that he was a great general of the Song Dynasty who was professed by the current officials.

But since ancient times, there is no first in literature, and no second in martial arts. Before a warrior fails, he has a mysterious confidence in himself.

Hua Rong felt that Hua Twelve was certainly powerful, but he was not convinced by his riding and shooting skills. He had absolute self-confidence. As long as he had a bow in his hand, even the most powerful general would have to admit defeat in front of him.

Seeing Hua Twelve rushing over, Hua Rong broke the arrowhead in pieces, then bent his bow to attach the headless arrow, and shot an arrow straight to his master's heart.

Hua Twelve didn't even try to hide. He raised his horse's spear and knocked the arrow cluster away.

At this time, there was less than a hundred steps between the two.

Hua Rong was surprised by the speed of the black horse riding on the snow, and was also surprised by Hua Twelve's understatement when he deflected his arrows. He immediately shouted: "Okay!"

Then he reminded me again: "Be careful!"

This time he used a flurry of arrows, swish, swish, swish, and shot five arrows in a row.

Hua Twelve held the horse spear in one hand, and when he stirred it, all five feather arrows were smashed into pieces.

At this time, the distance between the two was still fifty steps.

With sweat on his forehead, Hua Rong opened his bow for the third time, with three arrows in one bow. With a whoosh, three feather arrows were shot out at the same time.

The middle feather arrow went straight to Hua Twelve's gate, and the other two shot to the left and right at first, but for some reason, they drew an arc in the air, one shot at the shoulder, and the other shot at Hua Twelve's thigh. .

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows, and the curved arrow was a bit interesting. It was similar to the curved shooting in the Brotherhood's spear art.

This time, he didn't use the horse spear. He held it with his left hand and his right hand seemed to be slow but fast, just like picking fruit. He grabbed the two arrows on the left and right one by one. The last arrow that shot towards the door was caught. He opened his mouth and bit it directly.

When Hua Rong wanted to draw his bow again, Hua Twelve's left hand horse had already blown away the red tassel on Hua Rong's helmet.

When the two of them were fighting just now, the people watching around them held their breath for fear of affecting the two of them. At this time, the winner was decided, and the whole place was cheering in an instant.

Hua Twelve spit out the arrow in his mouth and looked at Hua Rong with a smile: "Are you convinced?"

Hua Rong smiled bitterly and clasped his fists: "After I became successful in archery, the general is still the first person who can defeat all my means without using bows and arrows. Hua Rong is convinced!"

Hua Twelve laughed loudly. He also admired Hua Rong's archery skills very much. The opponent's archery skills were indeed super strong, worthy of the name of Xiao Li Guang. If he didn't have slow vision, he would not have such an overwhelming victory.

Of course, he couldn't just tell others about this.

Hua Rong lost, and the news spread that his sister Hua Baoyan quit. Hua Baoyan believed that the Hua family's archery skills were unparalleled in the world. The two sides were 150 steps apart. There was no way they could lose to someone who didn't use a bow.

When Hua Baoyan thought about it, Hua Twelve must have used his status as a general to overpower his brother and force him to admit defeat.

So Hua Baoyan felt it was unfair, so she went directly to the military camp and challenged Hua Twelve to rectify the name of the Hua family's archery.

Hua Twelve had no interest in fighting with women, so he asked Wu Song to fight for him.

Wu Song didn't want to compete with a girl, but the general had his orders and had to obey. With both swords in hand, he dodged a few arrows. Seeing that the woman didn't know what to do, he yelled:

"I've let you down several times, don't say I can't win!"

After saying that, he went under the horse's belly. Hua Baoyan Yaksha explored the sea and fished for the moon. He controlled the horse with his legs, stretched out his body, and shot an arrow under the horse's belly. He shouted in a sweet voice: "Who is using it?" You let it!"

When Hua Baoyan leaned to the left, Wu Song got on the horse from the right and sat behind Hua Baoyan. He put the knife in his right hand across Hua Baoyan's neck and said with a smile:

"you lose!"

Wu Erlang is a straight man. He only thinks about how to win, but he doesn't think that his action of forcing the opponent from behind is almost equivalent to holding Hua Baoyan in his arms.

The girl's face turned red, she was ashamed and angry, she threw away her bow and arrow, hugged Wu Song's arm and took a sip.

After biting someone, he jumped off his horse and ran away with a red face.

Wu Song said angrily on the horse: "Why are you biting someone when you can't afford to lose?"

Hua Twelve glanced at Hua Rong with a half-smile, who had a wry smile on his face.

Everyone could see that Hua Baoyan was embarrassed, and she probably had a crush on Wu Song.

Hua Twelve told Wu Song about this, but the latter still didn't believe it. Yang Zhi and Lu Da also asked him to propose marriage, but Wu Song still refused.

He just said that the big guys are overthinking.

Hua Twelve simply found Wu Song's fault and said that he would use him to engage in military law. As a result, Hua Baoyan came to Wu Song to plead for mercy, and the latter understood the girl's feelings.

For Wu Song and Hua Baoyan, Hua Twelve is happy to see their success, so that he can tie Hua Rong to him more firmly.

In addition, in the original plot, Hua Baoyan was given to Qin Ming as a bargaining chip by Song Jiang, regardless of her personal feelings. Now she has changed her destiny and has chosen the happiness she likes, which is a good thing.

After the matter between Wu Song and Hua Baoyan was settled, Hua Twelve euphemistically expressed his desire to learn archery from Hua Rong.

Hua Rong was grateful for his kindness and said that the most important thing in the Hua family's archery skills was eye training, so he passed on the family's secret eye training method to Hua Twelve.

Just when Hua Twelve was about to start practicing archery, a letter from Liangshan arrived. At the same time, the court also received the news that Jia Zheng had been kidnapped by bandits. The officials were furious and immediately sent Hua Twelve to lead his troops to annihilate Shandong. To save Jia Zheng's family from banditry.

Thanks to: 08a, Little Tiger from the Demon World, Maple God of Death, and Brother Tianwai Feimo for their rewards. Thank you to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes. Thank you very much.

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