A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 784 Attack Qingfeng Mountain!

PS: There are eighty-five votes left, and there is still the last day. Brothers, if you still have tickets, don’t keep them. Thanks for the summer.

Hua Twelve also had his own considerations when he wanted Liangshan to attack Qingzhou.

At the previous reception banquet, Qin Ming and Huang Xin seemed to be causing trouble after drinking, but in fact it may not have been the intention of Murong Yanda, the prefect of Qingzhou, in order to give Hua Twelve power.

Otherwise, if there are local Shangguan present, Qin Ming will have a seventh-rank Qingzhou military commander, and Huang Xin will be an eighth-rank military supervisor. How bold must he be to dare to embarrass Hua Twelve, a second-rank Beijing military commander? ?

Murong Yanda is described in the original book like this: The prefect, whose surname is Murong and whose double name is Yanda, is the brother of Concubine Murong, Emperor Huizong. Relying on his sister's power, he ran rampant in Qingzhou, killing good people and bullying his colleagues. Do anything.

It is precisely because of Murong Yanda's misdeeds in Qingzhou that corrupt officials became rampant in Qingzhou, causing the security environment in Qingzhou to deteriorate rapidly and bandits to become rampant.

Such a corrupt official dared to play tricks and lose face in front of Hua Twelve. Did he really think that he, the Jiedushi of the Beijing camp with a heavy army, had no temper?

In addition, at the reception banquet, Hua Twelve did not spoil the other party at all, even if he had an affair, with Murong Yanda's greedy nature, he would definitely give him eye drops in the future.

If a brother who is favored by a noble concubine lets his sister talk a little bit in front of Zhao Ji and say something unfavorable to Hua Twelve, it will most likely be troublesome given the temperament of that foolish king.

Therefore, Hua Twelve decided to simply do nothing and let Liangshan attack Qingzhou without giving Murong Yanda the chance to speak. At the same time, he would also get rid of this harm to the people of Qingzhou. The most important thing is that Liangshan could also take this opportunity to make money. Great benefit.

When Chao Gai and others heard that they were going to attack Qingzhou, they immediately became excited. As for whether they were afraid of attacking the state capital with the power of a stronghold? That doesn't exist at all. Back then, a dozen or so of them followed Hua Twelve in Suzhou to do great things, causing a bloody storm and killing all the unscrupulous salt merchants. Now they have tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, how can they be afraid of a small man? Xiao Qingzhou City.

Several people immediately discussed it. Hua Twelve told everyone that the name of Liangshan could not be used for this battle, so he used the names of Qingfeng Mountain, Baihu Mountain, and Taohua Mountain. It was said that the three mountains gathered together to attack Qingzhou, and the The louder the noise, the better. In this way, after he quelled the banditry and wiped out the three mountains in one fell swoop, his achievements would become even greater.

The three mountains he mentioned were all the targets of his coming to Shandong this time. Needless to say, Qingfeng Mountain was the village where Jia Zheng was kidnapped. The three village owners there were all heart-eaters. Why would such a person keep him alive? ? Die early and die quickly.

The two village masters of Baihu Mountain are Kong Ming and Kong Liang. They were both disciples of Song Jiang. They had a dispute with a rich man in their hometown, so they killed the other's family, and then went up to Baihu Mountain, where they gathered five to seven hundred people. , specializes in robbing families and homes.

These two men were extremely vicious, and they killed a whole family just because of their quarrels. Naturally, they deserved to die.

There is also Peach Blossom Mountain. The leaders of the village are the tiger general Li Zhong and the little bully Zhou Tong. The latter went down the mountain to rob people's girls. Lu Zhishen met and beat him up. He was not a good man. He had done all the things of robbing people's girls. , Hua Twelve cheated him and it was not unfair.

So Hua Twelve planned to let Liangshan attack Qingzhou in the name of these thieves, and then he would send troops to pacify the three mountains and wipe out the bandits. Liangshan would get benefits, he himself would get credit, and both literature and style would blossom, and everyone would be happy.

After hearing Hua Twelve's plan, Chao Gai and Wu Yong were speechless. They thought that their brother was still so evil. Whoever offended his brother would be in trouble for eight lifetimes and would have to be replaced as a corpse. Make good use of your waste.

After the discussion, Chao Gai and others hurried back to Liangshan to mobilize their troops and generals.

Hua Twelve stayed one night outside Qingzhou City. After the delivery of grain and grass was completed the next day, the army set off and headed straight for Qingfeng Mountain. Hu Yanzhuo followed the army with a thousand soldiers.

Yesterday, Murong Yanda, Qin Ming and others were present. Hua Twelve did not talk much with Hu Yanzhuo. Today, the latter made it clear that he was on his side and left Qingzhou with the army. He then asked:

"I forgot to ask yesterday, why did General Huyan come to Qingzhou when he is not in Runing County?"

Hu Yanzhuo also sighed when talking about this. He was originally the commander of the capital of Runing County. On the orders of the Runing prefect, he went to Beijing to send gifts to Cai Jing to celebrate his birthday.

Yes, it's the birthday card, but it's the birthday card given to Cai Jing by the prefect of Runing.

After Cai Jing's birthday, Hu Yanzhuo was going to return to Runing, but he came on an errand at this time. Murong Yanda, the prefect of Qingzhou, celebrated his birthday. Concubine Murong gave her brother a car as a gift. She just heard that there were many bandits in Qingzhou, so the concubine was worried. , Cai Jing and the imperial concubine recommended Hu Yanzhuo.

So the commander of the capital of Runing County once again became the escort of the birthday program, escorting the concubine's congratulatory gift for his brother from Bianjing to Qingzhou.

Hu Yanzhuo was highly skilled in martial arts, and the thousand soldiers he brought from Runing County were all well-trained and could be called elite soldiers. Under his escort, no bandit dared to take action, and they reached the ground without any surprise.

I thought I could leave after putting down the gifts and delivering the goods. Unexpectedly, Murong Yanda felt that Hu Yanzhuo's soldiers were well-trained and his soldiers were stronger than the Qingzhou soldiers, so he decided to keep him in Qingzhou to help train the soldiers.

Hu Yanzhuo was unable to escape and stayed in Qingzhou for several months. During this period, he also offended Qin Ming and Huang Xin. These two were the leaders of the Qingzhou soldiers. The prefect said that they were not good at training and hired outsiders to train. This job could not offend anyone. What?

So Hu Yanzhuo had wanted to leave for a long time, but he couldn't let go of his feelings. This time, he took the opportunity of helping Hua Twelve to exterminate the bandits, and just left Qingzhou, a place of right and wrong.

After hearing this, Hua Twelve couldn't help but laugh: "General Huyan, it's really hard work for a capable person. The general has been in Qingzhou for several months. I wonder what he thinks of Qingzhou?"

"Pistemic!" Hu Yanzhuo used four words to describe it, shaking his head repeatedly when he said it.

In Hu Yanzhuo's words, Murong Yanda accepted bribes wantonly, which led to ineffectiveness. There was also a problem in the army. The Qingzhou soldiers led by Qin Ming and Huang Xin were neglected in training, and there was also the problem of empty pay. , Qingzhou's garrison originally numbered five thousand, but the actual number was less than four thousand. Among them were the old, weak, sick and disabled, and only two or three thousand could fight.

Hua Twelve nodded: "Then I'll be relieved!"

Um? Hu Yanzhuo didn't understand, but didn't dare to ask any more questions. Hua Twelve smiled lightly and didn't explain much.

Qingfeng Mountain is located on the edge of Qingfeng Town, more than a hundred miles southeast of Qingzhou. Hua Twelve led an army and arrived at the foot of Qingfeng Mountain in two days.

When they arrived at the foot of the mountain, Lu Da, Wu Song, and Hu Yanzhuo each asked for help to attack the stronghold.

But at this time, gongs and drums were beating in Qingfeng Town, and many people brought cattle, sheep, livestock, wine and food, saying they wanted to work for the army.

Hua Twelve led Lu Da and three other people to greet them. They saw that there were more than a hundred people who came to work for the army. If they asked about their purpose, a middle-aged member came up to greet them and said:

"I have been waiting for the Kuqingfeng Mountain bandits for a long time. I know that the general has come to fight against that group of strong men and wants to eliminate harm for the people. We are so happy that we have nothing to repay. We will send you fine wine and food to celebrate the general and all the military lords!"

After saying that, he waved his hand, and ten young men came up with wooden trays. The red silk coverings on the wooden trays were removed, revealing gold ingots that were as golden as dumplings.

With another wave of his hand, a young man poured wine for Hua Twelve and a dozen people and brought it to them. The middle-aged member smiled and said:

"Three hundred taels of gold, be careful, General, please accept it!"

After saying that, he also picked up a wine bowl and toasted to Hua Twelve: "Dare to invite the general to drink this Zhuangxing wine!"

Hua Twelve felt a faint murderous intent in this man. Although this man hid it very well, it could not be concealed from his perception. He glanced at the wine bowl, smiled and said tentatively: "The Mongolian sweat medicine has not melted yet! "

The middle-aged member was startled: "No, I was there last night."

Halfway through, he realized that he had been seen through, and immediately shouted: "Do it!"

Those who were toasting Hua Twelve, Lu Da, Wu Song, and Hu Yanzhuo directly threw the wine bowls in their hands towards them. There were short knives in their hands under the bowls, and they rushed towards them and stabbed them.

At the same time, the people of Qingfeng Town, who were said to be laborers, took out their weapons from their hidden places and came to surround and kill them. It was obvious that they wanted to capture the thief first and capture the king first.

Hua Twelve took a step back to avoid the drink, put his hands behind his back, and said softly with a smile:

"Kill!" Lu Da, Wu Song, and Hu Yanzhuo rushed forward with their bare hands, like tigers entering a herd of sheep, and started punching each of the minions.

The surrounding soldiers also drew their swords, picked up their spears, and began to surround and kill these bandits.

In addition to the middle-aged member, he pulled out a single sword from under his robe, bypassed Lu Da and Wu Song, and went straight to Hua Twelve.

In his opinion, as long as the person in charge is killed, the imperial army will become a headless fly and there is nothing to fear.

In fact, Lu Da, Wu Song, and Hu Yanzhuo all saw this man's actions, but they were too lazy to pay attention, with sarcasm in their eyes. In their opinion, this man's attempt to deal with Hua Twelve was tantamount to striking a stone with an egg.

When the blade was still one foot away from Hua Twelve, the man had already shown a smile that was about to succeed. But at this moment, Hua Twelve moved, reached over and crushed the steel knife in the man's hand, and pinched it with his five fingers. With a slight exertion on his neck, the man was crushed to death on the spot with a click.

After killing this man, Hua Twelve looked around and saw that the others were still fighting. He immediately said loudly: "End the battle within five breaths. Anyone who violates this will be punished with twenty lashes!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the combat power of the surrounding soldiers doubled instantly. They all knew that Hua Twelve kept his word, even if he said five breaths, even one more breath would not be enough. No one wanted to risk their lives because these thieves were beaten for nothing. fighting.

After five breaths, only two or three were still fighting each other, but those two or three were not Hua Twelve's soldiers, but Hu Yanzhuo's soldiers.

Hu Yanzhuo's face looked a little bad. He walked over and punched and kicked him, helping his servants to prepare the food neatly, and scolded: "You are so embarrassing to me!"

Hua Twelve smiled and said: "Although they are not my soldiers, they are under my control at the moment. Naturally, they are also among the rewards and punishments. General Hu Yan can do these twenty whips himself!"

Hu Yanzhuo's face felt a little feverish, but he still took the whip and whipped his men.

Those subordinates were not soldiers of Hua Twelve, but they were beaten for nothing. Naturally, they felt dissatisfied and it showed on their faces. Hua Twelve said with a smile:

"You don't have to be dissatisfied. I lead the troops with clear rewards and punishments. If you make a contribution, I will not hesitate to reward you!"

He turned to Wu Song and said, "Take someone to the town and see what's going on!"

Previously, for fear of disturbing the people, I only found a guide to come to Qingfeng Mountain and did not enter Qingfeng Town. Now it seems that there is probably something wrong with that town.

Wu Song took the people there, and soon there was a cry of killing, and the incense stopped after a stick of incense.

Hu Yanzhuo asked if he wanted to bring someone to support him, but Hua Twelve shook his head. There were all the thieves in Qingfeng Mountain. No one could kill Wu Song so quickly. It only took one stick of incense to kill him, which proved that it must be someone else who died.

Sure enough, Wu Song came back to report after a while, saying that the thieves on Qingfeng Mountain had already received the news. They went down the mountain yesterday and controlled all the squires in the town. They had already prepared an ambush. There were still some remaining gangsters in the town just now, and he killed them all. Kill, the squires and officials who were detained have been released.

Qingfeng Town is under the jurisdiction of Qingfeng Village. The local official is named Liu Gao, who is the commander of Qingfeng Village. Wu Song said that this Liu Gao also came with him to thank Hua Twelve for saving his life.

Hua Twelve nodded. He knew that Liu Gao was Hua Rong's former Shangguan, and immediately ordered: "Then let Liu Zhizhai come over!"

After a while, Liu Gao arrived in front of the formation, kowtowed to Hua Twelve, and cried: "The thieves from Qingfeng Mountain took away my wife, and they asked the general to make the decision for me!"

"Okay, I'll make the decision for you. You will lead the troops as the vanguard in a moment to attack Qingfeng Mountain. How about I let you rescue your wife with your own hands!"

Hua Twelve didn't have a good impression of Liu Gao, especially the news he got from Hua Rong. He was a corrupt official. There was no use keeping such an official, so he could just sacrifice the flag to the army.

Liu Gao was dumbfounded when he heard this, and waved his hands repeatedly: "The general is joking, the subordinate is a civil servant, how can he charge into the battle!"

Hua Twelve's face turned cold; "This general never jokes!"

After speaking, he said to Wu Song: "Erlang, take him to the battle later!" As he spoke, he winked at the other party.

Wu Erlang saw the murderous intent in his senior brother's eyes, knowingly accepted the order and nodded heavily.

When Lu Zhishen and Hu Yanzhuo saw this, they both asked for a fight and wanted to make the first contribution.

Hua Twelve agreed to their request and asked them and Wu Song to each lead a thousand men and horses to attack the mountain together.

Then he pointed at the three hundred taels of gold sent by the thief and said to his subordinates:

"The first person to attack the stronghold will be rewarded with a hundred taels of silver. The one who kills the bandit will be rewarded with one tael of silver. The one who captures the bandit leader will be rewarded with a hundred taels of silver!"

After saying this, he asked people to beat the drums and the army attacked the mountain.

Hua Twelve asked people to fetch tables and chairs, brewed a pot of tea, and drank tea at the foot of Qingfeng Mountain, waiting for the news. The small Qingfeng Mountain, without bothering him, was just in time to train the troops for his brothers.

Lu Zhishen and Wu Song fought for the first time, and the two bravely took the lead. Facing the oncoming arrows from Qingfeng Village, Wu Song wanted to use his swords to clear the way, but Hua Twelve ordered him to lead Liu Gao into the formation, so he had to use Liu Gao in one hand and a sword in the other. He rushed forward with a hail of arrows.

Lu Zhishen held the Shuimo Zen staff and rushed over with Wu Song's cover. He split open the mountain gate with one stick, and Hu Yanzhuo led the crowd to swarm in from behind.

The battle was resolved in less than an hour. The three leaders of Qingfeng Mountain, Yan Shun, Wang Ying, and Zheng Tianshou, were tied up by Wu Hua Da, and they were forced to kneel in front of Hua Twelve. At the same time, there were more than a hundred arrows in their bodies placed in front of him. Liu Gao's Zhizhai.

Hua Twelve glanced at Wu Song, he was using Liu Gao as a shield.

He turned around and looked at the three bandit leaders, and asked calmly: "Where is the officer you kidnapped?"

The other two didn't say anything, but Wang Ying, the short-legged tiger, shouted: "Eat it!"

"Where's the woman?"


"What about the boy?"

"Just ask, I'll send you to see him!"

Wang Ying actually spared a hand, suddenly broke the rope, raised his little arm and hit Hua Twelve on the heart.

Hua Twelve stretched out his hand to support his head, and Wang Ying's arms were suddenly not long enough. He swung his fists like a little bastard, but he couldn't even reach the corner of his clothes.

"If you want to die so much, I'll give you a ride!"

Wang Ying felt bad and wanted to run away, but Hua Twelve couldn't let him go. He closed his fingers and crushed his skull with a click, causing him to die an untimely death.

Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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