A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 793 Zhujiazhuang seeks death!

Chapter 793 Zhujiazhuang seeks death! (Please order in full!)

After talking to Lin Ruhai, Lin Daiyu, who was waiting outside, saw that his face was not good, so she quickly stepped forward and asked with concern:

"Brother, what's going on?"

Hua Twelve got a little angry when he saw Sister Lin's indeed strong figure.

Lin Daiyu's face is extremely beautiful, but her figure is hard to describe.

How old are you? Your arms are almost thicker than his. When you get married, your body will be even stronger than his!

A picture appeared in Hua Twelve's mind involuntarily, a night of flowers and candles in the bridal chamber, "in the future", he leaned lovingly in Sister Lin's arms, pear blossoms brought rain, and Sister Daiyu snored with a satisfied smile on her face.

Suddenly he felt a chill, and he had the urge to go back to Lao Lin to discuss it again.

But thinking about Lao Lin’s million-tael dowry and the contacts he provided, it was so fragrant that in the end I could only sigh secretly in my heart and said:

"Nothing, by the way, sister, let's not practice the skills of throwing stone locks, driving stone piles, and breaking big rocks recently. As for food, let's stop roasting pigs, elbows, etc., and eat more whole grains and vegetables! "

Lin Daiyu pursed her lips: "Brother, do you dislike me?"

I don't know if it was the 'splashing incident' that made Lin Daiyu like the feeling of being coaxed after crying. This girl comes here whenever she has something to do recently, and she can enjoy the whole family coaxing her with her mouth shut. treatment.

The women in the family unanimously believed that the reason why Lin Daiyu behaved like this was the sequelae of the water splashing incident, and that all the responsibility lay with Hua Twelve, the elder brother.

It's a coincidence that this girl is good at coaxing people. Even her father-in-law, Old Man Zhang, and his iron-armed Zhou Tong in the Hakka family have warned him that if he bullies Xiao Daiyu again, he will be called good-looking.

So seeing Lin Daiyu's expression, Hua Twelve couldn't help but sweat a little, and said quickly:

"Sister, I misunderstood, mainly because my uncle complained about me just now, saying that I made you so strong, how can you get married in the future?"

"As an elder brother, I have to think about your future happiness. You said that if you don't change, what if your future husband's family doesn't like your body shape and they beat you up collectively?"

Lin Daiyu raised her arms and clenched her fists loudly:

"They dare!"

"In my brother's words, there is nothing that can't be solved with one punch. If it doesn't work, just punch again!"

Hua Twelve looked at Lin Daiyu in front of him who was proudly showing off his force, only showing off her biceps. Thinking about the unequal treaty he had just signed with Uncle Lin, he stomped his feet angrily:

"A sin!"

After saying that, he ran away angrily, refusing to look back no matter how Lin Daiyu called from behind.

When Lin Ruhai returned to Beijing, Lin Daiyu naturally had no reason to live in the Hua Twelve Family anymore, so she would move back to live in the house from now on. When she saw him running away, Lin Daiyu couldn't chase him out, so she could only angrily go into the house to look for her father:

"Dad, what did you say to your brother? You see, his expression didn't look right after he left your place. He ran away just after saying a few words. I couldn't stop him even if I called him!"

Lin Ruhai held the tea cup, looked at his girl's figure and felt a little angry, and sighed slightly:

"It's nothing. I guess people are just happy when happy events happen. Some people are so happy that they are like this. It's like going crazy after gaining or losing. Don't worry!"

Lin Daiyu came over curiously and shook her father's arm: "Dad, please tell me, what happy event makes my brother so happy?"

Lin Ruhai felt a strong surge when his daughter shook him, which reminded him of the time when he took a boat to Yangzhou and encountered a typhoon on the river. He couldn't help himself.

He said angrily: "Stop it, your father and I are almost shaking your old bones. If you have anything to do, ask him."

Hua Twelve came out of Lin's house and before he reached the door of his house, he suddenly saw a familiar secret sign on the corner of the street.

Immediately, he pretended to be nonchalant and bought a pear on the street, rubbed it with his sleeve and took a bite.

He seemed to be eating pears, but he was actually observing the surroundings for any abnormalities and seeing no suspicious people. Then he followed the secret message and arrived at a house in the north of the city.

After exchanging the codes, Hua Twelve was led in. As soon as he entered the house, Shi Qian and Liu Tang came forward:

"Meet you brother!"

Hua Twelve nodded, walked to the main seat and sat down, and asked: "I saw the secret message you left and came here. Is it done?"

"It's done!"

Shi Qian took out two sketches with a smile on his face and spread them out in front of Hua Twelve: "Brother, please take a look!"

Hua Twelve looked at it, and Shi Qian pointed at the first picture and introduced:

"There is an exquisite small building in the backyard of Fan Tower. It has three floors. The third floor is Master Li's room. There is a secret room in that room with a secret passage that leads directly to the palace!"

"But in another compartment on the third floor, there is a warning bell. There are maids on duty in front of the bell. If someone comes from the secret passage, you can touch the mechanism in the secret passage, and the bell outside will echo. Those maids will I knew someone was coming, so I informed the grandma in Fanlou and Master Li in advance.

Hua Twelve nodded and asked, "Is there any difficulty in entering this secret passage?"

Shi Qian shook his head: "As long as Mr. Li is not in the room, I was hiding on the beam outside Master Li's door for a whole day before I found the opportunity to go in!"

Hua Twelve nodded and his eyes fell on the second sketch. Although the drawing was simple, it was very neat. He recognized at a glance that it was a scene in the palace.

When he was the Dragon Guard, he was on duty in the palace. Although he was only on duty at that time and did not have to patrol or stand guard, he still had a good grasp of the terrain inside and outside the palace. What is drawn on this sketch is the Ruisi Palace, which is the official palace. The place where Zhao Ji studied.

Shi Qian pointed to Ruisi Hall:

"The secret passage ends in this palace. The exit is also a machine door. There is no one guarding the outside. I went out and took a look. I saw the glazed green tiles outside the palace, the palace surrounded by railings, and the furnishings inside the palace were quite luxurious. It should be somewhere in the palace. I didn’t dare to wander around, so I only drew the palace I saw!”

Hua Twelve nodded in approval: "You did a good job. This is indeed the palace, and there are countless masters among them. There may not be anyone who is more powerful than you in Qinggong. You did the right thing!"

Shi Qian's face was full of joy after receiving the praise, and he continued to express his merit: "Brother, in order to make sure that there is no one guarding this exit, I squatted inside the door of the machine for a whole day. I can confirm that there is no one guarding here at ordinary times!"

Liu Tang said excitedly: "Brother, when are we going to kill that dog emperor?"

In his opinion, Hua Twelve asked them to explore this secret passage just to kill the emperor and rebel. Now that no one is guarding this secret passage, wouldn't it be easy to succeed?

Kill the emperor, what rebel wouldn't want to?

Hua Twelve looked at Liu Tang with a half-smile but not a smile: "Okay, let's take action tonight. Brother Liu Tang, you attack from the front of the palace and attract the attention of the Long Jinwei and the masters of the Enshrinement Department. My other brothers and I sneaked in from the secret passage to assassinate the emperor. It will definitely succeed in one fell swoop, what do you think?”

Liu Tang's face turned dark, and with his red hair, he looked more like a ghost this time.

He said anxiously: "Brother, how can I deal with those masters by myself?"

Hua Twelve knocked him on the head: "You also know that it won't work. Then, just like us, after killing the Dog Emperor, can we deal with the counterattack of the imperial masters? I have the possibility of escaping, but you will all die." undoubtedly!"

"Besides, what's the use of killing an emperor? Won't they choose another one? What we want is not an assassination, but waiting for a suitable opportunity!"

Liu Tang also came to his senses and scratched his head in embarrassment: "Then I will listen to my brother!"

Hua Twelve nodded, and then said: "You just stay down for now, and I will get you a military status later, and you can go to the Beijing camp and follow the training!"

Speaking of this, Hua Twelve suddenly felt something in his heart. In the Northern Song Dynasty, there were many flaws in the management of military registration of the Forbidden Army. Old numbers were removed without being kept for inspection, so that the number of soldiers could not be verified. This also led to the behavior of empty pay being very common.

The Beijing battalion he commanded was relatively good, but some of the few members were left without pay. When he took it over from Wang Ziteng, each of the twelve Beijing battalions had a roster of 12,000 to 3,000 people, but in reality The number of people in each camp will exceed 10,000.

This means that each of his twelve battalions has a shortage of two to three thousand men.

At this moment, Hua Twelve felt hot in his heart. Even if each battalion had two thousand places, the Twelfth Battalion would have room for more than 20,000 people.

If he uses the Liangshan Army to supplement these nominal soldiers, he can deploy 20,000 rebels in the important areas of Gyeonggi without anyone noticing.

Especially before he started the rebellion, the 20,000 rebels could still take the equipment of the imperial court, eat the food and wages of the imperial court, train with the regular army of the imperial court, and finally rebel against the imperial court.

It’s so exciting!

Although this method was completely free of charge, at the end of the meal he even smashed the pot, which seemed a bit shameless.

But to rebel, not to be dissatisfied!

Hua Twelve was so excited that he settled the identities of Liu Tang and Shi Qian that day, and sent all of them, the people from Liangshan, to the capital camp and under Wu Song's command.

The next day, Hua Twelve appeared in Qingzhou as Cai Chi. He went to Huazhai at noon and wrote a letter to be sent to Liangshan.

A few days later, Hua Twelve tried a case as a magistrate in Qingzhou Prefecture. Although the case was not big, the facts of the case were relatively complicated. With the help of his insights from later generations, he peeled off the cocoons and gradually revealed the truth of the case. After the verdict was announced, the people of Qingzhou who were watching cheered in the hall, and said that he belonged to the great master Qingtian, which made Hua Shili feel very good for a while.

But as soon as he returned to the back hall, Hua Twelve couldn't laugh anymore, because someone passed in a note. In addition to the Liangshan Secret Note, there were three words on it: "Something happened!" '

Hua Twelve changed his clothes and came to Huazhai. As soon as he entered the door, the housekeeper from Liangshan came forward and said in a low voice:

"Brother, something big happened. The letter was robbed. The messenger came back and he is in the flower hall!"

Hua Twelve arrived at the flower hall and saw a person. He remembered that this person was called Wu Er, and he was one of the two Liangshan brothers who delivered the letter that day.

As soon as Wu Er saw Hua Twelve, he quickly knelt down and said with a sad face: "Brother, things went wrong. Our people were kidnapped, and the letter was not kept!"

Hua Twelve walked to the main seat and sat down, and asked loudly: "Who did it?"

"He's from Dulonggang Zhujiazhuang!"

Dulong Gang Hua Twelve knew that on the only road between Qingzhou and Liangshan, the three villages on the hillock, Lijiazhuang, Zhujiazhuang, and Hujiazhuang, all had their own soldiers, and the three villages had an agreement to form an offensive and defensive alliance, and they were also Qingzhou There is a considerable force within the territory.

In the plot of Water Margin, the three of them, Yang Xiong, Shi Xiu, and Shi Qian, went to Liangshan to seek refuge. When passing by Dulonggang, they stayed at the Zhujiazhuang Inn. Because Shi Qian was greedy, he stole the book. The chicken that announced the dawn and beat the teeth for the sacrifice was taken away, which led to the story of three attacks on Zhujiazhuang in Liangshan.

But now, Shi Qian's guy has been sent to Bianjing by Hua Twelve, and the latter is wondering why he is facing Dulonggang again.

Hua Twelve had also thought about Dulonggang before, but the rules in those three villages were very strict. If a large group of people crossed the border on the Liangshan side, the other side would stay behind closed doors. If a small group of people crossed the border, the Liangshan side would all dress up as ordinary people on the road. , the other party didn’t cause any trouble, so Hua Twelve didn’t want to do anything to Dulonggang.

Why did he tie up his people this time?

He immediately asked: "Wu Er, please tell me carefully, what is going on?"

Wu Er immediately made a long story short and told what happened.

Only then did Hua Twelve realize that there was something about Yang Xiong and Shi Xiu involved.

It is said that after Wu Er and another Liangshan brother received the task of delivering the letter, they disguised themselves as salesmen and left Qingzhou for Liangshan. When they passed by a forest in the wilderness, several strong men with weapons jumped out and kept saying that they were Liangshan heroes. , let them leave money and goods.

When Wu Er and Wu Er saw someone pretending to be Liangshan to rob, they immediately became angry. Nowadays, all heroes in the world don't know that Liangshanbo is not short of money, so the first prohibition is not to rob ordinary people.

The two were about to pull out the weapons hidden in the burdens and fight, when two people jumped out of a tree nearby.

One of the two people had a yellowish complexion as if he was ill, while the other had thick eyebrows and big eyes, and looked heroic.

Shi Xiu, the man with thick eyebrows and big eyes who called himself the desperate Saburo, smiled and said after coming out:

"I'm going to surrender to Liangshan, but I heard that Liangshan doesn't allow people to be robbed. You guys must be fake!"

Those Jie Dao scolded: "Fart, my Liangshan family has a great business. How can we support tens of thousands of brothers without Jie Dao? Hand over your money quickly, and we also want the two knives you are carrying!"

Shi Xiu had a hot temper and suddenly exploded: "If you want my knife, okay, then I will give you a knife!"

After saying that, he drew the sword out of its sheath and struck the man in the face with a pop!

Kicking the man's body over with one kick, Shi Xiu spat: "I gave you a knife, but you couldn't catch it!"

After saying that, with a few blows, all the thieves pretending to be Liang Shan were killed.

After killing the person, he wiped off the blood on the opponent's clothes, put the knife into its sheath, turned around and said to Wu Er and Wu Er:

"Let's go. The heroes of Liangshan don't attack the common people. These guys have no ability. At first glance, they are fake Xibei goods!"

When Wu Er saw Shi Xiu's extremely straightforward behavior and his behavior of standing up for Liang Shan, his favor increased greatly. Although it was inconvenient to reveal his identity, he still said:

"We are doing business in the Liangshan area and have never encountered any difficulties from the heroes on the mountain. How could we not know that these people are fake? Thanks to the two heroes for coming to the rescue, since they want to go to Liangshan, we must also go to Hui near Liangshan. We are doing business in the city, so we are going to find a restaurant to invite the two heroes to have wine and meat, and express our feelings. "

Yang Xiong and Shi Xiu also traveled all morning and happened to be hungry and thirsty. When they heard Wu Er's refreshing words, they both felt happy and agreed.

The few of them did not go to Dulonggang, so they drank and drank in a nearby restaurant. Wu Er also specifically asked Shi Xiu and the others not to talk about defecting to Liangshan to avoid any unnecessary trouble.

Yang Xiong and Shi Xiu both agreed, but they didn't expect that when they were halfway through drinking, more than a dozen horses chased them. Someone broke into the wild shop and saw that both Shi Xiu and Yang Xiong were carrying steel knives. They suddenly shrank their eyes and looked at them. shouted outside:

"Here's the idea!"

The next moment, someone rushed in, led by two people. One of them was a young master, who was called the third master by his peers. The other one stood beside the third master. He looked to be in his thirties, holding a stick in his hand. , the status seems to be unusual.

After the third young master came in, he pointed at Shi Xiu and Yang Xiong and asked, "But you killed my people from Zhujiazhuang?"

It turns out that those thieves were all poor people from Zhujiazhuang. They were usually too lazy to do anything, but for some reason they came up with the idea of ​​​​pretending to be Liangshan heroes to block the road. As a result, they were unlucky today and met the killer Shi Xiu.

The three young masters went out to the village to hunt today. They saw the corpses on the way and recognized them as people from their own village. They were immediately furious. Seeing that those people had just died, they followed them up. ,

Wu Er was about to make things right, but he didn't expect Shi Xiu to be bold and bold. He had just drank more than two kilograms of wine and was in the mood, so he said:

"If those guys who pretended to be Liangshan heroes and blocked the road and robbed them, I killed them!"

The third young master immediately said angrily when he heard this: "Although the thieves in Liangshan are called heroes, they must also be their accomplices. I hope that the people in the village will not die in vain. I will capture them all and escort them back to the village!"

The men who came with him swarmed forward, Shi Xiu and Yang Xiong launched at the same time, and fell to the ground in an instant.

Then the man in his early thirties next to the third young master moved. Wu Er didn't see clearly how the three of them fought. He only knew that in the blink of an eye, the wild shop was torn to pieces.

Perhaps because they were drunk, Shi Xiu and Yang Xiong joined forces, but they were no match for that man. They were all beaten to the ground and tied up.

When Wu Er collapsed in Naye Store, he was pinned down by a beam. In fact, he was fine. He just suffered a skin injury and his face was covered in blood.

But he was more thoughtful and pretended to be dead on the spot, thus escaping.

The man with him didn't see the situation clearly. He pulled out a knife from the burden and planned to help Shi Xiu and the others. In the end, he was knocked down with a stick and tied up.

Seeing that Wu Er's face was covered with blood, those people thought he had been hit by a wooden beam, so they did not come over to check and only tied the three people back.

Wu Er lay on the ground for an hour and a half. After making sure that the person was gone, he got up and rushed back to Qingzhou to report the news.

As for the letter from Hua Twelve to Liang Shan, it was on the other person's body and fell into the hands of the Zhu family.

After Wu Er finished speaking, he added: "Brother, I asked on the way back. The third young master should be Zhu Biao, the third son of the Zhu family. I don't know who the master of the stick is!"

Hua Twelve's eyes narrowed slightly. Wu Er didn't know, but he knew that the master in Zhujiazhuang must be the gun and stick instructor Luan Tingyu.

This man was described in the original book as more powerful than Lin Chong, and the book described him as "a man of extraordinary courage"!

This evaluation is really the best. I can count on ten fingers the number of people who have had this evaluation since ancient times, but there are only a few of them.

Moreover, Luan Tingyu's record was also good. During the third attack on Zhujiazhuang in Liangshan, he defeated Ou Peng and captured Qin Ming and Deng Fei alive. He was in the limelight for a while. If the master's family was not so bad, it would not be worth his life. This person was in Water Margin There is definitely a lot to be said for this book.

Hua Twelve originally thought that in the original book, Liangshan conquered Dulonggang and destroyed Zhujiazhuang and Hujiazhuang, which was an unreasonable act. He himself wanted to conquer the world, so he did not want to use such white power.

But he didn't want to, he didn't touch the other party, but the other party came to trouble him first.

Moreover, the cause of the incident was that people from Zhujiazhuang pretended to be Liangshan and blocked the road and robbed them.

This is so embarrassing!

He wasn't worried about the letter or anything, since he didn't write his name on the letter anyway, but he had to find it in this case.

In addition, Liangshan is in urgent need of talents. Yang Xiong, Shi Xiu, and Luan Tingyu are all good players. They just took them for his use.

Qingzhou currently has more than a thousand officers and soldiers guarding the city, and Liangshan is not the time to launch a massive attack on local forces, so this time Hua Twelve decided to go alone and meet the three villages of Dulonggang!

Thanks to: 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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