A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 801 Zhou Tong: Lin Chong wants to rebel!

Chapter 801 Zhou Tong: Lin Chong wants to rebel!

Shi Xiu and Yan Qing were both masters, but when Hua Twelve took them to a thousand feet high in the air, they were also startled. They suppressed themselves so as not to scream. The three figures rode on the wind, and in the blink of an eye they were far away from Bianjing City, heading towards Fly north.

Yan Qing couldn't help but ask: "General Lin, are you a god?" Just saying this, he was convinced.

Hua Twelve laughed loudly, and was about to tease the boy, saying that he was a god, but before he could speak, he heard a muffled sound in the distance and a bolt of lightning across the sky.

"Well, I'm not yet!" A good boy never lies, well, he definitely won't be struck by lightning.

What Hua Twelve was a little curious about was that this was his first time flying into the sky. Yan Qing couldn't help but ask why there was no movement at all from Shi Xiu. Although he was known as a desperate man and was not very courageous, he should still be curious. .

Turning to look at Shi Xiu on the left, okay, this desperate Saburo's eyes are white at this moment and he is blowing bubbles. He must be afraid of heights or something, otherwise he wouldn't be so scared.

"Still fighting Saburo? Bah!"

From Kaifeng to Damingfu, a distance of more than 500 miles, Hua Twelve used Xiaoyao Yufeng to continuously accelerate with the help of the wind, and arrived in less than an hour. This speed is not much slower than a civil aviation airliner. Under the guidance of Yan Qing, , landed directly in front of Daming Mansion Prison from the night sky.

The reason why it didn't fall directly in the yard was because Yan Qing said it was a bit confusing from the sky and he had to enter through the front door to find the path.

Yan Qing landed with her feet on the ground and said, "General, wait a moment. I'll ask you to open the cell door!"

Hua Twelve drew out his sword: "We are here to rob the prison. Whatever the door is called, just follow me and fight your way in!"

Shi Xiu wiped the foam around his mouth with his sleeves: "General, it feels like I'm stepping on cotton under my feet. My limbs are weak and weak. Let me take a breath first!"

Hua Twelve glanced at this guy, he really had to slow down, and said with a smile:

"You are too timid. I think from now on, don't call me Desperate Saburo. Instead, call me Soft-footed Saburo. You can rest here by yourself. Yan Qing and I will go in and rescue people first."

As he spoke, he stepped forward and inserted his sword into the gap between the two red-lacquered doors of the prison. He then swiped downwards and the thick door bolt of his arm was silently split in two by the Lingbao sword.

With a stubborn voice, he pushed open the cell door. Hua Twelve had already stepped in, followed closely by Yan Qing.

Behind the gate was a concierge, with an old guard inside. Hearing the noise, he came out to check without even lighting a lamp. As soon as he took his front foot forward, Hua Twelve knocked him out with a Yang finger.

Yan Qing followed Hua Twelve, and when he saw him pointing a finger from a distance, the old soldier fell to the ground, thinking that he had killed him casually, and opened his mouth, but in the end he could not speak.

Although Hua Twelve did not look at Yan Qing, he sensed his abnormality and sneered:

"You are kind-hearted. Don't worry. I just tapped his acupuncture points. He will wake up in two hours. Take me to see my teacher and your master!"

Yan Qing quickly trotted forward to lead the way, and whispered at the same time: "My master and Grandmaster Zhou are both on death row at this time. General, please follow me!"

Yan Qing led the way and walked around seven times until he reached the innermost part of the prison, in front of a very hidden black door:

"General, this is death row!"

Hua Twelve followed the example of a gourd and a scoop, used his sword to break open the cell door, and walked in directly.

At this time, Shi Xiu had almost calmed down, and hurriedly caught up with him. Together with Yan Qing, he followed Hua Twelve into the death row.

There was a lot of noise in the death row, but a group of jailers stayed up at night and gathered here to drink and gamble. They used wine bowls as dice cups. They were so absorbed in playing that they stared at the dice in the wine bowls. Even when someone broke in. None were found.

Hua Twelve waved his hand behind him: "Leave it to you!"

Shi Xiu and Yan Qing looked at each other, drew out their steel knives, and rushed forward.

At this time, the jailers realized that the enemy was coming and hurriedly looked for weapons to fight back, but before they had time, Shi Xiu chopped down several of them in one breath.

Yan Qing was also superb in his skills, and he knocked down several people in the blink of an eye, but he never killed anyone. He only knocked them unconscious with the back of his knife after knocking them down with his skills.

There are also good hands among the jailers. Among them, there are two men. One of them grabbed the stick, and the other grabbed the bench when he was attacked.

The two men cooperated and fought Shi Xiu fiercely for more than ten rounds without deciding the outcome.

In the blink of an eye, these two were the only jailers who had been gambling.

Seeing that the momentum was not good, one of them shouted:

"Yan Qing, thank you for helping me take care of your master. Do you want to kill our brothers and repay kindness with hatred?"

Yan Qing had just finished cooking the dishes he was fighting with, and when he heard someone calling his name, he turned around and shouted:

"Senior brother, stop, these are brothers Cai Fu and Cai Qing!"

Shi Xiu frowned when he heard this, but still gave his junior brother a face, sheathed his sword and took two steps back to protect Hua Twelve.

Cai Fu and the man next to him both breathed a sigh of relief. Although the two of them were good at martial arts, they were a bit unsatisfied against Shi Xiu. In addition, they were not familiar with the weapons. They were afraid that they would be cut down on the spot in another seven or eight rounds.

Cai Fu took a breath and asked Yan Qing: "Yan Qing, what are you going to do?"

Yan Qing pointed at Hua Twelve: "This is the Jiedushi of the Beijing Camp, General Lin Chong, the God of the Great Song Dynasty. He is also a disciple of the old master Zhou and my master's junior brother. Today we are here to save my master and the old master. Out!"

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows, this Yan Qingxin is really very clever.

Cai Qing was shocked when he heard this and looked at Hua Twelve and said: "General Lin, how can you ignore the laws of the court?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Cai Fu with a bitter smile on his face, pulling his brother, bowing to Hua Twelve and bowing:

"Cai Fu pays homage to the general. What happens tonight depends entirely on the general's orders. I just ask the general to give my two brothers a way to survive!"

Hua Twelve turned to look at Yan Qing: "Brother Xiao Yi, you have to give me an explanation!"

Yan Qing also knew that someone had seen through her mind, so she immediately turned over and knelt down:

"General, my master is being taken care of by two brothers, Cai Fu and Cai Qing. Please leave a way for them to survive!"

In Yanqing's mind, Hua Twelve, as the governor of the capital camp, came to rob prisons to save people. This matter must not be leaked, so most of these jailers would not survive, and they would not survive without seeing his senior brother Shi Xiu's sword. What?

He was afraid that the two brothers Cai Fu and Cai Qing would not know what was good or bad and would resist until the end, which would lead to death.

Yan Qing is also a loyal person. This Cai Fu has helped him, so naturally he doesn't want to see him die in front of him, so he points out the identity of Hua Twelve to let Cai Fu know how powerful he is.

Sure enough, Cai Fu knew it right now and knew that he could only beg for mercy and not resist. He immediately gave up resistance and immediately knelt down with his younger brother to beg for mercy.

Hua Twelve looked at Yan Qing and said calmly: "Xiao Yi, for the sake of my senior brother and Shi Xiu, let's forget it this time. But remember, it's just this time. Next time, you will do it yourself." Stop it!"

When he spoke, his whole body was bursting with momentum, and Yan Qing felt like an invisible mountain was rolling down on him, and could crush him into powder anytime and anywhere.

In just a short moment, my forehead was covered with cold sweat, and my back was wet with cold sweat. It had never been so thrilling before at an altitude of thousands of feet.

He quickly kowtowed his head to the ground: "Xiao Yi understands, thank you General for showing mercy!"

Hua Twelve ignored him and turned to brothers Cai Fu and Cai Qing: "Originally I didn't plan to keep you, but now that Xiao Yi has spoken, you are quite sensible, and I saw that you two have some abilities just now. From now on Come and do things for me from now on!”

He did not use a questioning tone, but was talking about the outcome of the matter. It was obvious that there was no choice in this matter. If Cai Fu and Cai Qing did not agree, they would not survive tonight.

Cai Fu also kowtowed to Hua Twelve: "The villain is willing, the villain is willing!"

Cai Qing was a little confused and couldn't clearly see the seriousness of the matter, but seeing that his brother recognized it, he had no choice but to kowtow: "Young man is also willing!"

Shi Xiu took a step forward and threw the steel knife in his hand in front of the two of them.

Without saying a word, Cai Fu picked up the knife, knocked out Yan Qing's former colleagues, and killed all of them on the spot. He also specially left one for his younger brother to kill. The two brothers were considered to have surrendered.

After doing all this, Cai Fu respectfully returned the steel knife to Shi Xiu. The latter took the long knife and nodded with a smile, which was regarded as recognition of the two brothers!

Immediately afterwards, Brother Cai Fu took Hua Twelve to the innermost part of the death row, in front of two opposite cells.

I saw that the doors and fences of the two cells were made of pig iron. In the cell on the left was a big man, sitting on the ground, looking at this side with wide eyes. Although he looked embarrassed, his eyes were bright and bright. .

In the cell on the right was Grand Master Zhou Tong. Hearing the movement, he also opened his eyes and looked over.

Both the big man in the cell on the left and Grandmaster Zhou Tong on the right are wearing heavy shackles and chains, and are dressed like standard death row prisoners.

This kind of shackles weighs fifty or sixty kilograms. Generally, a death row prisoner can hold on to the shackles for a while before he is so crushed that he cannot lift his head.

But Zhou Tong and the big man were sitting there, their backs as straight as javelins, and the shackles weighing dozens of kilograms seemed as light as nothing on their bodies.

Hua Twelve first shouted to the right: "Teacher, I'm here to save you!"

Yan Qing rushed to the cell on the left and shouted through the fence: "Master, I am Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi is here to save you!"

It turns out that big man is Hebei Yuqilin, Lu Junyi!

Hua Twelve turned to Lu Junyi again, cupped his fists and said, "Senior Brother Lu, I'm late!"

Zhou Tong sighed: "You shouldn't have come!"

As he spoke, he stood up, his hands collapsed, and with a bang, dozens of kilograms of shackles exploded.

With one wrong step, the iron shackles on his feet were broken every inch.

Then he walked to the railing, grabbed the railing with both hands, and when he separated his hands, he tore a hole in the iron fence and strode out.

Lu Junyi did the same over there. He stood up and broke the shackles, pulled open the fence, and came to Hua Twelve. He hugged his shoulders with both hands and showed a grateful look:

"Junior brother, the teacher is right, you shouldn't come!"

Hua Twelve smiled and said: "Teacher, senior brother, what are you talking about? You have been framed and imprisoned. If I don't come to save you, are you still human?"

Zhou Tong glared: "Bullshit, can I be trapped in this place? I just want to wait for the court to give me justice. With your prison break, I have really become a wanted criminal by the court, and you, Jingying Jiedu, So, what’s your plan? Aren’t you afraid that the Six Doors will find you?”

When he asked, everyone looked over.

Lu Junyi's expression was complicated. He was the best in Hebei in terms of gun and stick skills, so how could he be trapped in prison? He was also worried about the imperial court and the Six Gates, but at this time, his junior brother seemed to have made a choice for him.

Hua Twelve smiled and said, "Teacher, don't worry. The Six Gates are investigating the Ming Cult in Jiangnan. Fang La couldn't stand the pressure and rebelled. He almost killed everyone in the Six Gates. They can't find me!"

After that, he added: "Besides, now I have a hundred thousand soldiers. Even if they really find me, what can they do to me?"

After hearing this, Zhou Tong's eyes flashed with light. At this moment, he finally confirmed his apprentice's thoughts. It was the answer he least wanted to see. Lin Chong, he wants to rebel!

Hua Shier ignored Zhou Tong's gaze and smiled at Lu Junyi who also had a complicated look on his face:

"Senior brother has to escape from the catastrophe. There are some things that should be settled with his own hands!"

When Lu Junyi heard this, he put away his complicated eyes and nodded heavily. Suddenly, his whole body was filled with murderous intent: "Yes, some things must be settled with your own hands!"

The Lu family of Daming Mansion.

The original plaque of 'Lu's House' on the door had been replaced with 'Li's House'. When the group arrived at the gate, Lu Junyi looked at the words 'Li's House' on the door and laughed angrily.

He walked over and knocked hard. After a while, the corner door opened. When the doorman saw Lu Junyi, he was so frightened that he couldn't say anything: "Old..., it's the master who's back!"

Lu Junyi kicked the man away. The man spurted blood and flew backwards. He fell to the ground and struggled for a while before dying.

He came back tonight to go on a killing spree. In Lu Junyi's view, all those who were loyal to him have left, and those who are left behind are traitors!

Just as Zhou Tong was about to persuade him, Hua Twelve took his arm and pointed at the moon in the sky: "Teacher, look at how beautiful the moon is today. Maybe Chang'e is roasting a rabbit to eat!"

Zhou Tong: "." Where did the rabbit come from?

Lu Junyi had already led Yan Qing in to fight.

There was almost no sound of chickens flying and dogs jumping. Lu Junyi acted very neatly. The servants and nurses inside, let alone struggling, did not even say a word before they died.

With one stick of incense, all the two to three hundred people in this big house were killed.

Finally, Li Gu and Jia, who were still sleeping, were dragged from the bed to the courtyard.

Hua Twelve took a look, oh, it's quite open. Just like his modern home, he pursues comfort and enjoyment, and is all about first-class sleep.

Li Gu and Jia had already woken up at this time, and they were as scared as chickens, trembling: "Old..., Master!"

Lu Junyi waved to Hua Shiyi: "Junior brother, lend me your knife. I will dig out their hearts and see if they are red or black!"

Hua Twelve waved his hand towards Shi Xiu, who handed over the steel knife. Lu Junyi pierced Li Gu's heart with one knife and gouged it out in one go.

Jia was so frightened that she peed on the spot and rushed over to hug Lu Junyi's leg: "Sir, please forgive me, I, I don't dare to do it anymore!"

Lu Junyi didn't talk nonsense, but this time he didn't dig out the woman's heart, but cut off the woman's head with a knife, and then let out a long breath of evil breath.

Zhou Tong sighed and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say it. When he was young, he was very murderous, but somehow, as he got older, he couldn't see it anymore.

Hua Twelve coughed lightly: "Brother, there is another event coming next. Since I'm here, Liang Zhongshu can't let it go. Let's go to the government office again!"

Thanks to: 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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