A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 802: Wang Ziteng is defeated, Daming Mansion is in trouble!

Chapter 802: Wang Ziteng is defeated, Daming Mansion is in trouble! (Please order in full!)

Lu Junyi's face changed when he heard this junior brother said that he wanted to kill Liang Taishu. He had not yet come out of his identity as Lu Yuanwai of Daming Palace, but looking at the bodies of Jia and Li Gu on the ground, he sighed in his heart, that's what happened. , can you still go back?

Immediately he nodded heavily: "Okay, since that dog official took office, he has always been domineering and exploiting the people because he is Cai Jing's son-in-law. He should have been killed long ago!"

Zhou Tong did not expect that after killing Li Gu and Jia, his two apprentices would also kill Liang Zhongshu. He couldn't help but be stunned:

"Are you planning to kill officials and rebel?"

Hua Twelve looked at Zhou Tong: "Teacher, killing an official is killing an official, but rebellion does not necessarily mean rebellion. My senior brother is right. Liang Zhongshu is indeed a dog official. I don't know whether he exploits the people, but every year on Cai Jing's birthday, he must Send gold and silver jewelry worth 100,000 guan as a birthday gift, these treasures cannot be born in the tenth month of pregnancy of his wife!"

Hearing what he said was interesting, Lu Junyi even smiled. Shi Xiu and Yan Qing both couldn't help but laugh. Only Zhou Tong looked sternly:

"But he is a court official. He is good at killing court officials, which is tantamount to rebellion!"

Hua Twelve smiled: "Who are you rebelling against? Teacher, you must know that whether you are an emperor or an official, you are not for one family, but for the people of the world to make decisions. Today I The reason for killing Liang Zhongshu is for the people of this famous mansion. If you want to accuse me of rebelling, I will not admit it!"

Lu Junyi also said: "Teacher, Junior Brother Lin is right!" What he said sounded like Monk Sha.

Zhou Tong looked at the two apprentices and felt weak. He could feel Hua Twelve's true thoughts. He felt that the once loyal and honest apprentice now looked rebellious. But it would be wrong to say that the apprentice did something wrong. , after all, Lin Chong came to save him, and what he said was a bit unreasonable.

Hua Twelve looked at the sky and said, "It's getting late. Teacher, just watch. We'll do the dirty work ourselves!"

He cupped his fists at Lu Junyi and said, "Senior brother, please lead the way. Let's go to Liang Zhongshu's mansion!"

"Okay, junior brother, come with me!"

Lu Junyi took Hua Twelve out and walked out. When passing by his martial arts field, he picked up a point steel gun and ran out in large strides.

Hua Twelve followed closely behind, while Shi Xiu and Yan Qing quickly followed their masters.

Zhou Tong sighed and followed suit.

Tonight, Daming Mansion seems to be particularly quiet, even eerily quiet. You can't even hear the banging sound of the watchman. Only the front door of the mansion is brightly lit, and a team of officers and soldiers are standing guard in front of the door.

In the distance, Lu Junyi stopped a few people: "It seems something is wrong. There are not so many officers and soldiers guarding the prison. Could it be that Liang Zhongshu knew what happened in the prison and that's why he sent troops to guard the government office?"

Hua Twelve wanted to say no matter what the officers and soldiers were, he could just kill them directly.

But he looked back at Zhou Tong, who was following him, and said in his heart that he wanted to go in. Firstly, he was suspected of killing innocent people indiscriminately, and this old man might not be able to let him go. Secondly, to scare the snake, who knows if there is a hidden secret in this government office, and Liang Zhongshu must listen to it. Even if the movement escapes through the secret passage, the gain outweighs the loss.

Thinking of this, he said to Lu Junyi: "Let's go to the back door and have a look!"

Lu Junyi nodded, and then led a few people through the streets and alleys to the back gate of the government office. There were also officers and soldiers guarding the entrance to the back alley of the government office, but there were far fewer officers and soldiers here, with only four people guarding the entrance.

After observing for a while, they saw the officers and soldiers suddenly get out of the way, and then a large car filled with boxes came out of the back alley, escorted by several soldiers, and headed along the street towards the east gate of Daming Mansion. .

Shi Xiu whispered: "General, I'll stop the car!"

Hua Twelve shook his head: "No, we are here for Liang Zhongshu, there is no need to add unnecessary complications!"

He reached out and took out four copper coins from his arms, punched them out with a hidden weapon, and hit the acupuncture points of the four officers and soldiers. The next moment, the four officers and soldiers fell to the ground.

Lu Junyi praised: "Junior brother, what a trick!"

Zhou Tong snorted, this was not what he taught.

Several people came out of the hiding place and headed towards the back alley. As soon as they approached, they heard the sound of soft footsteps and the slight collision of moving things from the back alley. Occasionally, there was the sound of mules and horses trampling their hooves and snoring.

Although they haven't seen it with their own eyes, just hearing these noisy sounds makes everyone form a picture in their minds. It seems that many people are busy with something, either loading or unloading trucks.

Turning the corner, I saw a lantern hanging on the back door of the government office. Under the dim light, there was a row of mules, horses and carts, at least dozens of them. Until the end of the street on the other side, there were many servants dressed as servants. People were constantly carrying large and small boxes out of the government office, loading them on cars, and tying them securely with ropes.

No one spoke during the whole process, it was silent and seemed extremely strange.

On both sides of these carts, there were soldiers wearing helmets and holding weapons standing guard.

Lu Junyi looked at Hua Twelve. The latter did not speak, but made a gesture, meaning to go and have a look, and then walked over.

When a servant holding a small wooden box was about to load the car, he seemed to feel something. He subconsciously turned his head and saw a few people walking from the street outside the dim light. He was frightened and said "Ah", and raised his hand. With a shudder, the box fell to the ground and cracked, causing the contents inside to scatter.

Although the light was dim, it was dazzling when it shone on the scattered objects, because all the gems scattered on the ground were gems of various colors, as well as pearls the size of dragon's eyes.

This incident immediately alarmed the people around him. A steward rushed out from the back door of the government office, raised his whip and whipped those people. But when he saw the dozen or so people from Hua, he couldn't help being startled and shouted: " Who are you?"

After speaking, without waiting for anyone to reply, he said to the surrounding officers and soldiers: "Arrest all these people!"

The next moment, the officers and soldiers rushed forward like wolves and tigers.

Lu Junyi didn't need anyone to tell him, he just flicked his hand and lit the steel gun, and rushed forward, like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep. In the blink of an eye, he knocked down all the soldiers and servants.

Hua Twelve was originally a bit dissatisfied with Lu Junyi's reputation as the unparalleled stickman in the world, but now he looked at it and nodded secretly. Although he was not as good as himself and Zhou Tong, he was still a rare master. As expected, there are no empty warriors under his reputation. The senior brother got the true inheritance from Mr. Zhou.

At this time, Lu Junyi's spear was already pressed against the butler's throat. His eyes were wide open, exuding a cold killing intent: "Lu Junyi of a certain family, where is Liang Zhongshu's dog official?"

The shadow of the famous tree. When the steward heard Lu Junyi's name, his eyes suddenly shrank. Only then did he understand why those soldiers were so useless. It turned out that this man had arrived.

"Exceptor Lu, I have no grudges against you."

Seeing the murderous intent in Lu Junyi's eyes, the housekeeper quickly changed his words: "In the back house."

Lu Junyi then took back his spear and said coldly: "Lead the way!"

In order to survive, the housekeeper did not dare to disobey and led several people into the government office.

Along the way, they met many servants and servants who were carrying things out, but Yan Qing and Shi Xiu beat them down first. When they opened the boxes in their hands, they found gold, silver, jade, jewelry, calligraphy and paintings by famous people and other precious things.

Hua Twelve said to Zhou Tong: "Teacher, look, what kind of official can you make so much money?"

Zhou Tong also had a bad look on his face and snorted coldly: "I don't think you are a good person either. I heard that you sent a gift to Cai Jing's fifth son, Cai Ji, for a hundred thousand yuan!"

Hua Twelve said with a smile: "That's the money I borrowed from Captain Gao, and I have no intention of paying it back!" Everyone: "." It's so shameless to borrow money and not plan to pay it back.

Zhou Tong originally felt that this apprentice was becoming less and less of a thing, but now he felt that he might not be a human being anymore, so he had to be more careful when borrowing things from him in the future.

The housekeeper took everyone all the way to the back house, and heard someone shouting from a distance:

"Hurry up, hurry up, don't take that glazed screen, don't take that lucky three-star jade elephant, it's too heavy and too big to take with you, just pick up the important things. We must leave the city before dawn. .”

Lu Junyi whispered to everyone: "The person speaking is Liang Zhongshu!"

While he was talking, everyone had already followed the housekeeper into the back house.

I saw several large lanterns lit in the back house. A middle-aged man dressed as a Confucian scholar in casual clothes was directing the surrounding servants and packing their belongings. When he saw the housekeeper come in, he asked:

"Cai Quan, why are you here? How are the things moving across the courtyard going? Please hurry up and hurry up."

Halfway through, he suddenly saw several people following the housekeeper. His eyes fell on Lu Junyi's face. His words stopped immediately, and then he subconsciously took two steps back.

Lu Junyi stared at the man's face and said expressionlessly: "Master Liang, what are you afraid of?" It turned out that this man was Liang Zhongshu.

Liang Zhongshu forced a smile: "It turned out to be Yuan Wai. By the way, Yuan Wai's case has been found out. It was your housekeeper Li Gu who caused the murder. I am planning to set things right tomorrow and clear up Yuan Wai's grievances!"

Lu Junyi smiled half-heartedly: "Really? So Lu needs to thank you for your kindness in judging the case impartially!"

Liang Zhongshu waved his hand quickly: "Don't dare, I don't dare. The government trusts me and allows me to judge Daming Mansion affairs as a member of the Zhongshu family. It is my duty to judge the case impartially. I don't dare to take credit!"

When he said this, he was also afraid that Lu Junyi would suddenly get into trouble, so he quickly added: "It just so happened that Lu Yuanwai arrived. I have something to ask of you. After the matter is completed, I am willing to recommend Yuan Wai to become an official in the court in front of Prime Minister Cai. What do you think?"

How could Lu Junyi be in the mood to talk to him about this? He would just shoot him to death so that he could express his attitude in front of Junior Brother Lin Chong.

In fact, Zhou Tong was not the only one to see Hua Twelve's intention to rebel. Lu Junyi's family had a great business and he was the richest man in Daming Mansion. Such a successful businessman had high observation and judgment skills, so he naturally saw some signs.

Now to kill Liang Zhongshu in front of Hua Twelve is to show his attitude, even if it is to submit a petition.

Hua Twelve noticed the muscles in Lu Junyi's arm rising and falling, and knowing that the next moment, Liang Zhongshu would be splashed with blood, he quickly stretched out his hand to stop him, and then smiled at Liang Zhongshu and asked:

"I don't know what I'm asking for. You might as well tell me and listen!"

Although Liang Zhongshu didn't know who Hua Twelve was, he had just felt Lu Junyi's murderous intention and did not dare to delay, and said quickly:

"I am going back to Bianjing, and I would like to ask Yuan Yuan to escort me all the way!"

He didn't see Zhou Tong who was blocked by the crowd, otherwise he would have said this to Zhou Tong.

Hua Twelve frowned slightly and suddenly said: "Tell the truth, what happened?"

Liang Zhongshu's face twitched and he was a little confused. Lu Junyi raised the steel gun in his hand: "Are you going to say it or not?"

Liang Zhongshu said quickly: "I said, I said!"

He scolded with a grimace: "I received a request for help from Wang Ziteng in the evening. This loser led 150,000 border troops to fight against Tian Hu. However, he was ambushed by the enemy and suffered a huge defeat. The entire army was scattered. At this time, there are only 50,000 soldiers and horses left, and they are retreating towards Daming Mansion. Tian Hu's general Bian Xiang is chasing him along the way. I am afraid that he has already pursued him into the border of Hebei. If he doesn't run away, it will be too late! "

Hearing the news, everyone looked solemn. How long had it been since the imperial court sent Wang Ziteng to quell the chaos, and now they were defeated?

Zhou Tong couldn't bear it any longer. He stepped out from behind the crowd and cursed: "Guan Guan, you are now a famous magistrate. You don't think about how to defend yourself and resist the thieves. Instead, you want to leave the people of the city and escape alone. How can you?" How to live up to the official family if you are worthy of the imperial court!"

When Liang Zhongshu saw that it was Zhou Tong, he couldn't help but have a sarcastic expression on his face, and changed his words:

"What the old grandmaster said is that I am confused. The old grandmaster is responsible for sending troops to everyone. The military report is in the house. I will go get it and ask the old grandmaster to help me analyze it!"

After saying that, he bowed his hands in shame and turned around to get the military report.

Seeing him like this, Zhou Tong nodded: "This is quite reasonable!"

Hua Twelve said with a smile: "Teacher, you don't really believe it, do you?"

Zhou Tong glared at Hua Twelve fiercely: "What else?"

Hua Twelve said speechlessly: "Pretend I didn't say anything, just wait and see!"

But when Liang Zhongshu entered the room, he was heard shouting from inside: "Madam, please help me!"

The next moment, the door and window shattered, and four masters flew out from inside.

Judging from the aura, they are all innate great masters. What is a bit strange is that the auras of these four people are connected together, as if they are one body.

Zhou Tong looked disappointed. His little expectation for Liang Zhongshu was finally misplaced. He looked at the four people:

"The four ghosts of the Cai family? You were the ones who helped Taishi Cai to eliminate dissidents and killed many court officials. When I wanted to kill you, you suddenly disappeared. There were also rumors that you were sent by Taishi Cai to protect the Miss Cai family. Now it seems that this is indeed the case. You know Who am I to dare to take action? How brave!”

Among the four ghosts of the Cai family, one of them chuckled and said: "Zhou Tong, you were so powerful back then that you forced us to have nowhere to go. But we heard that you have hidden injuries now, and your energy, blood, muscles and bones are not as good as before. The four of us These years of training are not in vain, and I may not be able to defeat you!"

Hua Twelve and Lu Junyi both laughed. These four things didn't take them seriously.

The two of them stood up at the same time. Before they spoke, Zhou Tong waved his hand: "I will deal with these four, otherwise the old man's old bones will really be looked down upon by the world!"

After saying that, he stepped forward. There were no fancy moves, he simply stepped forward and punched out.

In the sky above Zhou Tong, the fist intention condensed into a huge eagle and let out an eagle cry. This was the manifestation of the fist intention of Zhou Tong's Eagle Claw Fanzi Fist.

The eagle swooped down following Grandmaster Zhou's fist, and the fists and fists merged into one at one point, suddenly bursting out.

The four ghosts of the Cai family acted as if they were facing a formidable enemy when Zhou Tong moved. Three of them put their palms on one of the people's backs. The four people's fists and skills merged into one, and they suddenly burst out with huge power. They also punched out. .


The fists of the two sides collided, and everyone felt a shock under their feet, and then it was as if nothing had happened. Zhou Tong withdrew his fists and stood with his hands behind his back, while the four people stood frozen on the spot. After a while, a gust of wind blew by, and the four people's clothes The skin and bones cracked, and then the four of them turned into ashes under the gaze of everyone.

 Thanks to: 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

  (End of this chapter)

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