A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 822 Kill Cai Jing and destroy Jin Liao!

Chapter 822 Kill Cai Jing and destroy Jin Liao! (Please order in full!)

The recapture of Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures brought joy to the whole country, which not only brought the reputation of Hua Twelve and Zhou Tong to its peak, but also gave the people a sense of identity with the new dynasty of Ming Dynasty.

Hua Twelve struck while the iron was hot and decreed that the world would be tax-free for three years to allow the people of the Central Plains to recuperate and recuperate after the war.

After the imperial edict was issued, the entire Bianjing city was in a state of commotion, and the people's shouts of long live could be heard one after another, even in the inner courtyard of the palace.

Lin Ruhai, Cai Jing, Gao Qiu and other important ministers all smiled bitterly and shook their heads. The people would be happy if they did not collect taxes for three years, but what would the court do?

This Hua Twelve was not in a hurry. Liangshan got 500,000 taels of gold to start his own business, and later robbed Qingzhou and got countless money and food, which was enough for him to support him for a while.

Besides, Zhao Ji was extravagant and greedy for money. There were millions of gold and more than 10 million taels of silver in the royal treasury.

In addition, as long as Hua Twelve persists for a year or two, when all industries are revived and the world is stable, he can then attack the corrupt officials of the previous dynasty. Pigs must be killed when they are fattened, otherwise they will eat more and more without producing any benefits.

The first to bear the brunt are people like Liang Shicheng and Cai Jing.

As for Captain Gao?

Lao Gao is one of his own now, so Hua Twelve mainly acts as a helper rather than a helper.

The funny thing is that Cai Jing seemed to have regained his confidence after being frightened in the early days of the change of dynasty. He once even hinted that Hua Twelve had taken the heart-breaking pill. That means you are now the emperor, but I still have something to hold on to. .

Hua Twelve laughed. He wasn't angry at all at that time, but he thought Lao Cai was cute. He really wanted to see what Lao Cai's expression would look like when he knew that he had been cured of the poison.

Lao Cai has old arms and legs, so he must hold on.

Cai Jing wanted to die because he didn't understand the situation, but there were people who wanted to die more than Cai Jing.

While the whole court was still celebrating the recapture of Yanyun, the Liangshan Army reported something that made Hua Twelve extremely unhappy.

At the beginning, the Liangshan uprising was so powerful that Shandong was so powerful that many self-proclaimed heroes from the rivers and lakes in the north came to join him.

There was a man who lived by stealing horses in Zhuozhou, and he was known as Duan Jingzhu, the golden retriever.

This man admired the majesty of Liangshan and wanted to join the gang to do something big, so he sneaked into Qianganling in Beidi, stole the BMW "Zhaoye Jade Lion" mounted by the prince of Jin Dynasty, and wanted to offer it to Hua Twelve, the leader of Liangshan, as a tribute.

As a result, when Duan Jingzhu was defecting to the Liangshan Army, he passed by Zengtou City and his BMW was robbed by the five tigers of the Zeng family in Zengtou City.

Duan Jingzhu had no choice but to find Liang Shanjun and tell him about it.

Zeng Toushi acted like this, which was a slap in Liangshan's face.

According to Chao Gai's temper, he had to bring his troops and horses to fight over and kill all the five tigers of the Zeng family.

It was just Zhu Wu, the divine machine strategist, who stopped him because the Liangshan Army had other tasks at that time. After pacifying Jiangnan, the Liangshan Army wanted to march southwest to echo Hua Twelve's layout in Bianjing and Jiangnan, and had no time to deal with a small army. Small Zengtou City.

When the Hua Twelve Mutiny was successful and the Yellow Robes were added, the Liangshan Army assumed the important task of maintaining stability and was sent to Zhuxian Town to intimidate the southwest states and prevent local rebellions. It was not until Zhou Tong recovered Yanyun and the world became stable that Chao Gai The idea of ​​​​going to Zengtou City to regain face for Liangshan came up again.

However, at this time, the Liangshan Army had changed from a political force to an official army, so naturally it could not be mobilized at will. Moreover, Chao Gai had recently received news that Shi Wengong, a gun and stick teacher in Zengtou City, was an abandoned disciple of Mr. Zhou Tong.

That is to say, this Shi Wengong once had a friendship with the current emperor.

In this way, it will be difficult to attack easily.

So Chao Gai asked Zhu Wu to write a letter to the court, explaining the situation and asking Hua Twelve for instructions on what to do and whether to mobilize troops to quell Zengtou City.

After Hua Twelve read it, he also felt that Zeng Toushi was ungrateful, and at the same time he also had doubts in his heart.

Ordinarily, it is normal for a place like Zengtou City to be powerful and do not take Liangshan seriously. In the plot of Water Margin, Zengtou City went against Liangshan because he robbed Duan Jing’s stolen Zhaoye Jade Lion. Chao Chao As a result, Gai died under Shi Wengong's poisonous arrow.

But now that he has intervened in this world, Liangshan's army has become an official army, and Duan Jingzhu's BMW was a gift to him as the new emperor. Zeng Toushi had to apologize to Shi Wengong if he had a wink. The guy made peace and then sent the horse back, which was the right thing to do.

But look at what Tseng Tau Market did? Just pretend that this is not the case. If you offend the Emperor of the Central Plains for a horse, then this is abnormal.

Hua Twelve thought of a saying he had heard before, saying that Zengtou City might be a nail buried by the Jin Kingdom in the Song Dynasty.

He didn't know whether this statement was correct, but if that was the case, Jin Guoxisuo was ordered to take back the beloved horse of the Prince of Jin, then everything would have a reasonable explanation.

He immediately asked Dai Quan to recruit Gao Qiu.

Speaking of this, it should be mentioned that after Hua Twelve ascended the throne, he did not commit any crime to bring new eunuchs into the palace. Instead, he retained all the eunuchs under Zhao Ji except Liang Shicheng.

There is no need to worry about loyalty or not, a life and death talisman can be easily obtained.

Gao Qiu received the summons and came in a hurry without delay. After meeting him, he hurriedly paid his respects to the saint.

Lao Gao could barely be regarded as a minister of the Dragon, but his own civil and martial arts skills were average and somewhat unfit for reuse. Hua Twelve felt that this guy was the best at doing evil, so he asked him to select people from the Forbidden Army and the Six Gates to set up a The organization that specializes in collecting intelligence is called Jinyiwei.

Well, this is also copied from Lao Zhu. Zhu Yuanzhang: I still have a broken bowl. Do you want it?

Hua Twelve asked Gao Qiu to surrender and then asked him to investigate Zengtou City.

Gao Qiu got the task and went to do it immediately, not daring to delay at all. Even though he had worked for Hua Twelve before, he was forced by the life and death talisman and had to obey. It was a passive business, so his enthusiasm was naturally not high. Now he has a relationship between monarch and minister. He, Lao Gao, also wants to make progress and is holding back his energy to show his face in front of his new master.

As a result, Lao Gao came back the next day and brought out a stack of investigation cases, which confused Hua Twelve. This work efficiency was too high. The investigation of what was ordered yesterday was completed today?

After asking, I found out that Liumen had already registered Zengtou City. According to Liumen's investigation, Zengtou City transported salt and iron to the Kingdom of Jin.

Hua Twelve laughed angrily after reading it: "Since we know it is Jin Guoxin's work, why didn't we get rid of it earlier?"

Gao Qiu smiled bitterly and said: "That's what I asked too, but the people at Liumen said that during the former Song Dynasty, the imperial court wanted to negotiate peace with the Jin Kingdom, so they turned a blind eye to this. In addition, there was smuggling salt in Zengtou City. Iron and horses are very filial to Cai Jing and Liang Shicheng, so the case was suppressed several times and was later dropped! "

Hua Twelve looked through the case report and sneered at Jing: "It's good to leave it alone. Zengtou City has tens of thousands of private soldiers. Zhao Ji is such a foolish king. Cai Jing and the others are so bold!"

But it's okay to be too angry. After all, Zhao Ji is not stupid, and it is not his turn to be the emperor.

Gao Qiu wanted to make a contribution, so he quickly asked for orders: "Your Majesty, leave this matter to me, I promise to do it beautifully!"

Hua Twelve laughed when he heard this: "Old Gao, you are good at everything, but the main reason is that you are not good at it. Let's talk about Wang Jin, the coach at the time. You didn't get it despite all your efforts, and you even tricked me into entering the White Tiger Festival Hall. When the time comes, it’s better for me to counterattack casually. Your ability to do things must have a clear understanding of yourself! "

Gao Qiu's face twitched and he explained: "Wang Jin, it's because I didn't kill them all. As for Your Majesty, you are the True Dragon Emperor, with a noble destiny and the blessing of the gods. How can I frame you at will?"

Hua Twelve knew that Gao Qiu was speaking in defense, but this guy knew how to flatter him, so he liked what he said and waved his hand:

"Forget it, Lao Gao, go down, I have my own plans for Zeng Tau Market!"

After Lao Gao left, Hua Twelve found a letter. This was sent back by his teacher Zhou Tong from Youzhou, with the purpose of asking for a fight!

After Zhou Tong conquered the Sixteen Continents of Yanyun, his fighting spirit did not diminish. After a period of rest, he still wanted to send troops to attack Jin and Liao.

In the eyes of the old master, the Liao Kingdom was corrupt. Although it looked strong, it was actually vulnerable. If not for this, there would not have been a few years ago when Emperor Liao Tianzuo led an army of 700,000 to personally conquer and was defeated by the Jin Kingdom's 20,000 vanguard army. The battle of Hubu Dagang is over.

Although there were many factors involved in the defeat of the Liao Kingdom, including the internal instability of the Liao Kingdom, Emperor Tianzuo was worried that someone would cause rebellion, and had no intention of fighting again, etc., this also just showed the fact that the Liao Kingdom was suffering from domestic and foreign troubles and its strength was not as strong as before.

Therefore, in Mr. Zhou's view, what the Jin people's 20,000 vanguard troops can do, why can't I, a descendant of a dignified military strategist and leading an army of hundreds of thousands, not be able to do it?

As for the Jin people, he doesn't believe such nonsense as "the Jurchens are invincible if they are less than ten thousand".

The fact that your country of Jin has a small population proves that you haven't even managed to secure a stable living environment, so what nonsense are you talking about.

Therefore, as soon as Mr. Zhou recovered the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun, he sent a message to Hua Twelve, requesting an order to conquer Jin and Liao in the north. Hua Twelve couldn't help but laugh after reading the reasons given by his teacher. You don't look down on others, nor on ourselves. The foundation left by the Song Dynasty is not as good as that of the Liao Dynasty.

But Hua Twelve also knows that the fighting power of a lion led by a flock of sheep is far better than that of a lion led by sheep. 'This principle,

Zhou Tong must be a lion. If he sends troops to the north at this time, he will definitely achieve good results, but he still does not intend to agree to Zhou Tong's request.

There is no other reason than that Hua Twelve believes that now is not the best time.

The conflict between Liao and Jin continued, and Wanyan Aguda was even more ambitious. Now that the Liao Kingdom was newly defeated, Hua Twelve felt that this old guy would never let go of such a good opportunity to beat up the lost dog.

Wanyan Aguda will definitely take advantage of Liao's illness and kill him.

So instead of taking the initiative, it is better to rest and recuperate temporarily and wait for a good opportunity to come.

When the Liao-Jin war breaks out, he, the newly established Ming Dynasty, can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, looking for the best opportunity for fishermen to profit, and deal fatal blows to the wolves, tigers and leopards in the north one by one.

Hua Twelve flew to Youzhou with his sword at night, met with Zhou Tong in person, and finally talked things through with Zhou Tong, allowing him to decide to stay put and recuperate.

In fact, what Hua Twelve said was not that Zhou Tong could not see this. It was just that as a descendant of a military strategist, he was severely suppressed by the royal family. He was depressed for half his life and was unable to display his abilities. It was easy for him to have the opportunity to command an army and fight. Naturally Don't want to give up easily.

And the old grandmaster is also confident that he will win.

But after all, Hua Twelve established a new dynasty and became the legitimate current emperor, so he still had to give his disciple the face.

Hua Twelve also saw that Zhou Tong was upset when there was no fight, so he gave the small gift he had prepared and said with a smile:

"Since the teacher doesn't want to be idle, I will find some work for him. In Xingzhou Prefecture, there is a man named Zeng Nong. He is over fifty years old and is from the Jin Dynasty. When he was young, he came to the Central Plains to do some ginseng trading. He collected a fortune of tens of thousands of dollars, and because of his physical strength, he dominated the village and changed its name to Zengtou City. "

"This Zengtou City is very prosperous. Zeng Nang had five sons, known as the Five Tigers of the Zeng Family. They hired spear and stick teachers, gathered tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and became a local tyrant. In the pre-Song Dynasty, even the local officials did not dare to control them!"

When Zhou Tong heard that a Jin man occupied the village and market and gathered tens of thousands of troops, he couldn't help but frowned and asserted:

"There's something wrong with this golden man!"

"Take a photo!"

Hua Twelve gave the teacher a thumbs up: "Actually, Zengtou City was the work of the Jin people, transporting salt, iron and other supplies to the Jin Kingdom. The former Song Dynasty wanted to unite with the Jin Dynasty to destroy the Liao Dynasty, so they kept them, but I have no such plan. Of course we have to destroy it as soon as possible!”

Zhou Tong nodded in agreement, and then sighed softly: "When I was an official, Zhao Ji was also blindly thinking. Joining forces with the Jin Dynasty to destroy the Liao Dynasty was tantamount to driving a tiger to devour a wolf. As an emperor, if you can't fight, you must learn to check and balance. It’s a pity that he doesn’t know anything!”

After saying that, there was another sigh.

Hua Twelve really wanted to say that Zhao Ji didn't understand everything. At least he was a successful artist. The few calendars of beauties he had drawn recently were very good.

He said to Zhou Tong: "The other reason why I asked the teacher to deal with Zengtou City is that Junior Brother Shi works as a gun and stick teacher in Zengtou City to help them train soldiers and horses!"

Zhou Tong's eyes turned cold: "Shi Wengong? Helping the emperor to do evil! I thought he had evil intentions at the beginning, and now it seems that is the case. If this is the case, then leave this Zengtou market to me, so that I can clean up the house myself!"

Hua Twelve returned to Bianjing overnight. Zhou Tong began to mobilize troops the next day. He left a large force to garrison Youzhou and let his eldest disciple Lu Junyi lead it.

He only brought 50,000 infantry troops, ordered Yue Fei to be the vanguard, and sent his troops to Zengtou City.

The journey from Youzhou to Xingzhou Prefecture is more than a thousand miles, and it would take twenty days to a month to reach it by marching. Fortunately, during the period of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, a canal was opened in Zhuozhou, and it took less than ten days to go to Caozhou via the canal. We arrived at Zengtou City on the same day.

Half a month later, Hua Twelve received the battle report. Zhou Tong personally killed Shi Wengong, Yue Fei defeated Zengtou City, killed five tigers of the Zeng family, copied countless money, more than 300 war horses, and several letters exchanged between Zengtou City and the Kingdom of Jin. .

Those letters were sent along with the battle report, and the contents were enough to confirm Zeng Toushi's identity as Jin Guoxingzuo.

Hua Twelve felt that there must be more forces like Zengtou City that were developed by aliens in the Central Plains, so he handed the matter over to Gao Qiu to investigate and destroy as many as he found out.

When Zhou Tong destroyed Zengtou City, Hua Twelve's opportunity came, and Liao and Jin finally fought.

As expected, Wanyan Aguda did not miss the opportunity of Liao's new defeat. He led his troops to attack Xianzhou and won a great victory. Next, seven states in Liao, including Huizhou, Chengzhou, Huizhou and Qianzhou, successively paid gold.

On the Ming side, after research by Hua Twelve, Zhou Tong and a group of generals, they believed that this was not a good entry point. There should be greater conflicts in the Liao and Jin Dynasties in the next few years, so the policy of the Ming army is still to recuperate. , continue training and wait for the opportunity.

Therefore, they only sent heavy troops to guard the border, stepped up training of war horses, and used the convenience of Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures to train the Ming Dynasty's own cavalry.

A year later, Queen Zhang Zhenniang was pregnant, and under the deliberate control of Hua Twelve, the four noble concubines also became pregnant with dragon seeds one after another, and the whole country celebrated.

Cai Jing met with Hua Twelve alone at this time. After meeting with Hua Twelve, he took out five heart-breaking pills and asked Hua Twelve to give one to each of the queen and four noble concubines. In this way, even the second generation of the royal family, the Cai family, also controlled .

Hua Twelve seemed to be smiling but not smiling. The heart-breaking pill was really difficult to obtain. During this period, Gao Qiu collected three pills for him. The five pills in front of him were really an unexpected surprise.

Of course, he had to express his gratitude to the person who brought him such unexpected joy. As a way of repaying his kindness, he immediately reached out and touched Cai Jing's mute point, and then crushed all the bones in Cai Jing's body one by one with his own hands.

He was afraid that Cai Jing would die, but he used his martial arts to keep Cai Jing alive, making the traitor completely bear the pain of being shattered into pieces.

Cai Jing's eyes changed from shock, to fear, then from fear to despair, and finally to numbness, but there was still a trace of unwillingness and incomprehension in the numb eyes.

Hua Twelve chuckled and helped him solve the mystery: "That heart-breaking pill of yours is not poison to me, but can actually increase your power. The victory you thought you had was just what I made you think. Did you really take it?" It’s ridiculous to take it seriously!”

He took out the corpse powder, used his male finger to poke a bloody hole in Cai Jing's ankle, and then sprinkled some on it: "Let you take a look at my poison. It will also give you a lot of insights!"

After Cai Jing was crushed to pieces, he watched helplessly as he turned into yellow water bit by bit, and finally died of pain.

Hua Twelve then ransacked Cai Jing's family on the grounds that Cai Jing intended to murder the queen.

What is unexpected is that Cai Jing had so much property that he ransacked his house for more than a month and finally got 80 million guan of copper coins, 20 million taels of silver, 200,000 pieces of silk, and 500,000 acres of fertile land. Real wealth is beyond compare.

Hua Twelve was completely mad, Cai Jing fell down, and Daming was full.

Simply using the reason that Liang Shicheng and Cai Jing colluded, the imprisoned Liang Shicheng's family was also confiscated. Although his wealth was not as good as that of Cai Jing, it was about one-third of the capital, and he was also very fat.

Three years passed by. After recuperating, Wanyan Aguda personally led the Jin army to Linhuang Mansion, the capital of Liao, and started war with Liao again.

Wanyan Aguda personally came to the city to supervise the battle. General Yan Mu led his army to the city first. In less than half a day, the outer city of the Liao capital was captured by the Jin army. Tabuye knew that the city could not be defended, so he led his army to surrender. Emperor Tianzuo fled to Xijing is also Datong, Shanxi.

And just when Wanyan Aguda led his army to attack the capital of the Liao Kingdom, Zhou Tong, who thought it was a God-given opportunity, sent troops to capture the Jin Kingdom's lair and cut off its retreat.

The great shaman of the Jin Kingdom tried to stop the Ming army. As a result, Gongsun Sheng and Gao Lian, who were accompanying the army, joined forces to fight with them and killed the great shaman in the white mountains and black waters. Gongsun Sheng was injured and Gao Lian died in the battle.

However, this battle also damaged the arteries of the Jin Kingdom. From then on, the Jurchens lost their foundation, and they were attacked by enemies on both sides. They were soon destroyed by the Ming and Liao Dynasties.

After the destruction of the Jin Dynasty, Emperor Tianzuo of the Liao Kingdom still wanted to rebuild the Song Dynasty with the Ming Dynasty. He wanted to treat the Ming Dynasty like the relationship between the Song Dynasty and the Liao Dynasty. He sent an envoy to Bianliang to meet Hua Twelve, and said in the court with shamelessness that as long as the Ming Dynasty Just like the Song Dynasty, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty would recognize the leader of the Liao Kingdom as his brother by paying tribute with annual coins, and then send the princess to marry him, and the two countries would be able to have good relations from generation to generation.

After the Liao envoy said these words, the crowd in the court should have been full of excitement, but the result was a roar of laughter, because such words can only be heard as a joke now. How many ignorant people can think that Ming Dynasty is as powerful as it is now? We should follow the example of the Song Dynasty in paying tribute to foreign states, and we would have to endure humiliation!

Hua Twelve decreed that the envoys of the Liao State should be cut into pieces with a thousand swords, and then directly declared war on the Liao State, worshiped Zhou Dong as commander, and attacked the Liao State.

Yue Fei, Han Shizhong, and Lu Junyi have all grown up over the years. Zhou Tong asked them to each lead an army and fight separately. Several armies swept through, and with the help of the era-changing Thunder Thunder, the battle was as easy as destroying the dead. .

Emperor Tianzuo sent an envoy to Xixia to discuss with the Xixia leader a joint fight against the Ming Dynasty. However, before the alliance was reached, Xixia received news of the demise of the Liao Kingdom. Emperor Tianzuo was captured alive by the Ming general Han Shizhong. , sent to Kaifeng Mansion in Bianjing.

 Thanks to: 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon World, and my brother Li Wenhao for the reward. Thank you to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes. Thank you very much.

  (End of this chapter)

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