A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 823 Ma Xiaoling traveled to the wrong world!

Chapter 823 Ma Xiaoling traveled to the wrong world! (Please order in full!)

After Yelu Yanxi was sent to Kaifeng, Hua Twelve received the former Emperor Tianzuo of the Liao Kingdom at the court meeting. Also received was Wanyan Aguda, the founding emperor of the Jin Kingdom who had been captured alive and sent to Kaifeng earlier.

After the fall of the country, both of them became prisoners. They had long lost the enthusiasm they had when they were emperors. They followed Han rites in the court and kowtowed nine times to the Ming Emperor Hua Twelve.

Hua Twelve did not kill them, but instead gave them titles. He made Yelu Yanxi, the former Emperor of Tianzuo of the Liao Kingdom, the Duke of Huunde, and the former Emperor Wanyan Aguda of the Jin Kingdom the title of Chonghun Hou, and then gave them a mansion. It was decided to imprison the two in Kaifeng for life.

Seeing the two people who were either submissive or angry being taken away, Hua Twelve felt so comfortable in his heart.

In real history, the father and son Zhao Ji, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, and Zhao Huan, the emperor Qinzong of the Song Dynasty, were given these two insulting titles after they were captured by the Jin Kingdom. If there was no intervention of Hua Twelve in this world, then soon after, history would will happen again in this world.

It would be fine if only the father and son Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan had to bear this insult, but these two were the two generations of emperors in the Central Plains at that time, and represented the faces of all descendants of the Yan and Huang Dynasties.

This made Hua Twelve, who was also a descendant of the Yan and Huang Dynasties, and even the thousands of descendants of the Yan and Huang Dynasties in later generations, feel resentful when they learned about this humiliating history. So now that he had the opportunity, he took the other way. , returned the favor and returned these two titles.

Of course, the main target was Wanyan Aguda. He had to take the blame for the evil done by his descendants. As for Emperor Tianzuo, he probably took the blame.

However, Yelu Yanxi was not innocent. Although Song and Liao were ostensibly brotherly states, just looking at the attitude of the Song people towards the Liao people in the 'Dragon and the Eight Tribes', we knew that there was irreconcilable hatred between the Central Plains and the Liao Kingdom.

After Zhou Dong destroyed the Liao Dynasty, he wrote a memorial to Hua Twelve. The content was still asking for war. The old man wanted to fight Xixia.

The old man was afraid that Hua Twelve would not agree, so he even mentioned the title of master and apprentice, saying that he was getting old as a master and it was not certain how many years he could lead troops to fight. He also said that he had always had a long-cherished wish, which was to pacify Liao and destroy Xia. .

Now that the Liao Kingdom is at peace, only Xixia is still there. Zhou Tong asked Hua Twelve in his letter, as an apprentice, should you help the master fulfill his wish? He also said that maybe his wish would come true and the old man could live a few more years if he was happy.

Hua Twelve laughed when he saw this memorial. Come on, you have always said this. If he disagrees, then he will become an unfilial and rebellious disciple who does not expect his master to live a few more years.

It just so happened that Hua Twelve also felt that the time had come to destroy Xia. After Liao and Jin were destroyed, Zhou and Dong's army could form a pincer attack on Xixia from the east, south, and north with the Western Army.

An order was immediately issued to appoint Zhong Shidao as the marshal of the South Road and Zhang Shuye as the supervisor of the army. He led the Western Army to send troops from Lanzhou to attack Xixia.

He also appointed Yue Fei as the marshal of the East Route and Han Shizhong as the vanguard. He led 100,000 troops to attack Xixia from the east.

Zhou Tong is still the general marshal of the world's soldiers and horses, and Lu Junyi is the vanguard, attacking Xixia from the original Liao Kingdom to Jingdao.

Such a three-sided attack!

Regarding the war to extinguish Xia, all the civil and military officials in the dynasty were not optimistic. Although the Liao and Jin were easily destroyed, everyone in the world now believed that it was because the Liao and Jin started the war and the Ming Dynasty took advantage of it.

Therefore, most people in the court held objections to the extermination of Xia this time, but it was only Hua Twelve who decided with one word that the decision was finally made.

But everyone is ready for a long-term battle.

Hua Twelve didn't think so. Although it is true that Xixia is difficult to destroy and Genghis Khan was so great. It took twenty-two years to destroy Xia, but don't we have black technology!

The black gunpowder he created has been thoroughly understood by Hongtianlei Lingzhen. Not only has he developed various cannons and small cannons, but he has also developed individual rocket launchers. Do you think he is awesome or not? He even asked Hua Twelve to go there. Look, the latter took a look, hey, isn't that a large flying monkey?

Of course, the principle is the same, but the power of the explosion after hitting the target is a bit strong. Anyway, ordinary city gates cannot stop it. If more than ten of them come together, the city wall will be choked.

The Ming Dynasty attacked Xixia from three sides. It sent out all its elite soldiers and generals, and assisted by various black powder weapons invented by Ling Zhen. Attacking the city and plundering the territory was as easy as chopping melons and vegetables. It took Xixia less than a year.

The king of Xixia was quite strong. After he heard about the titles given by Emperor Tianzuo and Wanyan Aguda, he decided to die rather than surrender. When Xingqing Mansion destroyed the city, he committed suicide on the city wall and died with his country.

When Hua Twelve heard the news, he couldn't help but sigh, the King of Xixia is a man.

It was a happy event to destroy Xixia. Hua Twelve asked Gao Qiu to arrange the celebrations, and then he took his children to Gen Yue to play.

Over the past few years, the children of the queen and several concubines have been scattered all over the place.

When the queen and the fourth concubine were pregnant one after another, and all gave birth to princes, Hua Twelve told several people in the harem at that time that he was a human being, and he would live for at least one or two hundred years, so there was no need to worry about these children inheriting the throne. Let's stop the intrigues and let them get along like civil brothers and grow up happily.

He hasn't said that he has actually become immortal a long time ago. It would be too shocking to say that, and he is afraid of scaring his wives.

The reason why I say this is to inoculate the people in the harem, so that these mothers will try their best to make the father and son not look like father and son, and the brothers will not look like brothers after giving birth to the child. , all the family ties are gone.

When Hua Twelve's words spread, they really dispelled some people's unrealistic ideas. Even many ministers in the court who wanted to choose sides no longer had any inappropriate thoughts and all became imperialists. .

As for his sons, they had all lived together and played together since childhood. They loved each other and had a deep friendship. Two years later, Hua Twelve had several more daughters, and he felt even happier.

This time, he took a group of harems and princes and princesses to visit Genyue. Hua Twelve took a group of children to fly kites. While they were playing, Xia Shouzhong came over to ask for instructions and said that Taoist Lin and Miss Ma would like to see them.

Miss Ma was talking about Ma Xiaoling. After this girl and Lin Lingsu met, they began to inquire about the Pangu clan.

Lin Lingsu was confused. Pangu was Pangu. Where did the Pangu clan come from?

At that time, Ma Xiaoling transformed into Ma Dabai and gave Lin Lingsu the setting of "The World of Dead Dates" to popularize science. As expected, the two immediately started to quarrel.

In the end, in order to prove the existence of the Pangu clan, Ma Xiaoling began to search for news about the Pangu clan, but found nothing.

Lin Lingsu felt that what Ma Xiaoling said had a nose and eyes, and after contacting her, she felt that this girl did not seem to be a liar, so she asked her where she heard this from the Pangu people.

Ma Xiaoling might be a little anxious because she didn't find any clues about the Pangu clan, so she told Lin Lingsu about her identity and things from the future.

As a result, Lin Lingsu told her that there had never been any exorcist dragon clan in this world. If there was such a lineage in Xuanmen, he would definitely have heard of it.

In order to confirm his statement, when Hua Twelve ascended the throne and Grandmaster Zhang Tianshi and Maoshan Liu Hunkang came to Bianjing to pay homage to the new emperor, Lin Lingsu took Ma Xiaoling to the palace to pay homage to the two masters. The capital asked two questions about this matter. The Taoist Taishan Beidou.

The answer is the same, that is, there is no record of the Ma family of the exorcist dragon clan in Maoshan and Tianshi Mansion, and they have never heard of this family.

Ma Xiaoling was stunned and asked Liu Hunkang: "Since ancient times, Xuanmen has Maoshan in the south and Maoshan in the south, and the Ma family of my exorcist dragon clan in the north. How could you not have heard of it?"

Zhang Tianshi didn't like hearing this anymore. The Taoist sect didn't say anything at all, and all the people from the south and the north came out, you want to rebel against God.

In the end, Hua Twelve Points made it clear that Ma Xiaoling was from a later generation and asked several masters to see if they could send the person back. At this time, Zhang Tianshi and Liu Hunkang took it seriously and began to study Ma Xiaoling's situation.

The old master Liu Hunkang put forward a theory. He said:

"Buddhism talks about three thousand worlds, and Taoism also has legends about heaven beyond the sky and the sun and moon in a pot. So is it possible that fellow Taoist Ma is not from this world?"

As soon as these words came out, all the cultivators present were startled, even Hua Twelve and Ma Xiaoling were stunned.

Zhang Tianshi directly started divination and came to the conclusion that Ma Xiaoling was indeed not from this world, and she had no connection with the world thousands of years later. In other words, she was not from this world at all.

Hua Twelve pondered for a moment, then asked Ma Xiaoling to tell her everything and see if some Taoist masters could help think of a solution.

Ma Xiaoling once again told the story of how a powerful person in her world wanted to destroy the world, and she returned to ancient times to find a savior.

Hua Twelve was amused in his heart. This girl was careful and did not dare to say in front of several Taoist masters that the one who destroyed the world was the Holy Mother of Yaochi. Otherwise, if she dared to arrange the head of the Taoist female fairy in this way, the masters would not have exploded on the spot. .

After listening to how Ma Xiaoling traveled through time and what happened after the time traveling.

Zhang Tianshi remembered something mentioned in a travel note left by the first Tianshi Zhang Daoling in the Tianshi Mansion.

The handbook mentioned that when Heavenly Master Zhang Daoling was traveling around the world, he once visited a secret place called the Temple of War, where he also saw the remains of the ancient true immortal, Guangchengzi.

At that time, we arrived there through a mysterious portal. Master Zhang Daoling thought this was the blessed land of cave heaven. After leaving here, he planned to use a formation to set up a barrier to cover the portal. However, he did not expect that the formation barrier would The mana fluctuation actually conflicted with the portal, causing the portal to disappear.

Heavenly Master Zhang Daoling later analyzed that it was not that the portal disappeared, but that the exit had moved to another place.

So when Zhang Tianshi heard what happened before and after Ma Xiaoling's time travel and learned that someone was setting up a barrier in Zhuxian Town to deal with the emperor, he had a guess.

He guessed that it was probably because the place Ma Xiaoling traveled through was also in Zhuxian Town, and when traveling through it, just like the portal that Tianshi Zhang Daoling encountered, he was affected by the fluctuation of the magic power of the barrier, and thus the teleportation appeared. error.

However, the location of Tianshi Zhang Daoling's portal has changed, but the location of Ma Xiaoling's has not changed. It is still Zhuxian Town, but it has brought her to a different world.

When Zhang Tianshi said this, the ideas of the Taoist masters became clear, and they also immediately came up with a solution. Although the destination of the time-travel passage constructed by the Yuguang Disk has changed, the initial place should not have changed. As long as Ma Xiaoling uses When this cosmic disk travels back, she can naturally return to her original world.

Ma Xiaoling was relieved when she heard that she could still go back, but her problem has not been solved. That is, there is not much energy left in the Yuguang Disk, which is only enough for her to go back through time. But the savior has not been found yet. If that's the case, After going back, what awaits her world is the fate of destruction.

So the only way now is to recharge the cosmic disk so that it can travel a few more times, so that after she goes back, she can go to the correct world again. Only then can she save her world.

Several Dao sect bosses helped her do some research, and finally concluded that the magic weapon of the Pangu clan is too special and cannot be activated by ordinary magic power. Only heavenly materials and earthly treasures containing energy may be able to meet the requirements for powering this thing. .

With the answer in hand, Hua Twelve was also generous and opened the royal treasure house directly to Ma Xiaoling, asking her to see if there was anything in the former Song Dynasty collection that could charge the cosmic disk.

Returned disappointed.

In the end, Ma Xiaoling somehow persuaded Lin Lingsu and pulled the Taoist master along. When Hua Twelve ascended the throne, she went out to travel around the world in search of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

He hadn't seen her for many years. When he first heard about Miss Ma's request to see her, Hua Twelve felt as if he was from another world.

Immediately, someone brought Lin Lingsu and Ma Xiaoling in. They were both practitioners, and they hadn't seen each other for several years, but nothing had changed.

But when Ma Xiaoling saw these children running all over the floor, she was surprised and said: "Hua Twelve, these are all your children!"

Hua Twelve laughed: "Are you envious? I'm envious that we both have a baby!"

Ma Xiaoling angrily came over and punched him: "Don't make such a joke, okay? I have someone I like!"

She attacked Hua Twelve, and the surrounding Long Jinwei was about to attack her. Hua Twelve waved his hand to indicate that it didn't matter, and said with a smile:

"I know, second-generation zombies!"

After he finished speaking, he asked Xia Shouzhong to hold a banquet to welcome Ma Xiaoling and Lin Lingsu.

At the banquet, the two congratulated the Ming Dynasty for pacifying the Liao and Jin Dynasties and annihilating Xixia. They also said that they heard the good news that Xixia was destroyed when they came back. Now the people outside the palace spontaneously celebrated, singing and dancing, and setting off firecrackers.

Hua Twelve was also happy to say that he had a drink with the two of them, and then asked them about their achievements in the past few years:

"How about it? Have you found the treasures of heaven and earth to charge the cosmic disk?"

When Hua Twelve asked this, Ma Xiaoling's face fell, and she sighed and shook her head:

"Taoist Master Lin asked a fellow Taoist to help me take a breath from the cosmic disk and help me make a magic weapon that can detect the corresponding energy. As long as there are the heavenly materials and earthly treasures I need nearby, the magic weapon will become brighter. As a result, This magic weapon has never shined in my hands for several years!”

As she spoke, she took out a magic weapon made of glass from her arms, and saw that the magic weapon was shining with a faint red light.

Ma Xiaoling and Lin Lingsu were both stunned. The latter said: "If you respond, there are treasures of heaven and earth in the palace that can charge the cosmic disk!"

Hua Twelve was also curious, and the three of them immediately started searching, but after searching for a whole day, they found nothing.

In the end, Ma Xiaoling looked at Hua Twelve for some reason: "If there is no one in the palace, then does the treasure belong to you?"

Hua Twelve cannot use the storage space now, and he has limited things on his body. He is wearing casual clothes at this time. In addition to the six wings on his wrist, he also has a piece of jade on his waist.

He suddenly thought of something and took off the jade: "Could it be it?"

The piece of jade is as big as a bird's egg, as bright as a bright cloud, as smooth as a crisp, with five-color patterns intertwined, and on the front there are words: Don't lose, don't forget, Immortal longevity is everlasting, Psychic gem.

There are also words on the reverse side: one is to eliminate evil spirits, the other is to clear away stubborn diseases, and the third is to know the blessings and misfortunes.

Yes, this piece of jade is the same piece of jade that Jia Baoyu had on his body.

Thanks to: 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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