A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 837 Spring is warm and flowers are blooming, facing the sea!

Chapter 837 Spring is warm and flowers are blooming, facing the sea! (Please order in full!)

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The next day, Chen Guilin woke up. Although he was still listless, he no longer felt like vomiting. He felt much better than yesterday.

Someone brought breakfast to the two of them. Hua Twelve took a bite and made sure that there were no 'seasonings' added this time before giving it to Chen Guilin.

After dinner, someone came over and invited the two of them to attend the lecture, saying that after the Venerable finished the lecture, he had something to say to them.

The so-called lectures are still aimed at persuading people to do good and give up greed, anger and ignorance. In fact, Hua Twelve feels that they are just asking people to give up their property and give up money and external possessions.

After the lecture, the venerable took the two of them for a walk on the green field outside the small building. While walking, he asked them how they were doing here, asked Hua Twelve if they were used to being here, and asked Chen Guilin how he was doing today. how does it feel.

When this Venerable spoke, he had a smile on his face the whole time, giving people a feeling of compassion and peace.

But in Hua Twelve's opinion, this man's expression was a bit fake, not in the sense of deliberateness or affectation, but in the sense that he was not speaking what he meant.

Hua Twelve said that the air here is fresh and it must be very comfortable to live here.

Chen Guilin nodded and said that he didn't feel as uncomfortable as yesterday when he woke up today.

The Venerable smiled and said: "I see that your energy and spirit have improved a lot. Although I don't know the extent of your condition, I feel that it can be saved!"

He pointed at the people relaxing on the lawn around him and said with a smile:

"Do you know why I said you can still be saved? Many of them were suffering from serious diseases when they came here, but look at their condition now!"

His Holiness asked the two men, "What do you see on their faces?"

Chen Guilin looked over carefully: "Smile, peaceful and tranquil."

"Eye shit!" This is what Hua Twelve said.

This guy pointed at a person not far away: "Look, he didn't wash his face in the morning. In addition to eye droppings, his face is also full of oil."

The Venerable's smile disappeared for a moment, as if he was smiling and a fly suddenly flew into his mouth and was swallowed by him.

"You really know how to joke. Brother Chen is right. What I'm asking about is your mental state, which is your smile from the bottom of your heart!"

The Venerable asked himself: "Do you know why they smile from the bottom of their hearts?"

"I know"

Hua Twelve just said three words, and the Venerable quickly answered them himself:

"It's because they let go of greed, anger, and ignorance!"

"Greed, anger, and ignorance are the three poisons. Buddhist scriptures say that these three poisons harm the body and mind, causing people to sink into the cycle of life and death. They are the root of evil, so they are also called the three unwholesome roots."

The Venerable said, taking out two books and handing them to the two of them: "This is the book I wrote. You can read it when you are free!"

Hua Twelve and Chen Guilin took it and saw that the book said 'New Soul House', which was the same book as the relics of Lin Lu and his mother before.

The Venerable added: "This book focuses on the word 'she'. She is a polyphonic word with different pronunciations and different meanings. It means home and abandonment. It can be the destination of the soul, and we can also use it.' To deal with the greed in human nature, if you give up the poison of greed and keep a kind heart, you will find your spiritual destination and your body will also change for the better!"

After he finished speaking, he pointed to the woods over there: "Let's go for a walk over there!"

The three of them stepped on the green space and walked to the woods. It was relatively quiet here, with birds singing and flowers fragrant. However, it was far away from the spiritual building and the crowd. It would be difficult to notice the situation here if you didn't look here specifically.

As soon as he arrived here, Hua Twelve heard breathing in the woods. They were four people, hiding behind the trees in the forest. At the same time, a faint murderous intent shrouded the forest.

Is there an ambush?

Hua Twelve remained calm, wanting to see what this venerable man wanted to do.

The Venerable led the two of them to the forest. They were still talking about spiritual practice, but suddenly something seemed to come to their mind and he asked: "By the way, I heard them say that you are here to find someone?"

Chen Guilin didn't think much and said: "Yes, we are looking for Lin Luhe. I wonder if the venerable has seen this person?"

The smile on His Holiness’s face remained unchanged: “Are you the police?”

Chen Guilin shook his head: "I'm not a policeman!"

"Are these brothers on the road?"

Chen Guilin shook his head again: "Someone asked me to give something to him, I must give it to him personally!"

The Venerable turned around and pointed: "Look at the tombstone over there!"

Hua Twelve and Chen Guilin turned around and saw a lonely small stone tablet among the weeds.

The Venerable said calmly: "Where is the person you are looking for?"

"he died?"

Chen Guilin had a feeling of loss. Before he died, he wanted to get rid of the three evils in Zhou Chu and do great things to gain a reputation. As a result, he died first, so he was not given this opportunity. He stood there without speaking for a long time.

The Venerable began to tell the story of him and Lin Luhe.

The story begins many years ago. At that time, His Holiness was still a doctor. He received a call at two o'clock late one night saying that someone had a gunshot wound and needed surgery. He rushed to the operating room, but the person said that there was no need to save him. God would save him. s arrangement.

The injured person was Lin Luhe, the most wanted criminal in Wanwan. When he was dying, he sincerely repented and said he had seen God's arrangement and the moment the universe was born.

Hua Twelve interrupted: "Sir, are you talking about Lin Luhe, or Lucy who took CPH4? Is she a foreign girl?"

It's not that he wants to cause trouble, it's just that he can't do it without asking. Everyone has seen the moment when the universe was born, and since this is Wanwan, Hua Twelve wants to find out if there are other plots involved.

this point is very important.

If there really is a world of 'Lucy' here, Hua Twelve thinks it's better for him to be careful. After all, Lucy almost catches up with God in the movie. In the works of many online authors, Lucy is almost like a god. , he, a little fairy, is simply not optimistic enough about Fa.

So be sure to figure it out first before talking.

The Venerable was startled: "What Lucy? What cph4? Brother, there are no foreign girls here, I am talking about Lin Luhe you are looking for!"

Hua Twelve breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, then go on!"

The Venerable continued. He said that Lin Luhe had seen God's arrangement and was a person with special powers. He could see the birth, old age, illness and death of the people around him, and all information.

Before Lin Luhe died, he asked His Holiness to open a 'new spiritual house' here, hoping that this place would be like a spiritual lighthouse, guiding people who are confused by the three poisons of greed, ignorance, and anger in the right direction!

As soon as he finished speaking, Hua Twelve applauded: "What the Venerable said is so good, this matter is so great!"

The Venerable nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "I will just try my best. Everything depends on you!"

After he finished speaking, he turned to Chen Guilin: "That's all I have to say. If you want to cure your disease, stay here and try to see if you can find the answer here."

The Venerable nodded to the two of them, turned around and left. At the same time, Hua Twelve could also feel the person ambushing in the woods and quietly retreated.

Chen Guilin opened the book in his hand with some confusion and saw the title of the first page was 'How to let go of greed and eliminate the poison of greed! '

"What's next?"

Hua Twelve lit up a cigarette and handed it to Chen Guilin, who waved his hand and refused:

"I want to become famous before I die. I want to learn how to eliminate the three evils, but the first one is already dead."

Chen Guilin's eyes were full of unwillingness, and he felt like his ambition was unfulfilled.

Hua Twelve smiled and said: "It's not easy to become famous. Do you want to try the method of surrendering yourself?"

"Go away!"

Chen Guilin turned his head and glanced at Lin Luhe's tombstone, then turned and walked back. Hua Twelve asked from behind: "Hey, do you want a cigarette?"

Chen Guilin waved his hand without looking back:

"Quit, I feel pretty good here. I want to live here for a while. If I can cure my illness, it would be best. If not, it probably won't take a few days. Then you can just bury me here!" "

The two stayed here for two days. During this period, Hua Twelve received news from T1000 that no medical records of Chen Guilin were found in any hospital in Benbei.

Of course, Chen Guilin was a wanted criminal. He wanted to go to the hospital to take pictures, and he also used a pseudonym. However, T1000 found the medical records of all lung disease patients in Benbei, and there was no patient who matched Chen Guilin.

However, there was one piece of information that surprised Hua Twelve, because T1000 found Zhang Guiqing's medical records in a hospital's computer, and by coincidence, the mafia doctor's disease was stage four lung cancer.

Hua Twelve initially suspected that Zhang Guiqing used her own name to consult Chen Guilin. As a result, T1000 directly checked the X-rays in the medical records and determined that the bones under the X-rays showed female characteristics, which meant that they were not Maybe it's Chen Guilin's film.

This message made Hua Twelve feel strange. Could it be that Zhang Guiqing made a mistake and this misunderstanding occurred?

However, we still have to ask Zhang Guiqing to find out the specific details of this matter.

In addition to Chen Guilin's condition, T1000 also investigated some information about this 'New Soul House'.

There is very little information about this place outside, and there are no computers for work here, so even the T1000, an artificial intelligence robot, can only investigate some scattered information about this place.

The main reason is that many people who joined this 'New Soul House' sold their properties, severed social relations, and finally disappeared. They only said they had moved to other places, but no one knew where they were.

Hua Twelve is now more and more certain that this place is the kind of spiritual organization that defrauds money, and may even defraud money and kill people. He is waiting to see when this venerable man will show his fox tail in front of them.

On the third day, His Holiness said that seeing as Chen Guilin’s complexion was getting better and better, it was better to go to the hospital for a check-up to see how his current situation was.

When I got to the hospital here, I took an X-ray. The doctor came out with the X-ray and said there was a lung infection.

Chen Guilin said that he had stage four lung cancer. The doctor said that it was completely invisible and that it was at the early stage at most. If it was true as he said, then a medical miracle should have happened.

Returning to the dormitory arranged here, Chen Guilin said to Hua Twelve excitedly: "Did you hear that? My illness has really improved!"

Hua Twelve said helplessly: "You believe what he said?"

Chen Guilin patted his chest and said, "I feel it myself. I feel comfortable breathing now!"

Hua Twelve knew that Chen Guilin was not sick at all, so he asked funnyly:

"Could it be the effect of quitting smoking?"

"How is that possible? Check again in a few days and you will know!"

Chen Guilin wanted to wait, but His Holiness could not wait any longer. The next day after the lecture, he asked the two people to talk in front of all the spiritual members:

"You have also listened to the class for a few days and have benefited a lot from it. Today I will give you ordination so that you can enter deeper spiritual practice."

The surrounding spiritual members applauded and the music started playing. The beautiful girl who said she had cancer last time played the guitar and sang songs of truth, goodness and beauty.

Chen Guilin was infected by the atmosphere and said excitedly: "I am willing to take the ordination!"

Everyone's eyes were focused on Hua Twelve, and he chuckled: "I came with him, I'll forget it!"

The Venerable coughed lightly: "Spiritual practice is all voluntary. Since you don't want to, we won't force you to stay. You can leave after his ordination ceremony is over later!"

Then a ceremony was held for Chen Guilin to be ordained. Someone brought scissors and purified water, poured the purified water over his body, and cut off a strand of hair. Then the Venerable led four young men holding bamboo rulers to face Chen Guilin who was kneeling in the middle. Guilin twitched and chanted slogans.

After the beating is over, the second half of the ceremony is carried out, which is to get rid of 'greed'. At this stage, the practitioner has to transfer his/her belongings, such as cash, passbooks, bank cards, Xiao Li flying knives, etc. Even the valuables were put in a wooden box and burned in the incinerator.

His Holiness asked Chen Guilin: “Are you rich?”

Chen Guilin nodded: "One million!"

"Then just put all the money in the box and burn it!"

Hua Twelve raised his hand: "What, all this money is mine now!"

The Venerable glanced at Hua Twelve and said to Chen Guilin in a very embarrassed manner: "But if you don't burn money and foreign objects, how can you show your sincerity to God? I suggest you discuss it and take the money and burn it. "

Hua Twelve suddenly asked from the side: "Since it is discarded, why is it so wasteful to burn it? Wouldn't it be better to donate it all? You can also do a good deed!"

The Venerable was choked by these words, and everyone around him glared at Hua Twelve. After a while, he said respectfully:

"Everyone has his own destiny. If you do good deeds, you will change the destiny of others. In fact, it is also a kind of evil. If you practice practice, you will understand. Needless to say!"

He turned to Chen Guilin and still encouraged him to take back the money and burn it. He also said that if he gave the money to others, it would change the fate of others and be an evil to others.

Hua Twelve chuckled: "I got this money in exchange with him. I work for him and I should deserve it. Don't you cultivators need to give you money when you buy things? I tell you, whoever dares to touch this money, I will follow Who is risking his life?"

Chen Guilin saluted the Venerable and said: "Your Majesty, he is right. This money was indeed agreed upon before. He has already done something for me, and this money no longer belongs to me!"

The Venerable looked at the two people with a deep look, finally nodded, and said to Hua Twelve:

"Take your money, and we will send you away from here now. This is the pure land of practitioners. You have greed in your heart. Staying here will only ruin our practice. Let's leave now!"

Chen Guilin was now focused on practicing and immediately said goodbye to Hua Twelve.

Hua Twelve went back and picked up the money bag. He wanted to see if the Venerable would leave here with one million.

When he went outside, someone offered to drive him. Hua Twelve shook his head and refused, took a cigarette in his mouth, waved to Chen Guilin, and strode away.

A pickup truck passed by him and headed outside. Hua Twelve knew that this was the car purchased by the New Soul House. He usually went out in the morning, but it was still rare to go out at this time.

I was walking along a road built on the seaside, with the sea on one side and the wilderness on the other. The scenery was picturesque and the sea breeze was gentle. After walking for more than 20 minutes, I saw the pickup truck parked on the side of the road, with four young men in Taoist uniforms. Smoking against a pickup truck.

Hua Twelve walked over and asked with a surprised look on his face: "Why are you here? By the way, aren't all of you practitioners non-smokers?"

One of the fat men smiled ferociously: "We are here to see you off!"

He pointed to the direction of the road facing the sea. There was a deep pit in the land there: "We have dug the pit for you. The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. Facing the sea, jump in quickly!"

As he spoke, he took a shovel from the car and swung it towards Hua Twelve's head.


The shovel hit Hua Twelve on the head, knocking Lao Gao off his feet and causing pain in the fat man's hands.

Several people looked at Hua Twelve with shocked faces, as if nothing happened after being hit by a shovel.

Hua Twelve touched his head: "These Thirteen Taibao are so skilled and capable!"

He threw down his bag, kicked the fat man more than thirty meters away, and then showed an even more ferocious smile than the fat man before:

"The flowers are blooming in spring, facing the sea, right?"

Half an hour later, Hua Twelve patted the new soil on the ground with a shovel, making the ground more compact and smoother.

Then he threw the shovel into the bed of the pickup truck, got in the truck, turned around, and drove in the direction of Xinshenshe.

He was now sure that this kind of spiritual destination not only cost money, but also life. He was going to go back to that venerable person to have a good chat about the other party's destiny. The mission of the three evils, and the second evil might be here. .

Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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