A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 838 Three harms are eliminated!

Chapter 838 Get rid of two of the three evils! (Please order in full!)

Hua Twelve drove back to the 'New Soul House' and went to the hospital first. He parked the car at the entrance of the hospital. After getting off the car, he took out the shovel from the car and walked into the building with it.

At this time, there was only the doctor himself in the hospital. When he saw Hua Twelve walking into the office, he couldn't help but ask: "What does the Venerable want to see me for? Hey, you are doing it with a shovel."

He wanted to ask what you were doing with the shovel, but before he could say anything else, Hua Twelve swung the shovel over.

New Soul House, classroom on the second floor.

Today, a new 'friend' was introduced here. His Holiness is giving a lecture: "Abandoning greed, anger, and ignorance means getting rid of the three poisons of the human body."

He also called Chen Guilin to the front and used it as an example: "This brother Chen is suffering from a serious disease. He came to us to give up his greed. Now his physical condition has improved."

In the middle of speaking, the Venerable could not continue because he saw Hua Twelve standing at the door of the classroom with a sarcastic smile on his face.

Everyone noticed the abnormality of the Venerable and turned to look. Chen Guilin stood up and ran to Hua Twelve:

"Brother, why are you back?"

Hua Twelve held a bloody shovel in his left hand and hooked his fingers with his right hand toward the door. The doctor who was beaten into a pig's head and his face covered in blood crawled out from the side and appeared in everyone's sight.

The doctor's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and one of his eyes had been blocked. With the eye he could see clearly, he barely recognized the Venerable sitting on the top. He quickly pointed at him and said in a trembling voice:

"It's him. He's the one who defrauded you of your money. I, wuwuwu, I just collect money to do things. The X-ray machine in the hospital is broken. There are only a few X-ray films. They were all bought from outside hospitals. Yes, oh oh oh, let me go."

Chen Guilin looked shocked: "What did he say?"

Hua Twelve said angrily: "Don't you understand? He said you are all fools and were defrauded of all your belongings!"

Chen Guilin was a little confused: "But I gave you all my money. I have no money anymore?"

"So they caught up with me and wanted to bury me and take the money away!"

Hua Twelve shook the shovel in his hand, indicating that it was a tool for committing crimes.

"Wait, how do you explain the black water I vomited that day?"

Chen Guilin still couldn't figure it out.

Hua Twelve pointed at the doctor with a shovel: "Explain it!"

The doctor trembled: "I don't know about your previous illness. As for the black water you vomited, it was iron. They added iron to your meals. You vomited black water because of iron poisoning."

Hua Twelve pointed at the Venerable: "Have you thought about how to die?"

Everyone present, including Chen Guilin, looked at the Venerable. The Venerable was very indifferent. He looked at Hua Twelve, still smiling, and said in a calm tone:

"You beat him like this and let him say anything, I can understand it. If you want to blame all your sins on me, then that's all I have to bear. I just ask you not to continue hurting him!"

Hua Twelve laughed: "You are so addicted to acting, aren't you?"

He said, holding the shovel and walking inside.

Someone among the students shouted: "Protect Your Majesty!"

Taking the lead, all the brainwashed men, women, and children rushed towards Hua Twelve.

Hua Twelve didn't care who he was, he picked up the shovel and started hitting, one at a time. In less than half a minute, dozens of people were knocked to the ground. With his control of power, his strikes were very measured, and everyone was slightly ignorant. The shock only made it impossible for them to get up, but it was not fatal.

At this time, the only good people in the class were Hua Twelve, the Venerable, Chen Guilin, and a few newcomers who had just come to the class after being introduced.

Hua Twelve waved his hands at the newcomers: "Don't you see? This place is a lie. Leave quickly!"

Those few people were frightened and ran away quickly.

Hua Twelve walked up to the shocked venerable master, condescendingly said in a joking tone:

"Anything else to say?"

The Venerable may be addicted to acting. Although he was a little scared, he still held on and said:

"Those who disturb people's hearts are all demonic obstacles!"

"Devil you Male Gobi!"

Hua Twelve slapped the guy on the left cheek with his shovel, and then hit the guy on the right cheek with his backhand: "Hinder your second uncle!"

The Venerable fell to the ground, his glasses were broken and fell to the side, and his face was swollen like a pig's head.

Hua Twelve picked up the shovel and wanted to hit him again. A woman jumped on the venerable man: "Don't hit him. If you want to hit him, just hit me!"

This woman is the one who talks about having cancer all day long and plays guitar and sings with students.

"Do you think I don't dare to fight?"

Hua Twelve picked up the shovel and was about to give this woman a slap in the face, letting her know how much psychological shadow a slap in the face would leave.

But Chen Guilin came over and stopped him with his hand: "Wait, he looks familiar to me now!"

Hua Twelve put down his shovel and looked at the Venerable carefully: "It seems familiar!"

Chen Guilin thought of something, turned around and ran away, shouting at the same time: "Look at him, I'll go back to the dormitory to get something!"

After a while, Chen Guilin ran back. Regardless of his violent breathing, he took out the arrest warrant for the three most wanted criminals that he had kept and handed it to Hua Twelve:

"Does it look like it to you?"

Hua Twelve glanced at it, his eyes suddenly shrank, then he knelt down, placed the wanted notice next to the head of the Venerable who was beaten into a pig's head, and compared it with the pig's head face.

"Holy crap, it's not like that, it's exactly the same!"

It turned out that when the Venerable was thin, it was impossible to tell. This time, both cheeks were swollen after being beaten by Hua Twelve. Only then did the two of them realize that the Venerable looked exactly like Lin Luhe, the most wanted criminal in Wanwan, after he gained weight. .

Venerable Hua Twelve Dynasties asked: "Have you ever lost weight?"

The Venerable finally broke through his defense, his expression was a little unnatural, and the woman protecting him was also a little panicked.

Chen Guilin suddenly realized it. He took out another photo, which was also a relic of Lin Lu and his mother. It was a photo of Lin Lu and his mother and son. He showed the photo to the venerable and said:

"Lin Luhe, nicknamed Niu Tou, committed more than fifty rape cases and killed six policemen. Is this you?"

The Venerable smiled forcefully and said: "A natural disaster or an earthquake will kill so many innocent people. Have you ever hated the sky? Have you hated the earth? I just killed a few more people, so what? Isn't that right? You are also brothers in the martial arts world, so you should be able to understand me, right? "

Apparently he had also investigated the name Chen Guilin.

Chen Guilin laughed, tears of laughter came out: "I'm so stupid, Lin Luhe, you know, I came to kill you, but I almost let you deceive me, I'm so stupid!"

After he finished speaking, he pulled out a pistol directly from his waist, pointed it at Lin Luhe, and pulled the trigger. There was a bang, and the woman suddenly jumped on Lin Luhe and blocked the shot for him. This shot hit the woman's right shoulder.

The woman turned around in pain and said to Chen Guilin and Hua Twelve:

"I, I'm pregnant, it's his, can you let us go!"

Hua Twelve said with a smile: "Don't you say all day long that you have terminal cervical cancer? How can you get pregnant?"

The woman's face showed pleading:

"I, I'm lying. It's our fault. Can you please let our family go?"

Hua Twelve laughed, without comment, but asked another question: "What happened to those people who were terminally ill and who were defrauded of all their property by you?"

The woman's lips moved and she was speechless, but Lin Luhe said: "They are all terminally ill, just like Chen Guilin. They will die anyway, so what's the use of keeping the money? Why don't you give it to me and I will help them spend it. "

Chen Guilin raised his gun and was about to shoot, but the woman stood in front of Lin Luhe and screamed, "I'm pregnant!"

Chen Guilin relented and did not pull the trigger.

Hua Twelve couldn't stand it anymore, so he went up and kicked the woman in the stomach, sending her flying more than two meters away and hitting the wall behind.

The woman fell to the ground, her mouth bleeding, and her body began to bleed. It was obvious that the child could not be saved.

Chen Guilin also pulled the trigger and emptied the magazine at Lin Luhe.

Turning around and looking at the classroom, many of the students in the New Soul House had come to their senses at this time. They knew they had been deceived and saw that their lives had been saved, and they all fled quickly. However, there were still some who had been brainwashed too seriously. When the Venerable died, he fell into confusion for a while, but still sat there with a smile on his face.

Chen Guilin felt very sad when he looked at them, and raised his pistol and pointed it at them: "Get out, all of you, or I will kill you!"

A few more were scared away by him, but the rest seemed to take life and death lightly.

Both Hua Twelve and Chen Guilin knew that maybe they were not too deeply brainwashed, but they were unwilling to wake up because they were deceived and lost everything, their family, family ties, and even themselves. They could not face the consequences after waking up. I would rather live in a falsehood.

Seeing Chen Guilin changing bullets for his pistol and actually going to shoot, Hua Twelve patted him on the shoulder:

"Let's go, they are willing to be deceived, what does it have to do with us!"

After saying that, regardless of whether Chen Guilin agreed or not, he pulled him and left.

Hua Twelve had previously investigated Chen Guilin through the Sanlian Gang. Although this man was in the underworld, he had a chivalrous heart and had never harmed innocent people. Do you dare to believe that such a guy who collects debts and kills for his elder brother would do this? Do you often donate to welfare organizations?

This is what Chen Guilin did.

Therefore, Hua Twelve did not want this friend who got along well with him to become a person who killed innocent people indiscriminately because of a moment of anger.

Chen Guilin changed back into his previous clothes, and the two of them drove the pickup truck along the seaside road to the dock.

Halfway through the car, Chen Guilin asked: "How are those guys who want to kill you and steal your money?"

Hua Twelve said nothing. Ten minutes later, he slowed down and pointed to a piece of grass that looked renovated on the sea side of the road and said:

"It's all buried there. They dug the hole themselves. They originally planned to use it for me. But later I saw that the digging was too good and they couldn't bear to give it to me, so I left it for them to use!"

Chen Guilin grinned and laughed, punched Hua Twelve, then lit two cigarettes and stuffed one into the latter's mouth.

When they arrived at the dock, they waited for half an hour to board the boat. The two of them smoked, farted, and blew the sea breeze on the boat, but both of them could feel that the other was hiding something in their heart.

The dilemma in Hua Twelve's heart was that Lin Luhe and Aberdeen were both dead, so the second of the three evils was eliminated. Then the question became, who was the third harm?

Is it Chen Guilin?

Or himself?

Hua Twelve thinks that he himself is not a harm, right?

So no matter what he thought, the last harm should be Chen Guilin.

But this is troublesome. How should we deal with this harm?

You must know that Hua Twelve's first mission is to ensure Chen Guilin's life safety, which means that he must not be allowed to die.

Should he turn around and surrender to the police?

Hua Twelve thought that for the crimes Chen Guilin committed now, most likely he would be shot.

So this is a bit tricky.

Recalling the story of Zhou Chu getting rid of the three evils, in the end Zhou Chu repented, corrected his evil ways, and was able to eliminate all three evils. Hua Twelve suddenly had an inspiration. If Chen Guilin was allowed to become a monk, wouldn't it be a good idea to turn around?

He turned around and was about to tell Chen Guilin when he saw the other person looking at him with a smile and asked:

"I have something to tell you!"

Hua Twelve said in surprise: "What's the matter? Let me make it clear first, look at your smile, don't say you are in love with me, I will throw you off this boat!"

Chen Guilin raised his middle finger at him, and then said: "I called the police before to surrender. There should be many policemen on the pier waiting for us to arrive!"

"When did you call the police?"

Chen Guilin said with a smile: "While waiting for the boat, I went to the restroom and saw a public phone on the pier, so I called Officer Chen Hui, who was originally chasing me. We hadn't seen each other for a long time, and we caught up with each other for a while. !”

Hua Twelve gave him a middle finger: "Tell me how old you are!"

Chen Guilin raised his head at a forty-five-degree angle and looked up at the sky: "Zhou Chu has got rid of the three evils, and the last one is me. If I don't take this last step, I won't be perfect!"

Hua Twelve said unhappily: "Then what should I do?"

Chen Guilin turned around and patted him on the shoulder:

"You have two choices now. One is to jump ship in advance, and the other is to surrender with me. Don't worry, I will take care of everything. Just blame it on me. It won't take you two years to do it." I will go out and be a new person, brother!”

Jumping off the ship was, of course, a joke. The ferry was so high, there was no guarantee that he would die if he jumped off. Chen Guilin wanted to finally bring Hua Twelve to surrender and help him take the step of clearing his name and getting ashore.

At this time, the ferry whistle sounded as it docked. Hua Twelve could already see the flashing police lights on the pier, and many police officers were waiting there.

"Damn, you're such a crazy person!"

Hua Twelve cursed, turned around with his money bag, sprinted, and jumped directly from the other side of the ferry.

Chen Guilin chased after him and took a look, and saw a wave rising on the sea surface, and the person had disappeared.

The next day, Hua Twelve watched the replay of Chen Guilin's arrest on TV in the Benbei Villa. To his surprise, the system task was not completed.

So the question is, is the clown actually himself? Is Hua Twelve the three evils?

Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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