A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 844 Isn’t this Brother Long!

Chapter 844 Isn’t this Brother Long! (Please order in full!)

Hou: "Is your surname Wang?"

As soon as Hua Twelve had breakfast, he was notified that someone was visiting the prison. He was taken to the warden's office. He saw a man about forty years old who looked exactly like Mr. Wang Duoyu and Principal Xia Luo, so he couldn't help but ask A mouthful.

The man snorted coldly and said nothing. Next to him, Warden Ke quickly introduced: "Boss Hua, this is Chief Hou of the evaluation committee. You guys have a good chat. I need to go out first!"

The second half of the sentence was addressed to Commander Hou. When Warden Ke faced Commander Hou, his upper body was almost parallel to the ground. He was as humble as he wanted. You can guess from his attitude. , the status of this Chief Hou is by no means ordinary.

Warden Ke exited and closed the door gently. Seeing that Chief Hou had no intention of speaking, Hua Twelve sat opposite him and asked first:

"This officer wants to see me. Do you have any advice?"

Chief Hou took out a cigar from his suit pocket, lit it and bit it in his mouth, then said slowly:

"How about it? After spending one night in jail, have you sobered up a bit?"

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows: "I wonder what this officer means?"

"What do you mean? I really want to know what you mean!"

Chief Hou suddenly got angry: "When Mr. Lei of the Sanlian Gang was here, he actively ran for legislators every year. Later, Mr. Lei died and Ding Yao ran for election. How come you ruined such a good thing?"

"Do you know how much money I lost when your Sanlian Gang quit?"

"Originally, you Sanlian Gang, Sihai Gang, Donghu Gang, and Zhulin Gang all came to compete, and the donation money just kept rising like a drug. A seat can be sold for more than 60 million. You laughed, I Laughed, the one above also laughed, everyone is happy, how wonderful!”

"As a result, you suddenly stopped fighting in the past two years. If you say you don't want to play, you won't play. A legislator worth 60 million, now the Zhou Dynasty can get it with 40 million first. Damn it, you don't choose, he doesn't choose, this society Do you want to make progress? How can you develop? Do you want to get rich?”

Hua Twelve now knows the identity of this person. Isn't this the Chief Hou Bu who is in charge of the election of legislators in "Black Gold"!

The more Chief Hou talked, the more angry he became: "You think you'll be fine if you don't choose. The one above is used to it, and I still have to give him his share according to the past. The 60 million seats were only sold for 40 million, so that's 20 million." What the hell do you want me to do?"

He pointed at Hua Twelve with his cigar: "You have to make up for this money for me, and then continue to run for election next year. I can help you settle this case!"

Chief Hou spoke arrogantly, which made Hua Twelve quite unhappy. He raised his eyebrows:

"Is it Mr. Hou's intention that I was arrested this time?"

When Chief Hou heard this, he wanted to curse, but when he raised his eyes to meet Hua Twelve's eyes, he felt a thrill all over. For some reason, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and his aura suddenly weakened and he said:

"Don't accuse a good person unjustly. It's because your butt is not clean and others have taken advantage of it. I just went along with the situation and made a phone call to let you enjoy the treatment of the big prison. Otherwise, I came to save you this morning! "

Although Chief Hou's momentum has weakened, his purpose has not changed. He said warmly:

"Think about it carefully here, isn't it good to be a legislator? No matter how many people fight for it, you can't win. Sixty million is nothing. You can make a lot of money with just a few proposals. As long as you put in the two years of work If you make up the money, you can continue to run for office next year. Everything can be easily discussed. I’ve considered asking the person named Ke to call me!”

After saying that, he immediately stood up, nodded and walked out. After he went out and waited for the door to close, Chief Hou wiped the cold sweat from his forehead:

"I've really seen a ghost. Why did I feel so fidgety and restless just now?"

After speaking, he saw Ding Yao and others waiting not far away. The latter saw him and quickly bowed and saluted. Chief Hou walked over and said:

"Try to persuade him, don't act like a candle and don't know how to appreciate him!" After saying that, he left immediately.

I originally wanted to say this in front of Hua Twelve, but I didn't dare to say it, so I showed off my authority when I came out to see Ding Yao.

Warden Ke made an invitation gesture to Ding Yao, indicating that she could go in, and then quickly followed Chief Hou to send him outside, boarded the helicopter and left Green Island.

When Ding Yao came in, he saw Old God Hua Twelve smoking a cigar. This guy was already greedy when he saw Chief Hou smoking. As soon as the guy left, he took out one from the storage space and slowly enjoyed it.

"Have you met Commander Hou?"

Ding Yao smiled and walked behind Hua Twelve and pinched his shoulders with her soft hands.

Hua Twelve chuckled: "This guy is really interesting. Why didn't I elect a legislator and it affected him to make a fortune? Why don't you come here to investigate!"

Ding Yao smiled slightly: "You have been here for several years, so you should be used to it. They are pointing at the black and gold wealth. Our Sanlian Gang is a big family, and suddenly they don't stand for election. It's strange that they are not in a hurry. This If we hadn’t changed careers in a few years to clear our name and become a big taxpayer, they would have started to beat us!”

After she finished speaking, she leaned down, put her lips close to Hua Twelve's ear, took a gentle breath, and asked softly:

"Then what do you mean?"

Hua Twelve was so angry that she aroused him: "Go and lock the door, I'm very angry!"

An hour later, Hua Twelve was tidying up her clothes. Ding Yao lazily hugged her from behind and asked about the previous events.

Hua Twelve just said calmly: "Don't worry about that Mr. Hou, I don't want to get involved in politics. Besides, I also promised Zhou Chaoxian. I can't just keep my word and break my promise!"

A trace of disappointment flashed in Ding Yao's eyes, and she made a last effort to say: "But it's hard to offend Chief Hou!"

Hua Twelve did not see the complicated look in Ding Yao's eyes and sneered: "If he keeps chirping, just shut him up. Why don't we go up to another place where there is less trouble!"

After getting dressed, Hua Twelve asked about the business: "By the way, have you found out what happened this time?"

"We have found some. We are inside the J side and found out that someone identified you and Chen Guilin as a group. At present, the witness has been secretly protected by the J side!"

"In addition, a large number of victims' bones were dug up on the coast near the spiritual center. Most of them were committed by Lin Luhe. Among them, four corpses that had not completely decomposed were confirmed to be the bodies of staff of the spiritual center. A survivor of the spiritual center testified that the four men were originally sent by Lin Luhe to kill you, but when you returned in their car that day, the four men disappeared! "

Ding Yao sighed after speaking, and then said: "The lawyer said that if these two pieces of evidence are true, they will form a complete chain of evidence, which will be extremely detrimental to you!"

Hua Twelve went through the matter in his mind. On his way to eliminate evil with Chen Guilin, he stayed and ate in a hotel. He met many people. It was inevitable that they would not recognize him afterwards. He couldn't guess who came out to testify. He came out, but he made a rough guess about the survivors of the spiritual practice center. They were probably for Lin Lu and the woman who was pregnant with the child.

Lin Luhe had arranged for people to kill him and rob him of his wealth. Someone who did not have absolute trust would definitely not know about such an outrageous thing. And who else could make that first person better than the woman who got him pregnant? He is trusted by wanted criminals.

The more Hua Twelve thought about it, the more certain he became that the woman definitely didn't run away. Unexpectedly, instead of killing someone and silencing her, she let this woman bite her back.

He immediately told the matter: "You can handle this matter. I forgot to eliminate the evil, and that woman cooperated with Lin Lu and harmed others. This time she deserved her death!"

Ding Yao nodded: "If it's really that woman, she should be protected by Party J. I'll do my best!"

When Hua Twelve and Ding Yao walked out of the warden's office, they saw the warden and the lawyer smoking outside and waiting. Seeing the two of them, they were not impatient at all.

The lawyer also told Hua Twelve some precautions and told him that even if the J side had sufficient evidence, they would have a good chance of winning.

When Warden Ke heard this, he quickly turned around and pretended not to hear.

As soon as Ding Yao and the others left, Chen Hui arrived and interrogated Hua Twelve. He turned over and over to find out whether he was in the same group as Chen Guilin, and asked him whether he had killed the staff of the spiritual cultivation center.

Hua Twelve was hehehehe the whole time, except for one sentence: "If you have evidence, you can sue me directly!"

Wanwan JC's interrogation methods were just the same. It's not like Hua Twelve had never been a police officer before, so they were all familiar and familiar. When the other party saw that he had a tough talk, he began to torture him, using incandescent lamps to keep his eyes closed, and depriving him of sleep for a long time. As a result, Hua Twelve, Chen Hui and his men, endured three waves of torture and were still energetic.

In the end, one of Chen Hui's subordinates immediately resorted to means, and even took out the dictionary and hammer.

Hua Twelve looked at the other party with a smile: "Who am I? If you want to talk to me about the law, I will abide by the rules with you. If you want to use illegal means, you should have the courage to bear the consequences!"

The other party then remembered that the person in front of them was not an ordinary prisoner who could be manipulated at will, but the leader of the Triple Gang.

If they torture someone, they will go crazy and they will be in big trouble.

Chen Hui quickly stopped his men, and then said to Hua Twelve: "Boss Hua is truly a tough guy. I admire him. Let's meet in court!"

Hua Twelve was taken away for twenty-four hours. When he was returned to the prison cell, all the Sanlian gang members gathered around him, asking questions about him. When they saw that he was fine, the brothers dispersed so as not to disturb their boss's rest.

As soon as the others left, Chen Guilin asked: "How are you, are you okay?"

Hua Twelve shrugged his shoulders: "What can happen to me is that I was merciful and spared my life. If I kill Lin Luhe's girl, I will have nothing to worry about now. But it's nothing. Soon It will be solved!”

When Chen Guilin heard that he said it would be solved soon, he felt relieved and talked about other things with great interest:

"Yesterday, while you were away, something happened in the prison cell. Yesterday, a new inmate named Sledgehammer was spotted by the Seven Sages Gang as soon as he came in. He was almost killed by him. Later, Sledgehammer failed. I heard your name from someone, and ran over to join you, but when I saw you weren't there, I ran to Brother Gui's dock, and now Brother Gui is covering him up and confronting people from the Seven Sages Gang! "

"The Seven Sages Gang? The one in Kaohsiung!"

Hua Twelve didn't pay much attention. The Seven Sages Gang was a local gang in Kaohsiung and couldn't be compared with the Sanlian Gang.

Chen Guilin nodded and said: "Yes, I heard that Sledgehammer was a pool player who accidentally killed the brother of Gangzhu, the boss of the Seven Sages Gang. I feel that this matter will never be finished. The Seven Sages Gang will not let him go! "

The two chatted until lunch time. This time Hua Twelve didn't even queue up. When he arrived at the canteen, he sat in the same seat as last time. Naturally, a Sanlian gang member helped him and Chen Guilin to get food.

Chen Guilin pointed to a young man with long hair in the queue for food and said, "That big nose is a sledgehammer!"

Hua Twelve's eyes widened. Isn't this big nose Brother Long?

Green Island, Big Nose, Steel Ball, Brother Gui, Warden Ke, these clues were connected in an instant. Hua Twelve immediately remembered the plot of an old movie he had seen. Aren't these characters the same as "Fire Island" The characters in it, and Huoshao Island is another name for Green Island.

The big nose brought the food and sat down at the edge to eat.

After a while, a dozen prisoners entered the dining hall. After a quick glance, their eyes were fixed on Sledgehammer, and then they walked straight towards him. When they got closer, they spat directly on the rice plate in front of Sledgehammer.

Sledgehammer was about to get angry immediately, but when he saw so many people in front of him, he endured it and stood up to leave, only to be surrounded by people.

At this time, Brother Hou Gui stood up not far away: "What are you doing? Are you making trouble here? Don't you want the brothers to eat?"

Chen Guilin said to Hua Twelve: "Those are the people from the Seven Sages Gang!"

The leader of the Seven Sages Gang was very polite to Brother Gui: "Brother Gui, we didn't mean that, but this man killed our boss's biological brother. The boss sent a message to us to do something, but there is nothing we can do!"

Brother Gui said calmly: "I understand the rules, but Datou worshiped the dock yesterday. At least he is under my protection in this prison!"

When the members of the Seven Sages Gang heard this, they wondered: "Brother Gui, this is against the rules. How can I calculate the fate of my boss's brother?"

Brother Gui was also surrounded by many younger brothers at this time. As the corner leader of this prison, he was not in vain. People like the Seven Sages did not dare to take action easily.

Brother Gui said calmly: "Bridges return to bridges, and roads return to roads. Things outside are outside. No matter from south to north, we are all in the same boat. I don't want to see internal strife again!"

The people from the Seven Sages Gang said unwillingly: "Then the blood of my eldest brother was not shed in vain?"

Brother Gui stretched out his hand, and someone behind him handed over a dagger. He took the dagger and cut his arm: "I shed brother Gangzhu's blood for him. If you have any grudges, I can't care about it even if you go out! "

Sledgehammer stretched out his hand towards the other party, and the little leader of the Seven Sages reluctantly stretched out his hand and shook it with him, forming a temporary reconciliation.

Chen Guilin admired He Hua Twelve and said: "No wonder everyone here admires Brother Gui, he is really good at what he does!"

Hua Twelve hehehe did not express his opinion. Is it stupid to cut himself for someone who has nothing to do with him? He would not do it in his place.

Inside the Green Island Prison, it became calm again after the Sledgehammer incident, but outside the prison, it was not stable.

Chief Hou waited for three days without receiving a call from Hua Twelve, so he directly picked up the phone and called Ding Yao:

"I think Miss Ding is not someone who has lived under others for a long time. Have you ever thought about rising to the top yourself?"

Ding Yao held the phone and remained silent for a long time.


When Gangzhu, the boss of the Seven Sages Gang, and Xiaochi, his sworn brother from the Donghu Gang, were drinking in their place, they received news from the prison and couldn't help but curse:

"They are all trash!"

Qiu Xiaochi asked from the side: "Brother, what is it that makes you so angry?"

Steel Ball said: "The sledgehammer who killed Lao San is not dead, he is still alive and well in the bitter kiln!"

Qiu Xiaochi said angrily: "You are scolding, how do they do things!"

Gangzhu rubbed the center of his eyebrows: "It was Boss Gui who came to mediate, Da Li and the others didn't have enough time!"

He thought for a while: "In this case, I will go in personally, and you can help me take care of the territory here first!"

Qiu Xiaochi originally wanted to persuade him, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back with a complicated expression.

In the evening, Qiu Xiaochi received a call from Zhou Chaoxian:

"In recent years, the Sanlian Gang's gambling routes have taken away a lot of business from our video game city. Now that guy Hua Twelve has entered Green Island, are you interested in doing something big?"

Hua Twelve, who was sleeping in Green Island Prison, didn't know that there was an undercurrent outside, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care. No matter how happy those people were, in his eyes, they were just kids playing house, and it didn't matter. Meaning, he would treat it as if he were watching a play and enjoy it with relish.

Thanks to: Brother 08a for the reward. Thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes. Thank you very much.

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