A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 845 Qingfeng Team and Big Oolong!

Chapter 845 Qingfeng Team and Big Oolong! (Please order in full!)

There was no news from Ding Yao for two consecutive days, and Hua Twelve was not in a hurry. Firstly, he was living as comfortably as in prison, and secondly, he was still looking for clues about the third harm.

He has already targeted several people as candidates for the third harm.

Chief Hou must be counted, and the warden is also possible. Although this guy is very respectful to Hua Twelve, after all, he was the biggest villain in the movie "Fire Island".

In addition, none of the prison guards in Green Island Prison are good.

There were also many extremely vicious prisoners in this prison. After Hua Twelve understood the crimes of these people, he looked at them all as a scourge.

If there weren't many non-felony prisoners, Hua Twelve felt that he had set the prison on fire, and he estimated that the task would have been completed.

In the past two days, Hua Twelve also met several protagonists in the movie "Fire Island". In addition to the sledgehammer who looks like Brother Long, there is also a fat man named Liu Shijie who looks a lot like his older brother, who is 80% similar to Zhou Chaoxian. But the younger Huang Wei.

This Huang Wei came to visit every day, chatting with Hua Twelve and Chen Guilin whenever he had nothing to do, and he was extremely respectful and enthusiastic.

Everyone else in the prison thought that Huang Wei was trying to curry favor with the Sanlian gang leader. Even Chen Guilin and the prison guards thought so. In fact, Hua Twelve knew in his heart that Huang Wei's true identity was an undercover police officer in Green Island Prison. .

When the other party approached him, he probably got some new mission to collect criminal evidence against him, the leader of the Sanlian Gang.

However, Hua Twelve has no objection to Huang Wei, just like he has to Chen Hui. The police catching thieves and upholding justice are all natural things. On the contrary, he also has a good impression of Brother Jiahui's face, so he also treats him as a friend. Anyway, there is no criminal evidence that Huang Wei can catch.

Of course, Huang Wei also pretended to casually ask about what happened to Hua Twelve and Chen Guilin on Penghu Island. Whenever this happened, the two of them laughed and changed the subject.

Another newcomer came that day, and everyone went to watch. Hua Twelve and Chen Guilin stood on the second floor and leaned against the guardrail to watch.

When he saw who was coming, Hua Twelve said in his heart, Brother Long, Brother Jiahui, Brother Jinbao, and now Hua Tsai is here too.

Yes, the new guy is Gangzhu, the boss of the Seven Sages Gang. He looks exactly like Andy when he was young.

Hua Twelve decided to go back and take a group photo with Sledgehammer, Liu Shijie, Huang Wei, and Gangzhu as a souvenir. It was just a reminder of the glory days of Hong Kong movies.

As soon as Gangzhu came in, all the boys from the Seven Sages Gang in the prison cell came up to say hello. Of course, the Seven Sages Gang and the Sanlian Gang were incomparable. Of course, Gangzhu's imprisonment was not as glorious as the day Hua Twelve came.

After Gangzhu was placed in the prison cell, the prison guard explained the matter and allowed him to move around freely. His eyes fell on Sledgehammer and he immediately made a gesture of slitting his throat.

Da Li from the Seven Sages Gang whispered a few words to Gangzhu, who looked up at Hua Twelve, then quickly walked up to the second floor, strode over and said hello:

"Boss Hua, nice to meet you!"

Hua Twelve chuckled, stretched out his hand to shake his hand: "I've heard of you, why can't I think of you so much that you come here to travel too?"

A wry smile appeared on Gangzhu's handsome face: "Boss Hua is joking. It's because his younger brothers are not living up to expectations and can't even handle things well. I have no choice but to come in and avenge my brother myself!"

As he spoke, he turned to look at the sledgehammer on the first floor, with a ferocious look in his eyes.

Steel Ball said to Hua Twelve again: "I just hope that Boss Hua, you won't interfere in our personal grudges!"

He said it very sincerely, but of course it's not okay if he is not sincere. The Seven Sages Gang is okay in Kaohsiung, but it is really not as good as the Sanlian Gang, so knowing that Hua Twelve is here, he came here specifically to pay homage to the dock.

Hua Twelve nodded: "I have also heard about your brother. Since it is a personal grudge, it has nothing to do with my Sanlian Gang!"

His brother was killed. Whoever it was, it was natural for him to want revenge. Hua Twelve did not have the hobby of being a bad guy. The grudge between the steel ball and the sledgehammer still needed to be resolved by themselves.

When Gangzhu heard Hua Twelve's words, his face lit up: "Thank you so much, Boss Hua!"

Hua Twelve said with a smile: "Don't be too happy too early, Lao Gui said he would cover the sledgehammer!"

"I'll go talk to Lao Gui now!"

Gangzhu nodded towards Hua Twelve, then turned around and was led by his men to Lao Gui's cell.

Hua Twelve also went over to watch the fun. When Gangzhu saw Lao Gui, he bluntly said that he wanted revenge. Lao Gui still used the rhetoric that a family in prison should not fight among themselves.

Gangzhu sneered: "Lao Gui, I respect your position, but I have to avenge my brother. If it were you, your brother would be killed. Can you swallow this?"

Lao Gui couldn't answer, so Gangzhu took the dagger from his younger brother's hand: "I heard that you shed blood for Sledgehammer, now I will return it to you personally!"

After saying that, he cut his arm, causing blood to flow. Qixian helped the younger brother quickly bring a towel, took the steel balls and tied the wound.

Lao Gui had nothing to say, and finally said: "Okay, but no sneak attacks. The prison has a time to resolve personal grudges every week. If you want revenge, you and Sledgehammer will have a duel on Saturday afternoon!"

"Okay, now that I'm done with this arm, I'll kill him with my own hands!"

After Gangzhu finished speaking, he left Lao Gui's cell. Hua Twelve nodded to Lao Gui, followed him out and put his arm around Gangzhu's shoulders:

"You are so fierce, you are willing to stab yourself with a knife!"

Steel Ball whispered: "I didn't know it hurt so much. I regret it!"

After saying that, they both laughed at the same time.

The next day it was sunny, and it was Hua Twelve's turn to go out to work, mainly cutting grass and building roads on the island.

Naturally, Hua Twelve couldn't work as a coolie, so a prison guard brought him a beach chair. He wore sunglasses and lay on the beach chair, drinking red wine and basking in the sun.

Liu Shijie, who looked the same as his eldest brother Sammo Hung, was halfway through his work. He raised his hand and told the prison guard that he wanted to use the toilet. After receiving permission, he ran to squat in the grass.

Gang Ya Bing, the little leader of the Sanlian Gang, ran over and laughed in a low voice: "Boss, let's see what's going on!"

Hua Twelve asked lazily: "What's so exciting?"

"That fat man must have taken the opportunity to escape again this time!"

Gangya Bing whispered: "The fat man has a son outside. This is not the first time he has escaped from prison to see his son. I heard that his son recently broke his leg. The brothers are all guessing when he will escape from prison again. Well, it’s probably today!”

Listening to Gangya Bing's words, Hua Twelve also remembered the plot of the Fire Island in his mind.

He remembered that this time the fat man Liu Shijie seemed to be taken advantage of by the prison guards. The prison guards told Liu Shijie in advance that he should take Boss Gui to escape with him, saying that he only wanted to teach Boss Gui some lessons and put him in solitary confinement or something like that.

In fact, the prison guards felt that Boss Gui's prestige in the prison was too high and affected their management of prisoners, so they took the opportunity to get rid of him.

Thinking of this, Hua Twelve stood up and walked to Boss Gui. He took out one of the Alishan cigarettes that the warden honored him with and handed it to him:

"Lao Gui, would you like one?"

Boss Gui stared at the fat man and took it subconsciously: "Thank you, Boss Hua!"

Hua Twelve held a cigarette in his mouth and whispered: "Don't be blind, be careful. Everyone knows that Fatty is going to see his son with a broken leg. Do you think the prison guards know that?"

After speaking, he patted the other party's shoulder, turned around and left. He stopped talking about certain things and if the other party insisted on dying, he would not stop him.

Boss Gui trembled and turned to look at Hua Twelve's back, thoughtfully.

After waiting for a while, the fat man used his shit to escape, walked around in a circle under the cover of grass, and secretly got into a police car. He started the police car and drove to Boss Gui, waving: "Boss Gui, get in the car! "

As soon as Boss Gui took a step forward, he thought of Hua Twelve's words again, stopped immediately, and gave the fat man a cold look:

"You go, I don't want to go out!" The fat man was also stunned, and quickly advised: "This is a rare opportunity!"

Boss Gui simply turned around and left. When the prison guard captain who was coming over saw this scene, his face turned gloomy and he said loudly:

"Catch Liu Shijie back to me!"

Several prison guards had already stopped in front of the car, pointing shotguns at the fat man. Liu Shijie didn't run away. He got out of the cab and lay on the ground with his hands raised.

This time Liu Shijie was imprisoned for three days. After returning to the prison cell, he was taken to Boss Gui. The fat man could not bear the pressure and admitted that he had promised the prison guards to cooperate with Boss Gui.

For the sake of the fat man having a son, Boss Gui only let him stab him and the matter was over.

Hua Twelve was invited to the warden's office for tea that day. Warden Ke frowned and asked:

"Boss Hua, what did you and Boss Gui say that day when someone saw you?"

Hua Twelve nodded: "I just handed over a cigarette. Is there any problem?"

The warden didn't say anything. He stared at him for a long time and suddenly smiled and said: "No problem, why is there a problem? Boss Hua, I lost another five hundred thousand when I went to Ao Island recently!"

Hua Twelve nodded: "I will treat the entire prison cell to drink red wine and eat steak tonight. Next time you go to Ao Island, I guarantee you will win back your capital and profits!"

The warden smiled and nodded, his face beaming.

That night, the prison guard announced that Mr. Hua was treating him to steak and red wine.

Although the red wine and steaks are cheap, the prisoners in the prison all cheered and ate happily, as if it was the Chinese New Year.

Gangzhu finally recovered from his injuries, and according to the rules, he challenged Sledgehammer to a duel on Saturday afternoon. All the prisoners gathered around and shouted. Hua Twelve, Chen Guilin, and Gui Boss were lying on the railing on the second floor, watching the show from a high position.

On the other side, the prison guards were also watching the show. Not only did they watch the show, they also placed bets on the lives and deaths of both parties.

When the duel began, Steel Ball was the first to attack. He rushed over and faced the sledgehammer with a fierce attack.

Hua Tsai's boxing and kicking skills are not as good as those of Brother Long. Although he is not in a furniture store, steel balls still can't beat a sledgehammer.

Finally, Gangzhu took out two daggers and threw them to a sledgehammer. This was about to directly separate life and death.

But Brother Long is Brother Long. Although he was beaten badly, he knocked the dagger out of Gangzhu's hand and put his own dagger against Gangzhu's throat.

At this time, the prison guards were shouting, kill, kill, kill, and some prisoners, stimulated by adrenaline, wanted to see the scene of blood spurting out, and shouted for the sledgehammer to kill the steel ball.

But Sledgehammer restrained his murderous intention and threw the dagger aside.

Steel Ball was stunned. He didn't expect that the sledgehammer would let him go. His brother's hatred and the kindness of not killing were entangled, and for a while he didn't know what to do.

At this moment, the captain of the prison guard, who lost the bet, rushed up and swung his stick and struck out with the sledgehammer: "Damn you, you made me lose money. If you don't kill me even if I ask you to kill me, I'll beat you to death!"

Sledgehammer was so anxious that he punched the captain, and a group of prison guards rushed up and started beating him.

Steel Ball may have thought of Sledgehammer's previous reservation, so he stood up and helped Sledgehammer fight against the prison guards. When the Seven Sages gang saw their boss taking action, they immediately rushed forward.

At this time, the prison guard captain took out his gun and fired directly at the steel ball and the sledgehammer, hitting each of them on the shoulder. Then he fired a warning shot, and the prison guard from the brigade rushed in and quelled the commotion.

The sledgehammer and steel balls were taken away and never brought back. The prisoners speculated that they might have been taken for treatment, but only Hua Twelve knew that these two were probably on the Qingfeng team's roster.

During this period, Wanwan would often select personnel from serious criminals to perform special tasks such as assassinations. The selected team was called the Qingfeng Team!

However, in the movie "Fire Island", the Qingfeng team seems to have been used by the warden for personal use and was used to kill people and silence them.

The day after the sledgehammer and steel balls were taken away, the fat man Liu Shijie escaped from prison again. This time he did not collude with the prison guards. After snatching the police car, he panicked and accidentally killed a prison guard who was about to shoot him.

The fat man was caught on the same day, but he was not returned to the prison cell but was detained separately. According to the opinions among the prisoners, this guy was destined to die.

However, Hua Twelve knew that there was one more person on the Qingfeng team's roster.

Just when Hua Twelve was thinking about whether to kill the warden in advance and save these people by the way, a prison guard called him out at night and politely said with a smile:

"Boss Hua, someone is here to see you!"

The prison guard took Hua Twelve to the warden's office. When he walked in, he saw 'Ding Yao' in a red dress, standing there, looking at him with a smile.

Perhaps because of his previous experience, the prison guard said in Hua Twelve’s ears:

"The warden has given instructions. Boss Hua, you can stay here as long as you like. No one will disturb you. Just feel free to do your work!"

Saying that with an ambiguous smile on his face, he stepped back and closed the door.


As soon as 'Ding Yao' opened her mouth to say a word, Hua Twelve stepped forward and picked her up, and then blocked her with her mouth for a while.

After more than a minute, he finally took a breath: "Why are you dressed so coquettishly? People say you have been jailed for three years. A sow competes with Diao Chan. I have only been sitting here for a few days, but I think you are more beautiful and younger!" "

'Ding Yao' had shock in her eyes, and just as she was about to speak, Hua Twelve picked her up, threw her on the sofa, and then pounced on her.

More than an hour later, Hua Twelve was in high spirits, and Ding Yao was lying on the sofa, covering herself with a red skirt, crying.

After Hua Twelve put on his clothes, he said in surprise: "Ding Yao, stop acting when it's over. It was exciting just now, but now it's annoying to hear you yelling!"

'Ding Yao' cried: "Who is Ding Yao? I am Haitang!"


At this time, Hua Twelve also noticed a bit of bright red on the sofa. Thinking back to the previous touch and the intensity of the struggle with the other party, he slapped his forehead: "Are you the daughter of the East Lake Gang Coast, Haitang?"

Haitang cried and nodded.

Hua Twelve is so troubled: "Then why didn't you say anything just now!"

Haitang looked at the lace strip on the sofa that had just spit out from her mouth:

"Did you give me a chance?"

Hua Twelve also noticed the other party's gaze, and then remembered that at the beginning, he felt that the other party was acting, so in order to match the taste, he pulled it off and stuffed it directly into the other party's mouth.

Ahem, it seems that I really don’t blame the other party for this matter, but I can’t blame him either!

"Why do you look exactly like Ding Yao?"

Haitang cried: "Ding Yao is my cousin. After all, it's the same. I'm younger than her, okay!"

If it were anyone else, Haitang's temper would be life-threatening, but this time she came to see Hua Twelve to ask for something. Although she has paid a huge price and made her feel extremely wronged, she still puts the overall situation first, and still doesn't Falling out on the spot.

Hua Twelve also felt sorry for him: "It was a misunderstanding. I will take responsibility, okay? Just stop crying!"

He walked over to help the other party get dressed, and asked at the same time: "Then why did you come to see me this time? I thought it was Ding Yao who came to see me!"

There were tears in the corners of Haitang's eyes, but she sneered on her face: "Don't even think about her. I'm here to tell you that Ding Yao betrayed you. She teamed up with Qiu Xiaochi, Zhou Chaoxian, and Chief Hou to kill you."

Thanks to: Brother 08a for the reward. Thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes. Thank you very much.

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