A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 846 Ding Yao’s trump card!

Chapter 846 Ding Yao’s trump card! (Please order in full!)

Haitang is the daughter of Donghu Gang boss Hai Gu, and is a cousin with Ding Yao. This time her father had an accident in the mainland, and the news spread back to Wanwan, making everyone in the Donghu Gang uneasy. (Yesterday I wrote it as Coast Sister, it has been revised)

At this time, the deputy gang leader Qiu Xiaochi stepped forward to take charge of the overall situation of the East Lake Gang, and has now been recognized by most of the East Lake Gang leaders.

Not long ago, someone told Haitang that her father Haitang was not an accident, but was killed by someone, and that person was Qiu Xiaochi.

But now Qiu Xiaochi is at the peak of his power in the East Lake Gang. If Haitang wants to avenge her father, she needs to find evidence that Qiu Xiaochi paid to kill someone, so that she can get the support of the gang leaders. Otherwise, she will be alone and empty-handed. Gu, if you want to kill the other party to avenge the coast, it will be difficult to reach the sky.

So Haitang pretended not to know anything on the surface, and secretly spent a lot of money to hire the best private detectives on Hong Kong Island to help monitor Qiu Xiaochi, hoping to find evidence that he paid to commit murder.

But she didn't expect that the evidence that the murder was paid was not found, but the private detective inadvertently overheard that Qiu Xiaochi had secretly met and colluded with Zhou Chaoxian, Ding Yao, and Chief Hou to murder the leader of the Sanlian Gang Hua Twelve.

Haitang was just feeling that he was a little helpless in dealing with Qiu Xiaochi. After hearing the news, he immediately became interested.

The so-called enemy of the enemy is a friend. If she can lend a helping hand to Hua Twelve at this time and give him a warning, as long as the leader of the Sanlian Gang does not fall, it will definitely be a big help to her.

As for Ding Yao, although this woman is her cousin, the relationship is actually not very good. When Lei Gong was still there, Ding Yao even ignored her relatives and helped Lei Gong seize a lot of the East Lake Gang's territory and business.

Haitang did what she thought of and secretly came to Green Island Prison. She bribed the warden and wanted to see Hua Twelve and talk to the latter about joining forces.

She didn't expect that the other party was an animal. She couldn't even say a single word, her mouth was blocked, and everything she shouted was hesitant. She herself couldn't understand what she was shouting. And the more she struggled, the more the other party became. The more excited I am, the more speechless I am.

Haitang cried and recounted what happened. Hua Twelve was so embarrassed. He and Ding Yao used to play like this, so he didn't think much about it at the time. But now that people talk about it, he won't be able to deal with it anymore!

He walked over and hugged the crying Haitang, comforting him and saying:

"Okay, isn't this a misunderstanding? I said I will take responsibility. From now on, you will be my woman, and your father will be my eldest brother. I will avenge his revenge for you. Aren't you just a revengeful idiot? Look back. Just press him to death and that’s it, be good, stop crying!”

As expected, these words had an effect. Haitang wiped away her tears and spat:

"You want me to be your woman, why do you still call my dad brother?"

Hua Twelve said with a sneer: "None of this is important. What is important is that you came to me. So what do you think and do you have any plans?"

Haitang shook his head: "I just want to find you as an ally. If you can turn defeat into victory, I will have a powerful ally. I haven't thought about anything else yet!"

Hua Twelve nodded: "Then don't worry about anything for the time being. Protect yourself during this period, and leave the rest to me!"

Although Haitang couldn't figure out how Hua Twelve could break the situation, seeing that he didn't seem to take the matter seriously at all, she felt instantly at ease.

Seeing that Haitang's mood had stabilized, Hua Twelve gently kissed her forehead. He felt the other person's delicate body trembling slightly, but there was no violent reaction. He smiled in his heart, knowing that the other person was trying to slowly accept him.

Smiling slightly, Hua Twelve asked about his confusion: "By the way, I have no grudges against Qiu Xiaochi and Zhou Chao. Do you know why they want to deal with me?"

Chief Hou wanted to harm him, he could figure it out, and when the other party asked him to give him an answer, he immediately took the other party's words as fart, and after a while, it was not surprising that the other party wanted to get rid of him. Hua Twelve could even guess The other party's intention is of course to support Ding Yao to rise to power.

Ding Yao joined in, and Hua Twelve could understand that this woman was too ambitious. The two had been together for several years, and it would be nonsense to say they had no feelings. But he understood this woman and could clearly distinguish ambition from feelings.

If there is a chance to kill him and rise to power, Hua Twelve believes that no matter how deep his relationship with Ding Yao is or how important he is to her, the woman will not hesitate to point her gun at him and dunk the gun as fast as possible. When you pull the trigger, you will shed two tears at most, but you will never hesitate when taking action.

Ding Yao is such a woman. If Chief Hou reveals his intention to support her, he will immediately be tempted.

In addition, Hua Twelve can be sure that Ding Yao must have found a way to resist the life and death talisman.

Although he couldn't figure out how the other party did it, it was obvious that the other party had already gained confidence and would get involved in this kind of thing.

The only thing he couldn't figure out was that Qiu Xiaochi and Zhou Chaoxian had no grudge against him. Hua Twelve had a pretty good relationship with the latter, so the other party had no reason to attack him.

Of course, Hua Twelve is not so naive. He knows that sometimes there is no need for a reason to harm others, but he must ask this question. He cannot just believe whatever Haitang says. He must give her an explanation. The reason will do.

Haitang was quietly arranging her clothes nearby. When she heard Hua Twelve's words, she couldn't help but sneered:

"Who says there is no grudge? Our Donghu Gang and Zhou Chaoxian both run video game arcades and make money from electronic gambling machines. Your Sanlian Gang's gambling boats and casino routes have taken away part of our business and people and money. The road is like killing parents, do you have any grudges?"

Hua Twelve suddenly realized: "Damn, those three melons and two jujubes are worthy of a big fight. No wonder those two guys fell into trouble later, they can't do much big things with their small minds!"

"What's wrong?" Haitang had already put on her dress and tossed her long, straight black hair, and asked in confusion.

Haitang is five or six years younger than Ding Yao. Although she is a little less charming, she is more youthful and beautiful, especially those big eyes that make Hua Twelve feel hot. He immediately smiled and said: "It's okay!"

Then he held the other person in his arms and went straight up.

Haitang was slightly resistant at first, but after struggling for only a few seconds, she responded enthusiastically.

When he returned to the prison cell, Hua Twelve still had an ambiguous smile on his face. Ding Yao's betrayal made him a little uncomfortable at first, but Haitang, who had the same appearance but was more youthful and enthusiastic, quickly soothed his heart. That little scratch.

He himself couldn't help but sigh, men are indeed big pigs, and this statement makes so much sense.

As soon as he returned to the prison cell, Hua Twelve noticed that the atmosphere was wrong. It was supposed to be a break time, but now all the prisoners were locked in the cells. The scene that should have been lively became strangely quiet.

The jailers all had gloomy faces, as if they had lost money in gambling.

As soon as he entered the cell, Captain Kedu came over to apologize and said with a smile:

"Boss Hua, something happened just now, so today's parade has been cancelled. If you want to stay outside, we won't stop you, but others can't!"

Hua Twelve nodded and went directly to the second floor and returned to his cell. Captain Du locked the door outside, greeted him again, and then left.

As soon as Captain Du left, Chen Guilin recounted what happened during his absence.

It turns out that during the time between Hua Twelve and Jian Haitang, Da Li from the Seven Sages Gang was bribed to attack Brother Jiahui, that is, Huang Wei, but Huang Wei's roommate was mistakenly killed.

When the jailer arrived, Captain Du used a stick to hit Da Li on the head in the name of punishment. Before Da Li passed out, he cursed the captain for killing Huang Wei and said that it was the captain who asked him to kill Huang Wei. Unexpectedly, the other roommate was unlucky and became the scapegoat.

When Huang Wei heard this, he became angry. He actually snatched Captain Du's pistol and shot at the latter. As a result, Captain Du ran very fast, but he killed and injured another prison guard.

The prisoners in this large prison building were already troubled by Captain Du's sexy tricks. The sound of gunshots aroused everyone's nerves. At this time, Lao Gui stood up and shouted, and all the prisoners were about to riot. But how could the arm twist the thigh? After hearing the gunfire, a large number of prison guards rushed in and suppressed the rioting prisoners in a short time. Huang Wei and Lao Gui were beaten until they were covered in blood. I don’t know, I don’t know where the prisoner took me.

After listening to Chen Guilin's explanation of what happened, Hua Twelve recalled the plot of "Burning Island" in his mind. Sure enough, there was this episode. Huang Wei grabbed a gun and wounded the jailer, and was directly sentenced to death. Then he also joined the Qingfeng Team.

He estimated that Huang Wei's undercover identity was exposed, so he was targeted.

However, in the original plot, Lao Gui had already died at this time. Now because of Hua Twelve's intervention, Lao Gui is still fine, but this time he will probably join the Qingfeng Team.

Hua Twelve walked to the iron door of the prison cell and smashed it with his hand. There was a loud banging sound in the quiet prison cell, which instantly attracted everyone's attention. Every prisoner ran to their own door. , looking this way through the iron fence, the prison guards also looked this way.

Hua Twelve pointed at Captain Du: "Come here!"

Although it was humiliating to be bossed around by Hua Twelve, Captain Du did not dare to turn his face. He quickly went up the stairs to the second floor, ran to Hua Twelve’s prison cell, and asked with an apologetic smile: “Boss Hua, what’s the matter? ?”

Hua Twelve pointed to the first floor, the center of the open space where prisoners lived: "Go and kowtow a hundred times over there, I want to hear the sound!"

He said this loudly and could be heard by all the prisoners in the prison cell. They were excited but did not say a word. They wanted to see how Captain Du would respond and whether he would treat Hua Twelve as he did to Lao Gui. Also teach me a lesson.

Captain Du's face suddenly darkened: "Boss Hua, I call you "Boss Hua" to give you face, so don't push yourself too far!"

Hua Twelve looked at him contemptuously, sneered, and said loudly: "Do you have parents? Do you have brothers and sisters? Do you have a wife and children? If you don't kowtow today, all kinds of accidents will happen to your relatives one by one. ,I said!"

Every time he said something, Captain Du's face became uglier. By the time he finished speaking, Du's face was so black that water dripped from his face, his eyes were red, the veins on his neck were bulging, and the fingers holding the J-stick were already exhausted. Bai, obviously extremely angry.

But the captain's legs were shaking involuntarily, shaking in fear of him.

Hua Twelve was even more disdainful. He stretched his hand out of the iron fence and gave the captain a big hand through the iron gate: "Why don't you kowtow quickly!"

Captain Du has always been domineering, treating the prisoners here like animals, letting them do whatever they want, even killing them. Now in front of those animals in his eyes, he was slapped so hard that the pain on his skin was completely gone. Nothing compared to the psychological damage he suffered at this time.

Several times he wanted to teach the man in front of him a lesson, but when he thought of the questions Hua Twelve asked him, he had parents, brothers, sisters, wife and children, all of them.

And the other party's power can guarantee that everything the other party says may become reality, and he can't afford to gamble.

Finally, Captain Du let go of his hand holding the J-stick. For a moment, he seemed to have aged ten years. He walked slowly to the first floor. Under the complicated eyes of everyone, he knelt in the middle of the open space on the first floor. With a thud, he kowtowed. on the ground.

In an instant, like a drop of water falling into a boiling pan, all the prisoners cheered and boiled, shouting one name:

"Boss Hua, Boss Hua"

The sound attracted the warden. When he saw his capable subordinate kowtowing continuously in the open space, with blood stains already appearing on the ground, his expression was shocked. The jailer immediately came over to report the situation, and he finally understood what was going on.

He looked up to the second floor with a sinister gaze, but his eyes met Hua Twelve's. The warden immediately smiled, nodded to Hua Twelve, and then strode up to the second floor and arrived at the door of the latter's prison cell.

"Young people are ignorant, why should Mr. Hua care about him?"

He was about to plead for mercy to his men, but Hua Twelve interrupted him directly: "I asked him to kowtow, and I no longer care about him!"

"Uh, that's what you said!"

The warden turned around and left, but his face became more and more ugly. Captain Du kowtowed a hundred times before he fainted and was carried away, leaving a pool of blood on the ground.

A few days later, the warden invited Hua Twelve to his office and said with a very grim expression:

"Boss Hua, I have something to tell you. You will be executed in two days!"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Are you kidding? I haven't even been to court, so how can I be sentenced to death?"

The warden showed a document directly to Hua Twelve, who opened it and found his case file.

In his case, the crime for which he was sentenced to death had nothing to do with Chen Guilin, but that while he was in prison, he incited prisoners to riot, robbed a car and escaped from prison, hit and killed the jailer, and seized a gun and shot the prisoner. After review, he was directly executed. .

Hua Twelve finally understood that he was going to have a share of everything done by Lao Gui, Fatty Liu Shijie, and Huang Wei.

The warden put his hand on Hua Twelve's shoulder and said with slight force: "Boss Hua, this is what the higher-up said. I found out that it was arranged by Chief Hou. In other words, if there is no accident, you are dead!" "

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows: "You mean there was an accident?"

The warden smiled: "I like to talk to smart people. I am the only one who can save you now. I have a spot in the Qingfeng Team, which is to select some people from the death row prisoners to perform tasks. After the task, they can change their identities and live. , how are you interested?”

"We are very happy to cooperate. As long as you give me enough benefits, I don't mind leaving a place for you. What do you think?"

Hua Twelve nodded directly: "Okay, but I have a request. You add Chen Guilin to the Qingfeng team. Don't worry, I have bearer bonds in Swiss Bank. When the transaction is completed, I will tell you the account!"

The next day, Hua Twelve met Ding Yao in the same office.

When lovers meet, there is no longer the warmth of the past.

Ding Yao's eyes were full of coldness: "Twelve, as long as you help me unlock the life and death talisman, I can save your life. Of course, I can tell you that even if you don't help me, I have a way to break the control you have! "

She was afraid that Hua Twelve would not believe it, so she added: "I asked someone to test the antidote you gave me. Although it cannot be copied, the effect of the medicine is nothing more than numbing the nerves. I have found the top neurologist. You can remove the pain nerve for me, and as long as I don’t feel the pain or itch, your life and death talisman will be cured.”

Hua Twelve just smiled lightly and didn't say anything.

Ding Yao's eyes flashed with anger: "In addition, I also found a master from the mainland who is sure to help me remove the life and death talisman. Maybe in a few days, I won't even need surgery to remove the restriction and have a loving relationship. , I don’t want to see you die either, so I’ll give you a chance, choose life or death!”

Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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