A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 847: Wash your necks and wait for death!

Chapter 847: Wash your necks and wait for death! (Please order in full!)

No matter what Ding Yao said, Hua Twelve never said a word, with a smile on his face. Finally, the woman became angry and said:

"Okay, since you want to die and I have nothing to say, then just go die!"

She opened the door and was about to leave, but as she was going out, she paused for a while and didn't look back, but said in a serious tone:

"You still have one night to think about it. This is your last chance. What I said is serious. If you agree to my request, I will pay a big price to let them keep you alive and sentence you to life imprisonment. You Although I don’t have the name of husband and wife, I am actually a husband and wife. Over the past few years, I believe you know that I have feelings for you!”

After saying that, she stepped out, and the sound of high heels outside the corridor gradually faded away.

There was a sarcastic look on Hua Twelve's face: "If you really missed my feelings, you wouldn't have taken this step!"

He understands very well that no matter how heavy his feelings are, they cannot be compared with his power and status in Ding Yao's heart, so his decision is very simple, that is..., break it off!

Thinking about Ding Yao's explanation of how to solve the life and death talisman, Hua Twelve suddenly realized that the method of cutting off the pain-sensing nerves was indeed feasible. The life-and-death talisman is the internal force that attaches to the human body's meridians, causing the body to experience unbearable itching and severe pain. If the pain-sensing nerves are removed, , all pain can't be felt, and the function of the life and death talisman can indeed be ignored.

Hua Twelve remembered that in Jet Li's movie "Black Man", there was an organization that used this method to cultivate painless warriors.

However, the side effects of removing the pain-sensing nerve are very serious, because pain is the body's protective mechanism. After the pain-sensing nerve is removed, the patient will become ill or injured, and the person concerned may not be aware of it until the treatment is delayed.

Thinking about it, this is why Ding Yao still has some hope of getting the cracking method from him.

Compared with this method, Hua Twelve is more interested in Ding Yao's so-called mainland masters. He has been the leader of the Sanlian Gang for several years and has seen many capable people and strangers, but they are all within the range that ordinary people can understand. If that The experts that women call him are also in this category, so he just laughs.

But if there really is someone who can crack the life and death talisman, Hua Twelve really wants to get to know and communicate with him.

Just when Hua Twelve was thinking about something, the door of the office reopened, and Warden Ke walked in, smiling and saying:

"Boss Hua, don't worry, everything is ready, just what you promised me"

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows: "Lao Ke, this is not the first time we have dealt with each other. In terms of money, am I less than you by a dime?"

Warden Ke waved his hands repeatedly, with a smile on his face: "Of course not, Boss Hua is really generous, what about that, I just asked casually, do you think you can hand over your Swiss bank account to me in advance? "

Hua Twelve was amused by this guy: "Lao Ke, let's not treat people as fools. At this critical moment, we are in a different place. If it were you and me, would you hand over this life-saving thing in advance? "

Warden Ke frowned, then relaxed and smiled: "It should, it should!"

After that, he asked the prison guards to come in and take Hua Twelve back to the prison cell.

When they returned to the main prison building, the iron door opened. As soon as Hua Twelve walked in, Captain Du and several subordinates came to greet him.

Captain Du had obviously heard the news and knew that the leader of the Sanlian Gang in front of him was dead and would be executed tomorrow. He had a cruel smile on his face:

"Boss Hua, do you still remember how you treated me that day? And don't accuse me of bullying you."

He pointed to the middle of the venue on the first floor: "You go there and kowtow two hundred times, and I won't embarrass you today, otherwise"

Captain Du smiled ferociously and raised the rubber baton in his hand: "Otherwise, I'll break this stick until it's broken!"

Because there have been a lot of incidents recently, the prison has canceled outings. All prisoners are in the cells and are not allowed to move around freely.

When Hua Twelve came back just now, the prison door opened and attracted everyone's attention. The prisoners were all lying on the iron gates of their respective cells, watching what was going on below. So Captain Du said to Hua Twelve His words were heard by all the prisoners, and many prisoners cursed loudly.

Captain Du ordered his subordinates: "Look at whoever scolded me. Remember them all. There will be no food for lunch!"

After he finished speaking, with a triumphant smile, he said to Hua Twelve: "Boss Hua, you don't want to suffer physical pain, right? Are you going to kowtow this head or not?"

Chen Guilin shouted through the iron fence on the second floor: "People with the surname Du, I'm going to draw my ancestors!"

Captain Du raised his head and pointed at Chen Guilin with his baton: "Don't worry, you will be next!"


Hua Twelve called Captain Du, who looked back at him, and then he said:

"Teach you to be good and don't be so arrogant in your next life. It won't do any good!"

After saying that, he raised his handcuffed hands, grabbed Captain Du's neck with his right hand, twisted it slightly, and there was a click, and the sound of the neck bone breaking was clearly audible.

Captain Du fell to the ground softly, his tongue sticking out, like a dead dog.

The next moment, all the prisoners cheered loudly. They did not expect that Boss Hua would be so cruel.

Several of Captain Du's subordinates picked up their batons and were about to beat Hua Twelve, but the latter glared at them and immediately dared not move.

The warden rushed over after receiving the news. Seeing this situation, he looked at Hua Twelve with an ugly expression.

Hua Twelve shrugged: "Your subordinates are so ignorant and dare to ask me to kneel down and kowtow to him, then Jesus will definitely not be able to keep me!"

When he said this, he saw the warden's face becoming more and more ugly, so he smiled and said:

"Lao Ke, come and have a laugh. Don't act like your dead wife. People who don't know think you two are having an affair. Of course, even if you have an affair, it doesn't matter. Think about your happy life in the future!"

This is a point of nod to the other party, and you still want to ask for the bearer bond.

Warden Ke had Captain Du's body taken away to see if it could be saved, and then he had Hua Twelve imprisoned again. During this period, he didn't say a word to the latter, obviously expressing his feelings. Extremely dissatisfied.

Returning to his prison cell, Chen Guilin asked in shock: "What do you think? Now that you have killed the captain, how can you get out?"

"Can't get out!"

Hua Twelve smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Originally, I said I would keep you safe, but now I guess I can't do it. They also want me dead. Tomorrow we will be executed by firing squad, so if I kill one, I will earn one!"

In a low voice, this guy told Commander Hou and Ding Yao how they had framed him.

Chen Guilin's body was shaken and he was a little lost. Although he had the consciousness of death at first, the appearance of Hua Twelve gave him a glimmer of life and gave him the desire to survive. In the end, the bamboo basket was empty, leaving him The time was a bit overwhelming.

Hua Twelve glanced at Chen Guilin secretly and snickered in his heart. He was not going to tell this guy the truth before the execution. He wanted to see if he would be scared to death and make fun of him later.

For dinner that day, all the prisoners went to the dining hall, except for Hua Twelve and Chen Guilin, whose cell doors were not opened.

After all the prisoners left, a prison guard came over and moved the two people out of the large prison building. This was to keep the two people in separate cells before execution. The purpose was to prevent the death row inmates from being unable to withstand the psychological pressure before execution and attacking other prisoners.

Hua Twelve saw the warden and said, "Lock us two together!"

The warden nodded and asked the prison guards to do as they were told.

In a separate prison cell, the prison guards announced to Hua Twelve and Chen Guilin that at five o'clock tomorrow morning, the two would be executed and today would be their last meal.

Hua Twelve faced it calmly, but Chen Guilin forced himself to smile. It could be seen that he was still a little nervous under his smile. The dinner was more sumptuous than usual, including grilled sausages, three cups of chicken, trotters, a bowl of seafood, two bottles of white wine and two packs of cigarettes.

The prison guard told the two that if they had faith, they could apply in advance for a monk to recite sutras or for a priest to perform the final prayers.

Hua Twelve raised his hand: "Can you invite a shaman over?"

The prison guard was surprised and asked: "Do you believe in shamanism? In the past, Manchus believed in this, but now it is rare and hard to find!"

"That's not the case. I just want to find someone to come over and dance a bit to help the drunkenness!"

Prison guard: "."

Chen Guilin even laughed at this guy: "That's enough, I was quite nervous originally, please don't ruin the atmosphere like this!"

During this meal, Hua Twelve drank a bottle and a half of white wine, and Chen Guilin drank half a bottle. After the two drank, they fell asleep.

At about 4:30 in the morning, the two were woken up and asked to put on new clothes and put on handcuffs and shackles. First, the law enforcement officers came over and announced:

"The suspect Chen Guilin committed multiple shootings. The method of committing the crime was particularly cruel, the circumstances were extremely abominable, the social impact was extremely bad, and the crime was extremely serious. The court ruled that he was found guilty, sentenced to death, and deprived of public rights for life!"

Chen Guilin laughed and asked loudly: "Have I ever killed a good person?"

People ignored him and continued to pronounce Hua Twelve's crime:

"The suspect Hua Twelve, who had a bad behavior while in custody, deliberately killed law enforcement officer Zhao Dongliang and ward chief Du Ziping. The court ruled that he was found guilty and sentenced to death and deprived of public rights for life!"

Since neither of them chose faith, the prison defaulted to having the priest perform the final prayers for both of them.

After praying, the two men were injected with sedatives by prison guards and then taken to the execution ground.

The warden had told Hua Twelve in advance that this tranquilizer had been dropped by him and would only make people fall into coma after a certain period of time. It was just in time to fake death to deceive the people watching the execution.

Now Hua Twelve has been assisted by a high-tech training bed. After a few years, he has become invulnerable. The needle cannot penetrate at all. When the opponent's syringe is inserted, he has to control the pores of his skin to actively expose the gaps to allow the needle to enter.

The medicinal liquid injected into the body was quickly decomposed by the liver and kidneys due to Hua Twelve's powerful detoxification ability, and could not have any impact on him.

The execution ground is also inside the Green Island Prison. Through a narrow corridor, there is an open-air target shooting place.

Hua Twelve and Chen Guilin stood in the middle of the field. He could see Ding Yao and Chief Hou standing in the execution room opposite through the glass.

Ding Yao's expression was cold, with a complex and firm coldness in her eyes. She was probably extremely dissatisfied because she had not received any message begging for mercy that night.

Chief Hou had a smile on his face. When Hua Twelve looked over, he raised his hand holding a cigar and waved to him.

Hua Twelve also smiled at the other party very gracefully. He didn't deserve to be angry with someone who was destined to die. He turned to look at Chen Guilin and couldn't help but laugh. He saw that this kid usually only has five people and six people. Now my legs are shaking unconsciously.

"Hey, why are you shaking?"

"Who, who, who is shaking? I'm not afraid of anything. How could I be shaking?"

Hua Twelve spat, he pronounced three sounds in one word, and he was so stubborn.

"Prepare for execution!"

Following the order, the executioner's bailiff raised his gun and aimed it at the two of them.


After several gunshots were fired, there were blood packets and explosive spots on the newly changed clothes of the two people, which looked like signs of being shot to others.

Hua Twelve and Chen Guilin were shocked at the same time and fell to the ground motionless.

Chen Guilin experienced the feeling of being shot when the explosive point exploded. He was shocked and frightened, and the drug was almost gone, and he fainted.

Hua Twelve is pure acting.

Originally, he thought the body would be carried away quickly, but he didn't want to wait for the law enforcement officers to identify him. Instead, Ding Yao walked to the execution ground, squatted down, touched his face with her hands, and said sadly:

"You shouldn't have stood in front of me, don't blame me!"

After saying that, a tear fell on his face, and then Ding Yao stood up and left quickly.

Two hours later, Chen Guilin woke up in the basement of an independent building on the other side of Green Island.

As soon as he woke up, he saw Hua Twelve smoking leisurely across from him. He looked confused: "What's going on? Aren't the two of us being executed?"

Hua Twelve sighed: "Yes, this is the underworld. The two of us have done many evil things. After we came down, we were sentenced to two hundred years in prison, and now we are inmates again!"

Chen Guilin's eyes widened and he scratched his hair: "You will go to jail even if you die? Isn't your death in vain?"

As he was talking, the warden opened the door and walked in. Only then did Chen Guilin realize that he had been tricked.

The warden told Chen Guilin again about the Qingfeng Team and told him that after performing the mission, he would be given a new identity.

The warden turned to Hua Twelve: "Boss Hua, what I promised you has been done!"

Hua Twelve raised his hand to express his understanding, and then happily told the other party his Swiss bank account.

The latter immediately went out to make a phone call to confirm. After a while, he came back happily and said: "Boss Hua is indeed a trustworthy person. I have confirmed the existence of the bearer bond, so next."

As he spoke, he took out his pistol and pointed it at the two of them: "Others can join the Qingfeng Team, but you can't. If Commander Hou knew that I had concealed something from him, I would be dead too, so I'm sorry."

Before he finished speaking, his pupils shrank, and the next moment he heard Peng's voice, and the warden broke through the iron door and flew out.

Hua Twelve put away his pose and asked the dumbfounded Chen Guilin: "Baji Iron Mountain, are you tired of it?"

"Tis bad!" Chen Guilin nodded subconsciously, his accent was completely lost by this guy.

Hua Twelve picked up the pistol on the ground: "Let's go, now that we are innocent, we have to find someone to settle the ledger. Spit out whatever you eat, and send back whatever you took." If you want to kill me, wash your neck clean and wait for death!"

Thanks to: 08a, Brother Li Meng, the God of Death, for the reward. Thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes. Thank you very much.

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