A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 855 The Tathagata Divine Palm is in hand!

Chapter 855 The Tathagata Divine Palm is in hand! (Please order in full!)

Facing Li Chi's request, Hua Twelve pretended to be embarrassed.

Li Chi quickly winked at Wu Dehui, who, out of consideration for his friend, begged:

"Brother Hua, please help us after we meet each other. Achi owes gambling debts on Hong Kong Island. If he fails and returns this time, he will be hacked to death by those loan sharks!"

Hua Twelve reluctantly said: "Originally, I came to travel to the mainland, but you are the steel ball brother. Since you opened your mouth, I will help you this time!"

Li Chi and Wu Dehui, who were originally worried about facing the smuggling group, were immediately overjoyed and thanked them repeatedly.

Several people set out from Harbin, took a train to Mudanjiang, took a two-hour bus to Hailin, and rode mules and horses into the mountains.

Along the way, Hua Twelve felt nothing, and both Wu Dehui and Li Chi were exhausted.

Wu Dehui was so worried, and complained to Li Chi:

"We went from Hong Kong Island to Xi'an, and then walked all the way for half a month. We also took trains, cars, and tractors. We rode donkeys and mules. I feel almost like Tang San's journey to the West. I am now I’m sorry, look where is this? You went abroad!”

Li Chi was also embarrassed: "We are like brothers, help each other out, you don't want me to be killed by a loan shark, right?"

They were accompanied by a guide, but the two of them spoke in Cantonese, and the guide had no idea what they were talking about.

Hua Twelve asked the guide: "Fellow, what kind of place is this?"

The guide pointed forward: "Twenty miles further you'll reach the first river. Once you get to that point, pinch it, and then go upstream along the Langlang River to reach the Dajiapigou."

Li Chi listened to the guide and asked in Hong Kong: "Brother, what are you talking about?"

The guide didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "This comrade from Hong Kong Island is either a buttock or a big dick, or you are going to that place. Isn't the address you gave me the same place?"

Wu Dehui asked: "Then what is that nugget you are talking about?"

The guide said amusedly: "You don't like that?"

He pointed at Wu Dehui and said, "That nugget of yours!"

He pointed to his own side and said, "This place!"

After saying that, he asked: "Are you done?"

Wu Dehui and Li Chi looked confused, both with black question mark faces.

Hua Twelve laughed loudly and translated the Northeastern dialect for the two of them: "In Northeastern dialect, Naodao is there, this Naodao is here, Naodao is asking where, do you understand?"

The guide smiled and said: "Yes, this big brother is so excited. By the way, after you get the noodle soup, I'll treat you to noodle soup."

Wu Dehui and Li Chi blurted out: "Can you still eat the dumplings?"

"That's not good. It's not tuna. You can't eat it. Let me tell you, that tuna soup is so delicious!"

After the guide finished speaking, he complained to Hua Twelve: "Why is Hong Kong Island so backward? My Mandarin is so authentic, they don't even understand!"

Hua Twelve couldn't help laughing out loud again, and gave a thumbs up to the guide: "You only have two words in Mandarin, awesome!"

The guide also laughed: "That's not good. I'm not bragging to you. We Northeastern Yin speak Mandarin very well, and we don't even have the same accent!"

After joking, Hua Twelve felt that the place names mentioned by the guide were quite familiar, so he asked: "Fellow, are there any historical celebrities or something like that here?"

The guide didn't even think about it: "It's a mountain eagle, the king of heaven covers the tiger, and the pagoda suppresses the river demon!"

Only then did Hua Twelve know where this place was. Well, we were already at Weihu Mountain. No wonder the words "Toudao Hezi, Jiapigou" sounded so familiar.

They walked all the way until dark and finally arrived at Jiapigou. The guide arranged an adobe house for them and actually gave them three bowls of nada soup for dinner.

After the guide left, Wu Dehui walked over and patted the quilt on the bed. In an instant, the dust rose up to a height of more than one meter, which frightened him. He coughed repeatedly and complained:

"How can you live in such an environment?"

Li Chi said with a smile: "Where can I stay? I'll contact those people now. Let's leave overnight after the transaction. This will save us a lot of nightmares!"

As he spoke, he opened his travel bag and took out a shoe box. There were several holes in the shoe box. When he opened it, it turned out to be a homing pigeon inside.

Li Chi showed off to the two of them: "How about my communication equipment?"

Wu Dehui pretended to be surprised and joked: "How can it be so advanced?"

Hua Twelve touched his chin as if thinking: "It looks delicious!"

Wu Dehui asked: "Would you like to sprinkle some cumin?"

The two looked at each other, feeling a sense of sympathy for each other, and then burst into laughter at the same time.

Li Chi said angrily: "After this business is completed, I will buy a hundred roasted pigeons for you to eat. Don't even think about this one!"

He looked out the window, then took out a ballpoint pen and wrote a note, tied it to the pigeon's ankle, and released the pigeon out of the window.

After finishing all this work, he said to the two of them: "I made an appointment with them to do business on the mountain opposite at twelve o'clock in the evening. If you see the big bluestone opposite, it is right there. Then we will take the things and leave directly!"

In the middle of the night, the three of them went out furtively, not daring to turn on the flashlight. The main reason was that one of them had a guilty conscience and was afraid that the villagers would call the police.

It took more than an hour of walking in the dark to reach the opposite hillside. There were tall trees and dense forests, and the grass was as high as the waist.

Li Chi looked at the time and saw that it was almost time. He shouted in a low voice: "Comrades, comrades, where are you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, several flashlights shone through the grass a few meters away, and then a group of people came out and glanced at a few people before asking Li Chi:

"Are you Mr. Chi?"

Li Chi smiled and said, "It's me. Where's the goods?"

"Here he is!"

The two men pushed aside the grass, revealing a box of antiques in the grass.

The person who asked the question before took out a porcelain horse over a foot tall from the box: "Mr. Chi, look at this porcelain horse, it is a real national treasure!"

Li Chi took it over and studied it with Wu Dehui. The former said happily: "This is good, it's just like the real thing!"

Wu Dehui nodded repeatedly: "Yes, it really looks like that!"

The man opposite suddenly became unhappy: "This is not a lie. In the Tang Dynasty, this area was the Bohai Kingdom. We were all dug out from the tombs of Bohai kings and nobles, and the skeletons were still lying in the tombs. Now, if you don’t believe it, I’ll go back and dig out the Galaha from the skeleton to prove it, these are all genuine national treasures!”

Li Chi was startled: "What! Are they all true? I just want to get some fake ones back to Hong Kong Island to deceive those Hong Kong Islanders!"

Although Hua Twelve knew the plot early, he still felt very funny at this moment. You just want to buy some fake ones. As for whether you came from Xi'an to the deep mountains and old forests of the Northeast to trade? You've even arrived at Weihu Mountain. How can you? Don't go further north to Russia.

Why should we be afraid of being in trouble? To use the words of Ma Dongmei when she met the taxi driver, it was just a traffic light and her blood was boiling. What the hell!

If he hadn't wanted to take advantage of Wu Dehui and Li Chi's next adventure, Hua Twelve would have warned these two idiots a long time ago that it would be better to get some old handicrafts back home.

Wu Dehui was a little scared when he saw the box of national treasures, and said to Li Chi: "National treasure, you can't have it. If you are caught, you will be shot!"

Li Chi had recovered from the shock at this time, with a smile that widened his eyes at the sight of money:

"I originally wanted to make something fake, but now it's better to have the real thing. It's impossible to get caught or anything. If you don't tell me and I don't tell, who will know?"

As soon as he finished saying this, he heard many people shouting in unison on the hillside in the grass twenty meters away from them: "We know!"

Swish, swish, a row of armed police soldiers with guns and live ammunition stood up.

Hua Twelve knew that the time had come, and reminded Wu Dehui and Li Chi: "Run quickly, or you will be shot if you are caught!"

Wu Dehui and Li Chi ran away, followed by Hua Twelve. The tomb robber who was talking before was really fierce. He pulled out an AK from the antique box, used the antique box as a cover, and raked the other tomb robbers. Also take a gun and shoot.

The armed police soldiers above immediately launched a counterattack, okay, a wave of bullets rained down, crackling, and all the antiques were destroyed. Wu Dehui and Li Chi ran more than a hundred meters when they heard the sound of bullets piercing the air in their ears.

Wu Dehui and Li Chi were frightened, fearing that they would be beaten to death if they continued filming. They turned around and crouched towards the mountain and shouted: "Stop shooting, we surrender!"

As soon as he finished shouting these words, the gunshots stopped.

Li Chi was still puzzled: "They really ceased fire!"

Before he finished speaking, there was a bang and fire, and the two tomb robbers were blown up and landed in front of them.

Wu Dehui shouted: "What a tragedy. Instead of shooting, they fired cannons instead. That's right, Boss Hua!"

Hua Twelve poked his head out from behind the two of them silently: "I'm behind you!" He wanted to say that I'm on your side, but he was afraid of scaring them to death, so he had to speak normally.

Just like this, it frightened the two of them.

Li Chi covered his chest and said, "I'm scared to death, why are you running behind us?"

Hua Twelve grinned: "With you standing in front of me, I won't be hit by bullets, idiot!"

Two people: "."

Seeing the two people speechless, Hua Twelve smiled and said, "You're kidding!"

At this moment, gunfire started again. The leader of the tomb robbers who had just introduced Gu Gu to Li Chi was holding an AK. He retreated to a few people while fighting, and said firmly:

"Mr. Chi, you go first, I will cover you!"

Wu Dehui was still very simple and said: "How embarrassing is this!"

The leader of the tomb robbers thrust the AK into Wu Dehui's hand, put the bullet on Li Chi's neck, and said, "I'll leave first, you guys cover me!"

After saying that, turn around and run!

Hua Twelve couldn't stop laughing in his heart. He liked the plot and atmosphere of this kind of comedy. All the people he met were really talented.

Wu Dehui and Li Chi didn't dare to shoot. They threw away their guns and ran down the mountain. However, in a hurry, they fell to the ground and rolled down the mountain.

It was pitch dark at night. As soon as they rolled down, the armed police comrades above immediately lost their target and chased in the direction where the tomb robbers had escaped. However, they were spared, which was a blessing in disguise.

At this time, Hua Twelve huddled in the grass and performed Snake Walk, closely following the two rolling gourds.

After the two of them stopped on the gentle slope, Hua Twelve approached and asked, "Are you okay?"

The mountain was overgrown with weeds, high and dense. As soon as the two rolled down, they seemed to have rolled on a blanket. They were not injured. After a while, they said:


As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Dehui said, "My hand was bitten by a snake!"

Through the moonlight, you can see that the blood flowing out of Wu Dehui's wound is dark red, and it seems to be a venomous snake.

What was unexpected was that Li Chi grabbed Wu Dehui's hand and started sucking his blood until the blood turned bright red.

Wu Dehui was deeply moved: "Why are you so interesting today? It's not like you at all. Thank you, brother!"

Li Chi waved his hand: "Brother, you're welcome, but I've also been bitten by a poisonous snake now. You can reciprocate and help me suck it out!"

Wu Dehui had a bad feeling and asked, "Where were you bitten?"

Li Chi stood up, turned around and pointed at his butt.

Wu Dehui covered his face and said, "How about you go die!"

Hua Twelve was watching the show and couldn't stop laughing.

Li Chi turned around and asked: "Boss Hua, you are smiling so happily, do you want to help me suck it?"

As he spoke, he turned to Hua Twelve, pointed to the wound, and looked pleading.

"Fuck you, uncle!" Hua Twelve kicked Li Chibi in the butt, and the guy turned into a rolling gourd again, rolled down the mountain, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Wu Dehui was startled: "Everyone is gone, Achi will fall to death!"

He hurriedly ran blindly, trying to save Li Chi, but he disappeared without even taking two steps.

Hua Twelve smiled with joy on his face. Long Jianfei's tomb was found.

With a slight tap of his foot, he flew directly up, and then he was suspended in the place where Wu Dehui disappeared. Looking at the cave that collapsed under his feet, he jumped directly into it.

There is a huge space below. After falling dozens of meters, there is a pool. At this time, Wu Dehui and Li Chi, who had just fallen, have emerged from the pool. They took out the flashlights hidden on their bodies and turned them on. Electric light, look around.

After Hua Twelve fell from above, he stepped on the water and followed the ups and downs of the water, asking the two of them:

"Are you okay?"

Both of them were stunned, and then a little scared. Li Chi asked: "Are you a human or a ghost!"

Hua Twelve rolled his eyelids: "Of course he's a human. We even drank noodle soup together in the evening. Have you ever seen a ghost drink that stuff?"

"Then how can you stand on the water?"

Hua Twelve began to talk nonsense: "How else could I be the leader of the Sanlian Gang? You see how powerful Hong Qigong, the leader of the Beggar Clan, has unparalleled martial arts skills. Naturally, I, the leader of the Sanlian Gang, will not be less generous!"

When he said this, the two of them really believed it. Wu Dehui breathed a sigh of relief: "As long as he's not a ghost!"

Li Chi deliberately complained that Hua Twelve had kicked him down just now, but thinking of the other party's identity, he didn't dare to say it out loud, and his face didn't look very good!

Although Hua Twelve didn't have a flashlight, he could see it like daylight here, so he naturally saw something wrong with Li Chi's expression and immediately said:

"Don't worry, I'll cure your little poison later. I guarantee you won't die!"

When he said this and showed off his peerless dexterity in treading water without sinking, Li Chi immediately believed him and quickly said with a smile:

"Thank you very much, Boss Hua!"

As soon as Li Chi relaxed, he got angry again and took a flashlight to look around: "Let me see where this place is!"

When the beam of light swept away, I immediately saw a golden gold ingot as big as a hollow brick.

"Get rich, get rich!" Li Chi waded over and saw the words "giant gold given to those who are destined":

"I'm just destined to be the one!"

He picked up the Yuan Bao, then triggered the mechanism, and another row of words "Woe to the greedy" appeared on the wall!

Li Chi still didn't believe it: "You want to scare me? Where is the trouble!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the wind blowing above his head. When he raised his head, a huge mechanism fell down.

Hua Twelve dodged, grabbed Li Chi's shoulder, then turned back, grabbed Wu Dehui's arm, and led the two of them to the depths of the cave with their feet on the water.

I saw a luminous pearl inlaid deep in the cave, a person sitting cross-legged, and a tombstone behind him. The writing on it could be seen through the radiance of the luminous pearl.

"The Tomb of Hero Long Jianfei!"

There was a brocade box next to Long Jianfei. Hua Twelve threw the two men in his hands on the ground, picked up the brocade box and opened it to take a look. He saw two ancient books inside. The covers were "The Palm of the Tathagata" and "The Palm of the Tathagata". "Seven Spins Slash", in addition to this, there is an indescribable strip-shaped object.

Hua Twelve suddenly smiled and said, "Tathagata Divine Palm" is in hand!

Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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